Today Matt Wagner celebrates his 61st birthday and since the tv adaption of his GRENDEL comicbook - or like Hollywood likes to label it graphic novel - is coming up I thought I could do a second relevant comicbook content tv show tie in post after my latest Neil Gaiman SANDMAN spotlight post .
Now regular blog readers know that this is not my first rodeo, in fact this is already my fourth Matt Wagner post. The first one - which I wrote in April 2020 - was a Best Of The Best post with all the best artwork I had accumulated up to that point, the second one - following in April 2021 - was an all DC Comics post and last but not least this April I switched things up and did an all Zorro post with all the stuff Matt had done for the series.
What is kind of weird is that for some strange reason I did all these posts at the beginning of April so this is the first Matt Wagner post I am writing on his actual birthday. So why another DC Comics spotlight post instead of a Grendel spotlight post ? I´m glad you asked because the answer is very simple. While going through my Matt Wagner folder I realized that the art pieces I am most excited about are all with characters from DC Comics.
I thought about doing a mixed post, with GRENDEL stuff, DC stuff and Marvel stuff but ultimately decided against it because I always try to bring my reader the best art. And if I´m not excited about the art my readers won´t be excited either and then why make the post ? If there is more interest in the GRENDEL stuff I can always do a second GRENDEL post.
But don´t worry, you still get some Grendel in this post. This is already my fourth Matt Wagner post so I don´t have to write a long introduction - at least not longer than the one I wrote - and we can get to the good stuff.
Time to get the bonus section started before the post gets flagged NSFW for a fifth time but first there are two links I want to include. First up there may be some characters included above you don´t know but don´t worry maybe the 13TH DIMENSION´s gallery of 13 Who´s Who covers can help you out with that and keeping with the topic of the post they also have a gallery of 13 GREEN ARROW covers Matt Wagner did for that title.
For those who don´t know where the name of Grendel comes from I have included the origin story which harkens back to the Beowulf saga, one of the oldest known folk tales. What is funny is that there have been various attempst to adapt the story for film and tv, none of them are any good.
Since there are so many DC Comics characters in the art pieces by Matt Wagner this gives me the opportunity to include a lot of videos about the DC universe. But it also makes it difficult to include links because most of the time my ramblings are all over the place and spotlights for writers, artists, specific books or storylines are the exception and not the norm.
Nevertheless I want to include a select few for newer visitors and you know you can always use the links to the Best Of The Best posts of TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN that you can find at the bottom of each posting.
Now I don't have a video for Green Arrow but I wanted to include my three part series about the publishing history of GREEN ARROW from the Mike Grell penned series that followed his groundbreaking Green Arrow : Longbow Hunters three part prestige format mini series to the rebirth of Green Arrow by Brad Meltzer and the fantastic run by Scott McDaniel.
For the Justice League there are just too many posts to include them all but I want to mention a few posts about my favorite storylines which I consider to be the BEST LEAGUE EVER like The Obsidian Age , Trial By Fire , Pain Of The Gods or the best Justice League spin - off series Justice League Elite , Cry For Justice and also Justice League : Generation Lost .
Apart from that I´ve probably written the most about the Justice League of America in my JLA casting posts where I discuss my choices to portray the hot women from the Justice League of America in a live action movie which include a few solo spotlights for especially important cult sirens like afro american 40C - 24 - 36 aphrodite Janet Jackson ( don't worry, we will return to her later ), all natural 40D - 24 - 35 Daddy jailbait Lindsay Lohan , bra busting british 90s porn mega star Sarah Louise Young , adult 36G - 22 - 31 model Jenny Poussin or french 40C - 22 - 36 MMILF Marlene Mourreau .
We come to a different version of the Justice League Of America with the Super Friends cartoon show which was the first exposure to DC Comics superhero universe for many generations. Personally the only episodes I have seen were on a spanish Lo mejor de Superman DVD since you can´t find full episodes on YouTube and I´m not sure if it was ever translated to german. I know there was a Super Friends comic for which Alex Toth did some pages - and you can find a few in my second Alex Toth appreciation post - and a few months back I found the two trades on amazon but since they did not have a big discount I opted for the first two Alex Toth coffe table books from IDW. Which in hindsight was a wise decision since the prices have gone up astronomically thanks to the Kayfabe Effect. I didn´t get the third book because that is mostly his work in animation and I´m not that interested. At least not that interested to spend big bucks on it.
