Sunday, September 25, 2022

Shellhead Sunday : Bob Layton´s IRON MAN

I definitely should not start another post with so many unfinished posts on my To Do list - especially since I just started my latest post about Neil Gaiman´s SANDMAN last Sunday and I also haven´t finished that one - but I thought with all the recent deaths of comicbook legends it would be nice to celebrate one who is still living. And who better than Bob Layton who celebrates his 69th birthday Today. As faithful followers know my Bob Layton IRON MAN posts have become somewhat of an annual tradition.

Now in the title it says " Bob Layton´s IRON MAN " but that´s only because if I wrote " David Micheline´s, Bob Layton´s and John Romita Jr.´s IRON MAN " that would have been way too long. Anyway, this is the creative trio that re - ignited the title - which was already on the chopping block and slated for cancellation - and molded the character of Iron Man a.k.a. Tony Stark into the person most people now know from the big screen.

So while I focus a lot on Bob Layton that´s mostly because he has had really long stints on the book doing everything from penciling to inking, writing, anything besides stapling the damn thing. Which I can use to specify which issues I cover, as long as Bob Layton is on the creative team it´s all good. And it´s not like Bob´s other collaborator´s don´t have their own spotlight posts. Quite to the contrary. As longtime blog readers know John Romita Jr. is one of my favorite artists of all time and I have done numerous spotlight posts on him including posts on his runs on the Spider - Man books, THE UNCANNY X - MEN but especially his work on DAREDEVIL.

That´s my favorite work by him and as long as I have enough material for a halfway decent Ann Nocenti DAREDEVIL spotlight I will keep them coming.

As for David Micheline, I always felt he is underappreciated besides his contribution to Iron Man which is why I wrote a post for him in 2019 .

There are of course a plethora of other comicbooks David Micheline has written over the decades most notably the Aquaman run in Adventure Comics with art by Jim Aparo in which Black Manta killed off Aquaman´s infant son ( one of the watershed moments in comic history ), Avengers from 1978 to 1982 with George Perez and John Byrne and Amazing Spider - Man from 1987 to 1994 with Todd McFarlane, Erik Larsen and Mark Bagley.

Speaking about Todd McFarlane, those who read my two posts about Todd McFarlane´s run on The Incredible Hulk with Peter David might remember that I promised my next Todd McFarlane post will be about his rendition of the webslinger and it will probably be part of the David Micheline run.

I don´t have the time to list all of the series he worked on but he wrote some VALIANT books and Action Comics for 3 years so he will pop up in future posts about VALIANT and John Byrne´s SUPERMAN relaunch. David Micheline´s track record with characters is also very impressive as he co - created Claw the Unconquered, The Star Hunters, Venom ( another movie you can thank him for ), Carnage, Ant - Man Scott Lang ( ditto ), the Taskmaster, the Ghost ( ditto ), Bethany Cabe and Jim Rhodes ( ditto ).

As for his work on IRON MAN with Bob Layton and John Romita Jr. I have written about that run - or better yet runs since they were on and off on that book - ad nauseum starting in 2013 when I pimped the Iron Man by David Micheline, Bob Layton and John Romita Jr Omnibus hardcover that was sold through amazon Germany for a measly 57 EUROS ( I bet everybody who didn´t believe me that it was a bargain price is kicking himself now because the current price is between 115 and 620 bucks ) back then.

I continued the topic of his run on IRON MAN in my first real Bob Layton birthday post in 2013 - where I almost forgot his birthday but managed to get a post in under the wire - while the 2014 post concentrated on the return to greatness when I started reading american comics and Bob Layton and David Micheline engaged in the first Armor Wars. The post also included some art pages from issue 232 by the great Barry Windsor Smith .

In 2015 I got on a bit of tangent because I know that money is always tight for comic readers so the post was mainly about which issues of IRON MAN have already been reprinted where and in 2016 I decided to take a break from IRON MAN and do a spotlight on Bob Layton´s Hercules mini - series .

I don´t know why I skipped the Bob Layton birthday post in 2017 but in 2018 we were already back with Iron Man at the height of his powers.

So coming back to Today´s IRON MAN post, as frequent blog visitor´s know I like to switch things up and since the last Bob Layton birthday post I did was all about the best Iron Man suit EVER - the famous " Silver Centurion " armour - this year we are kicking it old school with the " Iron Man Classic ".

One of Iron Man´s best known stories is without any doubt Demon In A Bottle ( in fact it is so well known that most people don´t know that there was a second story arc in which Tony Stark´s addiction to alcohol got so bad that he lost his company, lived on the streets as a homeless person and Jim Rhodes had to take up the mantle of Iron Man ) and the main antagonist in that - besides Mister Booze - was criminal mastermind Justin Hammer. Who really was grossly misrepresented in the MCU movies.

