Sunday, September 18, 2022

Relevant comic content : Sandman Sunday

I needed a break from all the unfinished posts so I thought : " Why not add another one to the mix ? " which sounds kind of crazy but makes sense when you are doing the work. And since it has been almost two and a half years since my last Neil Gaiman SANDMAN post I am taking the opportunity to put more comic content out there while people actually care about it.

Which is all because of the SANDMAN tv show everybody´s raving about - and rightly so. This was another reason for me to make this post : so I can give you my two cents on it. Because as longtime followers of this blog know I have been a Neil Gaiman fan pretty much since day one - meaning I was already a fan when I started this blog - and after the AMERICAN GODS tv show turned into a gay sausage fest I had my share of reservations.

Because I knew before they even started there would be some changes from the original source material to what will appear on the tv screens.

Which usually falls into two categories : the necessary and the obsolete.

The first ones are changes that are made to fit the tv or movie format better like in Neil Gaiman´s brilliant animated CORALINE movie with not so desperate 38C - 22 - 33 cult siren Teri Hatcher where the main character was given somebody to talk to if necessary so she would not be talking to herself all the time which would have made her seem crazy.

The second ones are changes that are made arbitrary because Hollywood has to " fix " the source material or because it would not work with U.S. audiences like in the CONSTANTINE movie with Keanu Reeves where they changed basically everything about the main character except the name.

And then there is the sub category consisting of the changes that are necessary nowadays to appease the SJWs and LTGBQWXÖ communities if you make a tv show. So I already knew there would be some characters who would have a different skin color, gender, sexual orientation, race etc. Which can make for an interesting drinking game : take one shot for each change which for some characters is a double or even triple shot.

But that´s part of the fun now with comicbook adaptions : who´s black, who´s asian ( I was so rooting for Death being a hasian sexsation like 44D cosplay Busenwunder Yaya Han but they missed the mark slightly on that one ), who´s gay, who´s a lesbian ( I was a bit confused when the lesbian in episode 24 / 7 said she was gay but that´s what you get from Today´s uneducated generation of snowflakes, they throw sexual orientations around without any idea what the right term is as long as they can avoid somebody man - splaining it to them ), who´s a woman, who´s a man ?

Okay, I made that last one up. It won´t be a man. It never is a man. You will never have a character in a comicbook adaption who is a woman in the original version and who is turned into a man in the tv adaption.

Because that just makes no sense. I mean, who would this pander to ?

Anyway, so how does the SANDMAN tv show fare with these changes ?

Actually pretty good and I have to say the change from white librarian dude Lucien to black librarian dudette Lucienne bothered me more than the change from a white skinned personification of Death ( and in the original comicbooks she is not only white but white white like her brother Morpheus ) to a dark skinned one. Because the second one at least makes sense within the context of the story. Those who have already seen the episode where Morpheus goes to hell - quite literally I might add - know that all the Endless are just antrophomorphic representations and they are not really human so they have the same skin color as the one they interact with. Like Morpheus had black skin when he talked to Nadia. Or turned into a freaking cat in Dream Of A Thousand Cats. So Death being black is not that much of a stretch especially when she is a hot nubian Sexbombe like british 36C - 25 - 40 bra - buster Kirby Howell - Baptiste.

Epecially if they change her outfit and appearance because somebody sees her differently like they did with Dream in the next season. I´m thinking about something more tribal that let´s her show more skin.

But I guess that´s the difference between having your tv show produced by Netflix and by HBO because I think Kirby definitely has swordfishing monster´s ball skills and I would not mind some riskier scenes with her.

Speaking of hell, I was so disappointed they picked Gwendoline Christie as Lucifer, not because she is a woman but because she is not Tom Ellis.

Which granted most of us are not but anybody who has read this blog for more than a few months knows what a huge fan of the LUCIFER tv show I am and it would have been so fragging awesome to have Tom Sturridge ( who is brilliant by the way, no complaints there ) and Tom Ellis go at it in a rap death battle in hell ( another Tom vs Tom pairing after Tom Ellis vs Tom Welling ). But I understand that with these tv shows you can´t use actors from other tv shows even if they are from the same company.

