Sunday, January 10, 2021

It´s comic strip Sunday with Russ Manning !

As always we are a bit late for Russ Manning´s anniversary but going over the list of birthdays from the last days it was one of the few that was worthy of a new post and we already had a few dedicated to the late Don Heck . Since we already covered Russ Manning´s creation science fiction hero MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER extensively in last year´s homage post we journey back to the days when Afrika was still called the Dark Continent.

It was a time when Afrika was still an undiscovered country for the most part and bold white men journeyed to that region of the world to find adventure, fortunes but also exotic beauties and topless tribes women.

Now I am not saying that my reading taste is especially eclectic ( which anybody who follows this blog over a certain period of time can attest to because I am most often very fond of comics or runs most comicbook afficionados wouldn´t touch with a ten foot pole ) but as far as the comicbook adaptions of Tarzan are concerned I stray from the norm.

Apparently most people prefer either Burne Hogarth or Joe Kubert while I was always a Russ Manning fan. My movie Tarzan was Johnny Weissmüller and my comic Tarzan was drawn by Russ Manning. I guess I just have a thing for a clear style and his slick linework, strong composition and dynamic storytelling appealed to be before I even knew why I liked it.

When I started my comicbook reading career superhero comics hadn´t the stranglehold on the industry they have now so they were just a small part of the cake. Marvel Comics had just started a few years ago and here in Germany they only published a handful of series so everyone could afford to read the complete Williams Verlag line. Because of that comics served all kind of genres from horror to fantasy, funny, science fiction, western, pirates, romance etc. Russ Manning worked in a few of these fields but he´s most famous for his association of Edgar Rice Burroughs´ Lord of the Jungle - he drew most of the TARZAN and KORAK pocketbooks I read as a kid - as well as his creation MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER for Gold Key Comics.

Now as usual I have tried to find the color pages that go with the original art and while some are not of good quality I did find most of them. The exception are the pages from Tarzan and the Beastmaster and Tarzan and the Savage Pelucidar which were produced for the european market.

Regular blog visitors know that I have a huge backlog of birthdays but at this point I have given up trying to catch up. Maybe when I have reached the month of April and I am still able to blog ( who knows what my life situation will be at that time ) I will pick up again where I have left off.

But for the moment I will stick to just doing the anniversaries of the day I post and if there are no interesting ones maybe go back one day or two.

Thankfully I have two birthdays Today starting with singing siren Sabrina Setlur who turns 47 which takes me back to the days when there were 2 music video channels I watched and german rap bands. To american readers this may be news but there are also rappers here in Germany.

Sabrina started as Schwester S with the Rödelheim Hartreim Projekt and I remember staying up late at night so I could tape the remix of Folge Dem Stern - because there was more Sabrina Setlur. One scene in particular ended up as a loop on many of my music video / erotic movie mix tapes.

Ah, the mammaries .... I mean memories this brings back. Speaking of Sabrina´s sexy curves, a few years ago she sued the magazine MAX because they printed some nude pictures of her without her approval.

I don´t know if she won or not but her main problem was not that they printed nude pictures of her but that they printed nude pictures of her she didn´t like. Because of that the german PLAYBOY magazine was quick to make her a generous offer but to my knowledge nothing came of it.

Somebody who I KNOW got naked for PLAYBOY magazine is ultimate 34C - 23 - 35 bikini body Janet Jones Gretzky who celebrates her 60th birthday.

She has been in a few movies but she is best known for her appearance in Police Academy 5 - Mission Miami Beach in a stunning swimsuit alongside Busenwunder Leslie Easterbrook. She is the main reason why people still watch the movie - or at least wait with switching off until her part is over.

Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

But as much as I like to feature these squirtstorm guaranteeing sweaty skin flick sensations, born - for - porn leg spreading dicktamers, stripper pole polishing professionals and talented tittilating torrid teenage teasers I don´t always have the time, space or even necessary material to feature them properly and have to console myself with re - visiting them on the few occassions where I get to mention them or on their next birthday.

