Sunday, April 26, 2020

It´s Superman Sunday with Kerry Gammill !

Today is the 66th birthday of not only one of my favorite artists on the SUPERMAN books but one of my favorite artists period so I thought it´s about time that a blog called TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN paid homage.

Especially since I have only written one spotlight post for him in 2018 . I wanted to do one last year but I didn´t have enough good material and I didn´t want to make a half - assed post just to make a post. So I waited for this year where I got much better original artwork. As blog regulars know my BLACK AND WHITE posts ( which the majority of my posts are now ) start with the quality of the original art. The color pages may not be that good but as long as the original art is all right that´s fine with me.

Which is the reason why this is not a just DC Comics post. I know, with the title of the blog - again - and the title of the post readers probably expected me to make this a Superman only post. Well, with some Power Girl thrown in. You can never have too much Power Girl in your postings.

And while Kerry Gammill never did interior art for a Power Girl series - which is a terrible loss for the human race - he drew some nifty covers for a 4 issue mini series about DC´s Maid of the Massively Mighty Mammaries.

So, yes, it would have been easy to make this a Superman only or even a DC Comics only post. Because I have enough of his pages for DC left. BUT that would feel like only a so - so post because I only had half of what I need for a full BLACK AND WHITE post in good quality and the rest would be padding so to speak. You comic readers out there know what I mean.

The stuff comic companies put into trades when they don´t have enough issues of a storyline to fill out an entire trade. And instead of putting in more of the good stuff they just pad it with those issues that have been reprinted a dozen times because its cheaper. I didn´t want to do that so this post is going to be half DC Comics and half Marvel Comics. Again, I could have easily made an all Marvel Comics post but then I would not have put the best Kerry Gammill art that I currently have on the blog.

Which is also the reason why there are two pieces of art in this post that I already put into my last Kerry Gammill appreciation post. Because while the pages are the same the quality of the original art is much better than what I already shared with my followers so I recon it deserves a re - post.

And with that much of a prologue it´s high time to get to the good stuff.

I know that Kerry Gamill did a lot of work for Marvel Comics - and you can see some of that work like his brilliant issues of Powerman & Iron Fist in my very first Kerry Gamill birthday post that I wrote in 2018 - but for me he is eternally linked to the new Superman continuum. Looking back from a time where nobody seems to get - or care - what Superman is all about it was like the golden times of Superman history for me. Because it was the time when I got fully immersed in the US comics as every new issue and series seemed to be part of a giant story - which in fact it was. The whole shebang kicked off with John Byrne´s Man of Steel mini series followed by Superman and Action Comics by John Byrne and Adventures of Superman by Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway. Then John Byrne left but you had guys like Dan Jurgens and Ron Frenz picking up the slack so in the The Exile omnibus ( which picks up in this interim period of art team changes ) you have a literally Who´s Who of the best comic artists DC had access to with the legendary Curt Swan, George Perez, Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Mike Mignola, P. Craig Russell, Brett Breeding and last but not least Kerry Gamill.

I have the feeling that the Marvel guys never knew what to make with Kerry Gammill because he got to do so many ancillary work like on MARVEL FANFARE, MARVEL TEAM UP and the FALLEN ANGELS mini series where he only drew four of the eight issues. I don´t know what the reason for that was but a few years back I bought the hardcover because I remember the ads in all those old Marvel mutant comics and I was very disappointed when I read it. Somehow the story gets all weird after the first half and the drop in quality when Kerry Gammill is not doing the pencils is jarring.

Before we come to the usual kudos to the guys from HERITAGE AUCTIONS and the cult siren overload in the entertainment section we have two links. First Jon Bogdanove answers the question if Superman can see while using heat vision and we also have a belated shoutout to Georg Thomalla whose anniversary of birth was on February the 14th. As an actor he was somewhat underrated and is best known as the german voice of such famous actors as Jack Lemon, Danny Kaye, Bob Hope or Peter Sellers.

Since I already covered most of Today´s birthdays in my last Kerry Gammill birthday post and you can find a few more in my post about issue 4 of Geoff Johns and George Perez epic FINAL CRISIS : LEGION OF THREE WORLDS I only picked a few choice ones where I have something new to add. This also gives me the opportunity to write about them at length.