This is also the reason why most super heroes from the DC universe like Batman, Martian Manhunter or Mister Miracle do not appear ( you might argue that it works in favor of the SANDMAN series to be seperate from the super hero universe ) and why the one they kept - John Constantine - was changed into a woman. We all would have loved to get a return visit from Lesbians Of Tomorrow´s great Matt Ryan but I won´t complain about having Jenna Coleman - one of the best companions on Doctor Who ever - on the show. Plus Lady Johanna Constantine was a pre - existing character so they didn´t just make her up for the show. And there is still the chance - however slim - we´ll get a Constantine / Constantine crossover episode.

As for Lucien, I think what bugs me the most about this is that the change doesn´t really add anything and was made more to give Morpheus a female black person to talk to when Death is not around. Also, Lucienne is not even a real name. They made that up for the tv show. It´s fake I say, fake.

Now this alone would not be that bad but the amount of white characters who turned black just keeps growing : we also have Unity Kinkaid and subsequently her decendants Miranda Walker, Rose Walker and Jed Walker but also Hector Hall who in the original SANDMAN comic was the one who took on the super hero persona of Sandman in the Dreaming instead of Jed Walker ( see my last SANDMAN post ) and who had the costumed identities of Doctor Fate and Silver Scarab in the regular DC continuity.

Okay, that was the cringe worthy part of the cast. The rest - Charles Dance as Roderick Burgess, Boyd Holbrook as The Corinthian, Patton Oswalt as Matthew the raven, Davis Thewlis as Doctor Destiny or John Dee, Stephen Fry as Fiddler´s Green, Mark Hamill as Merv Pumpkinhead, James MacAvoy, David Tennant, Arthur Darvill, Neil Gaiman - chef´s kiss.

Coming to the other changes like introducing characters earlier in the story than in the comicbooks or in chapters they did not appear in and such since Neil Gaiman himself was heavily involved in the show most were made to improve the tv show by streamlining the narrative or give the characters more to do and more personality. Plus you knew going in that some of the stuff from the comicbooks would never make it onto the tv screens like in the diner episode 24 / 7. But here being less graphic and having more of a constant eerie atmosphere worked in favour of the show.

So what´s my verdict ?

A whole - hearted recommendation. SANDMAN is without doubt one of the best comicbook adaptions I have seen in my whole life and I am 55.

But what about all the changes in the characters, what about all those black characters coming out of nowhere, what about the gay content ?

Come on, this is 2022.

Is it not about time we were above getting all worked up because of the color of somebody´s skin or his sexual orientation ? It bugs me that a lot of characters in the show are black but that is strictly speaking as a person and comicbook fan who read the SANDMAN comic first and knows them first and foremost as white people. I don´t have anything about black characters in comicbooks. There are a lot of great black characters in comicbooks like Luke Cage, Black Panther, X - Men´s Storm ( homina, homina, homina, I´m still bummed they underused afro american 36C - 26 - 37 aphrodite Halle Berry a.k.a. the sexiest woman on Earth in the X - MEN movies ) or Black Lightning but when white heroes are suddenly black without any rhyme or reason I´m thrown off guard.

Nevertheless you can´t let something like this stop you from enjoying the show. Which was made mostly for people who don´t know the comicbooks and therefore have no preconceived notions about the characters. As for the gay and LGTBQXYÖ and whatnot kind of stuff that was always in the comics. SANDMAN was one of the first comicbooks where mainstream readers were exposed to gay, lesbian, transgender or other characters where the old male / female / other sexuality and gender roles were fluid.

So I know that a lot of the things I have written might sound like I don´t approve of the show but for the most part I do. Plus they have already adapted some of my favorite SANDMAN issues way better than I thought possible. The Sound Of Her Wings is my favorite story and the issue that made me go back and buy all the SANDMAN issues I could find. The first issues I saw in a comic shop were this one and some part of The Doll´s House and I opted for the standalone issue and was immediatelly hooked.

It's been over four months since I started this post and I don't know why it's taking me this long to finish the post. Anyway, this will be the last comicbook - related post I started in 2022 so once I wrap this up there is only one left before I can finally get on with the posts I started in 2023.

Starting off the link section we have blog partner MAN OF BRONZE with a plethora of interesting posts on the universe of Neil Gaiman's master of all dreams like the new SANDMAN UNIVERSE providing the first preview pages and the covers , Sandman galleries by The Kindly One's Marc Hempel , David Hitchcock and Durgaraju including some fanart , Pedro Angosto´s own reflections on the SANDMAN tv show , the comicbook adaption of Neil Gaiman´s book on nordic myths with collaborators like P. Craig Russell , Mike Mignola or Jerry Ordway and the adaption of more Neil Gaiman stories of his The Problem Of Susan And Other Stories book.