I know that he´s a villain but they did him dirty. Dirty I tell you. Anyway, I would like to say that was the general idea behind the genesis of this post but it was ravishing redhead Bethany Cabe´s bikini. Which probably is no big surprise to anybody. Buxom Bethany was Tony´s girlfriend at that time and I am not too proud to admit that I had a huge crush on her because of issue 124 where she looked equally good in a F - Word Me dress, toting a smoking gun or kicking third rate villains asses with a blunt instrument.

So I put all the pages with Bethany in a bikini together and then noticed that Justin Hammer was in some of them because he had kidnapped her.

He claimed it was to bait Tony Stark but I see what was going on there.

I mean, come on, you kidnap Tony Stark´s girlfriend - who happens to be built like a Playmate Of The Year - and it just happens to be when she is wearing nothing but a tiny bikini that doesn´t cover much of anything.

Was it really to bait Tony Stark or is it rather true that old pervert Justin Hammer has heard the old saying  " You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you will never get any sleep with a redhead - because those horny nympho sluts are naturally born prostitutes and will milk you completely dry in an ejaculation sensation orgy ! " and he wanted to put her body to the test to see if there was any truth to that.

He probably had it all worked out. How he was going to slip her a roofie and then handcuff her to the bed in his private quarters in his floating fortress with the sound proof walls. So nobody could hear her scream at the top of her lungs while he was riding her like a pony from the pony express : long and hard with only short breaks for recuperation until he started again pounding her without mercy. Yeah, I bet he had it all planned out in his head until that darn do - gooder Iron Man showed up and ruined his scheduled dicktaming weekend with Bethany Cabe the old spoil sport.

Anyway, with those pages as a basis it was clear that this was going to be a classic Iron Man post so I assembled the best original art pages from that period and we have some really nice ones in here like the debut of Iron Man´s black stealth armor from issue 152 or issue 150 where Tony Stark and Doctor Doom land in medieval Camelot. One part I love about that story is that Tony feels so out of place that he starts to question the purpose of his own existence. That is until the medieval version of Stephanie Powers ( more on that particular cult siren later on in this post ) walks in as his entertainment for the night. Then he´s all " Okay, I can work with this. " 

Man, leave it to good old Tony to put an existencial crisis in perspective.

Since my latest Matt Wagner appreciation post has been flagged as NSFW for the eleventh time in a row I'm using the time while I wait for it to be unflagged to finish this post. That's the only good thing of having many unfinished posts at the same time : if you can't continue working on one for whatever reasons there are still plenty of other posts you can finish.

Now as more regular blog visitors might have noticed the bonus sections have become increasingly longer lately and may ask themselves how the entertainment part works. Well, at the beginning I only added one or two videos but as time went on the bookmarks kept piling up so I started to include five videos in every post : one about comicbooks ( duh ! ), one about movies, one about tv shows, one about cartoons and about music.

Later I found a lot of videos about movies but I also wanted to include a full film. Or I found a lot of videos that were reviews of tv shows but I also wanted to include a full episode of a tv show for those that skipped the review. And if they were both about the same tv show even better.

To add another wrinkle to the mix since coming to Spain I have been trying to include the obligatory five videos for my regular audience as well as for followers I have from Germany and Spain. Which alone brings the number of videos up to 15 not counting the odd one I might include that doesn't fall into any of the five categories just to shake things up.

For instance I like to include at least one funny video because in these times you need a good laugh now and then. And since the pandemic I also try to include one longer interview video for those followers who have a little more time on their hands and crave entertainment. In any case this post may look a bit uneven because I am writing this on my new laptop - since my old laptop has crashed again - which doesn't have the necessary screen specifications to show me the post in its natural form.

After this longwinded - and probably completely unnecesssary - intro we finally start the bonus content with an interview with the man himself.

From one of the best periods of Iron Man we come to one of the worst with Avengers : The Crossing where somebody had the brilliant idea to turn Tony Stark into a villain so they could replace him with a teenage version of himself who wore women's underwear underneath his Iron Man suit. Because that is fucked up and kids dig crazy stuff like that, right ?

Anyway, I would like to report that this story is long dead and buried but they even made an omnibus of this. Man, Disney really is greedy - which is why I still hope for that ERIC MASTERSON / THUNDERSTRIKE omnibus.

Yes, I know that I already posted the second episode of the adaption of Armor Wars in a previous Bob Layton post but this is the spanish version.

