Man, me and my big mouth. I was so pumped for STAR WARS DAY that I totally forgot that there are two comicbook related birthdays on the 3rd of May. Thankfully I have enough material to do posts for both of them .
And since he is the older one we start with Denny O´Neil. As usual I have selected the best original art I currently have for this so it leans heavily towards his work on GREEN LANTERN / GREEN ARROW with Neal Adams .
Which is not a bad choice for a spotlight post about Denny O´Neil´s work.
Not only did these comics change the playing field you know that something is a classic when there is a clear line between before and after.
Or when you know what people are talking about with " the drug issue ".
I´m not going to try to explain why these issues were so important as people much smarter than me and more knowledgeable about comics have already done so and when you are really interested in that you can find it in the links of this post . Because it would also blown up the size of this post. Anyway, to Today´s readers the issue above may be a bit hamfisted in how it tackles drugs but when it came out it was one of the two issues that talked about drugs at all. What is now known as the Hardtravelling Heroes were some of the first comics to incorporate real world problems and Neal Adams´ realistic style was perfectly suited for this story type.
If you are a fan of the current ARROW show, it was in this run that the character of Green Arrow begun to emerge with an identity of its own away from the Batman - with - a - bow that he had been up to this point.
The stories also introduced the first black Green Lantern John Stewart who is the Green Lantern from the JUSTICE LEAGUE cartoons. He has come a long way from the stereotypical black dude with an attitude he was in his first appearance. Just wanted to throw that in there for all the comic readers who think the black Captain America Falcon was a big deal.
Denny O´Neil also worked with Neal Adams on the Batman books and apropos bats I always found his Man - Bat stories especially exciting.
And for me the grand opus of these is the story with Ras Al Ghul. A lot of people say Batman´s arch nemesis is the Joker because he´s his opposite like the Flash´s Reverse Flash. But when you really look at it the Reverse Flash is more a dark reflection of the Flash because he has the same powers like the Flash but is evil. Likewise Ras Al Ghul is as smart, rich, resourceful or driven as the Batman but he uses his abilities for evil.
And Ras Al Ghul was not only Batman´s equal, he was his better. He defeated Batman in a duel to the death ( okay, the scorpion is the one who really offed Batman ) and he had the Lazarus Pit to heal himself whenever he was killed. The story also gave us bare chested Batman.
Another reason why I always liked this story is that it reads like a James Bond movie. And Batman is so outclassed by Ras Al Ghul that he has to gather a special team to go up against him. You also get the feeling that Batman might loose which is something that didn´t happen that often.
In lieu of any links we start ye olde celebrity birthday list on April the 27th with british singer Sheena Easton who celebrated her 61st birthday. She had a lot of success - especially in America - and I am not going to list all of her hit singles because everybody has his favorites. There are a few I will mention, most of which fall into the period of her Prince collaborations.
Aside from a musical genius Prince was a sex freak who got only the finest babes : he dicktamed voluptuous 33 - 23 - 35 vixen Vanity, busted Sheila E´s big bongos, turned 36C - 24 - 35 Hollywood sexbomb Kim Basinger into Kim Blasinger ( only german readers will get that gag ), had deepthroat marathon sessions with ultimate 34B - 25 - 35 sax machine Candy Dulfer, went through more than 23 positions in a one night stand with natural born baywatchable 36E - 23 - 34 go go dancer Carmen Electra and did what came naturally with the lover in 34B - 28 - 36 bra - busting Sheena Easton.
Speaking of What Comes Naturally, the last time Sheena Easton made an appearance in this section I mentioned that they only showed it on Mtv after midnight so I had to stay up late to tape it. The same happened with The Lover In Me. If you see the video now you may ask yourself why this wasn´t shown sooner especially if you compare it to what they show before midnight now. But there is no question that Sheena Easton is smoking hot and I guess her antics were just too much for the tv censors.
One of the things Sheena Easton is best known for is her collaboration with Prince so I have to mention their duet The Arms Of Orion which is part of the 1989 Batman soundtrack. That´s right, some people may go " Why is he writing about Prince on a blog about comicbooks ? " but Prince did the soundtrack for one of the best known DC heroes. People always talk about the score by Danny Elfman ( who contributed to the 90s The Flash but we will return to this later ) but the soundtrack is by Prince.