Therefore Janet Jones has frequently appeared on the blog either in re - posts of her own cult siren entry, Leslie´s posts or in the bonus section.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt . And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

You can find more celebrity birthdays from January the 10th in my Janet Jones Gretzky re - post from 2017 and one more in my post about issue 11 of Mark Waid´s brilliant series THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD by Jerry Ordway.

For some reason comic companies are hesitant to hire Jerry Ordway and you really have to search for his work like his recent five issue stint on Spongebob Squarepants of all things. To honor one of my favorite artists I did a post about the Justice Society of America Annual 1 which was part of the Thy Kingdom Come saga and featured Power Girl´s return to Earth 2. Man, do you remember when Geoff Johns was still writing good comics ?

Now since my first tribute post for Jerry Ordway I have written a few more, in fact my very first post in 2018 was about all the DC books - well most of them - Jerry Ordway did. He is not as well known for his work at Marvel although it has not been less prolific. Frequent visitors of the blog won´t be surprised that I took the opportunity to kill three birds with one stone by posting his inks on John Byrne´s Fantastic Four and so far I have done two posts, one special Valentine´s Day post about one of the worst break ups in Marvel history that mainly contained pages from Fantastic Four 277 but also some from Fantastic Four 278 and Fantastic Four 279 and a special BDSM post about Susan Richards hot transformation into Malice.

Besides Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote other novels and the story that was adapted most times to tv and movies was the Caspak trilogy - or like it is known in Germany The Caprona Saga - that began in the novel The Land That Time Forgot. Together with Sir Arthur Conan Dyole´s The Lost World it influenced not only moving pictures and comicbook readers can see the seeds in Marvel Comics Savage Land , Warlord´s Skartaris and countless others. Today´s feature on Brandon´s Cult Movie Reviews is The People That Time Forgot based on the novel of the same name and Out Of Time´s Abyss by Edgar Rice Burroughs and the main reason why the movie is still remembered is brunette british 44C - 25 - 37 brabuster Dana Gillespie .

It’s no surprise that Dana Gillespie is related to Lord Buxton because, Lord, is she buxom ! A young David Bowie thought so. He used to carry her books home from school and taught her guitar chords. Bet he wanted to make beautiful music with Dana, who went to school with Dynasty´s Joan Collins. Dana is not as skinful as her classmate, but she did show off her heavy hitters in Nicolas Roeg’s Bad Timing ( 1980 ). Speaking of bad timing, now Dana concentrates on her singing career. It’s understandable, what with such powerful lungs, but man, what a waste of her true talents.

By the way, if the actress who plays Charly looks familiar that´s because Sarah Douglas played kryptonian manhater Ursa in the Superman movies with Christopher Reeves. Funny story, originally Dana Gillespie auditioned for the role but it went to Sarah Douglas. Which makes me wonder about two things : a.) how awkward was their reunion on the set of The People That Time Forgot and b. ) how awesome Dana would have been as Ursa.

They even might have changed her from a femizon to a nymphomanic because a woman with such a body was just born to give men pleasure.

Anyway, I didn´t go too deep into Dana´s music career since I´m not quite sure how personal her relationships with David Bowie, Bob Dylan, Mick Jagger and Jimmy Page were but do check out the extensive interview Dana Gillespie : Beasts and Breasts at THE MASTER CYLINDER homepage.

Since I couldn´t find a video from my favorite Tarzan cartoon series ( longtime readers might remember that the last time I posted an episode from the Lou Scheimer Tarzan series I had to resort to the latino version which had a really bad quality but even that episode was deleted ) so I´m posting something from an animated movie that also has the theme of a kid that is raised in the jungle by wild animals : Disney´s adaptation of Ruyard Kipling´s The Jungle Book. Here is the song The Bare Necessities or like it is called in german Do Try It With Lazyness. Very often people don´t like the german dubbing but there are some cases where you are so familiar with it that any other version even the original just sounds weird.