What still bugs me is that we don't get to see the Silver Centurion Iron Man armor - which is the best Iron Man armor EVER - in this cartoon show because they - quite obviously - made this after that storyline had ended in the comicbooks. So they used the new armor Tony Stark donned AFTER this PR fiasko for the show. Which never did much for me. The suit just looked like your regular, generic run of the mill boring Iron Man suit while the Silver Centurion one was the pinnacle of modern engineering.

As usual I wasted a lot of time thinking about which music video would be appropriate for this until I finally thought about the obvious choice.

We are taking a break from the Iron Man related videos with an episode of Talk Ville, a vidcast I recently discovered where Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling rewatch the entire Smallville show, one episode at a time. I would have called it Small Talk, but what do I know ? Anyway, as longtime followers know I wouldn't pick any episode by chance and so it's no accident that I am including the one with John Schneider who played Pa Kent on the show as well as Bauregard " Bo " Luke on the cult tv show The Dukes Of Hazzard with 40C - 22 - 35 bikini beachbod Catherine Bach.

Now you might think that the next video doesn't have much to do with Iron Man and you are right because it does have more to do with Tony.

Because Johnathan Hart is what I always thought a self made millionaire like Tony would be without the fateful accident that put him on the path to become an ironclad crime fighter. Still fighting crime but without the armor and with an ultimate blow up sex doll like Stefanie Powers as a wife.

She is best known as Jennifer Hart from the cult series Hart To Heart or like it was known in Germany Hart aber herzlich. Stefanie Powers was one of the big sexbombs from my youth based on her role in that hit show.

With her hourglass figure and 36C - 23 - 36 measurements she was one of the MILFS I first had the hots for before the term MILF was introduced.

She was the perfect trophy wife with the pornstar body that everybody dreamed about and wore a lot of lingerie and negligees - mostly when she was in bed with Johnathan which probably were Robert Wagner´s second favorite scenes to film. His favorite scenes where without any doubt the more riskier ones like when they were all together in the bathtub naked.

Not that the audience got to see much of it since the good parts were covered by foam but I´m sure Robert was all over every inch of her body.

They always said their relationship was only platonic but I can´t believe Robert never dicktamed a living blow up sex doll like Stephanie not even once. Speaking about absolute men milking machines when I was watching the show I didn´t know how Jennifer and Johnathan met but because she had more curves than the Nürnburgring and her whole attitute where she would use phrases like " Hello, sailor. " ( granted, I had no idea what that meant but it sounded like something a bad girl would say ) I assumed that she had worked as a prostitute for the rich, famous and well hung, the main attraction of a show like the Crazy Horse, a famous actress for adult movies or at least an exotic dancer who got naked in front of a crowd of drooling drunk truckers in a seedy bar where Johnathan discovered her and fulfilled every guy´s dream of marrying a hooker / pornstar / stripper.

Well, I did some research and thanks to the internet I know that there are some episodes where their backstory is explored. Of course my phantasie of Jennifer earning a living by doing what she was born to do - get naked and slamfuck giant cocks six ways to Sunday until they are completely dry - didn´t turn out to be true. Instead she had a less honest job working as a reporter and their story started when Jennifer failed to get an interview with Johnathan. Which for me is even harder to believe than that she didn´t work as a callgirl or stripper because which straight guy in his right mind could refuse an interview with an ultimate men milking machine like Stephanie Powers ? I mean, even if someone could resist her charms she would just wrap those endless legs around his neck and deepthroat the dickens out of him before relentlessly pounding his cock into submission.

We continue with The Marvels Project and I wouldn't call this a seminal work but one of the main characters in this series is Matthew Hawk a.k.a. The Two Gun Kid who has a unique place in the Marvel universe.

I'm not going to say more about it since I don't want to spoil anything from the story that could come up in the She - Hulk tv show as he was one of the supporting characters in the Dan Slott penned SHE - HULK.

Anyway, for me the biggest argument for buying The Marvels Project is the breathtakingly stunning artwork by Steve Epting who is once again paired with Ed Brubaker from his fan favorite CAPTAIN AMERICA run.

So far we haven't had any videos for my german visitors so I want to start with a real heavyweight : Heat with Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. I have no idea how they pulled it off but as long as it's on YouTube I'll take it.

Something I also didn't expect to find on YouTube - at least not in good quality - is an episode of Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock, one of the big highlights of children's entertainment from my youth in the german dubbing. I always wondered why of all places the fraggles went to Germany to venture into the outside world but as I learned much later Jim Henson's idea behind the show was to make it relatable to kids all over the world. So they had different segments of the parts where the outside world was explored that were filmed specifically for each country. Anyway, I got a big kick out of re - watching this and the other two episodes that are available in german of YouTube and I know that I was a huge fan of the show since the oldest diary entry I remember writing mentions Marjorie, the all - knowing, all - seeing dung heap.

