Saturday, February 08, 2025

Mark Bagley's Spider - Man Stunner Saturday

That's right, spider - philes, SPIDER - MAN MONTH is still in full effect and as we take a stroll down memory lane through all the great artists who have worked on the various spider - books Today we are taking a look at a somewhat decisive era in spider - history because the run by Mark Bagley has as many fervent fans as it has as passionate detractors.

And that is because of the famous - or infamous - CLONE SAGA ( which we will not cover in this post, don't worry ) which for some was the best thing ever to happen to Spider - Man while others think it was the worst.

In my opinion it started as a great idea but then it became too successful for its own good and as management demanded that they kept the story going it became more and more complicated up to the point where they backpaddled on a lot of their ideas and then had to fix it in some way.

Which was not always the best way. As far as I can remember the original idea of the CLONE SAGA was to usher in a new and exciting era in Spider - Man history with the reveal that Ben Reilly was the original Spider - Man and whom the readers believed to be Peter Parker was just a clone.

And Ben Reilly would have become the new Spider - Man and we would have followed his adventures. Okay, I know what you are thinking : what the f - word are you talking about Subzero ? That DID happen. And you are right. They went that way for a while. But for whatever reason - probably a huge backlash from readers who had followed the exploits of Peter Parker for decades and were not too thrilled with the idea that it turned out to be a clone - they changed it back to the old status quo.

Of course none of that matters now because with all the reboots and different multiverses and all new whatnots one doesn't have the slightest idea who is who what is still canon and whatever. In the end the new Ben Reilly Spider - Man was revealed as a clone when he died ( I think ), Peter Parker was revealed to be the original Spider - Man who took up the mantle once again after the death of Ben Reilly and Ben Reilly's costume somehow made it to the MC2 universe where the one and only daughter of Peter Parker - May " Mayday " Parker put it to much better use. I mean, maybe it's just me but I think she looks way better in it.

Now the recap I just did was made just based on my memories since I don't have the time to read the whole run again. Also I may be a little sketchy on the details because this falls into my brothers wheelhouse.

As I already explained in previous posts me and my two brothers always tried not to buy the same books in order to be able to read more comics.

Yes, that's how it was in those days, you swapped or traded comicbooks with your brothers, neighbourhood kids or some kids at school to read more comics. Which was not always a good thing because one time I made the mistake to let a friend of my brother borrow my entire MAD magazine collection and since he was turkish he let all of his brothers read them and they lent it to all of their friends and so on and by the time I asked when he would return them they had already gone through so many hands that it was impossible to know where they all ended up.

But that is all water under the bridge now. The price you pay for letting someone borrow your comicbooks. Live and learn. So when I started to get american comics on a regular basis one of the titles was of course AMAZING SPIDER - MAN which I collected from issue 292 ( I remember it well, it was the second part of a Spider - Slayer story pencilled by Alex Saviuk  - one of the unsung heroes of Spider - Man stories - and inked by Vince Coletta ) up until the point where Erik Larsen left the book. I don't remember why but for some reason I was not too thrilled with the arrival of Mark Bagley on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN even though I had enjoyed his art on other Marvel titles like NEW WARRIORS and later THUNDERBOLTS with Kurt Busiek. Anyway, while I was going to quit the title my brother was interested in following the further exploits of everybody's favourite webslinger and I have to give credit where credit is due hung in there.

No pun intended. But he stuck with the title like a true champ through the worst times where I would have already thrown in the towel - at least three times during the Clone Saga - so this post is more for him than for me. Although I am not sure if he is even still reading my blog.

Anyway, Today we are tempting the fates so let's see if we can get four posts slapped with an age restriction in a row. Now I have said that there were highs and lows in Mark Bagley's run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN and while the Clone Saga was surely one of the lows one of the highs was Mark Bagley's ability to depict the female form especially as time went on. There is a reason why there are so many arbitrary seeming cameo by the Who's Who of stunning spiderbabes and it's no coincidence that the Black Cat had her best costume - which is basically just a giant cleavage from her neck to her deepest possible spot - during Mark Bagley's run.

And there will be a separate post about her in the not too distant future.