If you are looking for audible Neil Gaiman goodness to listen to on your way to work - or when your eyes are just too tired to read - COMIC GEEK SPEAK has you covered with a few Book Of The Month Club episodes where they examine the storylines of Preludes and Nocturnes The Doll´s House Dream Country and Season of Mists ( with part 1 / part 2 ).

Likewise LOS COMIC GEEKOS have episodes on the first volume , Season Of Mists Death : The High Cost Of Living , the Netflix tv show and a 10 en 10 episode about the different comicbook characters called Sandman.

And last but not least, if you are really thinking about getting into the SANDMAN comicbooks make sure to first head over to my trusty link partner COLLECTED EDITIONS since they have reviews of volume one , volume two , volume three , volume four and volume five of the new SANDMAN : THE DELUXE EDITION hardcovers as well as a review of the 30th anniversary edition trade paperback SANDMAN : OVERTURE although I have to say that back when I had what you could call a real comicbook collection instead of the pale imitation I have to content myself with nowadays I opted for the new hardcover version and never looked back.

Since a big part of this post deals with the SANDMAN tv show - and all the changes they made to adapt the comicbook onto the small screen - here is a video that goes into more detail about some of them ( they do cover some of the details of the comicbooks with less enthusiasm like the background of Lyta and Hector Hall where they don't even mention that both of them were from the pre - CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTH's Earth Two ) to give you another / different viewpoint than only my two cents.

Speaking of the original SANDMAN comicbook Comic Tropes takes a look at issue nineteen titled A Midsummer Night's Dream and how writer Neil Gaiman layers his stories with various level of meanings which may have been the deciding factor for this issue winning the prestigious World Fantasy Award for Best Short Fiction in 1991. It was the first comicbook to EVER win that award so naturally they quickly changed the rules the following year so their hoity toity muggel short stories would not suffer the shame of being beaten by a mere comicbook - of all things - again.

With the next video I can't tell you much about Sandman Universe because up until a few days ago I didn't even know this existed. And as my frequent blog visitors are probably now tired of hearing since I still haven't managed to get registered for social services, health care or unemployment I have no disposable income so any comicbook purchases are kept on hold. So it will take a while before I can get to enjoy this aside from reading it off the internet which is not that advisable. But then I do spend more time than is healthy staring at a computer screen.

What is better for your health is reading books and there is a plethora of material from Neil Gaiman. Which brings us to the old question where to start with your Neil Gaiman reading. Now I don't want to question any of these suggestions because they are all good even if there are - almost - no comics among them. And that is fine because so many other people cover them plus it's nice to have some other stuff besides comicbooks or graphic novels how they call them nowadays. But my tip would be start wherever you want. Because I sure had no guidance as to where to start my journey and it turned out pretty okay. There are so many different stories by Neil Gaiman and there is surely one that'll get you interested.

Speaking of comicbooks, one of the collections you might want to start with ( I'm not going to call it a graphic novel since that implies it is all brand new material and this was first released as a three issue mini series ) if you don't want to dive head first into the deep end of the SANDMAN pool is DEATH : THE HIGH COST OF LIVING by Neil Gaiman, Mark Buckingham and Chris Bachalo. When Chris Bachalo did good art.

I really have no idea what happened here because when he was doing GENERATION NEXT he was one of my favorite artists and an insanely hot commodity in the comicbook art community and when we come to his STEAMPUNK I can't look at his art. And I don't mean that I don't like it but that it is impossible for my brain to decipher what is happening on the page and just tries to shut down. It is actually giving me physical pain.

Anyway, Dream's sister Death is one of the most popular characters so it was only natural to give her her own solo adventure and I don't want to say too much about the story because I do not want to spoil anything.

There is also an animated DC Showcase about the not - so - grim reaper but you can only find the thing on YouTube in various - very short - parts.

Speaking of the other thing that is certain in life besides taxes, since I already used a picture of Yaya Han in her spot on Death cosplay you probably expected a cosplay video of that but a. ) I couldn't find one and b. ) I have been known to feature other cosplayers from time to time .


Keeping the Neil Gaiman vibe going there is a fan film called Sandman 24 Hour Diner which is an adaption of the fan favourite SANDMAN story 24 Hours on YouTube but anybody who has read the comicbook won´t be surprised that the video has an age restriction so I can only post the link and instead I am including the black and white movie House Of Secrets.