Speaking about Germany, one of the things visitors from other countries may be surprised about is that on Sunday everything is closed, especially in smaller towns and villages. Which makes you ponder the question what do germans do on Sunday if everything is closed ?

Speaking about things selected especifically for certain countries my music video for my spanish viewers is Laura Gonzales bonerinducing performance from the musical episode of Este Es El Show from Argentina.

From Argentina we come to Mexico with weather girl Scarlett Salazar - I think. You see, there is not much information you can find about her on the interwebs aside from the fact that she is the host for Club America and has a lot of followers on Instagram because of her bikini pictures. Ay.

What I can´t understand is how it is not possible to find her measurements if she also works as a model. Don´t they have model files which require the basic information like her measurements ? In any case, originally I wanted to limit it to five videos but on the other side I didn't want to put videos with the same outfits in my next Scarlett Salazar spotlights in my upcoming posts ( yeah, like that is going to happen with so many unfinished posts and my laptops constantly self destructing ) so I put all videos with the same outfits in this post. There are literally dozens of videos with her on YouTube but I think I picked the best ones.

We are beginning our science fiction segment of the post with Space Rangers which is neither related to the DC Comics character called Space Ranger nor the Rocky Jones, Space Ranger tv show from 1954 from which you can find an episode further down in the post.

Despite lasting only six episodes the series had a really star studded cast with Linda Hunt from Kindergarten Cop - my Mom´s favorite Arnold movie - and Navy C.S.I. Los Angeles - my Mom´s favorite N.C.S.I. spin - off and Cary - Hiroyuki Tagawa, Mr. Shang Tsung himself who also appeared in an episode of Navy C.S.I. Los Angeles and was David Hasselhoff´s arch enemy in Baywatch : Hawaiian Wedding where natural born 36E - 23 - 34 go go dancer Carmen Electra did her famous ( but sadly not topless ) hula dance.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks Cary - Hiroyuki Tagawa would have made a terrific Prince Namor ? He has got the regal look down to pat, Avenging Son is basically his job description and he always looks peed off.

The great late Pat Morita also makes an appearance in one of the episodes and of course he is best known for the Karate Kid movies. But he also was in a gazillion of other things including 5 episodes of Baywatch , the terrific martial arts movie Volcano High, Misery Brothers with Home Improvement Tool Time Girl and all natural 38C ( ! ) - 23 - 34 real life Jessica Rabbit Debbe Dunning ( her bonerinducing performance in that movie alone secured her a top position in the first part of my casting of a live action Jessica Rabbit movie which was part of the entertainment section of my latest Jack Kirby FANTASTIC FOUR tribute post ) plus Andy Sidaris´ Do or Die.

Last but not least 36B - 25 - 38 science fucktion cult siren Claudia Christian who earned a spot in my TOP 10 MOVIE STRIPTEASE list for The Hidden.

The film is still shown on tv mostly because of the raunchy striptease by Claudia Christian who is best known from another sci fi show, Babylon 5 by comic writer J. Michael Strazynski where she plays hot Commander Susan Ivanova. Although I doubt Claudia wore anything as skimpy as this on it.

In the movie bi - sexual Claudia Christian plays a stripper ( a role for which Claudia was born ) who gets taken over by a sex addicted alien parasite and the first thing the alien does with the stripper´s pornstar body is literally fuck a guy to death. Which apparently she tried to re - enact with Kyle MacLachlan for a few weeks in a nearby no - tell motel where she used her relentless body to pump his giant boner dry in many positions.

Speaking of natural born strippers, while I initially clicked on the video below because of the ultimate blow up sex doll in the preview picture ( that YouTube algorithmn sure knows what it is doing ) I am including this fashion show because they really feature women of different body types.

Going from hot models back to the cold of space, as I mentioned Rocky Jones, Space Ranger is not based on DC Comics Space Ranger which was Rick Starr, co - created by writers Edmond Hamilton ( who also wrote for The Legion of Super - Heroes and created Captain Future ), Gardner Fox and artist Bob Brown. He first appeared in Showcase 15 and later moved on to Tales Of The Unexpected and Mystery In Space. With all that said there is still a comicbook connection for Rocky Jones, Space Ranger since Charlton Comics did some comics based on the tv series and you can even find a trade paperback that reprints these stories on amazon.

Instead of a top ten list we have 9 Forgotten Killer Robots And Mecha B - Films and what does it say about me that I know six of the nine movies ? 