As for the other two volumes they are just chock full of original art and alhough I can´t seem to find the time to read it I have leafed through it.
I know that I just recently included two episodes of the original 90s The Flash tv show with John Wesley Shipp ( Best. Flash. Ever. That scene in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS, man, I completely lost it. This was MY Flash ! Thank god they kept him on the show as Jay Garrick. ) but I wanted to include the german dubbed pilot episode for my german readers. And a bit for myself because that´s how I first saw the episode and it reminds me of the good old times in the old homestead when everything was still right in the world and I had a decent comicbook collection - which included the complete second volume of THE FLASH with the best Flash ever, Wally West. Man, they did him dirty in both, the tv show and the comicbooks.
Speaking of the Sultan of Speed new blog followers who missed my almost weekly FLASH FRIDAY series that is on hiatus at the moment can check out issue 54 , issue 113 , issue 114 , issue 115 , issue 116 , issue 117 , issue 118 , issue 119 , issue 120 , issue 121 , issue 122 , issue 123 , issue 124 , issue 125 , issue 126 , issue 127 , issue 128 , issue 129 , issue 130 , issue 131 , issue 132 , issue 133 , issue 134 and issue 135 as well as the Three Of A Kind crossover issues GREEN LANTERN 96 and GREEN ARROW 130 . Whew !
I also did a special post for the late Mike Wieringo who was the penciler for a fair share of issues as well as providing covers for a lot more of them so he had a big impact on the look of the series for a long period of time.
Who also didn´t do that good in the adaptions - at least in their first movie - is The Suicide Squad and unlike The Flash the best known version is not the original one ( which was a military special ops unit also known as Task Force X that took on monsters and weird cases like The Challengers Of The Unknown ) but rather the new incarnation that was born out of the Legends mini series for which some new characters were created.
Besides turning c - list villains like Deadshot into a - list characters the series also recast former Batgirl Barbara Gordon as the information and computer specialist Oracle after the dire events of The Killing Joke.
There have been a few adaptions of The Suicide Squad to the small screen in Justice League Unlimited, Smallville and Arrow but for Today we focus on the second Suicide Squad movie. Which some people have labeled as one of the best superhero movies of all times. While I wouldn´t go that far I think it is a very good comicbook adption that shows more than anything what a big waste of money, time, talent and potential the first one was.
I mean, the only one who gave good performance in that one was Will Smith.The second one hit all the right notes in the grim and gritty field and when I first heard they recast Peter Capaldi from Captain Boomerang to the Thinker because apparently Captain Boomerang is not politically correct enough for the SJWs I was worried but after what happens to him I think it was for the best. What I didn´t know was that John Cena plays the Peacemaker and I wasn´t sure if he had really grasped the essence of the character since he called him a douchy version of Captain America when it´s rather fascist Captain Amerika on acid. I mean this is the guy the Watchmen´s Comedian was based on and nobody would dare call him douchy Captain America. In any case, my concern was unfounded because not only did he give one of his best performances it also seems John Cena was born for this role since he always appeared in full costume and was in character for the promo stuff. Heck, the studio liked it so much that he got a Peacemaker spin - off tv show. Which as usual I have not seen yet.
Now you might ask : " But Subzero, what about Margot Robbie ? " She was also in the first Suicide Squad movie and she did the same performance as she did in the second one. Shouldn´t I mention her ? To understand where I´m coming from I have to start with the fact that for me Harley Quinn is the most overrated and overhyped charcter at DC Comics at the moment, kind of a female version of Deadpool. Harley was created for the animated Batman tv show and that is the only version that got her character right.
All the other incarnations in animation, tv shows, movies or comicbooks have missed the mark as Hollywood has problems portraying women as crazy - and scary crazy - without making them ridiculously cartoonish or oversexualizing them. Now don´t get me wrong I´m all for oversexualizing female comicbook characters - just check out the aforementioned Casting My JLA movie series for further proof - but it doesn´t work for everybody.
So while Margot Robbie does a good depiction of Harley Quinn as she is currently being written in the comicbooks it is not the real Harley Quinn.
One thing I have to say though - okay, two things and it´s not the two you think of - while not being the original Harley Quinn Margot Robbie is very entertaining and it doesn´t take you out of the picture. And dang, Holy twin torpedos Batman, she cleans up nicely. Didn´t know she had beewbs.
