Friday, September 30, 2022

Surprise Spider - Girl Sunday with Ron Frenz

There I was trying to finish up my first installment of my new THOR : THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA series when it dawned on me that I would never be able to finish it unless I was prepared to cut it again ( I have already cut out the part where I cast all natural 34E ( !!! ) - 24 - 34 bikini beach body par excellence Hannah Palmer as the Enchantress and given it a spin - off post of its own ) and since there was a large chunk of Spider - Man, Spider - Woman and Spider - Girl related stuff in the pop culture section I decided that this would be the perfect part to cut and put into a separate post.

Now as longtime readers already know whenever I make these spin - off posts I like to include new art because I always have so much stuff piled up. Well, after going over my files about Spider - Man, Spider - Woman and Spider - Girl I decided to go with the last one ( as you have deducted from the title ) since that´s the one I´m most interested in at the moment.

Also as I have written in the bonus section ( which is kind of weird when you alredy know what is in there because you have already written it ) I think that everybody´s favorite female wallcrawler got ripped off in Into The Spider - Verse so I wanted to feature her as some form of restitution.

Then there is also the matter that I promised my readers to continue with the story I began and my last Spider - Girl post was over five years ago .

Longtime readers already know this but since it may be new to first time visitors : I am a big fan of Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. Especially when they work together like in their THOR run that followed on the heels of Walter Simonson´s epic revitalization of the title. Because they came in right after one of the best THOR runs ever a lot of people skipped their issues and dimiss them which may be one reason why I like it so much.

I know it borders on sacrilege but for me it is a guilty pleasure that I would rate even above the Walter Simonson THOR run . And in fact when I had to get rid of my whole comicbook collection I had no problem selling my two Artist´s Editions of Walter Simonon´s THOR but I just couldn´t get with the idea to sell all of my issues of the Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz THOR run.

Before we head into the pool I want to include a few links for those new blog visitors who might want to check out my older posts starting with Tom DeFalco whose FANTASTIC FOUR run with the late Paul Ryan ( who has a lengthy FLASH FRIDAY series on the blog ) I really enjoyed. So much that I prepared a ton of stuff about it but like so many other series I never got around to start it. He also wrote the MC2 titles like AVENGERS NEXT, JUGGERNAUT 2, AMERICAN DREAMER, FANTASTIC FIVE, Wolverine and Psylocke´s daughter WILD THING, LAST HERO STANDING and LAST PLANET STANDING but I never did a spotlight post on them. There is however another MC2 title, the best known one SPIDERGIRL and I did indeed write two posts on the book in 2017 since he teamed up with Ron Frenz again.

Speaking of Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz teaming up on spider - books they also did a lengthy run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN back when I started to get into reading american comicbooks and was still buying all my issues at the international press newsstand in Stuttgart. So I wrote two tribute posts to that and especially in homage to the platin blonde mercenary Silver Sable who for me is one of the most criminally underused female characters in Spider - Man history. Thankfully she had a big part in the AssassiNation Plot storyline during Todd McFarlane´s run on the title .

Which brings us to their collaboration on THOR and Eric Masterson, about whom I wrote three posts. The first one way back in 2014 in which we covered everything from THOR 383 - which was the first issue of Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz and a SECRET WARS tie in - up to Thor´s battle with the Celestials and Captain America ( Back then wearing the red and white costume that would become the U.S. Agent´s uniform and going by the name The Captain. And you can read about his fights with Iron Man in my Bob Layton Iron Man spotlight posts ) lifting Mjolnir for the first time.

I wrote my second Eric Masterson post in 2015 in which we continued our journey making a jump to THOR 430 covering the broad strokes of THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA. My readers had to wait for my third Eric Masterson post until 2017 but for that they were rewarded with the full issue 433 which is the first outing of Eric Masterson as the official new Thor. Which we will be skipping especially since it has no big impact in the SOUL SHROUD SAGA storyline. There is also my Mark Texeira GHOST RIDER tribute post from 2014 in which I wrote about how I had stopped reading THOR and started again because of THOR issue 430 which was the second part of a story that guest - starred Ghost Rider and led right into THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA ( and from which I will be copy / pasting just a few things ).