From comicbooks we make the jump to cult tv shows and Germany with Formel Eins and the only reason why I´m talking about that show at all is that Ingolf Lück has his 62nd anniversary who was the best of the hosts.


Many years before Mtv and VIVA would appear on german screens Formel Eins started which was the worst german music show. But it was the only music show we had then ( if you don´t count Die Deutsche Hitparade which mainly played Schlager music ) so we had to bear the horror of it.

Peter Illmann was the first host and he was kind of a mack daddy although that only evolved over time. Still, he was not the best host. That dubious honor belongs to his replacement, Ingolf Lück who innovated the show by turning his introductions of the various musical acts and music videos ( they showed both ) into little sketches. It was only downhill after he left as they got their first female presenter Stefanie Tücking who was much too tame for this kind of show and she then handed the reigns over to Kai Böcking who was completely clueless. I remember that in his first show he had Sabrina Salerno as a guest and she was just too much woman for him.

Sabrina was mostly known for two things ..... well, actually three things : the twins ( obviously ! ), lots of wardrobe malfunctions of the tiniest outfits that were riding up or wet t - shirts and see - through bikinis.

At the time Sabrina Salerno, the cult siren with the obligatory bouncing action was at the height of her popularity in Germany thanks to her worldwide number 1 smash hit Boys Boys Boys ( which was especially popular in those countries that showed the uncensored version of her video where her tiny bikini top could not contain the singing sexbomb´s huge melons ) and various articles in teen publications like Bravo and Popcorn and nude pictorials in adult men´s magazines like Penthouse.

So they had to invite her to Formel Eins which was the music tv for german teenagers. The show was a total train wreck, they always cut the videos because the producer of the show was in Bavaria and they are very catholic and prudish down there. When Sabrina was there as a guest they didn´t play her video and told her she had to do a live performance. Which was obviously more than they bargained for because Sabrina began to shake rattle and roll her boobs up and down like there´s no Tomorrow.

Of course they were appalled but they could not do anything against it. The camera man tried to prevent the worst by doing a lot of close ups and just filming Sabrina´s head but as you can see it didn´t help that much.

Coming back to Formel Eins, while Kai Böcking did the most shows with 120 episodes they ultimately had to cancel it because of the upcoming competition of Mtv and VIVA who showed all music video in full and not only one per show. By that time Peter Illmann was no longer on tv although after leaving Formel Eins he did two other music programs, P.I.T. - Peter Illmannns Treff and Peter´s Pop Show which were successful for a while.

We expected great things but after one half assed movie Ingolf Lück got relegated to the usual comedy / celebrity nonsense shows that are prevalent on german tv. Germany doesn´t know what to do with talent.


Those who have read this blog since its early days may remember that I started writing about Samantha Fox in the posts of my favorite italian cult siren Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno but in 2017 I finally managed to do a post on Samantha Fox. Or better two posts since so much stuff I wanted to say about her had accumulated over the years that I had to split it into two parts : the first part with the regular musings and part two which is totally not safe for work and probably not 100 % the truth.

Sam is best remembered as the nation’s favourite Page 3 girl after first posing topless when she was 16 as she was blessed with a stunning 34D - 22 - 31 figure ( later to fill out to 36D ! ). For three years Sam Fox was voted Page 3 Girl Of The Year and became one of the most photographed women of the decade alongside Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher.

And like Sarah Young Samantha Fox did not believe she had what it takes.

Sam burst on to the scene in her teens after her mother put her forward for a modelling contest and she came second out of 20,000 entrants. Until that point Samantha, who had been attending stage school and had a Saturday job at a supermarket, had her heart set on becoming a singer.

She feared she could never be a model because her boobs were too big.

I asked my mum if I looked fat in a dress because my boobs looked too big in it. She said, " Your boobs are great. " I only realized they were fine when other women began paying for surgery to have boobs like mine.

The reason for including Samantha Fox is that I want to acknowledge her because while I think that she never lived up to her true potential she still was one of the hot sexbombs during my puberty. Ah, the things I would have done to Sammy if I got my hands on her when I was at my prime !