But for Today we are focusing on Marvel Comics version of Power Girl : Stunner. Now I am not one hundred percent sure if they really tried to cash in on Power Girl's huge popularity ( Wait, what did you think I was going to say ? or if they were copying another DC Comics character - namely bigbreasted redhead Knockout who appeared in the post Death Of Superman SUPERBOY comics drawn by Tom Grummett about which I have written two posts - or if they just said : hey, let's give Mark Bagley an ultimate sexbomb to draw with big knockers. That's not the question.

The question is more why didn't they do this sooner ? Anyway, I always thought that the aptly named Stunner only appeared in these few issues by Mark Bagley but after doing a little bit of research I can confirm that she did return a few times since she is just to good to be wasted as a one time character. The second female character from Spider - Man's newer rogues gallery that debuted during this run is Delilah and it may seems that I added her as an afterthought to get to the obligatory 23 pictures per post threshold but to tell the truth there are not that many pages with her that I could have added besides what is in this post because she just appears in one issue. Anyway, time to enjoy this double - breasted double rack attack combo and there will be more Mark Bagley Spider - Man posts coming up including the aforementioned Black Cat special.

clones the horror

clone stuff

clone links

clone videos

clone story

clone saga

Seeing as I already included a lot of Stephen King videos in my first full blown post about Joe Madureira's BATTLE CHASERS you might think

underrated king

linda hamilton

breast music reaction

king tv show

tv trucks brenda bakke

Who definitely could fill out the role of Stunner is 42G ( !!! ) - 25 - 35 Busenwunder Xanthe Tasmine and this is kind of a re - post but also not.

Because I DID include two videos with the same footage in my second WEREWOLF BY NIGHT spotlight post where I cast Xanthe as Big Barda.


In the original FOURTH WORLD comics by Jack Kirby - and this definitely changed in the NEW 52 - Big Barda was built like a brick shithouse with the personality of a lady trucker, the muscles of a bodybuilder, the hot measurements of a Playmate Of The Year and the cupsize of a porn star.

She got that from her even bigger breasted mother Big Breeda, the fiercest female on Apokolips who - nomen est omen - was therefore selected by Darkseid himself for breeding the next race of warriors.

I don´t know if it was because she spurned his advances or if he just thought she would produce the best offspring but it is implied that all the most brutal serial rapists she defeated and humiliated in the arena got their revenge by using her like a cheap blow up sex doll for years !

All for the next generation of Akopolips´ finest of course. Now with Big Barda the melons didn´t fall far from the tree and when she began to develop, especially in certain parts of her anatomy that had to do with procreation, Darkseid decided to let her follow in her mother´s footsteps and - like mother like daughter - personally introduce Big Barda to the breeding pens to continue the family tradition. So as soon as she got wind of his perverted plans for her Big Barda decided to ditch Apokolips and hitched the next ride to Earth. According to Big Barda she managed to do that before Darkseid had a chance to break her in but maybe she was so eager to join Mister Miracle because she had tasted the Darkseed.

For more on DC´s creepy sex stories with Big Barda - like when Barda starred in a porn movie with Superman who later claimed he could not remember a thing - check out BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES.


Originally I cast Maria Grazia Cucinotta, the italian mega MILF with the giant 39D ( !!! ) melons as Big Barda but keeping in mind her history I may cast her as Big Breeda. Not only to get Maria to do nude scenes that way but also because I could cast Xanthe Tasmine as Big Barda and give the Wonder Woman role to british 90s porn superstar Sarah Louise Young.

We could even have Sarah Louise Young wearing the mega slutty 1990s Mike Deodato sado maso leather outfit . Plus this way we would get to cast an additional sexbomb as anal fixated amazon Artemis and the two had to compete for the right to the title of Wonder Woman in a Last Amazon Standing Double Dildo Penetration Party Weekend. That would be right up Sarah´s alley who has a huge fanbase in my home country.

Yep, she was a big star over there in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used videos at the store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hannover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in german cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Which here in Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.


With this as a basis I would have to include a scene with Xanthe Tasmine in the live action Big Barda movie Big Barda vs Darkseid's 1000 Tentacles Of Doom or Spread Your Apokolips Because Here I Come ( of which he will use all to break Big Barda's body in order to bend her will ) where Big Barda and Mister Miracle have to change their clothes and when Scott Free sees Barda's giant naked XXL melons he gets a giant erection.