Closing things out on Task Force X we are going with the original suicide squad film and if you may be thinking that the plot is different from the Quentin Tarantino movie with the same title you are right. Much like with Roger Corman´s The Fast And The Furious that turned into a franchise he only took the name of Inglorious Bastards and changed everything else.
Another DC Comics title that got a big revamp in the 80s is SWAMP THING which had been languishing for a long time. For me it was always kind of weird that Swamp Thing didn´t have more mainstream appeal and that diehard fans like Mike Sterling from the indispensable PROGRESSIVE RUIN website are rather the exception and not the norm because I was a huge Swamp Thing fan from day one. I mean can it get better than Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson ? Talk about a dream team right out of the gate.
And apropos iconic creative teams, the combo of Alan Moore, Rich Veitch, Stephen Bissette and John Totleben was not half bad either. I had that run in the Saga Of The Swamp Thing black and white reprints which really put the inks front and center. Granted, I didn´t read many issues after that - except when artists like Richard Corben or Kelley Jones provided interior artwork - but I read the NEW 52 SWAMP THING series which was one of the few good books from that train wreck together with ANIMAL MAN.
Today SWAMP THING enjoys more attention thanks to his appearance in some animated JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK movies and a failed tv series. I think what the series needed was more mumbo jumbo swamp stuff and that old crazy guy that you find in every movie that takes place near a swamp and goes " Don´t go to the Okefenoke ! " You know what I mean.
With all the newfound attention a lot of people don´t know that Swamp Thing not only had a cartoon series but also a tv series that had 38C - 24 - 33 science fucktion cult siren Kari Wuhrer among its cast who is best know for her role of Maggie Beckett on the cult science fiction tv show Sliders.
She was added to the show as the boner guarantee for the horny male audience and they got more than their money´s worth in the Wild West episode where she´s almost spilling out of her snug saloon girl corsage.
Blog veterans know that I gave her the role of Gipsy in my Casting The Justice Legue Of America movie series because Kari Wuhrer had played a similar role in Stephen King´s movie adaption of the short story Thinner.
Speaking of masters of horror, there are also two Swamp Thing movies and the first one was even directed by Wes Craven known for such cult classics like A Nightmare On Elm Street and the Scream franchise. Now for more on DC Comics most famous muck monster - and 36D - 25 - 36 cult siren Adrienne Barbeau who was in the Wes Craven movie check out my post on Brian Michael Bendis SUPERMAN from 2019 - and since I included Return Of Swamp Thing in my first post about afro american all natural 36F - 25 - 39 aphrodite Monifa Jansen Today's creature double feature is the original.
Staying in the supernatural corner of the DC universe but making the jump from the Justice League to the Justice Society we have one of the most powerful heroes with The Spectre. While I haven´t written a spotlight post for him - yet - I have mentioned him and blog followers from the first hour may remember my hunt for the post - CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS Spectre issues which were drawn by none other than the late Gene Colan.
I also wrote about the the run by J. M. DeMatteis since a lot of the covers were done by Norm Breyfogle and P. Craig Russell did the interior art for issues 15 to 23 and 25 to 27. I managed to get my hands on a few issues and was starting a nice SPECTRE collection before it came burning down.
Anyway, as a huge fan of Jim Aparo I did a special Halloween post in 2014 that included the complete black and white art for " The Wrath Of The Spectre " from Adventure Comics 431 which was the first story with Max Fleischer and Jim Aparo´s iconic reimagination that would become the new status quo for decades. I also mentioned the SPECTRE run by John Ostrander ( best known for co - creating the new Suicide Squad ) and Tom Mandrake in one of my rare comic haul posts since I not only got one of the issues pretty cheap but also the second trade for a measly 5,23 bucks.
More JSA related stuff : MAN OF BRONZE has a gallery of the Justice Society Of America by Tom Grummett, Joe Staton , Jerry Ordway and Stephen Sadowski and you might also want to check out my post on THY KINGDOM COME one of the best JSA stories ever and my Jerry Ordway post from 2016 with the full issue of Justice Society Of America Annual 1.
Now with the Spectre it depends mostly on if you like supernatural stuff and if you are a religious man whether you like the character or not - he is after all supposed to be the living embodiment of the wrath of god.There are however some books that every comic enthusiast should read before dying and one such book is STARMAN. I could tell you why this series is so great on so many levels in a longwinded rant but why should I when it is much easier to check out my Starman spotlight post from 2020 where I do a rundown of all the Starmen in the DC universe plus everything that was changed for the Stargirl tv show as well as my 10 cents on the series.
