Saturday, April 30, 2022

Sad Superman Saturday with Neal Adams !

Just the other day I was putting some Neal Adams Superman covers into the respective folder thinking to myself : " It has been a while since my last Neal Adams post. I should do one one of these days. " I never thought it would be because of this. Funny how things work out. Tempus Fugit.

Sometimes we forget how old some of these pioneers of comicbooks are, especially when they still work in the field. Just a few months ago I read FANTASTIC FOUR - ANTITHESIS so it´s kind of weird that Neal Adams just passed away. Naturally I had to stop everything else I was working on to do a tribute to one of my favorite artists from my misspent childhood. And as usual I am putting my own twist on it. In the next few days you are going to see a lot of his groundbreaking work on BATMAN and GREEN LANTERN & GREEN ARROW which is all good and well but with the name of the blog it is obligatory to take a look at Neal Adam´s work that is often overlooked.

Longtime followers of the blog know that I depend on other people for the contents of my posts, so I am always trying to give props to the folks that keep this thing rolling. Case in point, some of the covers in this Neal Adams tribute are from these posts from my former link partner CRIVENS ! COMICS & STUFF ! which has all kind of Superman related posts like a cover gallery with Lois Lane wearing hot pants or Action Comics 414´s Superman vs Superstar ( plus some Metamorpho pages ). What you absolutely have to check out this post about a three part story from Action Comics 351 to 353 in which Superman basically fights Captain Marvel BEFORE he fought Captain Marvel replacement Captain Thunder which was long before he fought the real Captain Marvel in canon DC Comics continuity. Confused ?

Well, I don´t know from which drug induced fever dream this story sprang but in it Superman fights with Zha - Vam the Invincible and if you think that Zha - Vam sounds a lot like Shazam the similarities don´t end there.

More links. I am trying to wrap this post up as quickly as possible ( I still have ten other posts to finish ) but as long as I am working on this I am adding these. We have tribute posts to Neal Adams on fellow link partners COMIC BITS ONLINE ( daiiiimn, LOVE the new look ) and MAN OF BRONZE - which also has a nice gallery of Neal Adams´ more recent work and newer readers of the blog might want to check out the Denny O´Neil interview on COMIC GEEK SPEAK , the Neal Adams interview on COMIC ZONE RADIO and the Neal Adams spotlight from the fine fellows at LOS COMIC GEEKOS .

Today´s animated movie review is about Superman / Batman : Public Enemies which´s art style is a departure from the usual look but it does not capture the essence of Ed McGuiness´ art. This happens a lot when people try to replicate an art style without understanding the reason for this artistic choice. It happened with Batman - The Animated Series as once it became successful everybody was doing it no matter if it fit the cartoon or not. In this movie it is most apparent with Power Girl ( I know, I´m obsessed with her tits but I´m keeping it short and those who suffer from magical boob window deprivation should check out my latest tribute to comic book legend José Luis Garcia - López ) who instead of powerful and sexy just looks weird. Apropos the Maid of Mighty Mammaries, aside from the not - quite - there art this is a pretty faithful adaption of the comic books and you can say what you want about Jeph Loeb´s writing, this has the most realistic use of Power Girl. Within the story but also within the DC Universe with the most famous one being Batman telling Power Girl to distract a horny teenage Toyman with her boob window.

In the comic there are more iconic Power Girl moments, some made it into the movie - like when Toyman uses his x - ray goggles to check out Power Girl´s naked body or when Superman asks Toyman if the rocket he built will do the job and Toyman answers : " Does Power Girl have big .... " only to be interrupted by Batman - and others didn´t - like when Superboy Conner Kent gets trapped in a steel ball cage cramped together with Supergirl Cir - El and he says " Why couldn´t this be with Power Girl ? ".

Apropos Supergirl, one thing that has always baffled me is that with all these different and even alternate versions of her the one thing they´ve in common is that they are all flat chested. It would be cool if somebody would make a new version of Supergirl with a huge rack. I mean keeping in mind that Power Girl is also basically just an alternate if somewhat older version of Supergirl and that Power Girl has boobs out to the wahzoo it stands to reason that being big breasted lies in Supergirl´s future. Clearly with the return of every possible alternative world and parallel timeline to DC´s Rebirth Universe there must be one with a super chested Supergirl.

Keeping the man from Krypton theme going, we have another episode of Inside Of You with Brandon Routh who couldn´t convince comic fans with his portrayal of the Man Of Steel ( although that was more the fault of a bad scipt, a badly cast movie and a director who didn´t understand the character and who was too busy copying the Richard Donner movie ) but totally redeemed himself as the Kingdom Come Superman in ELSEWORLDS.

He also has the Ray Palmer Atom under his comicbook role belt although most people don´t remember - or outright don´t know - that he also played the famous italian supernatural comicbook investigator DYLAN DOG.