As any comicbook afficionado worth his salt knows House Of Secrets was - together with House Of Mystery - DC Comics horror anthology that ran from 1956 to 1966 in its first incarnation and from 1969 to 1978 during its revival when Cain and Abel were brought in as hosts. Cain as the host for House Of Mystery and Abel as the host for House Of Secrets and as time went on they also moved in within the backdrop of the stories.

Being the older title House Of Mystery started out as a horror anthology in 1951 but with the advent of the anti - comicbook hysteria and after the implemention of the new Comics Code in 1954 it shifted its focus to science fiction based monsters and other mystery / suspense type tales that were allowed under the new regime. In the mid 60s they started to include super heroes like J'onn J'onzz The Manhunter From Mars who headlined House Of Mystery from June 1964 to December 1966 followed by Dial H For Hero which was the new main feature from January 1966 to April 1968 while House Of Secrets included new features like Eclipso.

Because of the restrictions of the Comics Code Authority a lot of the stories had to be toned down considerably which is why not everybody likes reading them nowadays but they were also a testing ground for new artists which is why you can find so much material by comicbook icons like Jim Aparo , Neal Adams , Gil Kane or Ernie Chan there. Now with the start of the DC Comics Vertigo - verse Neil Gaiman brought the House of Mystery and the House of Secrets back together with the housekeepers Cain and Abel but the reason why the omnibus hardcovers have reached such astronomical heights now is of course the Netflix Sandman show.

Which is just one reason why I am so glad I bought volume one of The House Of Mystery - The Bronze Age and volume two of The House Of Secrets - The Bronze Age when they were offered at a much lower price than usual at amazon. Especially the latter one because it includes the 150th issue which guest stars the Phantom Stranger, one of my all - time favourite occult DC Comics character to whom I dedicated a special Jim Aparo spotlight post in 2015 . I also did a spotlight post on artist Frank Robbins with some original art pages from two stories for House Of Mystery in 2020 and another one in 2021 with material from all of the DC Comics horror anthologies that I remembered from my misspent youth .

Now why am I telling you all of this ( and this is just the very condensed version ) ? I don't know. Because the movie from 1936 predates all of this so it has nothing to do with comicbooks and only might have served as an inspiration for the title of the series. In fact there is also a movie called The House Of Mystery from 1934 which I also could have chosen for this post but the plot of The House Of Secrets just sounded more interesting.


We are taking a break from all this horror and crime noir stuff with the fine boys and more than fine girls of Zapeando. I used to watch it more often before they changed the line up which got rid of almost all the hot women, first and foremost real life 42D - 22 - 35 Power Girl Anna Simon.

All natural 40C - 25 - 33 Busenwunder Ana Morgade has also moved on to bigger - much bigger ( Britzky ! ) - and better things and as iberic 40C - 25 - 36 sexbomb Cristina Pedroche ( who will be featured a bit more in my upcoming Bart Sears birthday / Christmas post in December ) is way busy with shows like Love Island she only shows up once in a blue moon.

Now I don't know if I have ever explained what kind of show Zapeando is because I was always too busy writing about the various masssitas on the program so for those who have never seen it the title could be translated as Zapping and that's basically what they are doing. It's a show where they sit at a roundtable and go channel surfing and talk about all the usual stuff like internet finds, clips from tv shows and celebrity gossip.

I am no expert since I lived more than my first fifty years in Germany but I think it is the biggest, best known and most established of all the shows of this kind in Spain. If I am wrong please feel free to correct me in the comments below. From the hosts / co - presenters the two guys I know are Miki Nadal who is like comedy royalty in Spain since he has been in a lot of famous programs before like Dani Mateo who also has appearances on one of my favorite spanish lampooning programs ever El Intermedio.

And I am not just saying that because of hot Sexbombe Sandra Sabates.

I wanted to address Zapeando again for quite some time now because as longtime followers of the blog know I don't like to dwell on the negative things and prefer to spotlight the positive side so I wanted to mention that there has been a much needed new - ish addition to the diminished female roster of Zapeando who always puts her breast features forward - be it with her impressive cleavages or bobbing her boobies on a bouncing ball - but it took me quite some time to find out her name. And even when I managed to identify raven haired 38B - 24 - 35 sexbomb Lorena Castell that didn't mean that I automatically had some videos with her.