Whenever I include people in this section I read up on them because I like to learn things. I am not going to condense her career into one paragraphs but things I didn´t know about Sheena Easton are that she partook in a casting show and was told she would never make it in the big time, her song Morning Train was originally called 9 to 5 and they changed the title so people would not mix it up with the Dolly Parton song 9 to 5, her Bond song For Your Eyes Only is the first Bond song during the opening titles, I knew that she on Miami Vice but I didn´t know that she was in five episodes or that she did the voice for various characters on Gargoyles.
Our next candidate is the late Hans - Joachim Kuhlenkampff, one of the last big Showmeister - how they used to call it in Germany. The big Saturday evening show is a lost art for the germans and when I grew up families used to gather on Saturdays around fifteen minutes after eight o´clock in the evening ( right after the daily news which started exactly at eight ) and watch shows like Dalli Dalli, Der Große Preis, Spiel Ohne Grenzen, Am Laufenden Band or Einer Wird Gewinnen hosted by Hans - Joachim Kuhlenkampff. It was the predecessor to Tutti Frutti as it was centered around the different countries although nobody got naked.
In this episode we have as guests Carmen Sevilla, the very hot Dunja Rejter who appeared in the Winnetou movie Unter Geiern and Zwei Himmlische Töchter with the ageless Iris Berben and blonde 38D - 24 - 33 Klimbim sexbomb Ingrid Steeger and a very young Karel Gott with his hit song Weißt Du Wohin ? from the german soundtrack to Doctor Zhivago.
He would become famous later with his title song for Maja The Bee.
And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt. And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .
Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).
Staying with ultimate sexbombs destined to earn a living by taking their clothes off in front of drunk men we come to the celebrity birthdays for April 28th and 36C - 24 - 33 born for porn actress Kari Wuhrer who turned 53. She is best known for her role of Captain Maggie Beckett on the sci fi show Sliders where she really put the " fickt schon " in science fiction.
She was put on the cast as the boner guarantee for the male audience and they got more than their money´s worth in the Wild West episode where her big melons are almost spilling out of her snug saloon girl corsage.
Now the attentive blog reader may have noticed that it wasn´t that long ago that Kari Wuhrer graced this section so you may ask yourself why I deemed this encore presentation necessary. The reason for that is that while I made three new GIFs of Kari I also forgot to mention something.
When I cast Kari Wuhrer as Gypsy in my Casting the Justice League movie series she hadn´t appeared on The Flash. So when I chose Kari for that role Gypsy´s super powers did not include vibing between dimensions but when people read it now they might get the impression that I chose her because of the tv show where she was sliding between the dimensions.
Kari also was in Hot Blooded, a really bad movie that doesn`t even have full frontal nudity. Nevertheless it´s one of my favorite movies with Kari because she looks really hot in this one. You get to see a lot of cleavage and boobs and in the first sex scene on the bed you can see her sexy ass.
And because one scene where she´s at a gas station and pulls down her leather top to make the desk clerk horny. She´s really pulling it in all directions so you get to see her full boobs. I have no evidence but I swear I can see some nipple. I bet Kari had to do this scene a hundred times as the crew was sabotaging all takes just to see her boobs again and again.
In any case, I had this scene on a video tape on a loop and I must have heard the words " This material just doesn´t breathe ! " a hundred times.
Like I said there is no full frontal nudity in this cineastic masterpiece but you get a bit of sideboob in a scene that was heavily cut on german tv.
They cut parts from when she´s using a whip to get into the mood and pours hot wax on his body. They also cut some parts from where she´s on top of him which I didn´t know until I found the movie on the internet.
Damn you, german tv for keeping Kari Wuhrer´s sideboob away from me !
Today we are really taking a trip down memory lane ( which is what the entertainment block is all about ) and on a more somber note we have Otto Simanek whose name may not be familiar to that many people but everybody from my generation will recognize him as the magical Pan Tau.