Which is only natural especially if Big Barda has a pornstar body like Xanthe Tasmine. Now while getting an erection upon seeing such huge knockers is a completely natural reaction it prevents him from putting on a guard's uniform and they only can use a boom tube to get to earth together if they don't blow their cover. Speaking of blowing, as they can't proceed while Mister Miracle has this huge erection Big Barda tells him to spank the monkey but being a superior specimen at his sexual prime that is easier said than done as he is still hard after shooting three loads.

Time is of the essence if they want to catch the next boom tube to earth so after trying in vain to get the big boner to calm down with a handjob Big Barda has to swallow the bitter pill or better swallow the throbbing schlong and use her superior deepthroat skills she acquired during her endless blowjob marathons with Darkseid to get Scott Free to squirt it.

Which happens quite quickly but the more Barda sucks Mister Miracle's stiff mega rod the bigger and harder his erection gets ( and having her giant breasts in full sight all the time doesn't exactly help matters ) so that after making him cum half a dozen times Big Barda realizes she has to get serious. So she uses her patented double breasted tit - fucking dick massage techniques ( which she used to fend off Apokolips biggest and most brutal serial rapists under Darkseid's orders to dicktame her or at least leave the sperm covered sexbomb in such a weakened state that she could not offer any resistance when Darkseid had her brought to his chambers for an all night penetration sensation marathon ) on Scottie.

Which would work on any other guy but because of his obsession with big breasted nympho sluts after his first visit to earth where he accidentally ended up in Power Girl's shower - while she was using a dildo covered with pink kryptonite ( who at first was surprised but when she saw how big his manhood got once he started fondling her titanic twin torpedoes quickly started squeezing his huge boner and rubbing it until it became three times its normal size before using Scott like a living dildo ) - he instantly gets hard again as soon as he sees her boobs squeezing his dick like there's no Tomorrow. So that in the end Barda has no choice but to spread her legs like a phillipino prostitute and slam - fuck his schlong.

After a 3 hour long penetration sensation marathon - where Big Barda merciless milks Mister Miracle's huge cock dry to the last drop until Scott can't get it up anymore and makes Scott squirt like a fire hose so many times that she loses count - they finally gain access to the boom tubes.

As is to be expected Big Barda has to fend off dozens of horny and drunk para demons and warriors - whom she humiliated in the arena and who are now trying to get their revenge by dicktaming her - and they almost miss their opportunity to escape to earth but in the end things work out.

And that's putting it mildly. Because after experiencing Mister Miracle's miraculous growing ability, wondrous hardness and extreme endurance Big Barda decides to put his sexual stamina to the ultimate lubrication sensation test by using all the perverted sexual techniques on him that Darkseid trained her to do so expertly - much to the delight of Apokolips warrior elite who started to take turns tag - teaming her from both ends.

It takes Big Barda two entire weeks to completely wear Mister Miracle's dick out and after the unparalleled fuck marathon she literally fucked his brains out since he immediately agrees to marry her without much protest. It's needless to say their honeymoon takes place on a secluded pleasure planet and Big Barda doesn't let him leave the bed for three weeks. And before anybody thinks I am making all of this up just go and read the original comicbooks. Big Barda and Scott Free are one of the few married couples in comicbookdom where everybody knows that they are banging like rabbits and that Big Barda is using him like a sex toy.

I think this would be a good scenario for an adult Big Barda or FOURTH WORLD movie and Xanthe Tasmine would be great in that role. Especially in the scenes where she has to massage Mister Miracle's dick with her huge melons because her titanic twin torpedoes were just made ( and I do not mean that literally because as unbelievable as that may sound Xanthe's giant - sized 36F gazongas are 100 percent all natural !!! ) for pumping hard dicks dry. And when she has to ride the guy like a breeding stallion during insemination month because as a bikini and underwear model she knows all the positions to make guys squirt like crazy and as the film director I would have to insist that she does at least two dozen.