As you might have guessed at this point the situation has changed but before we come to the usual videos I want to spotlight another side of Lorena. Here she is on The Challenge using a forklift like a professional.

Okay, enough talk and let's get to the part you have all anxiously been waiting for : the top five of Lorena Castell's breast I mean best cleavages on Zapeando. As usual this selection is highly subjective and based on my own sexual preferences and depends on what I find on the interwebs. So if you know of an instance where love machine Lorena displayed a more generous cleavage or better yet - let it all hang loose liberating her lube applicationers - don't hesitate to drop me a line ( with some information where I can find some videos of said boob incident otherwise there is not much I can include in my posts ) in the ever trusty comment section.

Closing things out with Lorena Castell - at least for Today - she also hosts the photography competition program Top Photo which I did not know but thankfully you can find all of the episodes on this YouTube channel.


Apropos photographic as an adjective, I don't think a photographic memory was among the bionic woman's improvements ( I almost wrote enhancements but the tv show where a blonde woman with physical enhancements fights crime is V.I.P. starring blonde 44DD ( ! ) - 24 - 34 baywatchable beachbody Pamela Anderson ) but I think she did alright.

Now I'm not even going to try to make a segueway from that to Lucia Mendez but if you feel like the preview picture looks different you are right. That's one of the advantages when you are working so long on a post namely that I found another version of this. It has a red taint in the upper half of the picture but I think that overall the quality is much better than the first music video I posted which was very yellowed out.

I also replaced the video for Heidi - which was one of the first anime shows that aired in Germany before the general public even knew what animes are thus continuing our journey through the beginnings of anime on television in Germany ( although technically speaking it does have the spanish dubbing ) - which not only is in better quality but with over three and a half ( !!! ) hours it is also significantly longer than the video I posted originally. But not only are these the first ten ( ! ) episodes of the series you can also find a plethora of other Heidi videos on this channel.

When I was looking for a longer video to include in this post I thought I didn't have one that tied into SANDMAN and was about to put one with Neil Gaiman here ( which also would have been great because hearing Neil Gaiman talk is one of the greatest joys I have experienced in life that guy could read the phone book and you would be going : " Okay, but what happened next ? " ) when I remembered one that does tie in with LUCIFER. Which is also a DC Comics Vertigo property and a spin - off of SANDMAN. In this episode of Inside Of You we have Lex Luthor grilling - if you so will - the devil's right hand woman Mace - played by Lesley - Ann Brandt ( whom I didn't recognize right away, sorry ) and it's one of those episodes I can't watch because I haven't finished watching LUCIFER - yet.

What also would have been a great song for LUCIFER is Superstition and I was about to include the original version by Stevie Wonder when I came across this super energetic rendition by Chris Blue. With a name like that he was destined to end up in showbiz and after seeing this performance I am not in the least surprised that he won season twelve of The Voice.

There is really no connection between SANDMAN and Today's cult movie review by Brandon Tenold besides that the title of the movie is Dolly Dearest and the first story of SANDMAN that I read was The Doll's House.

Since we are on the subject of horror in pop culture, people always say that the german verisons of folklore are always more horrific and more brutal than in other countries ( like in the original fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm ), well here is the german version of the Sandman - the Sandmaennchen - and I dare anyone to tell me that this little fella is not wholesome and less frightening then DC Comics version of Morpheus.

From frightening folklore we come to the bizarre with The Twilight Zone - one of the most well known tv anthology series that dwelled into the unknown dimension of dreams and nightmares on a regular basis. Now a lot of people think that tv show spin - offs are a modern invention but there actually was a backdoor pilot that was meant to lead into a spin - off show. I remember watching this episode ( among the few things I had access to after coming to Spain was the part of The Twilight Zone that included this episode and because I didn't have to deal with as much life stuff as now I could actually enjoy it ) and thinking to myself that is was a very odd episode ( and for the sake of those who have not seen it I won't say which episode it is and you will find out in the video anyway ) but so were most of the episodes of the show so I didn't think much of it.


From unknown dimensions we come to a dude who is not only able to vibrate to other parallel dimensions but is the fastest guy on the planet.

That's right I am talking about El Relampago Rojo also known as the Flash whose alter ego in Latin America was Bruno Alba because the folks down there had problems pronouncing Barry Allen. Or at least that is what the translators suspected. They also changed a lot of the other original secret identities like Jorge Forcada instead of Jay Garrick or Carlos Vela for Wally West and you can find the complete list on LA CASA DE EL folks.

