Sunday, May 26, 2024

Surprise Titans Sunday with Tom Grummett

While working on the comic / pop culture / cult siren section of part two of my musings on Tom Grummet'ts SUPERBOY run I realized that I had more to say than I thought about Tom Grummett's tenure on THE NEW TEEN TITANS or rather THE NEW TITANS how the titled had been re - christened at that time. So I decided to give the topic it's own spin - off before I waste the good material in the bonus section of another post.

Speaking of " good material " as longtime followers of the blog know the genesis of these posts always begin with the original art I find online ( in most cases while looking for something completely different which in this case were SUPERBOY pages by Tom Grummett ) and usually I start with the best material and work my way down from there. But in this case there are a lot of pages were I was doubtful if I should put them on the blog at all since I am never quite sure how good the quality of the original art I find online really is since the new laptop is so completely different in how it shows those pages from anything that I worked with before that I would have better luck tossing up a coin to decide this.

There are the usual suspects where I know how much I have to scale the art down that you can still appreciate it without blowing the limitations of blogger but with all other material it is just guess work. So my first instinct was to go with the best pages I had but after going through the art most of them were not from the period that I wanted to talk about.

And since I want to talk of one of my favourite storyarcs in Titans history - THE TITANS HUNT - I decided to use some pages that may not be on the level of the material my newer followers are used to but it's not like I did never use art pages of way lower quality in the past when I had to.

But what is THE TITANS HUNT ? you may ask. To set the groundwork, for me the initial run of THE NEW TEEN TITANS by Marv Wolfman , George Perez and Romeo Tanghal is still the gold standard. There have been many iterations of the team : as NEW TEEN TITANS, NEW TITANS, TEEN TITANS or just TITANS and let's not forget on of the best TINY TITANS.

But the groundbreaking beginnings by Marv Wolfman , George Perez and Romeo Tanghal is still the blueprint all other creators follow - be it in comicbooks, movies, tv shows, animated shows, games or other media ( to some extend ) - and boy did the creators break the mold on this one.

As I have already explained at length in my post THE DUAL DYNAMICS OF THE DYNAMIC DUO from July 2013 ( and those of my newer readers who are interested in the german publishing history of THE NEW TEEN TITANS should check out my post REMEMBER THE TITANS - EXTENDED EDITION ) one of the things that made THE NEW TEEN TITANS stand out from most other DC comicbooks with well established characters like SUPERMAN , BATMAN, GREEN LANTERN, THE FLASH, WONDER WOMAN or THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA ( which George Perez was initially slated to draw but because Dick Dillin was still working on the title George Perez was offered THE NEW TEEN TITANS until Dick Dillin tragically passed away - while working on pages for THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA ) was that these former sidekicks - along with some new characters created solely for this new title - could become older and grow up while the money makers were trapped in their respective age and a certain status quo.

That was always the strength of the title : all the interactions of the individual members and how they quickly become this close knit family of teenagers. With a big emphasis on the individual because that was another thing that made the book so special and what seems to be lost on the writers ( and I am using the term in the broadest sense here ) of Today's comicbooks where all characters have the same personality - or a complete lack thereof - and are reduced to inter - changeable cyphers.

Yes, Jericho was gay, but he was also a poet, a painter, a character who was generally interested in experiencing life in all of its myriad forms, a valued and more than formidable member of the New Teen Titans and an understanding and loyal friend. Yes, Koriand'r is an alien princess with a body that would make any Playmate Of The Century envious and a sex drive to match ( she and Dick were one of the first comicbook couples where you knew they were banging each other's brains out on a regular basis even if they did not explicitly show them having sex ) but also a fierce warrior, a faithful friend, a woman who takes no bs from anybody that could teach Today's so - called " feminists " a thing or two about women's rights while being one of the most gentle souls on the roster.

And I don't want to go through the entire list of Titans members but I got to mention Dick Grayson. While the name Dick has always amused me to no end he is one of the most important team players and if Starfire is the heart of the team Robin - and later Nightwing - is the rock. With so many members who surpass him where the powers are concerned - since Dick Grayson has no special abilities except those he learned through hard training first as a member of The Flying Graysons and later as the apprentice of Batman - one may ask oneself why he became the leader ( besides for story purposes ) but after reading just a few issues it quickly becomes apparent why he is the best suited for the job. While he may not be the one who helps defeat the super villains with some awesome power he is the brains of the outfit who stays level headed in most cases ( except if somebody messes with Starfire ) is the most resourceful, the most seasoned and the one who always sees the big picture. He is also one of the first sidekicks who decided not to follow in the footsteps of his mentor ( even if he DID pick up the mantle of Batman ) and become his own man. Which is the reason why he always will be the best Robin there is, the best Robin there was and the best Robin there ever will be.