There even is - kind of - a second part of this namely my post on one of the best stories about the Justice Society of America, James Robinson´s and Paul Smith´s THE GOLDEN AGE ( you won´t believe who the villain is ).
I swear I didn't plan it that way and when I posted the cover of Starman 17 I had no idea that Power Girl would be in this post because I THOUGHT I had already run out of videos with Power Girl to post. It was just a nice cover and an easy way to put more Power Girl stuff on the blog. Well, I have to thank whoever flagged the post as NSFW for the following part because I had to spent all day Yesterday removing the questionable picture ( It was one in the part about Latoya and Janet Jackson further down in this post and it was not the one you might think since it is the explicit one but a different one. Apparently explicit pictures are okay as long as you don't violate any copyrights and since that one was taken from the bonus section of the second issue of my adult comicbook series VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN they didn't have a problem with it. ) and while waiting for the approval I came upon a lot of videos I can use for the blog including a lot of old Power Girl videos which - to my big surprise - I haven't posted yet. Anyway, since I never can resist the opportunity to talk about Power Girl's magical boobie window I guess here we go again.
In the old comics artist Wally Wood kept making Power Girl´s breasts bigger and bigger to see how far he could take it. Or at least that is the urban legend. Speaking of Wally Wood´s version of Power Girl, if you want to see for yourself if there´s any truth to the claim that he supersized Power Girl´s boobs you can find the original art for the 17 page story from ALL - STAR COMICS 65 at the private collection of James Halperin and you can see them at an even bigger resolution at HERITAGE AUCTIONS . Well, in regards to Power Girl´s breast size ( let´s not loose track of what is really important here ) fact is that the artists after Wally Wood drew her with normal proportions .... or what is considered normal for superheroines.
Until Bart Sears took over the character, buffed her up and returned her signature breast size - at least until the whole NEW 52 fiasko / retcon.
Well, I was young, in my sexual prime and had a lot of spare time in the barracks ( we were three in one room but the others went home after duty so I had the black and white television set with a lot of TUTTI FRUTTI and PLAYBOY LATE NIGHT episodes all to myself which didn´t exactly help my situation ) so I re - read the issue a few times imagining what could have happened if Animal Man would have gotten Power Girl under his control with pheromones. Ah, all the things I would have done to her.
For me Bart Sear´s version is still the definite version of Power Girl and when DC started back - paddling with REBIRTH and restoring many things I was curious what that meant for Power Girl. I had hoped that there might be a return to her former glory in store for her but so far the SJWs have stuck the real Power Girl in limbo and replaced her with a political correct, flat chested black version. I guess Kara is too much woman to for them.

Back then I started the series to prove not only that women with such big breasts like Power Girl ( at least when she is drawn right ) exist in the real world but that they are not so uncommon like feminists ( this was before SJWs ruled the earth ) would like you to believe. As longtime followers of the blog are more than aware of Power Girl is my favorite female comic book character and not only because of her huge breasts ( although they don´t hurt either ) or her conveniently placed magical cleavage window.
She is also a non apologetic, pro active woman who is not only a female carbon copy of her male counterpart which is a welcome change of pace.
What makes me laugh is that the size of her breasts is what ultimately breaks the feminists suspension of disbelieve. Power Girl is Superman´s cousin from Earth 2 or rather she was until CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS after which her origin was changed so that she is a descendant of the sorcerer Arion who lived thousands of years ago - until INFINITE CRISIS happened and all the parallel earths were restored but when she went to Earth 2 there already was another Power Girl and to differentiate her from most DC Comics super heroines she has really big breasts. And when I say really big breasts I don´t mean Catwoman or Wonder Woman level breasts but upper level echelon kind of breasts on par with Starfire or Big Barda .
And the feminists go " Wait. Did you say Power Girl has really big breasts ? How unrealistic. " Strange visitor from a strange planet comes to earth and gains super powers because of earth´s red sun and lower gravity and the thing that feminists find unrealistic is not that kryptonians look exactly like humans but the size of her chest. The cherry on top is that Power Girl is a very emancipated character who is all about female empowerment and girl´s self reliance - but not in a boring, preachy way like Wonder Woman .
Thankfully a lot of women are aware of this which is why Power Girl is much beloved by women around the globe whom we have to thank for so many stunning coplays including hot 40D cosplay blow up sex doll Yaya Han.
Which is probably who my faithful blog followers expect me to go with for my next video but I have indeed all run out of Yaya Han Power Girl videos.