I always had the impression that she could do more but didn´t want to do it. I remember that some years ago, well, more than a few years because this is about a video cassette, I found a video of Samantha Fox which was kind of a MAKING OF one of her calendars. I expected to see some skin, not like hardcore but at least as much as you could see in the pics for the calendar but the video was more like something out of Sesame Street and every time there was some exposed skin Sam was frantically obsessed with covering up again as quickly as possible. Now maybe she was tired of always showing her body and being objectified but then she should have either not do the calendar in the first place or not try to sell a video that is tamer than an episode of the Muppet Babies. Just my 5 cents worth.


While Sabrina´s biggest rival in the pop charts was british Busenwunder Samantha Fox they became friends behind the scenes despite what the tabloids printed. In light of Samantha Fox´s recent revelation of being a lesbian - or at least bi - sexual - this gives their relationship an entirely new raunchy dynamic. As Samantha Fox stated in a recent interview :

" People always tried to build up this rivalry between myself and Sabrina Salerno because we both started around the same time and we both had big breasts. She was the hot italian ragazza with the dark hair and I was the british blonde bimbo but after we met we quickly became friends. "

Sabrina was a lot of fun and sexually very active. The first time she invited me to her hotel room she had handcuffed a guy with a giant erection to her bed and asked for my help to fuck him straight. Apparently he was her bodyguard and when Sabrina tried to have sex with him he told her he was gay but because he had a huge cock Sabrina was determined to pump him dry. At first I wanted to leave but after a few bottles of champagne I found myself naked in bed with Sabrina, squeezing this huge towering erection with my tits against hers while the tip disappeared in Sabrina´s deep throat again and again and again. Before I knew what was happening Sabrina lifted me up an threw me upon his rockhard boner and while I was still reeling from being impaled by his ever growing manhood she removed his gag so she could hear how effective she was at dicktaming the guy by the volume of his screams as he came - and we made him scream a lot.

I don´t know if he was really gay and me and Sabrina turned him straight with our all night ejaculation sensation marathon or if he just pretended to be gay because he didn´t want to loose his job for not having sex with his boss and we turned him into a sex freak. All I know is that he quit his job the next day to become a dancer for his all time wet sex dream the living nubian blow up sex doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) who is a well known sex maniac and insists on inspecting all her new employees - orally.

He probably used her as his personal sex toy while they were on tour.

Daimn, now that I think about it there was one concert they had to cancel because Janet´s voice was gone. That pervert probably had her screaming her lungs out while he was relentlessly hammering her into submission with his giant swollen appendage - all night long, don´t stop.

I always knew that Janet was a sex freak ( Janet admitted to joining the Mile High Club and is a well known size queen ) and although the rumors that Bobby Brown banged her in the 80s might not be true it is much more believable that she used Justin Timberlake as her sextoy and dumped him after a month of steamy sex marathons . According to Justin it took Janet an hour to get in my pants after we first hooked up and she was so wild in bed that I didn´t know how to handle it. I was falling in love with Miss Jackson but during our get - togethers she only wanted to have sex.

From that point on we had a few fuck flings with various young and well endowed studs and I guess that she must have had a suspicion about my sexual orientation because a few times after she got me sufficiently drunk she said she just had to find out how many dildos she could fit into me.

Of course they were always extremely long double dildos with strange shapes and hidden special features. There was one which had a big ball on top that she could push out like a battering ram, one had rings that could be inflated an additional five inches all at once or separate ( Sabrina had a lot of fun with that one ), one that would rotate with three parts that would move off center, just all kinds of crazy stuff and she loved to test them out on me. And she gave as good as she got. Sometimes even better because there was this one time where she attacked me with a forty inch monster and normally that means twenty inches for each one but the crazy italian slut somehow managed to impale me with a full 30 inches.

I tried to stop her from stretching me out but she was like possessed and wouldn´t stop her merciless assault. Sabrina had a dance formation so she was a pro at doing the splits and she managed to spread my legs apart like a fillipino hooker so that her clit was almost touching mine every time she almost completely rammed the 30 inches in. On top of that - or better said on top of me - she started slowly girating her midsection so that the giant doubledildo worked me like an oil drill. Needless to say that I soon ceased all efforts to fight back especially since I was writhing in convulsions. With that victory Sabrina started to really pound the hell out of me and at the end of the night I experienced multiple orgasms that lasted two hours.