As somebody who had to learn english because my favorite comics were not translated to german ( and some of them still have not been like Jim Starlin´s Dreadstar or the X - Men´s Inferno ) I watched tv shows and movies in the original version and the german dubbed version and I can understand why some prefer the german version. It may be difficult to understand for people outside of Germany but here people do tend to read subtitles. So it´s not like in Amerika where foreign films are not dubbed so they have subtitles but because nobody likes to read people don´t watch these movies. Which is the american way to make sure that american movies are more successful in America than foreign movies. Here in Germany we don´t remake movies as german movies where we change everything - from the setting to the characters nationality - to fit german culture and instead dub them. Which is a really serious business with a lot of people involved as a bad dubbing can make or break even a good movie.

To keep the jungle theme going I want to include a cosplay video and usually my default babe is the rack - tastic Angie Griffin, one of the few female cosplayers on the planet who can give walking blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her huge hasian sexsation 40D porn implants a run for their money with her giant - sized ( and 100 percent all natural ! ) 41E double airbags.

But I have included her a lot in my posts lately and I don´t want to abuse her too much ( Well, at least in that sense. There is a different kind of abuse I would love to put Angie´s pornstar body through which I could never get tired of and I bet she would thoroughly enjoy this relentless assault. ) especially since my followers are probably getting tired of this.

So since it´s all about diversity here ( and I´m talking about real diversity here, not the fake SJW diversity where they just replace capable male heroes with useless, inferior female versions ) it´s time for another cosplayer to take the limelight. But if you know me than you also know that it can´t be that easy so Today´s candidate is one of the remaining few female cosplayers on earth who can go boob to boob with Yaya.

Because she not only trumps Yaya Han´s huge 40D porn implants easily she also tops Angie Griffins 41E twin torpedoes. Yes, it´s the bodacious Abby Dark Star with her breathtaking 42DD - 28 - 39 measurements. I mean, I am no expert here but not only does she have bigger boobs than Angie - 42 instead of 41 - her breasts are also all natural and a DD cup is practically the same as an E cup. But to make sure I would have to compare them in person so I can get my sweaty hands all over their overdeveloped orbs. 

Now as only the most faithful followers of the blog may remember - since I wrote about it way back in 2006 which was my first year blogging - the character of Shanna, The She - Devil has had a taint on her soul or in this case her boobs ever since Marvel Comics tricked me ( as well as millions of horny comicbook fans ) by first announcing an adults only Shanna series by ( former ) Boobmeister extraordinaire Frank Cho under MARVEL MAX and then totally backpaddeling and releasing it as a watered down, completely censored, no nipples or any boobies all ages MARVEL KNIGHTS version.

Every few years Marvel announced the release of an uncensored special version for the fans but everybody knew that was just a white lie and it would never happen because all the issues of the normal version would instantly become totally worthless. And now that Disney and the SJWs are in control of the Marvel comics even that glimmer of hope has vanished.

Ah, the good old times when the SJWs had no power over Frank Cho. I bet now they wish they had done Shanna as an adults only book because that might have prevented Disney acquiring Marvel Comics in the first place.
Anyway, coming back to all natural 42DD Busenwunder Abby Dark Star, while her Shanna cosplay can´t make up completely for the scars Marvel and Frank Cho have left in my soul it is a big step in the right direction.

Especially if she agrees to that private breast measuring session and manages to bring along Angie for a special double breast boner massage.

Since the video about the Tarzan newspaper strip has been blocked we are staying in the realm of fantastic adventures with another episode of El Tebeonauta and Los Guerreros Del Reino De Las Sombras or like it was called in Germany Krieger der Geisterwelt ( Warriors of the Ghost World ).

But the original comic is best known in America under the umbrella title Weirdworld. Initially the series was written by Doug Moench with art by Mike Ploog and Alex Nino but because of a dispute between Mike Ploog and Marvel Comics the story was instead adapted by Conan penciler John Buscema, inker Rudy Nebres and airbrush colorist Peter Ledger as the Warriors Of The Shadow Realm in Marvel Super Special issues 11 to 13.

Weirdworld went through a strange publishing history - from Marvel Premiere to Marvel Fanfare and Epic Illustrated - but you can read about that in Andy Oliver´s article on BROKEN FRONTIER and while you´re at it make sure to check out the John Buscema portfolio on T´AIN´T THE MEAT.