Among the six movies one really stands out because it is one of my all time guilty pleasures : Universal Soldier 2 a.k.a. Universal Soldier : The Return which is mainly because of the participation of fitness guru / flexible hardbody Kiana Tom - whose name means " moon goddess " - and who owes her exotic look to her mixed heritage of chinese, hawaiian and irish.

The hasian blow up sex doll surely knew how to make boys and grown men drool on Flex Appeal, where she used to give entire generations of horny teenagers huge erections with her fantastic 36D - 23 - 35 measurements.

This earned Kiana Tom her very own cult siren entry which I reposted in 2016 , 2017 , in 2020 and in 2021 . I also cast her as the female post CRISIS Dr. Light in my first CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE ( THE HOLLYWOOD EDITION ) post and I also mentioned Kiana in my second alternates post as part of a lesbian double dildo fourway sex orgy with porn star Miko Lee , fetish model Akira Lane and cosplay icon YayaHan .


As an actress her most famous part was in UNIVERSAL SOLDIER 2 or UNIVERSAL SOLDIER - THE RETURN how it is sometimes called were her short bit part at the beginning is the only redeeming value of the flick.

In the scene Jean Claude Van Damme and Kiana Tom´s character Maggie are running an exercise run against the universal soldiers. They are separated and Kiana Tom is captured by wrestler Goldberg. Now I don´t know where the logic is here as he´s supposed to be some kind of cyborg but he does what any healthy man would do in his situation. Namely tie the helpless Kiana Tom whose shirt reveals a really huge bulge to a tree.

But it gets even better as Goldberg ( named Romeo in the movie which might explain why he tries to get it on with Kiana ) rips open her shirt !

Now that´s what I call entertainment : we´re only six minutes into the movie and we already see Kiana´s bra - clad melons exposed ( sadly she doesn´t go bra - less although she definitely has the hardbody to pull it off, but since she doesn´t show more skin it is the erotic highlight ). It is just a quick glimpse, but you can see that Kiana really doesn´t have much to be ashamed of because those perfect heavenly hangers look amazing !

Like I said, this doesn´t make much sense since Goldberg is supposed to be some kind of machine here but as an AVENGERS fan I also bought that the Scarlett Witch has such a hot body that even an android got horny.

As well as everybody else in the Marvel universe when the only women were her, the Wasp and Susan Storm. Looking back on the old AVENGERS issues it´s kind of weird that all her male teammates had the hots for her but not only does Wanda have a Playmate Of The Month porn star body her costume is basically the scarlet version of the PLAYBOY bunny suit.

Even her own brother it seems which is something they picked up again in ULTIMATES. Which was so oversexed and badly written that this really didn´t matter. But back in the day Wanda was the go - to damsel in distress and the top item for a villain´s bachelor base was probably to have her chained to a bed naked. I mean I get that all the villains like Arkon wanted to mate with her. Okay, in the comics they only kidnapped her but guess what they intended to do with her. Which wasn´t in the least bit awkward when it was revealed that Magneto was her father. Yes, that´s one way how writing as you make things up can bite you in the ass.

Now all those times Magneto had Wanda under his spell and tried to turn her into his lust slave look really weird. Of course he played the old amnesia card but the truth is he probably knew all along that old dog.

Another curious case was Ultron who always saw the Vision as his son and the readers always assumed that when he included Wanda in the list of Avengers he abducted it was only because she was the Vision´s wife.

The writers always gave Ultron an Oedipus complex which meant that he wanted to kill his father - in this case his creator Hank Pym ( not Tony Stark as those who have only seen the movies might think ) and have sex with his mother - in this case influencer blow up sex doll Janet Van Dyne.

In the comics they censored the fact that Ultron wanted to bang the Wasp in the worst way by having him build a robot version of her with Jocasta.

Things really got weird under Kurt Busiek´s absolutely fantastic AVENGERS ASSEMBLE run together with George Perez as it was revealed that back when Hank Pym built Ultron he used his own brain scan as a template.

Which in turn means that it might have been more than just his Oedipus complex at work why he wanted to have sex with the Wasp. It might have been the part of Hank Pym that was so obsessed with banging Janet that the height difference between a six foot man and a five foot four inch woman was not enough. He first gave her shrinking powers so that she would fit him like a glove. And when she refused to use them because he was stretching her out he developed a way to grow so he could increase the size of his penis until he could pound his small wife into submission.

It has been downplayed in the comicbooks but Hank Pym always vented his frustrations on his wife in the bedroom and while the backhanded bitch slap against Janet Van Dyne was heard around the world it almost went unnoticed that the pervert sexually assaulted her on a regular basis.

Janet really had a lot of problems in her private life and every time it looked like she would get a break - like when she tried to use Hank Pym´s Yellowjacket persona to dicktame her abusive husband - things went bad.