Sabrina was long gone at that point so she couldn´t help me when I was tag - teamed by two horny bellhops. Apparently somebody in the next room had called the front desk because of the endless hours of screaming while Sabrina worked me over. When they came in I was in a delirious state, only semi - conscious and when they saw the page 3 girl of their perverted sex dreams completely naked with her legs spread wide open, covered in sweat and squeezing her massive boobs while she couldn´t stop moaning they were stunned. But once they realized that I was completely defenseless they took advantage of my post orgasm sex coma.

They couldn´t have been older than 18 but they had bigger horsecocks than professional porn actors and at that age they could get hard easily and last all night. They quickly started drilling me from both sides in more than Prince´s twenty - three positions in a one - night stand and every time I thought it couldn´t get harder their swollen appendages grew two sizes. These two breeding stallions worked me long and hard all night like an express pony - with little or no rest - and when it was finally over the next morning I needed another week to recuperate from the grueling special midnight olmpics. During which I got excellent service by the two bellhops at day while at night their resumed their penetration sessions.

I don´t know how I ever managed to get out alive. They became sex addicted after that and when I was away started sexually assaulting the cleaning staff which were all asian women on a daily basis until they had turned them into their sex slaves. For which women of asian descent are predestined since they are natural born prostitutes due to centuries of being raped or being used as comfort women. But even slam - banging half a dozen of young, big breasted asian sexbombs with perfect bubblebutts and legs up to their chin to their heart´s contend wasn´t enough and they started to molest female hotel guests with extremely big breasts.

As it had to happen the whole thing blew wide open when they brutally dicktamed a minor by mistake. Their error was understandable because she registered at the hotel with a fake ID and she already had the body of an adult woman with bigger natural breasts than most porn stars. In fact it was because of her bonerguaranteeing huge breasts that she registered at the hotel with a fake ID and under a false name. When she turned 14 her boobs started growing and until her 15th birthday they grew at least two inches every week, much to the delight of all her horny male classmates.

Now just six months later her Mom had to go to the hospital for a few weeks and once her horny stepfather realized what giant - sized tits she had he began breaking her in. At first he raped her only twice a week but when they got the notice that her mother had to stay an additional three months at the hospital he put her to the test all night long, every night.

And after two months of being drowned in cum by a serial rapist the poor hapless girl - who was just four months shy of her sixteenth birthday - fled to this hotel only to become the victim of two sex crazy teenagers with giant monstercocks. Like I said, the whole thing came out and I don´t know if they became porn stars or monks after serving a prison sentence.

And you can read more secret sex confessions of Samantha Fox - straight from the most reliable yellow press tabloids - in my second post on her .

As for Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno, I wrote her first cult siren entry way back in 2014 with annual re - posts in 2015 , 2016 and in 2017 where I always tried to do the ultimate version adding little things here and there.

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but while this unknown sexbomb has the bustline to go toe to toe - or breast to breast - with Sabrina she is sorely lacking in the bouncing action department.

Ever since Sam admitted to being a lesbian - or at least bi - sexual - there have been all kinds of speculations and I´m afraid I got a little carried away with that last one. In any case, the original idea to do a post on Samantha Fox was that since she has her birthday on the same day as Sarah Louise Young I could alternate between them with the re - posts or just link to previous years when there is nothing new to add. Which is the case with Sam now although I might do a new version when the fancy strikes me.

Speaking of which, so far I have not posted many clips of Sammy because her music videos do not use her full potential and most live appearances on shows are from her later period. So it is extremely rare to find a live performance from her prime where she is wearing a somewhat exciting outfit. For someone who became famous worldwide by getting naked Samantha Fox sure wore a lot of clothes in most of her tv appearances.