As the Tebeonauta is covering the spanish publishing history I want to write a bit about my memories of Krieger der Geisterwelt by Ehapa Verlag. The series came out in 1980 and the first album was reprinted in 1987 as part of their Comics Unlimited line which included such diverse titles as Jeremiah, Dan Cooper, Jean Giraud´s Blueberry or The A - Team.

I hadn´t read J. R. R. Tolkien´s The Lord Of The Rings at that point in time so I didn´t recognize a lot of the homages to that story but even without that background knowledge it was a captivating story of its own. I can´t speak for the entire german comicbook market but me and especially my big brother were huge fans of the comic and as far as I know it always sold well. Even now old issues are very sought after at german conventions.

Without knowing the weird ( no pun intended ) publishing history I always found it strange that the comic is relatively unknown but it seems that Marvel themselves never had much faith in the strength of the material.

From floppies we come back to newspaper comic strips - or at least a comic that I always read in the newspaper - with Dennis The Menace by Hank Ketchum. There have been four movie adaption where the role of neighbour Wilson has been played by such illustrous actors like Walter Matthau, Don Rickles and Robert Wagner but the first live action adaption was a tv show in 1959 and somebody uploaded a few episodes on YouTube.

Which is one of those opportunities you can´t miss out on and because our first cartoon video was so short I am also including an episode of the Dennis The Menace syndicated cartoon which aired from 1986 to 1988.

Apropos once in a lifetime opportunities, we come to the main attraction, the showstopper, latin superstar Thalia who is built like every man´s wet sex dream. She´s one of my favorite persons on the planet so I don´t know why it took me until 2017 to give her her own cult siren entry ( in her case CULT SIREN is meant literally since her haunting and alluring sexy singing voice can entrap men better than the mermaids of greek myth ).

Thalia is the total package because she is one of the nicest people on the planet, she has the soul of a saint, the voice of an angel and a relentless body made for sin. Her moves on stage drive men crazy and although she does not fall into the usual blonde archetype with big breasts she could easily multiply the circulation of any gentlemen magazine with her curves.

She oozes sex appeal from every pore without coming off cheap or dirty.

If scientists one day start cloning the perfect woman they need look no further for a living genetic blueprint that latin superstar Thalia. She turned 49 and she also has the best stage outfits in the universe which would make other singers like Beyonce blush and her sultry fertility dance makes even wet sex dream the living blow up doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson´s ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) patented erection inducing stripper moves look tame by comparison.

Speaking of Thalia´s stage outfits, she wore one of her bests even during her live performance of Amar A La Mexicana in 1997. Which were basically just two small guitars to cover her breasts and an oversized hat for her lower body. As if that wasn´t enough the hat kept riding down because of her wild and uninhibited dance moves and Thalia had to pull it up a few times to prevent the unveiling of her unmentionables since you can see that she was not wearing anything underneath it. You also can see her bikini tan lines which I find extremely sexy. What an absolute goddess !

Now I have posted clips from this but so far they were either of low quality or not the full performance. But while putting the final touches on the previous post I came across a video of passable quality of the whole hot shebang and I just had to put it on the blog as quickly as possible.

It´s back to comicbooks in general and the DC universe in particular with another visit of Tom Welling - who played Clark Kent a.k.a. Kal - El on Smallville ( some people would say that he played Superman but if you want to get technically about it Clark Kent doesn´t adopt the Superman persona in that show until the final episode ) - on Inside Of You with Michael Rosenbaum - who played Clark Kent´s best friend turned mortal enemy Lex Luthor on Smallville. So you have them reminiscing about old times and if you like this you can go back and listen to the older episodes.

From all the animated DC superhero shows one that I feel doesn´t get enough love or at least as much credit as it deserves is the computer animated Green Lantern series. And I´m not only saying that because it gave us the sexiest artificial intelligence this side of L.I.S.A with Aya.

Speaking of L.I.S.A. from the film Weird Science I don´t think the plot of the movie is based on an actual story in the comicbook of the same name - or any of the other publications by EC Comics - because in those stories people who get the perfect woman ( there are several that go in that direction ) never have tried to use her to score with another woman.