That episode of Ayer Nomas is one where I waited for the right occasion and what could be better than the pilot episode of the OG Flash show - and in high quality to boot. And just so the german speaking part of my audience doesn't feel left out they can find the german dubbed version of the pilot episode in my latest MATT WAGNER DC SHOWCASE post ( which not only includes Matt Wagner's rendition of Jay Garrick but also his Justice Society Of America teammate, the Wesley Dodds Sandman ).

Now I know that not all of my followers use the links or check out older posts or there may be some visitors who understand german AND english and prefer the original version to the german dubbing. So just to cover all of my bases here is another german dubbed The Flash episode since you never know how long the videos last before YouTube deletes them. 

And you can find another episode of the 90s The Flash tv show in my upcoming RETURN OF FLASH FRIDAY : DER ROTE BLITZ post which you should definitely check out. Because it not only includes all the links to my previous FLASH FRIDAY posts as well as any other posts where the Sultan of Speed is featured prominently but most importantly to find out what connection living 38B - 24 - 33 blow up sex doll Joyce Hyser who gained her place in the Hollywood Boob Hall Of Fame for the breast and most iconic naked boob flash in 80s cinema has to the Fastest Man Alive.

In that post I wrote more about the original The Flash tv show and how thrilled I was when they incorporated the OG Flash John Wesley Shipp in the new CW The Flash show. And not only did they have him as Barry Allen's Dad but they brought him back as Jay Garrick and finally as Barry Allen, the Flash of Earth 90 - as a nod to the 90s show. They even gave him a superb final send - off like the Flash in issue 8 of Crisis On Infinite Earths and I have to admit that I lost my s#it. Man, this was MY Flash !

Coming back to the comicbooks or Comichefte like they call them in Germany since we already had a video about how to start Neil Gaiman here's one about the best point to start your Flash journey since there have been many volumes - and sadly quite a few reboots over the years.

As for myself as longtime followers of the blog know I read a lot of Silver Age Flash in Ehapa Verlag's DER ROTE BLITZ but I really became a Flash - fanatic with the second volume where Wally West laced up the yellow boots and took up the mantle from his uncle who sacrificed himself in Crisis. But this is a topic I hope to continue in future FLASH FRIDAY posts.


One of the things that makes THE FLASH different from other comicbook superheroes are of course the Rogues because unlike most other villains they are more of a secret society than just an assembly of the bad guys.

They are more like a social club because from a very early stage they had to team up to have a chance to win against the fastest man alive.

They also started very soon to become competitive with each other trying to one up one another with more clever and deathly death traps.

And before you knew it they were hanging out with each other, planning strategies or backing each other up. They even have their own rules ( no killing is one of the big ones, not because they are afraid to cross that line but because they know if one of them kills somebody all of them have to pay for it and even if they all agreed to do it it's not worth the hassle of having the entire superhero community declare open season on them ) and I think within the DC Comics universe they are the super villain team up that resembles the Justice League of America the most.

Speaking of evil masterminds, THE best animated movie about a villain is without any doubt MEGAMIND and besides being one of the best movies I have ever seen - not one of the best animated movies or one of the best movies about superheroes and supervillains but one of the best movies PERIOD - it is also one of the reasons why I don't like DESPICABLE ME.

Because as good as DESPICABLE ME is - and it's a nice little movie - it completely overshadowed MEGAMIND which is a much better movie with a much better message. But everybody was so hyped out of their minds by the magnificent minions that MEGAMIND got completely railroaded.

Now if you really trust me you will watch the movie before watching the video below because there are a few spoilers that will take away a few of the big surprises of MEGAMIND ( or if you don't mind a little spoiler you can read my short but sweet MEGAMIND MOVIE RUMMAGE TABLE REVIEW I wrote back in 2014, see how long I've been pimping this ? ).

Of which there are more than one would expect from a movie that the general public sees ( still ) as mainly geared for kids. The only thing I will tell you about the story is that whatever you may think it will be it will surprise you. And once you watch it it will become one of your favourite movies and you will rewatch it a few times because as perfect of a movie this is it gets even better when you re - watch it. Because there are so many things foreshadowing what is to come that you don't notice because you don't have the context you gain later in the movie.


We take a break from superheroes and villains for some urban down and dirty karate chopping kung fu street fighting action with the complete tv series Street Fighter : Assassin's Fist from 2014 in the spanish dubbing.