Longtime readers may remember this teenage heartthrob but for all who are new to the blog here is a short recap. Stella Getz smash hit Ta - Di - Di - Boom came out in 1996 but for some reason the video and anything revolving around it was impossible to find for the longest time. She had a much bigger hit with Friends so that was what she was known for in Germany and her video for Ta - Di - Di - Boom was only once seen on the show Nachtschicht which showed uncensored music videos after midnight.

Now Stella wasn´t naked or anything in the music video but I guess they didn´t show the video on regular music television because Stella had squeezed her still considerably big talents into a push up that was at least two sizes too small. She also had tied her shirt under which gave them the much needed extra support since she was shoving her boobs in your face.

Speaking of push ups, some people argue that wearing them is cheating but I say there has to be something that CAN be pushed because if a girl is flat - chested not even the best wonderbra in the world is going to make a difference. And as you can see not only does Stella have plenty to push, from the bouncing action of her stellar sweater puppies you can see that it´s one hundred percent all natural grade a boobies. She almost looks better with the white top than with the blue shirt and the push up bra and if she had worn a wet t - shirt in the video she would have killed it.

Well, I guess Busenwunder Stella had just too much bouncing action going on for der german television which probably was her way to get rid of her girlie image by pushing her boobs almost up to her chin. And before you ask, yes, she was already 19 years old when the music video was shot.

Since we are on the subject of talent, one guy who got plenty of it is 80 year old Giorgio Moroder. He became one of the big names in electronic music after writing Hot Stuff, On The Radio and I Feel Love for Donna Summer. Aside from this his works on movies that have become not only part of pop culture but culture in general like Top Gun, Flashdance and Midnight Express tied him to the musical collective musical knowledge of entire generations earning him the Music Oscar. He´s still working Today with the greats of the music industry like Kylie Minogue. Now I already had Giorgio Moroder in a previous post which means I would skip it - especially since we already have more than enough music videos in this post - but he also did the music for the underappreciated Over The Top.

Now I´m not saying it´s Oscar material or a lost cineastic gem but I feel that the movie has gotten a kind of bad rep and very much undeservedly.

And I did explain my point of view at length but as usual things got a bit out of hand so click this link for the spin off post . There you will find more about Over The Top, Yaya Han, Yaya Han body double Jeannie Mai, the Jeannie Mai from Teens React plus sexbombs Dolly Parton and Anna Nicole Smith who both would have been terrific for the role of Power Girl.

Okay, we are still not finished with the anniversaries and the next one is even comic related because I want to acknowledge the great George Tuska. Now as a kid reading comic books I did not appreciate his work and he did issues for a lot of series I followed so I was not very keen on that.

The thing that finally won me over was that when I started sorting out my Gene Colan artwork a lot of the Iron Man stories that I thought had been drawn were actually by George Tuska. So I had to re - evaluate the whole thing since it was George Tuska who drew a lot of those Iron Man stories I enjoyed as a kid and it also were his drawings that defined the classic Iron Man look for me long before Bob Layton worked on the Golden Avenger.

I know that he also drew the original Captain Mar - Vell ( who was a white guy but also an alien so - diversity ) and the Submariner which are books on which Gene Colan also worked. Because he was very fast but still could bring in solid art Stan Lee used him on as many fill - in issues as possible.

Which had the effect that he didn´t get to use his imaginative layouts or his knack for depicting movement and many saw his pages as bland. Like I said, he worked on a lot of titles at Marvel and other companies but his signature character is still Iron Man whom he drew for almost ten years.

Since we had a lot of Superman content in our last bonus sections I want to include a few of the Spider - Man videos I bookmarked. After all Kerry Gammill worked on some Spidey titles even if not on the main ones. We start with a strange PSA comics, Spider - Man vs Teen Pregnancy. These are the kind of comics that are hard to come by because they were given out for free so there is no fixed price. I have a few of them and I hope I can get a pretty penny for them because I am not sure if I will keep them.

Anyway, while the story is not that great at least the art is by the very underrated Ross Andru about whom I have written several spotlight posts.

What I definitely won´t be able to keep are my issues of Condor Verlag´s Die Spinne ( the Spider ) how Spider - Man was called here in Germany.

I included this video because it is something I have to go through myself now that I have to get rid of my entire comicbook collection - or at least most of it. The truth is that you should not see your comicbooks as an investment because you will only get a fraction of what you paid for them.