Not all of them would end up in the movie - naturally - but I would put a special clause in the fine print of Xanthe Tasmine's contract that she has to do them anyway. And as the acting stunt cock and resident ejaculation double I would make sure that we get the best shot of Xanthe when she spreads her legs as wide as she can and to properly slam - bang her silly.

I mean, who in his right mind would not seize the opportunity to live out all of his most perverted Big Barda sex phantasies with an absolute men milking machine and nymfomanic blow up sex doll like Xanthe Tasmine ?

Now you may ask yourself why I am putting these videos on the blog if I have already posted two similar videos and the answer is very simple : to act as a backup just in case if the other videos are deleted by YouTube.

There is another no brainer as far as casting Xanthe in a comicbook / cartoon / hentai anime live action adaption because with that body she surely gets a raise out of any patient which would practically guarantee her a part as a sexy nurse on the new hentai series Sakusei Byoutou - The Animation a.k.a. Semen Extraction Ward a.k.a. Big Breasted Nymfo Deepthroat Addicted Lust Nurses Of The Extreme Sperm Extraction Ward Can't Stop Dicktaming Young Horsecock With Their Giant - Sized Melons.

In the hentai series a young lad by the name of Yamada who suffers from an ultra rare illness where he produces more sperm than his body can store and if he does not ejaculate the excess semen every three hours his balls will explode is admitted to a hospital for special treatment.

The guy already did his best to manage it on his own but because of excessive monkey spanking he fractured both of his hands. Thankfully all the nurses in the hospital are built like living blow up sex dolls with giant boobs perfect for massaging stiff horsecocks, long legs almost up to their necks, perfect bubble butts that would make afro - american rap stars like Cardi B envious and full, soft lips which were gentically engineered to be wrapped tight around a huge pulsating erection and to suck it dry.

So everything would be fine for Yamada if the first buxom nurse who is assigned to personally handle his case -Tachibana a.k.a. " begrudging nurse " - was not less than thrilled to jerk him off every three hours.

What should be a great time turns into an embarrassing experience and it doesn´t help that Yamada needs ever increasing sexual stimuli which forces Tachibana to give him a blowjob - among other things - and ends with her spreading her long legs like a fillipino hooker and riding him like an untamed breeding stallion during the height of insemination month.

For some reason among all the sexual practics the nurse uses to extract the sperm there is no tit f - word - ing scene but you can be sure that I would include it in my remake because Xanthe was clearly built for this.

The nurses in the series all have special names and my first choice would be to cast her as Hiramatsu a. k. a. " demotivational nurse " a big - breasted sexbomb that he gets assigned to in part four and who Yamada finally gets to slam - fuck in every which way to his hearts content. The other role for her would be the nurse Kiritani from the eight instalment.

In the hentai nurse Kiritani a.k.a. " black hearted nurse " is a former delinquent who was feared by everyone in her hometown because she dicktamed all well endowed guys and then left them as sex zombies and we could leave that as part of her backstory if it even comes up. Anyway, like I said in the fourth part Yamada gets a rare breather and finally gets to slamfuck Hiramatsu to his heart's content but alas things can't last and from that on he gets treated worse and worse in every new part until the recent high point - or low point if you see it from Yamada's point of view - namely part eight in which Kiritani uses him as her personal living dildo after having forced some of the other nubile nurses to get destroyed by his always ready cock ( which at this point is extremely well trained ).

Of course not all of the nurses have to be ordered to milk Yamada's big erection dry as some of those sperm hungry sluts are very anxious to live out all of their most perverted sex fantasies with his constantly hard on and are only too willing to become Kiritani's merciless squirt enforcers.

As for Kiritani not only does she love to dicktame young horsecocks to become well trained sex slave like obedient dogs she also loves using the most potent aphrodisiacs on her patients and tests the newest creation of the hospital's head nurse - an extremely potent and very dangerous one - on Yamada which makes his cock grow to a ridiculous size but also his balls grow as big as tennis balls as they produce so much semen that he ejaculates three times only because Kiritani showed him her boobs.

I think Busenwunder Xanthe could be perfect for this role and it would be epic to see her impale herself on a giant horsecock that has grown to the size of a third leg and pump it dry until the last drop without mercy.