Like the time when that old horndog Tony Stark used her vulnerability after her separation from Hank to use her as his private blow up sex doll until Captain America forced Tony to tell Janet that he was also Iron Man.

Naturally Janet ended the relationship but the damage was already done.

The petite pocket rocket with the wasp waist of her insectoid namesake attracted perverts of all sorts thanks to her perfect bubblebutt like Ares who decided to - for once in uncounted millenia - make love not war.

During the THE INITIATIVE storyline he became a member of Tony Stark´s politically sanctioned Avengers team and when he got a good eyeful of Janet´s ASSential ASSets he thought " This one I can have my way with. "

Ares quickly got Janet drunk enough to become his newest sex slave and slam - banged her brains out many positions in, preferrably doggy style.

Coming back to Ultron, one reason for his Oedipal tendencies towards Jan originated in Hank´s sick psyche and it is because of his repressed feelings about teammate Wanda that Ultron always tried to subdue her to his will.

What´s more, Ultron kidnapped the Wasp in part for his little science projects while the only reason why he took the Scarlet Witch was for fun.

While Ultron reasoned that he was torturing the Vision by using his busty wife as his newest personal blow up sex doll, submitting her to a battery of grueling and humiliating sexual tests during which he penetrated her with increasingly bigger robotschlongs, a growing number of metallic dildo tentacles and all kind of crazy vibrating robot dildos with extra features for science Ultron first and formost did it to achieve personal pleasure.

There is also the fact that Pietro admits that he only married Crystal because she reminded her so much of his sister Wanda. This happened in FANTASTIC FOUR 305 , the same issue in which Susan Richards proclaims that during her marriage with Reed she has never been with another man.

So I guess Namor doesn´t count because he´s not a man but a mutant ?

Female logic at it´s finest. Back to Wanda, Pietro´s confession gives credit to the theory that they were much more than just brother and sister.

The Scarlet Witch was also the Avengers chairwoman during Triathlon´s brief stint on the team and I bet that when she heard that a certain part of his body is three times as big, three times as long and gets three times as hard as your average black guy she had some special training sessions to find out to which extend it goes. If he also had three times the stamina, could make her climax three times as often squirting thrice the load.

Not to mention that Simon Williams a.k.a. Wonder Man came back from the dead to have sex with her. Multiple times. I mean he came back from the dead multiple times not that he had sex with her multiple times .... although now that I think of it he probably did too ..... daimn, Wanda !

For more on the Scarlet Witch the website SCARLET WITCHING has a post about The entire histoy of Wanda and Magneto´s relationship and THE PEERLESS POWER OF COMICS has an entry on her hex powers and her first glimpses as a villainess under John Byrne. You see ? Long before Bendis made Wanda a reality altering super mutant MILF it was established that everything was possible for her ( she even had twins with an android ) and that she´s so hot she made her own father, brother and a machine horny.

Also check out my latest John Byrne tribute post that is all about his run on the AVENGERS where I go on more in detail about the reasons for the Scarlet Witch´s slow descent into madness but also the sex shenanigans that went on with her, Ultron and that robot´s ( and also Hank Pym or Ares ) sexual obsession with Janet Van Dyne a.k.a. the winsome Wasp.

So maybe the producers use the same logic since Kiana´s mindboggling curves can overcome any programming. She´s so hot she melts metal !

Also as a cyborg I bet that Romeo has many additional giant - sized reproductive appendages which he can´t wait to introduce into Kiana.

And it would not surprise me if this was one of those very lucky instances where a blooper ended up in the movie since I am not sure if Bill Goldberg was really supposed to rip Kiana´s shirt wide open or if he just seized the opportunity to do what any strapping lad in his position would have done.

He probably botched a few takes on purpose so he could keep on exposing Kiana´s spectacular breasts. Speaking of orgasmic oppai, maybe Bill went even further and not only ripped Kiana´s shirt open unscripted but also ripped off her bra and got busy motorboating her huge melons - which ruined every take - until she agreed to let him have his way with her in the trailer afterwards. But as I said I could not find anything about this particular scene. Maybe there is something in the movie commentaries.

The only thing that brings this down is that some sources claim that Kiana used a boob double for the scene. Which is hard to believe since it really isn´t necessary. Dammit, Kiana´s body is banging and if you check out the frames just before her pigeons fly loose you can see her big bust ready to explode. So the only reason why they would have used a double would be that she was too erotic and they shot somebody with a smaller chest. I´m no expert on chest sizes especially when it comes to american chest sizes but I like to believe that we get to see the real Kiana. And if not then I stick to the theory that Kiana´s at least as gifted as her body double or that Kiana´s chest is even bigger because otherwise it makes no sense.