There are some exceptions like the omnibus hardcovers I got really cheap from amazon but even if the money I loose on them is lesser than on my other comics the costs of buying them again will eat up any possible gains.

Staying on the subject there are not as many cultural differences between Spain and Germany as there are between America and Germany but there will be a few things I´ll have to do without in the future like Waldmeister.

Well, originally I wanted to post one of those new hip dubbed Spider - Man cartoon episodes but I had to quit after two minutes because it became too annoying. And since I don´t want my readers to suffer something I can´t bear myself here is an episode from the original cartoon. By the way : RHINO ! ( sorry, inside joke, ask the guys from COMIC GEEK SPEAK ).

Since we have some fine Power Girl covers by Kerry Gammill in this post ( even though it is before her magical cleavage window and pre Bart Sears giant - sized power girls phase ) I wanted to include something about her and it has been over a year that I last posted a video with real life Power Girl Amy Elizabeth Jackson who got her spotlight post back in May 2019 .

I don´t know, maybe it´s just me but in spite of thousands of feminists and enraged SJWs who tell me that these women with ginourmuous boobs only exist in male sex phantasies and not in real life I keep coming across these blow up sex dolls with overdeveloped breasts. I mean, first there is Amy Jackson who would of course play Power Girl. By the way, I didn´t know this when I wrote her post but her measurements are 34E - 25 - 40.

Then there´s glamour model and cosplayer Sofia Sivan about whom I did a little spotlight in this post ( full cult siren pending ) because of her mind blowing and erection guaranteeing Power Girl cosplay. I still couldn´t find her full measurements but I know that she clocks in with a massive 36G chest. And while she has done an almost pornographic Wonder Woman cosplay I would cast her as Big Barda. Which would require her to do the obligatory explicit sex scene where she gets a taste of Darkeid´s darkseed while his megarod spreads her Apokolips wide open and I would volunteer for the position ( and basically any sex position with Sofia ) of stunt cock.

Now you may ask whom I have in mind for the role of Wonder Woman.

Well, how about adult glamour model / relationship coach / social media influencer / instagram star Jessica Weaver ( full cult siren entry pending ) ? She has the right set of talents to play the arousing amazon although I would have to come up with a different name for her than Wonderbra Woman because her breathtaking 42E - 24 - 38 measurements clearly need no artificial support to cause instant huge erections in males of every age.

Speaking of instagram models who have a cult siren post pending, with her 32E - 22 - 34 measurements Lyna Perez is not as top heavy as Busenwunder Jessica Weaver but Lyna would be perfect for the role of the Black Canary.

Because I guarantee this blow up sex doll is not a moaner but a screamer !

I also want to throw cosplaying brabuster Ashlynne Dae into the ring ( although I would much rather throw her onto her back in my bedroom ) whose erection inducing Goblin Queen cosplay is burned into the brains of this blog´s loyal followers. With her stunning 35D - 24 - 36 measurements we go up three cupsizes and I don´t have to tell you which DC Comics sexbomb she is going to play in the Just Tits League of America movie.

Now there may still be some people out there who may argue that all of these overly well endowed women are just a few exceptions to the rule.

Which is why we are turning the dial up to eleven where big - breasted cosplay sexbombs are concerned with the incomparable Angie Griffin and if her bonerinducing 41E - 28 - 38 measurements don´t manage to make you a believer I don´t know what will. I could see her as Catwoman and the role would be a mix of Michelle Pfeiffer´s attitude with Halle Berry´s costume as well as an explicit sex scene that would make Halle Berry´s oscar - winning marathon sex scene in Monster´s Ball pale in comparison.

And if there are people out there who say that this is all hogwash than I can´t help them. I mean, we haven´t even scratched the upper echelon of bigbreasted women where we find mega - sized girls like 34H webcam model and cosplayer Adriana Alencar. Maybe Adriana could play Zatanna ?


Now with all the big breasted cosplay ladies in this list so far I am sure my most loyal followers are waiting for a special someone and already asking themselves what about the asian girls of the Justice League of America ?