Can you imagine if we had all the sexbombs from this post - Mia Sorety, Brenda Bakke, Maria Grazia Cuchinotta, Sarah Louise Young, Yaya Han, Traci Lords, Becky Mullen, Pamela Anderson, Teri Weigel, Sandra Wild, Shannon Tweed, Carolyn Liu, Samantha Phillips, Joyce Hyser, Wendy Hamilton, Kim Anderson, Catherine Bell, Luisana Lopilato, Melody Bareiro and Xanthe Tasmine together with Minka and Uschi Digard ( all plucked from their physical prime of course ) - in an episode of Big - Breasted Deepthroat Nympho Nurses Of The Extreme Sperm Extraction Ward Dicktame Young Horsecock With Their Giant - Sized XXL Boobs ?

Since we got a dozen of these incredible Busenwunders we could call the episode The Twelve Months Of Extreme Sperm Extraction and the plot could be that the hospital has a new owner. He would be an older guy who was fired from his old job as the chief of a hospital because he sexually assaulted all nurses and big - breasted patients on a daily basis.

Which would not have been such a big problem since the entire staff was doing it if he hadn't used the phillipino triplet daughters of the board of directors president who had just gotten a huge breast augmentation as a present for their eighteenth birthday as blow up sex dolls for a month.

Anyway, after loosing his job he went to Las Vegas to drown his sorrows in alcohol but instead he won a fortune. Which he used to buy the sperm extraction clinic. So the new boss has the great idea to do a calendar to promote the clinic and what could be better than a calendar full of pics of the sexy nurses ? Of course there has to be a selection since they can't include all the nurses and since he would not want any employee doing something he is not prepared to do himself the clinic's new boss insists on interviewing his twelve candidates over the next few days himself.

And when I say " interview " I mean that they have to give the pervert a demonstration of their superior deepthroat sperm extraction techniques in a secluded luxurious five star hotel with three soundproof bedrooms.

I would even volunteer to be the stunt cock for this even if it means rehearsing all the explicit sex scenes for hours - especially with Uschi Digard, Minka, Joyce Hyser, Traci Lords, Teri Weigel and Xanthe Tasmine.

almost perfect

spectacular spider man cartoon

wolf mark

clone crossover

tv traci lords

Today's generation knows Traci Lords from such guest stints like MARRIED WITH CHILDREN or the first Blade movie with Wesley Snipes which is getting more exposure now that they are trying to do a new film. For people from my generation Traci Lords gained worldwide fame as the cool chick who had her boobs done and lied about her age to do porn with 16. Traci was one of the big porn mega stars during my teenage years because of her youthful looks ( no wonder ), her tittilating twin torpedoes and penchant for oral stimulation especially deepthroating.

Her soft, full lips were just made to be wrapped tightly around a rock hard pulsating erection and suck it for hours without mercy until the lucky stiff squirts his brains out while screaming her name ( at least they scream something sounding like her last name ) at the top of his lungs.

you can find more on the hot sexbombs who guest starred on married with children in my post about when the bundy family became the fantastic four oh I mean the quantum quartett

Thankfully I already covered the late 39E - 24 - 36 bra - buster Becky Mullen as well as bonerinducing 44E - 22 - 34 Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson in my RETURN OF FLASH FRIDAY : DER ROTE BLITZ post since they do appear in the same episode.

For those who are uncertain if they want to check out that post let me add we also cover ( no pun intended ) Becky Mullen's tenure as Sally, the farmer's daughter on G.L.O.W. , her best skin flick Sinful Intrigue which features hasian 34C - 24 - 34 playmate Chona Jason and midnight movie veterans Griffin Drew and the late Lorissa McComas, stratusfying 44E - 24 - 37 wrestling blow up sex doll Trish " the dish " Stratus, stripping lesbian 36B - 25 - 38 science fuction cult siren Claudia Christian, Scrooged afro - american nipple slip aphrodite Jamilah Lucas, latin sex goddess Thalia, argentinian all natural 40D - 22 - 36 born for porn telenovela superstar Luisana Lopilato and her striptease on REBELDE WAY at age 16 as well as her tenure on CASADOS CON HIJOS which is the argentinian version of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, a full episode of MARRIED WITH CHILDREN, a smattering of cult sirens and of course all things Flash which includes all natural 38B - 24 - 33 born for porn Hollywood Boob Hall Of Famer Joyce " the body " Hyser who provided the most famous boob flash in history .