Now one thing I noticed right away is that there is no Chun - Li in the entire series but fear not admirer of the first lady of martial arts with the mighty thunder thighs , there is help for you in the form of The Street Fighter Swimsuit Special which started out - like so many before it - copying Marvel Comics Illustrated Swimsuit Special . Which was such a huge success that the higher ups decided to turn it into an annual thing which in turn spawned its own cottage industry as during the 90s every company that could published one flooding the market with the books.

Fun fact : one of the companies that did more than one of the swimsuit specials was Antarctic Press who published these issues for series like Ninja High School or Gold Digger. Now my brother is a huge Gold Digger fan and had the complete collection in single issue form. I don't know if his fiancee let him keep them but I always wanted to read them one day.

Mind you, I have read some of the issues here and there but I really would have liked to read the whole run through starting with issue one.

The reason why I am mentioning this is that unlike other comicbook companies Antarctic Press used their Swimsuit Specials and annuals to print fan art. They openly encouraged fans to send in complete stories or just pin ups and some of them were printed. Being such a huge Gold Digger fan my brother send in a few stories which were printed in one annual and two Swimsuit Specials. I had copies of those issues and even got him to sign them but sadly I could not take them with me to Spain.

Not because they are worth something but because of the sentimental value. It's not an easy task to get something in print ( just check out my post about my own ADVENTURES IN COMIC BOOK MAKING or ask my old link partner Terry Hooper - Scharf over at COMIC BITS ONLINE ) so every time you manage to beat the odds it is nice to have a little memento.

Coming back to the Swimsuit Specials one company who also has kept publishing them besides Antarctica Press is Udon and they have now released a hardcover that collects them all. That is definitely on the list of books I will buy once I have disposable income. And there may be just at least one post with some choice pin ups from these issues coming up.


Speaking of the martial arts massitas of Street Fighter wearing next to nothing clothing, there apparently is a comicbook adaption that pushed the boundaries a bit. When the US adaption of the most famous fighting game ever by Malibu Comics got a cease and desist ( to the relief of comicbook fans worldwide ) by Capcom because of too much violence and really just being outright bad the brazilian publisher just acquired the license for it and continued feeding the hungry masses more Street Fighter comicbooks seriously upping the ante where violence and nudity are concerned ( much to the delight of the brazilian comicbook fans ).

Which should not be a surprise for anybody because Brazil is known for two things : having some of the most strikingly beautiful women on the planet which wear the tiniest pieces of swimsuit - if they are not topless or skinny dipping - that would get them arrested in the United States.

Okay, there is a third thing and they don't call it " the brazilian " for nothing. By the way, a country acquiring the license to keep producing comicbook adaptions is not that unheard of. There is the case of the CAPTAIN MARVEL comics which were so popular that the publisher in England kept producing them - without Fawcett Comics consent - only changing the name and costume which ultimately created MIRACLEMAN.

In fact this practice proved so profitable that the artist on those books did it two more times. And there are the MASK comicbook adaptions where british publisher ICP extended the original 4 issue run to 82 issues.

Anyway, after watching this video I have to say that the nude content in the issues was lower than expected and quite normal for any european adaption of Street Fighter. Compared to what comicbook creators like Milo Manara or Paolo Euteri Serpieri would produce it is rather tame.

Now one thing I most often than not fail to mention in connection with Street Fighter is that I did a COMICBABE BATTLE fighting game edition which Chun Li won by a thong's breath over bubblebutt Cammy White .

What I never fail to mention on the other hand ( and which my readers are tired of hearing ) is that the breast scene from the animated Street Fighter movie is when Chun Li takes a shower ( this is also how you can tell if it is the uncut version ) which I would love to see re - enacted by the aforementioned living 44D - 25 - 35 cosplay sex phantasy Yaya Han .

Not only has she already done one of the breast Chun Li cosplays of all times, with her giant porn implants she literally built her body to be perfect for naked shower scenes and it is a cruel joke of fate that she still has not ended up in the adult movie industry. One can only hope.

Anyway, Yaya´s overdeveloped orgasm guaranteeing oppai were made to be all wet and soaped up and we definitely have to get a closed shower so Yaya can press her asian lubrication moneymakers against the glass.