Well, it took some time before there was some diversity so we had to wait until the 80s and CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS to get the female version of Doctor Light who was not only a hero but a hasian. But despite what my readers might expect I would pick vietnamese Jeannie Mai for this role.

With her mouthwatering 37C - 26 - 37 measurements she is not as big in the chest area as Yaya Han but her boobs are all natural. Besides, sex freak Jeannie has other tricks up her sleeve that more than make up for that.

Now that I have already namedropped 40D - 25 - 35 cosplay icon Yaya Han I might as well go ahead and tell you which role she would get and I think it´s not the one a lot of my readers will expect. Because I know there are a lot who just skip the parts with Yaya Han. Which is understandable since it a lot of ye olde copy / paste schtick without which writing over 1,200 posts would have been impossible. Anyway, those who have read the Yaya Han parts with more attention to detail may also remember that I am a huge fan of Jim Aparo´s BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS series ( I just hope I can keep my Jim Aparo books when I have to sell huge parts of my comic book collection ) so I think she would be perfect for the role of Katana.

There have been versions of her character in the Arrow tv series and the Suicide Squad movie but none of them were very convincing and I think Yaya Han could give us a more traditional take on her. The only thing that I would change would be that instead of a katana she would wield two long daburudirudo - doubledildos - which trap the sexual energy of her victims.

Time to wrap up this extra long introduction but before we make our way back to real life Power Girl Amy Jackson I want to reveal who the super heroine is that some readers might have expected me to choose for Yaya.

It´s Judomaster, whom I kind of borrowed from the newer incarnation of the Justice Society of America where he was turned into an asian chick.

As usual I would put my own spin on it and instead of Judomaster it would be Tantramaster who would challenge Katana to a doubledildo duel with her superior tibetan sex skills. But who would be better for this role than Yaya Han ? Well, I was thinking of hasian pocket rocket Jenny Babas who not only has an impressive set of hooters but also a perfectly shaped butt that leaves no black guy´s sexual whises unfulfilled. So she may be small but she is open to traffic from both sides. And as coincidences would have it among the videos with Amy Jackson that I have left there is one guest - starring Jenny Babas. Now that would be my dream sandwich.

Now adding a cosplay video her was a bit tricky because I have videos for all of the voluptuous vixens I have mentioned so far - squirt sensation Sofia Sivan, ASSential Ashlynne Dae, aphrodisiatic Angie Griffin, and Yaya Han - and on one side I don´t want to play favorites ( although longtime followers known that I am obsessed with hasian blow up sex doll Yaya Han´s 40D porn boobs ) but on the other side I can´t include videos for all of them. So instead I chose somebody else entirely and it is kind of an encore performance. The girl I´m talking about is cosplay sexbomb Riki Lecotay and the reason why I said " encore performance " is that I already included her Asassin´s Breedmare ... I mean, Asassin´s Creed cosplay that showcases her breast assets to the fullest in a previous post with a video.

And the reason why I chose her for a return visit is that there are actually TWO videos with this costume and I only posted one so far. You may have seen Riki on the show Heroes Of Cosplay and while it fell into all the usual pitfalls of " reality " tv - showing events in the wrong order, cutting scenes to give things a different meaning and most definitely needlessly blowing things out of proportion to create more tension - you got to see some of the cosplayers day to day struggles. Speaking of things of overproportional dimensions, in the show Yaya Han took Riki under her wing but she really doesn´t have to hide her light under a bushel since she could take on any professional porn star with her stunning 37E - 25 - 36 measurements and her Asassin´s Creed cosplay really emphasizes her giant - sized melons.

Now as usual the US cup - sizes don´t mean much to me so I had to go to the internet and search for a few hours but I finally managed to ascertain the german cupsizes for Yaya Han and Riddle. Because I don´t really know what the difference is between a 40D and a 37E cup. I mean, I know that 40 is more than 37 but exactly how much more ? Plus while Riddle is smaller in the chest she is an E cup while Yaya is only a D cup. I consulted a few websites and the consensus is that Yaya Han has a 102D breast while Riddle clocks in at a more modest 94E. So based on that information I have a good idea what the difference is. Average for a playmate or porn star would be something between a 85 and a 90 with 90 being in the higher range so a 94 is already above average. A 102 on the other hand is already at the Playmate Of The Year, famous boob star and mega porn star level.