In any case I´d like to get more information on who was her body double for the scene since she must also be a pretty hot number. Back to the scene, there isn’t a whole lot of skin here, but the bra busting moment might have you doing some serious Van Dammage to your man region !

Which makes it even less understandable that she didn´t do a nude scene in Universal Soldier 2. It´s not like Kiana has any problems with nudity since she not only posed naked for PLAYBOY, no, she also confessed that she is such a perfectionist that she had to wait until the right time in her career where she felt her body was in the best shape it has ever been in.

Too many celebrities never grab the chance to do nude pictures when they are in good condition, when their banging bodies are in their prime.

Then, twenty years ( or thirty years ) later their biological clock starts ticking, they want to prove they still look good and do some pictures.

Well, how are we supposed to come to a qualified decision ? We don´t know how she looked when she was young and sexy. So please girls, do some nude shots while you look good. Otherwise there is no proof.

But Kiana did it right, she made it at her physical prime and her pictorial is awesome ! It´s no wonder her issue completely sold out in one month.

As for her role in the film, Maggie is hardly used ( no pun intended ) and many reviewer bemoan that she didn´t get naked. I don´t know where the producers are coming from as they fumbled one of the biggest pulls of the movie when they decided not to make her a bigger part of the movie but some people suspect that one of the reasons why she is dumped so quickly in the movie is so the target audience doesn't have to deal with the suggestion of a mixed race relationship. Which I find a bit hard to believe since this really is no precedent in the history of US movies.

I hoped that there'd be copulation with his partner Maggie ( Kiana Tom ), but sad disappointment hit me when the credits rolled. Really guys, which producer who´s in his right mind passes up an opportunity to get a body like this naked ? Let´s just be realistic here. If a hot exotic sexbomb like Kiana Tom with a pornstar hardbody that just won´t quit was my co - worker I´d definitely spend all my free time with slam - banging the living daylights out of her until I had tamed Kiana to be my obedient sex slave.

Which makes the scene where Bill Goldberg´s character Romeo just shoots Kiana Tom´s character Maggie all the more incredible. I mean, first she´s so hot that an artificial life form like Romeo goes against his programming and tries to turn a regular exercise routine into his own private wet sex phantasie where he ties Maggie to a tree, starts ripping off her clothes and is only prevented from dicktaming her hard by the arrival of our hero.

And then he just unceremoniously offs her. Okay, he brings her back as a UniSol 2500 but did he really need to kill her for that ? I definitely would keep the original alive just in case something bad happens to the robot version. Also from how he tied her to a tree and how he couldn´t wait to get her hands on her you might think that his intentions for her were others than just have her as another soldier fighting alongside the men.

She should be serving UNDER Romeo and the other UniSol soldiers. That way it would make sense to shoot her and revive her as a more obedient version of Maggie because Romeo knew this was the only way to slam - bang her brains out. But then Romeo and the other UniSols should be taking turns at pumping Maggie to breed new super soldiers. Or - if Romeo had kept the original alive - he could make multiple copies of her so each soldier could have his own Kiana Tom blow up sex doll. Or more than one.

Can you imagine a world with an endless supply of Kiana Tom sexbots ?

Before closing the topic of the Scarlett Witch I want to include 40D - 24 - 34 cosplayer turned Twitch streamer / internet entrepeneur Amouranth who provided the hot picture in the part about Bethany Cabe. While she has done several cosplays she strangely never cosplayed as the Scarlett Witch, something I think she could pull off without problems especially the part about making a syntheozoid horny. In any case if you want to find out more about her you can consult the internet or check out my Adam Hughes post which has a few more robe ASMR videos with her.

Since I couldn't find a video with Iron Man for my german readers ( which has become almost impossible since the movies came out ) here is a top ten of comics you have to read. I don't know if it was intentionally but all of the comicbooks on this list are connected to a movie in some way.

We continue the science fiction theme of this bonus section with a Making Of about Paul Verhoeven's cult classic Robocop from 1987.

Okay, I picked this episode of the Robocop cartoon because of the title.

I mean if Der Mann In Der Eisernen Maske doesn't scream Iron Man ( and indeed it has been the title of an Iron Man story if memory serves right ) I don't know what does. The only problem with that is that the original title is The Man In The Iron Suit but I guess it still works for Iron Man.

Now I couldn't find a Space Ranger movie but here is Spacehunter - Adventures In The Forbidden Zone with Michael Ironside who also was in Paul Verhoeven's science fiction film Starship Troopers and Total Recall.