For Todays music video I´m going with one I found quite by accident of the great late Roy Clark playing one of the quintessential spanish songs.

Now for some reason Roy Clark seemed very familiar and after a bit of research I can confirm that I saw him on an episode of The Muppet Show.

Speaking of cult tv shows, Ayer Nomas brings us one of its longest and best installments about THE 80s show that broke all the norms and with a surprise guest - star to boot. With spoofs, homages and a relaunch it has become a part of our culture and the term of macgyvering something has found its way into our modern language including an episode of Stargate.

Among the many actors who appeared on MacGyver who later became famous was also cult siren Teri Hatcher who played plucky Penny Parker.

I thought that she was only in one episode but apparently the producers of MacGyver had an eye for talent because Teri Hatcher soon became a recurring character. I think it is fitting to have Teri Hatcher in this post.

Teri played the BEST Lois Lane on tv so far and was the first actress who made it believable that Superman would choose her over the ultimate sex bombs in the Justice League of America like Big Barda or Wonder Woman .

While there were a lot of hot women on the show Teri clearly was the main attraction showing off her bouncing boobies in a lot of sexy outfits.

Teri also was on Desperate Housewives where she showed she still looked rack - tastic and who can forget the famous " I´m not a stripper ! " scene ?

Check out my last post on cult siren Teri Hatcher to read more about her comic book connections like her appearance in Tales From The Crypt or Tango & Cash where she showed her incredible body and dancing skills.

Speaking of impressive skills, I just had to include this live performance and I don´t get the mean comments. Granted, Teri Hatcher may not be the best singer in the world but neither is she as bad as some people paint her. Plus, a performance is about more than just singing, there are also things like delivery and stage presence and in that departement Teri nails it. What´s more this is for charity so cut her some slack. Man, some people are so busy hating on other people instead of enjoying this all star band. I mean, when was the last time you had Teri Hatcher, Mike Delfino, the guy from Heroes and the guy from House MD jamming it out on stage ?

Staying with mind blowing performances, I thought I had made new GIFs of Teri Hatcher´s bonerinducing dance from Tango & Cash but it seems I didn´t or if I did I can´t find it at the moment. One of these days I have to do that - in fact I have to do new versions of all my Teri Hatcher GIFs - but until then here is the best video I could find of her Tango & Cash dance.

And last but not least we have another episode of Cutting Edge about which parts were cut from Tango & Cash for the home entertainment.

Usually I try to avoid having two videos form the same channel in one post but the guys from Ayer Nomas went to all the trouble of going through all episodes of MacGyver to compile the top ten episodes - which naturally includes one with Teri Hatcher as a brabusting saloon girl to boot - and I know how much my faithful followers love a good top ten list. Story time : a few years ago during one of my stays in Spain I was zapping through the channels because there was nothing good on tv when I suddenly stopped at an episode of MacGyver. Since I had never seen that many episodes of that particular show I decided to watch it and it just happened to be the two part story where McGyver ends up in Camelot. Now when they show these episodes on spanish tv they don´t always show them in the proper order and sometimes you have to wait a week until you can watch the continuation. That day they showed both parts so I thought I was in luck but because we can´t have nice things my mother had to drag me to some place just as the second part was getting good. I don´t remember where we went but I know that we either could have gone there after the end of the episode or it was closed or something like that. Afterwards I tried to find the episodes online but to this day I haven´t seen the end of the story which is especially frustrating because at the end of the second episode MacGyver´s first name is revealed. That was a big mystery of the show and the only reason I know this is because of the following video.

Now I couldn´t find the Camelot episodes - or the one with sexbomb Teri Hatcher as a saloon girl - but I found one of the two tv movies they made.

Lately I have included a lot of material from Ayer Nomas since I recently discovered the channel but I know that not all of my readers understand spanish. So since I don´t want anybody to feel left out here is a video about a forgotten tv show with Richard Dean Anderson that sounds cool.

Since we are on the subject of westerns here is THE best space western cartoon. I already included this in a previous post but I decided to take it out again because I found another that fit the topic of the post better.

I think I already posted the original version and the german dubbed version of the first episode so here is the spanish dubbed version of it.

It looks like I am going to finish this post in just three days which would be a new record. At least for the posts I wrote since coming to Spain.

I have mentioned the master of the macabre in a few posts but in 2016 I did a post with two comic adaptions of Edgar Allen Poe stories, The Black Cat by the late Bernie Wrightson from Creepy 62 and The Raven by Richard Corben from Creepy 67 that newer visitors of the blog might want to read.

Since we are already in the realm of mystery and horror Today´s Creature Feature is the 1972 horror thriller When Michael Calls which oddly enough stars Michael Douglas - who doesn´t play the Michael from the film title.

Closing things out for Today we have a video with the master himself.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

I think that we want to believe in Superman.

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