There are also two Ron Frenz posts with the nice pictures he posts on facebook and the second one is an all - Thor post that includes original art from his THOR issues. Last but not least I also did two posts about the work he did for Marvel Comics Distinguished Competition namely the famous Zap Superman and the SUPERMAN RED SUPERMAN BLUE storyline.

As this is just a quick spin - off post to finish my Thor post I will probably not have the time to cover all of my usual categories in the entertainment section but I hope my faithful followers will at least be a little lenient if I don´t have a cartoon video etc. But now let´s get to the good stuff, guys.

Since I couldn´t find a video with Eric Masterson - at least one that does not treat him like a big joke - here is one about another character Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz worked on. What is beyond ridiculous is that the same people who claim you couldn´t pay them to read THUNDERSTRIKE because everything about the character is over the top 90s are the same people shelling out even more bucks to see him on the movie screen and who gush that this version - the Thunderstrike version - is so much more interesting than the regular Thor. You know that there are two reasons why they turned Thunderstrike into Thor : firstably because nobody knows Thunderstrike so he doesn´t sell but secondly and more important because that way they don´t have to pay the original creators royalties.

Coming back to Spider - Girl, everybody tells me what a great Spider - Man movie Into The Spider - Verse is but I don´t think so. It accomplishes a lot and all in all it is one of the best animated movies I have seen in my life but none of the really interesting spider - characters have made the cut.

Neither Miguel O´Hara a.k.a. Spider - Man 2099 nor the only true daughter of Peter Parker, May " Mayday " Parker a.k.a. Spider - Girl made it into the movie. Instead we get Spider - proxy Miles Morales who is Peter Parker in black, the completely overhyped Spider - Gwen and a cutsey manga spider girl with an ugly looking robot that wasn´t even in the comics ( you can read more about my thoughts on the movie in my 2019 INTO THE SPIDER - VERSE spin - off post ). So, yes it´s a great animated film but because of all this pandering to the woke crowd just not a great Spider - Man movie.

Before there was any of the many Spider - Girls that populate the Marvel universe there was the Jessica Drew Spider - Woman who was only the first one to wear that name. There was a whole slew of Spider - Women, one less successful than the previous incarnation. My brother had a bunch of the Jessica Drew Spider - Woman comicbooks ( as well as a heap with the other Spider - Women but that´s another story ) so I mostly read his issues but I never felt inclined to buy any of them for my own collection because at that time I didn´t appreciate Carmine Infantino´s pencil work.

And while she had enough success to get her own cartoon people forget that this was not the first intent by Marvel Comics to do a female Spider - Man. That dubious honor goes to Natascha Romanoff, the Black Widow.

I was looking for the Spider - Woman cartoon but of course I found only latino dubbed episodes. Aw, what the web, they sound better anyway.

As longtime followers know I like to do my super hero movie casting - especially when we are talking about super heroines - and I had intended to include all natural 34E ( !!! ) - 24 - 34 bikini beach body Hannah Palmer as Amora but that part got out of hand so I had to give it its own spin - off .

But I don´t want to leave my readers without any super heroine casting and I think Busenwunder Jen Yoffe is a more than adequate replacement.

She would make a terrific Jessica Screw Spider - Woman ( with all the Spider - Women Marvel Comics has unleashed on the unsupecting public you have to be specific so people know which Spider - Woman you are talking about ) and with her bonerinducing measurements ( which I still couldn´t find on the internet so please help me out here, guys ) and her giant - sized melons she wouldn´t even need to use pheromones to get men to do her bidding. To the contrary her male team mate would have to fend them off with a stick - or an enchanted hammer in Thor´s case - whenever they are not busy banging Jen´s living daylights out themselves.

I wish mega MILF Jen Yoffe was my stepmom then this would immediatelly turn into an episode of  BRAZZERS I Love My Stepmom´s Big Tits on the level of the sexual deprivations of the Taboo Charming Mother hentai where this guy completely dicktames his porn star stepmom to be his obedient sex slave - including her younger, big breasted nympho sister.