I mean, why go through all the trouble of creating a perfect woman in the first place when you are then trying to get it on with another woman ? If that is what you want then you have to come up with a plan to woo that woman from the start and not put so much time and effort into making a perfect woman that you are just going to ignore except in ways that help you win this other woman. Who is not the perfect woman by any means.

What I do kind of get is that the whole thing with trying to score with the other girls is initially started by the woman those two guys create because she sees where the train is heading and she has no desire to become their blow up doll. So she sets them on another path to keep them occupied ( also they probably didn´t measure up ) and because she gets hornier than an alley cat in heat she does it with the whole sports class. Or whatever the scene where she appears as the new head coach is supposed to mean.

One last thing about Weird Science : while I didn´t care much for the movie I have to acknowledge that without it there would have not been a tv show and I was a big fan of that. Plus ultimate 34C - 25 - 35 sexbomb Vanessa Angel helped me make it through some really difficult times.

And I have written more about her and natural born 34 - 25 - 36 stripper Lorri Bagley in Kingpin in my post about Mike Allred´s PREZ issue of Neil Gaiman´s SANDMAN ( although a lot of the videos have been deleted ).

Coming back to Green Lantern´s Aya, one of the best things about the superhero genre is its limitless potential. The idea of emotionally - charged, hard - light wielding space cops is already crazy enough, but Green Lantern : The Animated Series took the concept to another level.

It dares to ask : " What would happen if you plugged that emotional energy into artificial intelligence ? " That fascinating idea is brought to life in Aya. Most stories about A. I. boil down to exterminate sentient life due to feelings being unpredictable. Yet when a robot is infused with one of the most powerful of emotions, it opens up all sorts of possibilities.

Although Aya's character presented many interesting possibilities, the actual execution was very flat and unoriginal most of the time. At least on the writing side of it, where the animation was concerned alluring Aya was anything but flat. With a chassis that would get the heart of every motor enthusiast pumping faster than a Silberpfeil and more curves than the Nürnburgring - which was even more emphasized by the computer animation - she pretty quickly became the breakout star of the show.

It´s no wonder there are so many fanfics with her as well as fans who demand to make her character canon. As you may have noticed I have done my best to avoid spoilers for the sake of those who still haven´t checked out the show but if you don´t care about those things you can check out the 7 Things The Green Lantern Animated Series Did Right ( And 8 It Did Wrong ) by Ward Williams over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES .

Although I have to call foul on listing the inclusion of Guy Gardner in the show as a mistake. Their portrayal of Guy Gardner in The New Guy is dead on but also innovative and it´s one of the best episodes. Come on, the title alone is worth the price of admission. The new Guy ..... get it ?

One of the books I started recently is Grant Morrison´s Green Lantern and I was all hyped up for season two. But now that I have to say goodbye to all my children - meaning my comicbooks - and can hang only to a few ( if any at all, my Mom is still very keen on the idea to throw them all in the dumpster ) I am not sure if they make the cut. Don´t get me wrong, it´s brilliantly written ( it´s Grant Morrison, duh ) and the art by Liam Sharp is light years beyond his Death´s Head days. But so far I only have the first two hardbacks so maybe it´s easier to sell them and restart the series in spanish. On the other side I feel I owe it to my late brother to continue reading it because it was one of the last comicbooks he got to enjoy. 

It´s been a while since I posted an upbra review but I have put quite a few on the blog which is possibly the reason why this video popped up in my recommendations. Even though the only two words I could read from the title are " upbra " and " review ". But don´t worry, if - like me - you can´t understand a word you will still get your money´s worth. Because I don´t know what blonde blow up sex doll Karina Papag does for a living ( prostitute, porn star, soft porn actress, stripper, wet t - shirt champion, sex therapist, blowjob world champion, nurse at sperm clinic for oral deposits ) but as you can see from the preview picture she was built for this kind of videos. So just skip to the good part which begins at 13:00.

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Thousands of species in the Corps and we´re the only ones who fist - bump.

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