Instead I´m going with rack - tastic Busenwunder Angie Griffin who is one of the few female cosplayers on the face of the earth who can give Yaya´s porn implants a run for her money with her giant - sized ( and 100 percent all natural ! ) 41E double airbags. Now I don´t know when Angie uploaded this but I remember that I saw a preview video but never the follow up.
Well, now it is finally here and there is even a spanish language version.
I wonder who does the translation and if the woman who does Angie´s voice is as gifted as her - if you know what I mean - or if she is even better than the real thing. In which case I wouldn't mind meeting her.
Well, so much for not getting flagged a tenth time as NSFW by blogger.
I hope now that I have replaced the picture of naked Power Girl with another picture by Bart Sears where she is fully clothed we can avoid getting flagged an eleventh time before I can finish the post. It wasn't easy finding that picture and while looking for it I came upon all kind of Bart Sears art so don't be surprised if there will be a Bart Sears post.
Because I was replacing the Bart Sears Power Girl on my new laptop - since looking for pictures can take forever on my old laptop and I wanted the post to be unblocked as fast as possible so my readers don't have to wait long - and it's too complicated to transfer all the pictures from my new laptop to my old laptop. So like I said I might resurrect my old Post Scriptum series where I post all the stuff I find while working on posts.
Anyway, I hope this was the last time this post got flagged because it is quickly becoming tiresome. I think the worst thing is that they never tell you which picture is the problem so you only can assume that it was one of the last ones you posted so you replace it with one that hopefully is less dangerous then submit the post again and hope everything is okay.
Practically you are trying to hit a piñata in the dark like the scene in Star Wars where Luke Skywalker tries to deflect the discharges of a flying ball with his lightsaber wearing a helmet that completely covers his face.
And yes, for me Star Wars IV - A New Hope will always be Star Wars as when the movie first hit theaters it simply was called Star Wars since they didn't know if there would be any others and they only added the Star Wars IV - A New Hope when they continued the saga. Anyway, I am just glad that I wrote the part with Marlene Mourreau, Janet Jackson and Latoya Jackson in advance although to be fair I had to replace one pic.
We are on to - hopefully - less NSFW content with Grisu, The Dragon one of my favorite cartoons growing up. Today the SJWs talk about Diversity and representation but this was how we learned about these things - with cartoons. For those who have never heard about this show Grisu is a dragon whose most burning desire is to become a firefighter. Of course everybody around him tells him that it is impossible for a dragon to be a firefighter since dragons start fires and don't extinguish them but Grisu doesn't let that deter him. There are a few episodes where he actually achieves his goal but one of Grisu's biggest problems is that whenever he is very happy he starts to breathe fire so all his nopes go up in smokes.
We are staying with televison shows from my youth with the next video which is Clarence, the Cross - Eyed Lion which some people from my generation may remember because of the spin - off tv show Daktari.
Now this video has been in a few posts but I always had to replace it because I found one that better fit the topic of the post. So in the end I have decided to put it in the newest post since I think it should not be buried in a post everybody except my faithful followers might overlook.
And no disrespect to Modern Talking's Thomas Anders but the real reason why I am posting this video are the girls from the german television ballet for all my readers who like legs and feel they might get the short end of the stick in most posts. Well, these women have legs for miles.
For the rest of my audience I am including Hooters 21st International Swimsuit Pageant from 2017 and I chose this on purpose because they still have the bikini round as part of the show. I found a few newer ones where they eliminated the swimsuit round but I'm not going to post any of them because for me this trend of skipping the bikini part of beauty competitions makes no sense. Don't get me wrong, for me women can do whatever they want and if they don't want to exhibit their bodies on a stage in a swimsuit because that is degrading for all women around the world they are completely within their rights. On the other hand nobody forces them to enter a beauty competition. And if the girls want to be appreciated for their inner beauty and personality instead of the hotness of their bodies I am sure there are plenty of other competitions for that.
In fact I am sure that these kind of competitions are even open for women who don't meet the mainstream idea of beauty so competing there would be even more empowering. But don't eliminate the bikini round and act like it is still a beauty competition. It would be the same if bodybuilders suddenly decided not to pose just wearing a swim trunk and instead insisted on wearing a suit. How are the judges supposed to rate their muscles if they can't see them ? And don't try to argue that nobody should judge somebody unless they are prepared to be judged themselves. If you don't want to show your body and you don't want to be judged you have no business entering a beauty competition. To me this sounds like the typical feminists who want to get the reward without doing the work which is basically the same argument where they want to be paid the same as us men but are not prepared to do the same work.