Or better yet would be the episode of My Best Friend´s Hot Mom where this hung guy is on a student exchange for a year and the first thing his extremely stacked host mother does is put his horsecock to the test until he squirts buckets of cum and afterwards she tells him : " I think you are going to like your stay here. I am going to fuck your brains out six ways to Sunday like I´m taming a breeding stallion all night - every night - for the next year. " Daimn, can you imagine having wild sweaty uninhibited sex marathons with an ultimate menmilking machine like Jen for a whole year ?

I bet she would be an excellent Sex Ed teacher but she probably would have to switch to give private oral classes because whenever she teaches in the school building she gets sexually assaulted by all her male students.

Another reason to include bra buster Jen Yoffe again is that some of the videos I posted in her feature from the bonus section of my MAKE MINE MARVEL ! tribute post have been deleted and I had to re - upload them.

Last but not least while fixing that post I realized that I haven´t included the best videos with living blow up sex doll Jen in a bikini - since I had to cut it down to only five videos not counting the doubles I included in case one of the videos I posted gets deleted again - so I want to rectify that.

Going back to more in canon spider - related stuff we take a look at the first big mega crossover event at Marvel Comics that not only changed the status quo for many Marvel heroes like the Thing who left the Fantastic Four and was replaced by She - Hulk on the team and created new ones like Titania who some people might recognize from the She - Hulk tv show but also granted Spider - Man a new costume which turned out to be not a costume at all but a symbionte - that would become known as Venom.

Longtime followers of the blog know that I was not a big fan of the original Secret Wars while Secret Wars II is my favorite crossover of all time ( the more experienced comicbook afficionados might have noticed that one of the comic covers in the blog header is issue 196 of UNCANNY X - MEN, a SECRET WARS II tie - in and one of my favorite X - MEN issues of all times ) and one of the most difficult things I did was selling my SECRET WARS II omnibus. Because not only did I not get the chance to re - read the entire story before I sold it I also knew that this was one I could not get again.

When I bought it the book was already out of print which is why it was one of the few omnibus for which I paid the full price. Most of the others I bought from amazon Germany with a discount but for this one I paid full price because only one store had it. And it was still worth every Pfennig.

Coming back to Venom this episode of Spectacular Spider - Man is very confusing for me because it is titled the Venom origin but Eddie Brock is already Venom. Also it is a Discussion Episode and the description says they especially uploaded this so people can discuss it in the comment section yet the comments are deactivated. I don´t know but this looks like a clear case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing.

As for the Spectacular Spider - Man cartoon IMHO it was one of the better ones although they made Peter Parker a bit too young for my taste. Which has become an unfortunate trend with adaptions of Spider - Man in the last decades. As for the REAL Venom origin episode since I haven´t seen it I can only speculate but I bet a stack of Tales From The Crypt reprints that they left out the real origin like most movies or tv show do. Which for me is a mistake. I mean I can understand the rationale behind it but is it really so difficult for Spider - Man to mention " that old black costume I got on an alien planet a godlike being created so all the heroes and all the villains could fight - long story - which later turned out to be an evil parasite that tried to kill me - even longer story - so I got rid of it " if they don´t want to show the full backstory ? Since when did we as an audience expect to be privy to every important moment in a hero´s life ? It used to be that the protagonists had many adventures beside those we knew about and we were only filled in when it was necessary for the story. That´s what made them so interesting. But nowadays readers expect to know every beat to a story and so instead of mentioning stuff in exposition that is important but would take too long to show us they cut out everything.

Well, since my old laptop has crashed and burned again - and probably for good this time - my entire picture archive is unavailable to me at the moment so I can't write any new posts. Which may be just for the better - at least for now - since that way I can finish up old posts like this one.