Now there have been a lot of different writers and artist on the book and I have read most of it. And there are some parts I enjoyed more than others. There is like I said the initial run, then there were other artists besides George Perez like Jose Luis Garcia - Lopez ( who is no slouch and in fact made George Perez take notice that he better get his s - word together because this new guy could replace even him ) or Eduardo Baretto , there were some highlights like the run by Geoff Johns and Mike McKone ( which I now have a hard time enjoying because of Mike McKone's behaviour on social media ) or the one illustrated by one of my favourite artists Paul Pelletier ( and there is a post on that in the works which I hopefully can write before the next instalment of his run on THE FLASH ) but my favourite non - George Perez drawn TEEN TITANS story by Marv Wolfman is THE TITANS HUNT and not only for my nostalgic reasons.


As readers of the blog from the first hour are aware I started collecting american comicbook seriously during my military service in Munich since that was the first time I found a book shop that had a vast selection of US comics. The first time I went to Juergen's Comic Shop ( which still exists ) it was right before the Christmas holidays so I spent most of my first soldier's pay on comicbooks and since I didn't know most of the titles I grabbed anything that had good art or at least looked interesting.

Which was THE NEW TITANS 56 right after the WHO IS WONDERGIRL ? story arc where George Perez was still doing the layouts while Tom Grummett did the finishes and Bob McLeod added his usual fantastic inks. There was a three - parter in issues 57 to 59 with Wildbeest ( who would pop up again in THE TITANS HUNT story which is also called THE WILDBEEST HUNT ) followed by issues 60 and 61 which were tie - ins to A Lonely Place Of Dying which ran through the Batman - associated titles, a three part story through issues 62, 63 and 64 where the Titans fought a virus and rat like creatures, another Batman - related tie - in with issue 65, a two part story focusing on Raven in issues 66 and 67, another two part story this time with the Titans going up against the Royal Flush Gang in issues 68 and 69 and last but not least the backdoor pilot for the new upcoming TERMINATOR ongoing series in issue 70 before issue 71 kicked off THE TITANS HUNT just in time to celebrate their tenth anniversary.

I don't want to say too much about the story because I am still hoping that we will get an omnibus or two that collect the entire storyline but it starts with shades of The Judas Contract as all the Titan members are attacked and systematically taken down even Dick Grayson who was the last titan standing in that memorable story. But it's not only the current members that are under attack, it's open season on everybody who has ever been a Titan and as the hunt progresses at a breakneck pace it's up to Raven's mother Arella, Slade Wilson The Terminator ( who was hired by Beast Boy's adoptive father Steve Dayton although he took on the job for free since they also abducted his son Jericho ) and new characters like Pantha or Phantasm to try and save what's left of the former team.

Because this is a time of big changes. Titans are killed left and right and the ones who survive are either horribly scarred or at least undergo a complete change of status quo and if things aren't complicated enough there is an all new team of Titans from the future who have come to prevent the unborn child of donna Troy to become a god who enslaves the entire universe under his tyrannical yoke. And just to put another wrinkle on it one of the female team members of this new Titans team is a shapeshifter who has the hots for Dick and uses the opportunity to be in the same space / time continuum as the boytoy of her wet sex dreams to abduct Starfire and take her place so she can slam - fuck his brains out at least twice as hard as Starfire ever did. And Koriand'r is already a mega horny nymphomanic sex alien with the sex drive of a deepthroat addicted succubus from hell - after a huge overdose of illegal sex drugs.

Man, Nightwing really is the luckiest guy in the DC universe and in the case of Dick Grayson nomen really est omen. I would say that he must have known that something was up when Starfire not only appeared with a new costume that left little if anything up to the imagination but also started to take their penetration sensation marathons to olympic levels.

But he was already used to Koriand'r being a complete sex freak in the bedroom who loved to massage his rockhard boner for countless hours before making him squirt load after load all night long until he could not get it up anymore and relentlessly milking his throbbing horsecock dry until the last drop while completely wearing out Dick's pulsating dick.

I would have probably acted the same - enjoying a good thing while it lasted - and even if he had some suspicions that there was something a bit strange about the way Starfire behaved you have to keep in mind that his deductive skills were seriously hampered because the thirsty shapeshifting nymphomaniac made sure that most of his blood was not in his brain - if you know what I mean. Of course once the gig was up Dick had a hard time ( no pun intended ) explaining to Starfire how he didn't notice that he was merciless dick - tamed ( pun intended ) by somebody else and it didn't help that to add insult to injury the shapeshifting sex maniac posed nude for an adult magazine - which was something Starfire still hadn't done at that point even if she had the pornstar body for that.

But coming back to THE TITANS HUNT the thing with the new Titan team was a good example how complicated the whole story became once it was commercially successful. And while it was an exciting time in the team's history that systematically tore everything down and then built it up almost from scratch bringing with it a new status quo for the entire team there are some aspects I do not like as much. I am sure there are plenty of articles and YouTube videos that go over all the details that people do not like but I have to say that for my part I enjoyed most of it.