As always with cult shows from a more innocent time they did a remake just recently and as always it´s a complete train wreck. Now I know that I may be biased here since I prefer the original hand - drawn cartoons of Heidi, Maja The Bee, Wickie or The Peanuts over the newer computer generated incarnations. I know that Today´s kids prefer the 3d cartoons and the original animation looks bad to them because they are not used to it ( which is all a question of the right education ) but aside from the fact that the new Pan Tau looks like he is suffering from some mental illness the stories cater to the wrong audience. Pan Tau is not about helping high school kids getting more likes of facebook or Instagram or using his magic to increase stock value so some greedy parents can earn more money.
For those who had to grow up without Pan Tau here is episode one of the original show bringing joy and important life lessons to kids everywhere.
Staying with the heroes from my misspent youth we come to Lee Falk, creator of The Phantom who is considered by many to be the first superhero. While I am not sure if I subscribe to this idea one hundred percent he was one of the main influences in the creation of Batman.
Now waaaay back in 2003 PHANTOM FRIDAY was supposed to become a regular feature but as usual after that first entry I never got around to post all the other material I had compiled and Lee Falk´s most famous creation ( he also came up with Mandrake, the Magician ) only appeared in the occasional birthday post of Paul Ryan , Sal Velluto or Bob McLeod .
You can find more celebrity birthdays from April the 28th in my HEAVY METAL ( the famous science fiction comic anthology magazine and not the music genre ) wraparound cover post which brings us to the anniversaries from April the 29th and Uma Thurman who celebrated her 50th birthday.
Longtime readers may remember that Uma´s plunging cleavage at the 2002 Oscar Awards was so impressive that it granted her an entry in my Search for Power Girl series on my old blog and I did a special Power Girl post in honor of that in 2012 but there has not happened anything worthy of my time or a special Power Girl post since then I haven´t already covered.

Staying with the subject of hot women on tv we make our next stop on April the 29th when Jerry Seinfeld turned 65. He is best known - at least amongst people from my generation - for creating the cult show Seinfeld whose cast featured Julia Louis Dreyfus as funny and sexy Elaine Bennet.
Even though it was not shown to the general public in Germany ( they always aired it when most people were asleep ) I managed to catch a few with Elaine´s best scenes. Her sexiness was always downplayed but there were a few episodes where Julia could showcase her breast attributes.
I may have posted the following clip before but this one is of much better quality. The only downside is that with the new tv format parts of the picture get cut off with tv shows that were filmed in the old format and that part somehow magically always involves part of the boobs being cut.
But we got to talk more about this problems at length in my post about my unsuccessful ( and possibly doomed from the beginning ) hunt to find a version of Monster´s Ball with Halle Berry´s uncut marathon sex scene.
And to think that one of the best sex scenes in film history almost didn´t happen. The director Marc Forster originally didn´t cast Halle Berry in the female lead role because he thought she was too beautiful and while he knew the natural born blow up sex doll could easily deliver some Last Boy Scout type strip action and had already bared her boobs in Password : Swordfish he didn´t think she would be willing to do explicit sex scenes.
Thankfully Halle´s manager secretly slipped her the script and Halle got in contact with the director and had several talks and long, private meetings with him. We do not know exactly to which kind of depraved hardcore midnight sex olympics Halle Berry subjected Marc Forster during these meetings to convince him that she had the necessary skills to believably portray a prostitute but she must have dicktamed him six ways to Sunday to wear him down and let all of her nymphomanic urges out because after the third weekend long ejaculation sex marathon Halle Berry got the role.
And according to one of her ex - lovers this is her second nature : Halle Berry is a kinky sex freak. She used me as her boy toy. She deepthroated me for hours to give me a giant erection and then rode relentlessly on my rock hard member in a dentist´s chair with her huge breasts pounding against me until she had multiple orgasms. Sounds like my kind of woman.
In the bedroom I take control because looks are not enough to make a fella stay faithful : you must bang his brains out. You have to be a friend, be independent, be a lady and shy but you need to be a total sex freak in the bed and milk his dick - make him squirt until he´s completely dry.
Longtime readers know that Halle Berry is one of my all time wet sex fantasies so not only does she appear in my Justice League of America movie casting she had even four solo posts . But of course it was only a question of time before I added some new ones so last year I wrote four more : the first one about Halle Berry in her best movies , the second one on Halle Berry´s comic book movies , part three about my dream comic book movie casting with Halle Berry and the unexpected bonus round .