We left things off with the Spectacular Spider - Man and continue the Spider - Man theme with the german version DIE SPINNE. By the way if you wonder why from a certain point on the covers say DIE SPINNE IST SPIDER - MAN at that time the 90s Spider - Man cartoon had reached Germany and was a big hit so this was Condor Comics way of telling the consumers that if they wanted more adventures with the wild and crazy guy from the cartoon show they had come to the right place. In Germany it is always difficult to decide if it's better to go with the original name or use the german names - especially when the german name is more established - and I think this was a good compromise to gain new readers without alienating old ones. Marvel could learn a thing or two from this.

Speaking of foreign versions of Spider - Man, not all of them are as faithful as the german one. Take turkish Spider - Man for example : not only is he a villain who kills he also fights the turkish Captain America.

Apropos villains, british anti hero The Spider was one of the protagonists that appeared within the pages of the legendary comic anthology Kobra which made it very confusing when many years later Peter Parker's alter ego was introduced to the german comic readers under the same name .

Originally I was looking for a more traditional Spider - Girl cosplay video when I came upon this very flexible webspinner. Casting couch material.

We come to a spider woman in name only with Sherlock Holmes And The Spider Woman a.k.a. The Spider Woman or simply Spider Woman with Basil Rathbone playing the part of the world's greatest detective.

Not Spider - Girl related but still within the Marvel cinematic universe we have The Art Of Action with Heid Moneymaker ( with a name like that she had to end up either in Hollywood or as a stripper ) the stunt woman for Scarlett Johansson in all the Marvel movies and tv shows.

Daimn, no disrespect to Scarlett Johansson but Angie is my choice for Black Widow and I bet her huge melons would turn Bucky into Fucky.

If the Black Widow had a body like that in the comicbooks it´s no wonder that Captain America insisted on interrogating her himself after she defected to the West to find out if she was still spying for the russians.

In an undisclosed motel. For a few months. Daimn, maybe it´s just me but Natasha Romanoff lost a lot of sex appeal when she stopped being a russian spy who used her special KGB sex techniques to get intel from hapless american studs with huge horsecocks. It´s the same with figure skater Katarina Witt ( and what a figure : 36C - 24 - 36 ). Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany she lost a lot of her sex appeal. On the other side she has done a few PLAYBOY shootings since then which we would not have gotten if she was still in East Germany.

Taking a break from our Martha Sanchez retrospective we have a live performance of Goodbye Stranger by british pop duo Pepsi & Shirlie on Die Spielbude and the reason why I didn´t post a video with them sooner is that I could not find one that adequately showcases Helen " Pepsi " DeMacque´s huge chocolate melons. Of course now that I have found one I have to work with a different laptop so I can't make animated GIFs.

I recently found a channel on with complete episodes of Alf which was a big hit in Germany and since I like to post special episodes I picked the one where Alf meets the cast of Gilligan's Island - more for my followers in Amerika then for myself since I've never seen an episode of Gilligan.

Apropos Alf, of course I already knew Max Wright who played Willie Tanner from Misfits Of Science but I must say Andrea Nelson who played daughter Lynn Tanner never did much for me. I was much more turned on by MILF Anne Scheeden who played Mom Kate Tanner and for the longest time I thought she played the corrupt head of the model agency in Model Dearest my favorite episode of Sledge Hammer where Sgt. Dori Doreau - the hardbody of the law with legs up to her chin - played by horse riding world championship contender Anne - Marie Martin goes undercover as a bikini model. But that is Deborah Wakeham a completely different MILF.

I have mentioned Sledge Hammer - and especially canadian Sexbombe Anne - Marie Martin - a few times on the blog over the years but newer blog visitors might want to check out my latest Bill Ward tribute post where you can not only find an episode of Ayer Nomas about the show but also more stuff about the Sledge Hammer comic by Marvel Comics.

Man, who didn't dream of being handcuffed and frisked by Dori Doreau ?

Or better have her assume the position and give her a full cavity search.

Speaking of cuffs, we stay with the subject of cops and robbers with the undeservedly underrated police action flick Kuffs with Christian Slater.

It seems I can't get rid of the hot female cops with handcuffs in our next music video that is one of the few with the super sexy go go girls from cult tv show Musikladen without an age restriction although they are not topless or otherwise youth endagering which is code for bonerinducing.