Sorry for getting all worked up but these kind of things just get on my nerves - to say it mildly. Speaking about hooters, here is a more light hearted video with a very gifted contestant from The Price Is Right. Now this is the kind of women's movement we all can support. Hubba hubba !
Now I am not sure if this anime is called Remi : Nobody's Boy because the main character is in fact a girl ( with the way they draw some male characters in anime I can never tell ) or if he is a boy and they chose the title because he finds out that he was adopted and his foster parents try to sell him into slavery but he luckily ends up with a traveling dog and pony show - without the pony of course. The internet is indecisive on his gender. What I can tell you is that the art and animation is gorgeous in this and there are plenty of episodes for those who want to continue.
Since we have entered the month of October which is already the start of the spooky season for most and I don't think I can do another tribute post for 42E - 21 - 37 cult siren Cassandra Peterson a.k.a. Elvira Mistress of the Dark I am including an episode of Ayer Nomas about the pilot for a sitcom show with the hostess with the mostess which didn't get approval.
Thankfully somebody put the full episode on YouTube so you can decide for yourself if you would have watched this show. As the tale goes the guy in charge really liked it and promised Cassandra that it would get approved but then got ill and the person who was brought in to take charge during his absence - who apparently was responsible for the sports section - took one look at it and decided they could not have such big boobs on tv - much to the chagrin of Elvira fans all over the planet.
Next up we have a video about the culture shocks you might experience when coming to Spain. Which are of course totally subjective but I just want to put it out there so you know that there will be problems when you come from a different country. There are so many things I miss since coming to Spain - working plumbing, not worrying about hot water when taking a shower, flushing the toilet in one go instead of having to do it in short installments, a bureaucracy that actually works, getting health and social insurance in less than a year, certain drinks and foods, big name brands ( although that may be due to first the pandemic and then the war in the Ukraine ), comic shops, comic shops that buy used comics, etc., etc. - that I wish somebody would have told me about this before.
You probably thought that it was just by chance that I mentioned 40C - 22 - 36 mega MILF Marlène Mourreau - who obviously didn't choose her stage name by accident - and had all forgotten about her at this point.
What is strange here is that I also featured the blonde bra buster in my second Matt Wagner spotlight post which also was a DC Comics spotlight.
Despite being french she has worked mostly on spanish tv either as a guest or host on various shows or with her x - rated dance numbers. As a fixture of spanish tv she also appeared in the gala of Best of Telepassion.
In Spain there is not such a big stigma about women in the entertainment industry getting naked as in Germany ( in Spain it is almost expected at a certain level of success ) so all famous women have done nude pictures.
I think Marlene Mourreau still looks pretty amazing and she has a better body then when she was much younger like 20 or 25 years old. This woman is like wine or good comic books - she gets better and better with age.
As for Marlene´s solo performances those took mainly place on spanish tv after midnight which had a lot to do with the fact that she didn´t wear much clothes to begin with and got rid of the little she did wear very quickly. The pornographic appearances of the french blow up sex doll were always so sexually charged and her stage outfits so skimpy that she almost got banned from spanish tv. And everyone who has seen the heavily sexual content they show on spanish tv knows that it takes a lot to get banned.
Now for literally years I have used an animated GIF like the one below as an example for Marlene Mourreau´s sexually charged live performances but I could never include the video of that particular live erection perfection.
Well, in 2020 while looking for something completely different for one of the old posts I was working on I finally came across a video of it and I had to post it right away as long as it´s on YouTube. Which is the reason why I wrote a completely impromptu Marlene Mourreau birthday tribute post .
The post also includes the breast episode of El Semaforo ( the traffic light ) - a talent show and one of Marlene Mourreau´s first gigs on spanish tv - in which Marlene Mourreau is wearing the definition of a Fuck Me - dress.
There was only one instance where she wore an even sexier dress, at least that I am aware of. Remember I was only in Spain during the summer so I have no idea what her wardrobe looked like for the rest of the year.
Anyway, the one dress that I saw and which looked even hotter than the one she was sporting in that episode of El Semaforo was on an episode of the comedy sketch show No Veas and it had even less fabric than this one.
The back cleavage was so deep that you could see the beginning of her butt crack and from the side you could see the top part of her buttocks.