Halle Berry did a remarkable sexy dance ( not a striptease as she didn´t take her clothes off ) in The Last Boy Scout , teased us in Catwoman and finally delivered in Password : Swordfish and completely redeemed herself in Monster´s Ball where she milked Thornton´s rock hard Billy Bob totally dry in front of the entire crew. Which nobody really got to see since they censored it more than three times - about which I wrote a special post .
As always you can find more celebrity birthdays from April the 28th and April the 29th in the second part of my Samantha Fox birthday posts .
Deja Vu. The strange feeling you have seen, experienced or done something before. As longtime followers of the blog know I have made entire posts about re - used covers or cover homages but in this case I have the feeling I posted this video before. But since it doesn´t have my " like " - which most of the videos I post get so that I know I have already posted it - and I could not find it on the blog I am risking it. And Denny O´Neil´s anniversary should be a good enough reason for a re - post.
Deja Vu. The strange feeling you have seen, experienced or done something before. Wait, did I already say that ? Anyway, here is a video about Batman Beyond which was called Batman Of The Future in Germany and how in the beginning nobody wanted this show. I mean, Bruce Wayne is old and decrepit, some punk ass kid becomes the new Batman and doesn´t even have the original Batman costume ? What a load of schtako.
Even if you should require no more incentives than sexy Kari Wuhrer´s underwear there are more reasons to check out Stephen King´s Thinner.
Today´s episode of Inside Of You ( with a special introduction by Selma Blair ) features Timothy Omundson who played Carlton Lassiter on Psych and God on Lucifer. I started watching Psych but over time I got miffed because I can take a show that doesn´t take things serious. I also can take a show that doesn´t take itself too serious. But what I can´t take is a show that doesn´t take its characters serious and I felt there was no real growth with the characters, especially with Gus. Anyway, there was one episode of Psych which I could never find. It´s the one where Spencer´s Dad - played by Corbin Bernsen - has a date and the woman is wearing a sweater and brings her own beer to the restaurant. And you think this will not work out but then she takes off her sweater and BAAAAMM ! out pop those huge melons which almost fall out of her top and onto on the table.
And I could never find that episode and I had no idea who the actress was. All I knew was Spencer and Gus go undercover as models. Well, just the other day I found it episode 15 from season 2 Black And Tan - A Crime Of Passion and I´m so embarrassed that I didn´t recognize Amanda Pays.
Yes, the woman with the huge rack on Psych was the wet dream of my sleepless nights, Amanda Pays who played Christina McGee on The Flash with John Wesley Shipp. Man, I should have recognized her on her lips alone because those lips have distracted me for years watching The Flash.
All those naughty fantasies I had imagining what those lips could do to me.
In my defense I have to say I was completely mesmerized by Amanda´s double airbags. I never knew that she had developed such huge talents.
They have been seriously under - utilizing Amanda´s 40DD ( !!! ) - 25 - 36 measurements in her guest stints on Flash. What I also didn´t know is that Corbin Bernsen is married to Amanda Pays in real life. What a lucky guy !
It doesn´t have anything to do with the topic of this post but when I found the director´s cut of Highlander on YouTube I knew I had to post it right away. A modern classic and at the time I am writing this a reminder of how much joy the late Sean Connery brought to movie fans, not only as James Bond. The second movie was utter garbage while the third one was not that bad although it didn´t reach the level of the first one. There was a movie that continued the tv show but the less said about it the better.
Speaking of the Highlander tv show, while I understand why they started in the present and only told his previous adventures in flashbacks it took out all of the suspense from those scenes since you knew that he must have survived them somehow or otherwise he would not be alive Today. It would have been much more exciting if they had told his life continuously.
Of course the highlights of the show were the episodes with Christopher Lambert, who not only was married to Diane Lane for six years but also did his best to dicktame the wardrobe malfunction prone queen of explicit nude scenes, french ( in every sense of the word ) blow up sex doll Sophie " Tits Out " Marceau ( longtime readers might recognize her from my first post of CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE ) for seven long years.
What I didn´t know is that there also was a Highlander cartoon. Was there any movie or idea that wasn´t turned into a cartoon show in the 90s ?
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I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel and I am immortal.
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