For those interested parties the video above is actually a mix up of various live performances of the Musikladen go go girls from different episodes and the music video Kick It ! from the Village Girls which I am also including for blog visitors who want to see the complete video.

Since the video with the blow up sex dolls from Musikladen is technically only half a video I'm including another one with the Friedrichstadtpalast ballet and talk about legs for miles - who wouldn't love to work his way through those girls ? Especially when these men milking machines are as gifted at spreading their legs and doing the splits as they are at doing those high kicks. Diana Rigg would be proud. I think I have counted 32 girls in total which means that if you restricted yourself to only banging one girl's brains out each night it would take you a whole month until you ravaged the same girl again. And that's taking into account drilling two girls the same night on your birthday and other special occasions.

To switch things up a bit we have the Making Of Ridley Scott's science fiction classic Blade Runner which probably holds the record for most different cuts released. While it influenced a lot of other science fiction movies it was in turn influenced by the comic story The Long Tomorrow written by Dan O'Bannon and illustrated by french artist Jean Giraud under the more known pseudonym Moebius and published in the french adult science fiction anthology comic magazine Metal Hurlant which was translated in the USA as Heavy Metal and in Germany as Schwermetall. 

For my german reader ( Gruesse an die alte Heimat ! ) Today's feature film is Kingsman. Kingsman - The Golden Circle that is. Just in case if you wonder how they pulled this off, this is the second movie in the franchise where they go to the american branch with afro american 36C - 26 - 37 aphrodite Halle Berry a.k.a the sexiest woman on the planet.

By the way you can read all about the original Kingsman and the other comics written by Mark Millar in my Mark Millar birthday post from 2020 .

Longtime readers know that Halle Berry is one of my all time wet sex fantasies so not only does she appear in my Justice League of America movie casting she had even four solo posts . But of course it was only a question of time before I added some new ones so last year I wrote four more : the first one about Halle Berry in her best movies , the second one on Halle Berry´s comic book movies , part three about my dream comic book movie casting with Halle Berry and the unexpected bonus round .

Halle Berry did a remarkable sexy dance ( not a striptease as she didn´t take her clothes off ) in The Last Boy Scout , teased us in Catwoman and finally delivered in Password : Swordfish and completely redeemed herself in Monster´s Ball where she milked Thornton´s rock hard Billy Bob totally dry in front of the entire crew. Which nobody really got to see since they censored it more than three times - about which I wrote a special post .


And to think that one of the best sex scenes in film history almost didn´t happen. The director Marc Forster originally didn´t cast Halle Berry in the female lead role because he thought she was too beautiful and while he knew the natural born blow up sex doll could easily deliver some Last Boy Scout type strip action and had already bared her boobs in Password : Swordfish he didn´t think she would be willing to do explicit sex scenes.

Thankfully Halle´s manager secretly slipped her the script and Halle got in contact with the director and had several talks and long, private meetings with him. We do not know exactly to which kind of depraved hardcore midnight sex olympics Halle Berry subjected Marc Forster to during the meetings to convince him that she had the necessary skills to believably portray a prostitute. But she must have dicktamed him six ways to Sunday to wear him down and let all of her nymphomanic urges out because after the third weekend long ejaculation sex marathon Halle Berry got the role.

And according to one of her ex - lovers this is her second nature : Halle Berry is a kinky sex freak. She used me as her boy toy. She deepthroated me for hours to give me a giant erection and then rode relentlessly on my rock hard member in a dentist´s chair with her huge breasts pounding against me until she had multiple orgasms. Sounds like my kind of woman.

In the bedroom I take control because looks are not enough to make a fella stay faithful : you must bang his brains out. You have to be a friend, be independent , be a lady and shy but you need to be a total sex freak in the bed and milk his dick - make him squirt until he´s completely dry.

Since the Cutting Edge episode about Monster´s Ball that has the uncut scene also has an age restriction here is a video about the failed pilots for Who's The Boss ? spin - off shows. Some of them even had repentant all natural 42C - 23 - 36 born for porn actress Alyssa Milano and the one spin - off that got produced Living Dolls was re - cast with Halle Berry playing the role that was played by Vivica Fox in the backdoor pilot.