Taking a short break from science fiction movies New Castle After Dark presents a movie I have actually seen : Love At First Bite with the most dashing Dracula in movie history George Hamilton. What makes this especially ironic is that George has a tan throughout the whole movie.

Coming back to science fiction classics Saturday Morning Breakfast Mix dissects the original Transformers cartoon and you better pack a lunch before starting to watch this because it is over one and a half hours long.

Again I couldn't find a full episode of the original Transformers cartoon so instead we have a more than adequate substitute with Astro Boy.

We stay with the letter A as in Astro Boy but also Ayer Nomas whose episode is about Time Tunnel which was a bit like Quantum Leap since they had no control and never knew in which year they would end up.

Coming to Today's feature film for my spanish audience we have a good one with 100 Rifles a western starring Jim Brown, Burt Reynolds ( who also appeared in one of my favorite movies, Striptease with natural born 38C - 24 - 36 stripper superstar Demi Wants Moore Sex ) and 42D ( !!! ) - 24 - 36 silver screen goddess Raquel Welch whose popularity as a pin up queen was only eclipsed by buxom blonde 37C - 23 - 32 The Fall Guy cast member Heather Thomas and only for a brief period of time.

Speaking about time, so far I haven't found the time but one of these days I must transfer Raquel Welch's cult siren entry from my boob blog.

Speaking about born for porn actresses who appeared naked inside the pages of PLAYBOY magazine we come to dutch - croatian all natural 36D - 31 - 36 blonde Tatjana Simic best known as prostitute in training Kees Flodder in the Flodder movies and the following tv series. Which is one of the few tv shows based on a movie or movie series where the main sexbomb from the movie reprised her role for the tv show adaption.

Besides an episode in german I found a Behind The Scenes video but it's only in the original language - sorry, there are no subtitles for this video.

Unlike Raquel Welch Tatjana Simic returned to PLAYBOY a few times and made the cover of international editions of the magazine a dozen times.

With tousled blonde hair, pale blue eyes and legs for miles Tatjana is one sultry slavic beauty. Born in Zagreb, Croatia in the former Yugoslavia she moved to Rotterdam in the Netherlands at age 16. In the 1980s Tatjana Simic won a modeling competition that launched her into showbusiness.

Her biggest claim to boob fame is in the Flodders movies and tv show where her comedic charms - which is code for banging body - landed her the role of resident boobilicious babe of a family of never do wells that is forced to move from the ghetto into the best part of Amsterdam.

While the movie was quite funny it was really Tatjana Simic's talent - which is code for her various steaming topless and nude scenes - that made it a success ( two and a half million viewers in the Netherlands alone ) and deservedly skyrocketed tittilating Tatjana into superstardom.

Tatjana also tried to use her newfound fame as one of the most popular male sex fantasies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany - basically everywhere the Flodders movies and tv show aired - into a music career.

This was around the time when all natural 40D - 22 - 35 page 3 girl Sam Fox and italian all natural 40D -  24 - 36 pop star Sabrina Salerno had great success in the charts thanks to their mind blowing measurements and nude pictures and Tatjana could take it up with the best of them.

Her song Chica Cubana became a hit in Europe in 1988 and was followed one year later by Awake Boy. Tatjana's best known song Santa Maria was recorded and produced by Mike Stock and Matt Aiken from the famous Stock Aitken Waterman becoming an international dance hit. A follow up single Calendar Girl which was released in 1997 through Central Station failed to attract the same success. Even Baila Baila where she squeezed her gigantic globes into a tiny bikini that had no chance to contain her giant - sized gazongas in the music video didn't get Tatjana big points.

I even found an episode of Musikladen - Eurotops ( sadly without the topless go go dancers ) from 1988 with Tatjana Simic. Sorry for the bad quality. By the way, does anybody else remember Inker & Hamilton ?

To make up for the previous video here is a performance of Awaka Boy from Die Spielbude in much better quality where Tatjana really pulls out all the stop. There's no denying that she went all in for her music career and I wish Samantha Fox would have chosen a wardrobe that was only half as revealing as Tatjana's outfit here since she dressed always very proper for a girl who not only had a porn body made for posing for nude pictures but was in fact one of the most famous nude models around the world since the tender age of sixteen when her boobs literally exploded.

Apropos Samantha Fox disappointing her male fans, not only did Tatjana clearly leave her in the dust where live performances were concerned she made her single Calendar Girl a hot reality by shooting a calendar .

Closing things we have german comedy bedrock Fips Asmussen who is solely responsible for my dry deadpan humor and my love for Kalauer.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Dead or alive you're coming with me.

1 comment:

  1. Kiana's implants looked like they were always ready to explode out of her body. I liked her natural bod from a few years earlier.