In the original scene Chun Li is attacked by Vega after she gets partially dressed ( should I be more offended by the fact that Vega is dressed in the stereotypical matador outfit or that the spanish guy is a rapist ? ) but in my version of the scene the asian penetration sensation would not get a chance to leave the shower before Vega jumps her. Because Vega would hit her with a completely different attack technique against which even a skilled Street Fighter like Chun Li has no defense. It goes without saying that I would selflessly volunteer for the role of Vega and that I am willing to repeat the scene as often as it takes for me to climax plenty.

Yes, I know, it´s just a cheap excuse for some xxx Chun Li action but I´m willing to take it especially when it means that I get to live out all of my sex dreams with one of my top three wet sexual phantasies of all times.

Damn, some of these japanese animators really know how to bring Chun Li´s famous thunder thighs to life but I think the animated blow up sex dolls can´t hold a candle to Yaya Han where big butts are concerned.

And for more Chun Li stuff be sure to check out my latest two Yaya Han Chun Li readers request spotlights where you can find the usual links.

Speaking of re - enacting my favourite anime scenes, if you are game Yaya there are a few more on the list although they would fall into the adult hentai category. For a short list of my top spots you can check out my spotlight on the Karate Kid ( the Legion Of Super - Heroes member not the one from the martial arts movie franchise ) versus everybody.


Since we can all use something to cool down we come to something completely different with Dilbert a cartoon series based on one of my favourite comic strips. By the way, if you like Dilbert check out Scott Adams book on the future as his predictions are pretty accurate so far.

The next video is - kind of - a re - post but since the video I posted in my belated birthday post for the late master inker Joe Sinnott from 2019 has been deleted I wanted to put it on the blog again. This was one of my brother's favourite movies when he was a teenager and there was a time when he was watching Marc Dacascos Drive at least once a week.

Continuing with more SANDMAN related content we have another episode of Classics Of World Literature about the work of William Shakespeare. This one is about his comedic plays which includes of course A Midsummer Night's Dream that inspired issue nineteen.

Another fan favourite issue that will hopefully find an adequate adaption on the show is Ramadan which takes place is the mythical city Baghdad.

The story that was lavishly illustrated by P. Craig Russell is a visual treat and of course the first time I read it it immediately reminded me of one of my favorite classic Hollywood movies The Thief Of Bagdad from 1940.

We have another video that benefitted from the lateness of this post since the original video was just a random performance - although with the hottest sexbombs I had at that time - that did not have anything to do with the previous video. But now I found one with the Fernsehballett dancers dressed out as harem girls. And don't worry, the video I original included in this post is not lost, you'll definitely find it in a future post.

Speaking of which, since I mentioned the MASK comics earlier - which were very popular in Germany by the way - I wanted to include a little video explaining what that glorious cartoon show was for all my german readers who were born too late to experience this when it came out.

For a short while the cartoon eclipsed both Transformers and G. I. Joe because it was like a hybrid form of the two so you had the best of both worlds. There are even fan theories that the Terminators used M.A.S.K. tech to incorporate Transformer tech for the cybernetics after attempts to create a flesh / machine interface with Robocop software had failed.

In the part with the Street Fighter Swimsuit Special I mentioned Brazil's famous mini bikinis which were a thing decades before micro bikinis became a thing but you might have noticed that I have not yet included a GIF or a picture of a brazilian Busenwunder in such a bikini. Which is an opportunity that regular blog visitors know I usually don't squander as I always try to put as much hot girls on the blog as I can get away with.

Well the thing is that I write things first and then go looking for pictures to go along with it and in this case I don't have a good one since my last picture archive is under lock and key and searching my new one may take a while. But don't worry, here is a video with the tiniest pieces of something I could find - I don't know if I can call it swimwear since it's basically just tiny strips of black tape put on nude female bodies - and we start right out of the gate with one of the bounciest in this rundown.

Closing things out for Today we have another set of videos with Amy, the girl with the biggest melons in ASMR since I hear that these videos are supposed to help you sleep. I don't know, maybe I am doing it wrong or get too distracted by her 32F Wunderbusen but I am always more awake and excited - plus completely erect - after watching her videos. Anyway, this was not the original selection because I wanted to do an " all yellow outfits "  block but then decided to go with videos that show her range.

And don't worry, except for one video where Amy is wearing yellow you can find the " breast of the breast " selection in my latest Matt Wagner DC Comics showcase . Which does tie in nicely with this DC Comics post.

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I'll show you fear in a handful of dust.

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