Also you should not wait too long because I already had to replace the two episodes of CASADO CON HIJOS and the Christmas Special with Peter Alexander was also deleted - for which I could not find a replacement.

I have to start the top three with Playmate Of The Month April in 1986 Teri Weigel whose perplexing 40E ( after her breast augmentation !!! ) - 22 - 34 physique and protruding torpedo shaped sweater puppies made her quite popular. She was in a few videos and special PLAYBOY editions and she was one of the few playmates who also appeared in PENTHOUSE although not as a Pet of the Month. She was just everywhere during the late 80s / early 90s. She had her breasts enlarged and starred in a few porn movies but she looked best as Jade on MARRIED WITH CHILDREN.

What I completely brainfarted on is that Teri Weigel also appeared in Baywatch ( she is topless in the pilot episode although that part can sometimes be censored )Predator 2 and Savage Beach by Andy Sidaris.

Fun fact : Teri Weigel and hasian Carolyn Liu were in PLAYBOY´s Sexy Lingerie 3 and both appeared in Andy Sidaris movies but not together.

Carolyn Liu not only appeared in five Andy Sidaris movies ( Do Or Die , Hard Hunted, Fit To Kill, Day Of The Warrior and Return To Savage Beach ) she is also very well known in Germany amongst people of my generation since she took her clothes off on TUTTI FRUTTI with blonde 36C - 25 - 35 real life Power Girl Monique Sluyter ( whom I still cast as Beatriz Da Costa a.k.a. Fire in my JLA movie ) as did Sandra Wild, a blonde sex bomb with gigantic breasts who also was in an Andy Sidaris movie. In fact Sandra Wild took over the role Becky Mullen had played in the previous movie and Becky Mullen also got naked on TUTTI FRUTTI .


The last slot in my top three goes to a personal favorite, Kim Anderson, the hot brunette dicktamer with the short hair and the blue bikini in the scene below and I am not even sure if Kim Anderson is her real name or if that's really Kim Anderson since I only got that name from the cast list of the episode through a pretty random unscientific elimination process.

At first I thought it could be brunette 38D - 24 - 35 bra - busting babe Catherine Bell a.k.a. the juggs of J.A.G. by her fans ( whom I casted as Catwoman in the Hollywood edition of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series and her 38D !!! weapons of mass erection are completely natural by the way ) at the start of her career but a look at her imdb listing shows that she never was on MARRIED WITH CHILDREN.

Anyway, if you can confirm or deny that that is indeed 35C - 22 - 35 blow up sex doll Kim Anderson or have any other vital information - like where I can find better animated GIFs of this scene in better quality or topless pics with curvaceous Kim - please let me know in the comments below.

Now if you go to the video comments some guys also think it's Catherine Bell while a few others are sure it's playmate Wendy Hamilton but since MARRIED WITH CHILDREN doesn't appear on Wendy's imdb sheet I don't think it's her either. Longtime blog followers know her because she also appeared in Andy Sidaris' movie The Dallas Connection a.k.a. Deadworks.

Wendy's statuesque five foot ten inch frame was featured in the PLAYBOY December 1991 issue which was just the beginning since she appeared in a lot of special publications and it should be no surprise that her boner inducing 35D - 24 - 36 measurements were featured in a few PLAYBOY videos where she showed a special talent for getting soaking Wet & Wild.

She's since followed in the footsteps of her predecessor Pamela Anderson by acting in straight to video sextaculars that feature among other things her incredibly long legs ! Being a former playmate, Wendy has been nude in just about every film she has been in. Guess she's typecast as hot and naked, which is a good thing and my personal highlight is Ski School Two.

traci lords Not Of This Earth the last movie where she appeared naked and she made those scenes count



not of this earth the original

more traci lords scenes

traci lords music

traci lords story

brenda bakke american gothic with gary cole

hard to get

dead zone

movie hearts in atlantis

ana morgade


tv langoliers

failed french connection tv show with ed oneil


melody bareiro

top 5

clone banner

clone of the day

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