Which would give Yaya Han the undisputed upper hand - or upper breast size in this case - if not for the fact that she is a D cup while Riddle is an E cup. Which according to the charts is the same as a DD which means that Riddle has double the breast size ? The more I try to unravel this mystery the more complicated it becomes. I guess the only solution is to compare both in person during a private measuring and motorboating weekend.

Seriously, I have to give Ben Pace major props for being able to conduct a normal interview when faced with such perfect orbs not to mention the most open invitation to have mammary intercourse I have ever witnessed.

I would probably be staring at Riki´s ravishing rack - attack the whole time while drooling uncontrollably like a horny idiot if I would even be able to speak at all. This is one of the instances where I´m late to the party because I had just discovered this canal ( I´m talking about Ben Pace´s video canal not the tight canal between Riddle´s huge and juicy .... get your mind out of the gutter, guys ) some time ago and now he´s retiring.

There is a part of writing a blog that the public doesn´t get to experience but which nevertheless takes up a lot of time and still has a huge impact on the posts. Sometimes it is the work after one has finished a post other times it´s what I do when I am taking a break to clear my head and do something completely different. It can be in these crucial times that I find stuff I never knew I needed in my life like a german rap song that is not only an anti drug song but also an homage to Michael Jackson´s Thriller.

Somehow we always come back to the horror genre. But since I don´t want to put just horror videos here ( not that it would be a problem ) I am including a trucker movie that is a bit different from Over The Top.

Speaking of guys seeking vengeance, I have the feeling that comicbooks are a bit underrepresented in this section so I want to include one of the best Ghost Rider stories ever produced. Not only does it have Wolverine and the Punisher as guest stars, it is also written by the very underrated Howard Mackie with art by John Romita Jr. Man, that will be a tough break not keeping all the stuff by John since he did my favorite runs on IRON MAN, SPIDER - MAN , UNCANNY X - MEN , DAREDEVIL with Ann Nocenti and Al Williamson , THE PUNISHER and all kinds of stuff. But we will see.

We are staying with underrated things as Today´s tv callback is to The Sarah Connor Chronicles which you should check out, especially now that the last two Terminator movies fizzled out. Man, these movies used to be such blockbusters when Arnold Schwarzenegger was at the height of his career and now I didn´t even bother to watch the last one, Dark Fate.

We have another callback with afro american aphrodite Melina Pendulum. It´s been a while since I posted one of her videos so I need time to catch up. In the meantime here is one of her breast videos and I don´t know what it is about because I always get distracted by her chocolate shakes.

Speaking of callbacks and chicks who were born to earn their living at the stripper pole, longtime followers may remember the animated Noah´s Arc movie or at least mega voluptuous Panthy ( as in drop your panties ) and this literal sex kitten that is built like a brick shit house not only sings like a cat in heat, the furry sex freak bursts onto the stage butt first ( which I have never seen before ! ) shaking her blue booty like Jamie Lee Curtis.

Go left, right, left, right, move that body from side to side
oh girl, don’t get nervous, shake that ass like Jamie Lee Curtis
go left, right, left, right, move that body from side to side
oh girl, don’t be nervous‘cause every single part of you to me is perfect

Since words can´t adequately describe this highly erotic rendition of I Will Survive here is the full scene from the 2007 animated movie Noah´s Arc.

There are some comments how Panthy ruins the song but I don´t think whoever wrote this really allowed himself to enjoy the scene. For some reason there are still a lot of people out there who think that comicbooks and cartoons are only made for kids and that more adult stuff should not be in there. Which is complete nonsense since kids can deal better with this stuff than adults. And no disrespect to Gloria Gaynor but I doubt she delivered such a sexually charged performance of this anthem as Panthy.

The reason why I brought it up again - besides being able to feature panthy - is that I found the full movie for those who have not seen it.

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I don´t think any woman wants to be known for being beautiful or busty but I have extremely big breasts and once I became well known for my porn star figure and my big knockers I thought why not shoot them once or twice while they are up and firm.

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