But the breast feature from the side were her rack - tastic funbags since the dress was cut in such a way that her nipples were completely covered but aside from that you could see the full contour of her supple breasts every time she was filmed from the side. Which was a lot ! So throughout the show Marlene was showing almost her complete sideboob ! Sadly I haven´t found any clips from that perticular show and there are not that many videos from No Veas with Marlene Mourreau on YouTube anyway.
Coming back to the breast episode of El Semaforo this dress covers up more although because the fabric is very thin it doesn´t leave anything to the imagination as you can clearly see every inch of her spectacular body and her hard nipples are poking through. I am not sure if she is even wearing any underwear beneath it. She is not completely naked but it´s the next best thing as she is wearing a bit more than drapes. No wonder this candidate is completely distracted by this ultimate blow up sex doll.
He is trying to tell his story but he constantly keeps peeking at Marlene´s perfect puppies and gets so excited that he grabs Marlene to demonstrate the climax of his tale - no pun intended. And he´s not the only one whom Marlene gets excited, none of the candidates can keep the hands off her.
Daimn, there must have been some heavy squirt marathons going on with Marlene behind the scenes of that show. Anyway, since I already posted four episodes I wanted to include one more - especially for my spanish readers who probably vividly remember living blow up sex doll Marlene.
And here is the new video which is a performance of the same song but on a different show. The quakity is not as good as in the first one but it's a miracle that this video even exists. By the way, is it just me or is her outfit even skimpier than in the first video or is it just my imagination ?
Or do her boobs just look bigger than with the first outfit ? Sadly I can't make an animated GIF of this performance at the moment because of the video format. Maybe somebody out there can help me out with that.
I am including another video with Marlene Mourreau as proof that I am not kidding about her outfits because this one only covers her nipples.
Speaking of iconic performances on tv, one of my Mom's favorite tv sleuths ( and thus by osmosis also one of mine ) is Inspector Columbo played by Peter Falk and I am not sure why the following video is called WTF Happened to Columbo when it should be Gone But Not Forgotten - Columbo. But who knows, maybe they get more clicks with a title that sounds more scandalous. Speaking about clicks, Columbo afficionados might want to click on ALEX RAPHEL which has a post on Iconic TV Shows : Columbo that includes the best quotes from that seminal crime series.
I tried to find a complete episode of Columbo on YouTube but I couldn't find one and all the ones I had bookmarked previously have been erased.
So instead I am going with another famous tv show Peter Gunn where even if you have never seen the show you have heard the theme song.
What I also found while looking for the Columbo episode are a lot of Making Of videos which I have decided to include over the course of the next posts since I always liked these peeks behind the scenes and I hope my audience will also be able to appreciate them. Especially since they are a welcome change of pace from my usual review videos of movies.
Speaking of changing the pace, I know that I already included five new videos from mega busty ASMR Amy in my latest SANDMAN post which I already mentioned at the beginning of the post ( so all who want to check out more of her bonerinducing videos can just use that link ) but it has been three weeks since I started that post and I wanted to surprise my readers with the breast new ASMR video she has released since then.
Speaking about ASMR Amy's breast videos, I don't think the following five videos are a repost since I could not find them in any post. If memory serves right I PLANNED to include this set in my SANDMAN post but then went with a different selection. And if you are wondering why I selected these videos it should be obvious that she is wearing yellow in four of them. The first one was added because ASMR Amy has a slight wardrobe malfunction in it which also happens in some of her " yellow " videos.
We are switching things up again rapid fire because that's how things roll at TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN and after Scandinavia, Germany, and Spain we continue our globetrotting pop culture journey in Italy with the animated feature film Vip my Brother Superman a.k.a. The Super Vips by Bruno Bozetto best known for the Mr. Rossi cartoon which was a big hit on german tv and thankfully always on reruns during my childhood.
Speaking about super V.I.P.s, it´s been a hot minute since I last featured afro american 42D - 25 - 37 aphrodite Latoya Jackson a. k. a. La Sex ToYa Jackson on the blog. I remember that way back in the 1990s everybody thought Latoya would become the sex icon of the Jackson family that is known all over the world since she was naked in PLAYBOY magazine.
A few times. Plus there was a special PLAYBOY video with Latoya being completely naked that I bought. Now it´s my number one sex fantasy of all times, the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson - the living nubian blow up sex doll that walks - whom we all lust after so my Latoya post is mainly a comparison between her and nympho Janet. The outcome should not surprise any longtime readers of this blog.