This year I couldn't watch the Eurovision Song Contest so I learned only later that the representative of Spain - Chanel Terrero - was completely robbed. I have seen the second and first place and they are not even in her league. Chanel had the best song, best stage performance, the best stage outfit, the best splits but like always there are politics involved and it's no coincidence that the group which won was from the Ukraine.

In any case everybody knows that Chanel was the real winner and all things considered her third place was the best result Spain has had in decades and when she came home everybody was celebrating her like she had won the competition. Because she has. Now the way I became aware of all this was through some reaction videos ( which is something I have become a bit addicted to since coming to Spain ) and I have tried to limit it to one video of her live performance but then I noticed that the video I picked was not the video in most of the reaction videos. So I looked for the video and found a few and since Chanel always changes her performance I'm including all and hope the right one is among them.

I am also including another live performance of SloMo because Chanel is wearing an even hotter stage costume in this than during her appearance at the Eurovision Song Contest. Yes, I know, I am putting a lot of videos of Chanel in this post. So sue me. I think she deserves more exposure.

Staying in my new homeland Today's feature film for my spanish readers is Ernest Saves Christmas the movie that catapulted Ernest P. Worrell a.k.a. Jim Varney into superstardom. Longtime followers know I have to post an Ernest movie when I find it because they never last long ( even if this one is a Christmas movie and we still have two months until then ) and it was a special surprise to find one with the spanish dubbing. What surprised me even more is that they went with Ernest Salva La Navidad instead of Ernesto Salva La Navidad which I think would be more fitting.

From fitting we come to Fichtner, William Fichtner that is who is Today's guest on Inside Of You with Michael Rosenbaum and whom I first saw on Prison Break. Which had a fantastic first season, a not so good second season and with the third season they completely lost the narrative.

Fans of The Flash might know two cast members as the Flash Rogues Captain Cold ( Wentworth Miller who also appeared in the music videos We Belong Together and It's Like That by 42E - 25 - 35 cult siren Mariah Carey a.k.a. Screaming Mimi ) and Captain Cold ( Dominic Purcell ).

The cover of Siperman praesentiert : Roter Blitz Sonderheft Nr. 5 is my visual clue that we are now once again with my german readers and I have two real treats for them. A few weeks ago I found a channel with a lot of cartoon and tv shows in german and although I had to eliminate a lot because the quality was just too low there are enough left to keep me going for the forseeable future. Thankfully I saved them on YouTube so I can still access them with the new laptop otherwise we would really have problems. Anyway, our first video is a full episode of Riptide or how it was called in Germany Trio With Four Fists ( Trio mit vier Faeusten ).

I couldn't find the episode with 36B - 24 - 33 Seaquest sexbomb Rosalind Allen ( whom I have just spotlighted in my first Irv Novick tribute post ) in a bikini so I chose one at random and hope that I picked a good one.

With Heathcliff on the other hand I can't tell you too much about it since I know of it but I never watched any episodes or read any of the comics.

The same goes for Voyagers a time travel show that ran from 1982 to 1983 which I just discovered thanks to the fine folks at Ayer Nomas.

Closing things out we have an episode of Mi Marciano Favorito ( which for some strange reason was called My Uncle From Mars in Germany ) with Bill Bixby from the Incredible Hulk tv show with Lou Ferrigno and Ray Walston who also appeared in an episode of The Incredible Hulk and everything else from the Popeye movie with Robin Williams ( how many out there still remember that ? ) to Night Court with real life 42C - 22 - 36 80s Power Girl Markie Post , Misfits Of Science, Star Trek : The Next Generation, The Stand with all natural 44E - 25 - 35 Busenwunder Laura San Giacomo and Picket Fences with 38D - 22 - 33 sex doll Lauren Holly - who could ever forget the dream sequence with Lauren in underwear ?

Ray was even in an episode of the aforementioned Sledge Hammer.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

My name is May " Mayday " Parker and I'm the real daughter of Spider - Man.

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