Not only because Janet Jackson ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) is a well known sex nymphomaniac who dicktamed Justin Timberlake and confessed to be addicted to test out sex toys - especially double dildos - but it´s also an open secret that she insists on inspecting all new employees - orally .
There are rumors that one of her video shoots turned into a sex orgy with half a dozen of her male dancers but there is no proof and if there is any footage of the squirt marathon it is under lock and key. There are however two different versions of the incident. There are sources connected to Janet who say the dancers were turned on by Janet during the previous rehearsal and couldn´t help themselves so they took a viagra overdose and took turns pumping the afro american aphrodite´s porn star body. Other sources connected to the defense of the dancers claim that it was Janet herself who spiked the dancers drinks with a viagra overdose so she could use them like breeding stallions - not caring that half of them were gay and would not have sex with a woman under normal circumstances. And once Janet had manged to get their giant monstercocks hard like unto a thing of iron and three times as big as normal so they looked like a third leg thanks to her superior deepthroating skills things got out of hand fast.
It´s no secret that Janet Jackson was predestined to play a stripper not only because of her incredibly fit and flexible pornstar hardbody which could have earned her a fortune as one of the biggest super stars in the adult entertainment industry but also because she has some incredible stripper moves that make real striptease pros envious. Which nasty Miss Jackson more than proved in Jermaine Dupri´s music video Gotta Getcha where Janet plays one extremely busty stripper dressed up as a school girl or teacher. I don´t know if the script explicitly said " busty stripper " but with her huge DD melons it´s the only kind Janet can believably portray.
I always knew that Janet was a sex freak ( Janet admitted to joining the Mile High Club and is a well known size queen ) and although the rumors that Bobby Brown banged her in the 80s might not be true it is much more believable that she used Justin Timberlake as her sextoy and dumped him after a month of steamy sex marathons . According to Justin it took Janet an hour to get in my pants after we first hooked up and she was so wild in bed that I didn´t know how to handle it. I was falling in love with Miss Jackson but during our get - togethers she only wanted to have sex.
I don´t think of myself as sexy but I am a very sexual being, I always have sex on my mind. I feel very comfortable with it and I think it´s great if a guy has a good sized package. I know the effect my body has on guys so I sometimes use it to get especially well hung guys into my bedroom where I tie them to the bed and bang their brains out in a marathon sex orgy.
I go completely crazy and make them squirt again and again until they are completely drained. I regret doing it but I´ll turn around and do it again.
Man, now that she´s getting divorced all the horny perverts around the world are hoping to dicktame this ASSential afro - american aphrodite six ways to Sunday. But they will only be used by blowjob addict Janet as her personal sex toys since she has a lot of pent up sexual energy and will go on a sperm extraction spree, massaging huge monstercocks with her giant boobs, deepthroating schlongs left and right until they squirt like crazy.
Christmas really came early this year because while including the video of Janet Jackson´s best live performance of All Night ( Don´t Stop ) from the Tonight Show with Jay Leno where she almost had a wardrobe malfunction ( while she did not loose her pants completely they kept sliding down during the entire performance giving the audience an unrehearsed eye full of Janet´s butt and full butt crack ) - in high quality - I noticed that it was from the same channel where I found the video of her second breast live performance of All Night ( Don´t Stop ) on Good Morning America.
So I checked the channel out and wouldn´t you know it they have all kind of rare Janet Jackson videos and some of them are in pretty high quality, even better than on the official Janet Jackson YouTube channel. Since I still haven´t had the time to review all the videos myself you might want to go there but for the moment I am leaving you with a little something something you can enjoy : Janet Jackson´s top five live performances.
Keep in mind, these are totally subjective and selected according to my tastes. Plus the list depends highly on availability because the hottest live performance doesn´t get me anywhere if I don´t have a video. So if you think there is a live performance that deserves to be in this top five - and there is a video on YouTube - please let me know in the comments below.
Man, one of these days I have to make a new Janet Jackson post because right now her new videos are scattered over various comic related posts.
Coming back to Latoya Jackson, the reason why I am including her in this post is that I found something really rare : a video from the height of her career - both, as a musician and a sex symbol - that not only is relatively long ( almost an hour ) but also in good quality. According to the video description it took place at the Bally´s Grand Hotel in Reno, Nevada.
Closing things out I already posted an episode of Noches Con Platanito with Latoya Jackson as a guest but I´m pretty sure it wasn´t this one.
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Just one more thing.
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