I was just coming in to the title, they completely changed the status quo, introduced great new characters, brought back old ones ( even though I didn't know some of them ) and all things considered it was a great time to read the Titans. The art by Tom Grummett was solid and even if they had other artists on some of the annuals or in the issues it were great artists like Kevin Maguire , Kerry Gammill or Adam Hughes .

Once again this introduction has become much longer than anticipated so we will get to the good stuff in the second part of THE TITANS HUNT .

hunter or hunted

hunt for stuff

hunt for links

hunt for videos

classic teen titans

99 problems but dick aint one

better known


We are coming to something a bit different - although no too different because there are also some comedic elements in this one - as Brandon Tenold very uncharacteristically reviews a really great movie : Shoot Em' Up starring Clive Owen and italian mega Busenwunder Monica Bellucci.

Longtime blog follower will at least recognize one scene of the movie because I have used an animated GIF of it in quite a few posts and while Brandon had to censor it in order to not get demonetized you can enjoy Monica Bellucci in all her sadly not full frontal explicit nudity glory here.

I always do the super hero casting bit and with her giant - sized melons the mega stacked italian sex goddess would be a natural choice for the amazonian puppy princess of Themyscaria. She definitely would have no problem filling out the Wonder corsage with her 42C " Wonder Twins ".

I put her in the finale of the Hollywood Edition of Casting The JLA Movie series as Wonder Woman but now I´m tending more towards Big Barda.


In the original FOURTH WORLD comics by Jack Kirby - and this definitely changed in the NEW 52 - Big Barda was built like a brick shithouse with the personality of a lady trucker, the muscles of a bodybuilder, the hot measurements of a playmate of the year and the cupsize of a porn star.

She got that from her even bigger breasted mother Big Breeda, the fiercest female on Apokolips who - nomen est omen - was therefore selected by Darkseid himself for breeding the next race of warriors.

I don´t know if it was because she spurned his advances or if he just thought she would produce the best offspring but it is implied that all the serial rapists she defeated used her like a cheap blow up sex doll !

All for the next generation of Akopolips´ finest of course. Now with Big Barda the melons didn´t fall far from the tree and when she began to develop, especially in certain parts of her anatomy that had to do with procreation, Darkseid decided to let her follow in her mother´s footsteps and - like mother like daughter - personally introduce Big Barda to the breeding pens to continue the family tradition. So as soon as she got wind of his perverted plans for her Big Barda decided to ditch Apokolips and hitched the next ride to Earth. According to Big Barda she managed to do that before Darkseid had a chance to break her in but maybe she was so eager to join Mister Miracle because she had tasted the Darkseed.

For more on DC´s creepy sex stories with Big Barda - like when Barda starred in a porn movie with Superman who later claimed he could not remember a thing - check out BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES.


Originally I cast Maria Grazia Cucinotta, the italian mega MILF with the giant 39D ( !!! ) melons as Big Barda but keeping in mind her history I may cast her as Big Breeda. Not only to get Maria to do nude scenes that way but also because I could cast Monica Bellucci as Big Barda and give the Wonder Woman role to british 90s porn superstar Sarah Louise Young.

We could even have Sarah Louise Young wearing the mega slutty 1990s Mike Deodato sado maso leather outfit . Plus this way we would get to cast an additional sexbomb as anal fixated amazon Artemis and the two had to compete for the right to the title of Wonder Woman in a Last Amazon Standing Double Dildo Penetration Party Weekend. That would be right up Sarah´s alley who has a huge fanbase in my home country.

Yep, she was a big star over there in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used videos at the store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hannover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in german cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Which here in Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.


Monica Bellucci starred alongside Sophie Marceau in the horror movie NE TE RETOURNE PAS ( Don't turn around ) which is like a dream sandwich.

Sophie also plays Jean Paul Belmondo's lover in HAPPY EASTER but when his wife returns a bit early from her vacation she says she's his daughter.

Sophie Marceau did her first nude scene in that movie. She was 18 at the time she made the movie and paid the movie studio Gaumont money to get out of her contract to be able to do nude scenes. What a trooper !

And this would lead to a whole litany of nude scenes for the wardrobe malfunction prone queen of explicit sex scenes, french ( in every sense of the word ) 40C - 23 - 35 milking machine Sophie " Tits Out " Marceau.

Longtime readers recognize her from my very first post of CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE MOVIE where I cast sexy Sophie as Catherine Cobert.

The french sexbomb is best known in the US for appearing in the Bond flick THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, and outside for taking her clothes of in such classics like MES NUITS SONT PLUS BELLES QUE VOS JOURS ( my nights are more beautiful than your days ) or DESCENT AUX ENFERS ( Descent into hell ) - where she appeared in nude scenes with Claude Brasseur who played her father in the romantic hit comedies LA BOUM and LA BOUM 2 which caused all kind of outrage at this perceived incest.

But not only does Sophie Marceau drop her clothes very often she also shows great cleavage or just pops out her perfect puppies whenever it is needed to raise the male audience - or just get a raise out of them - like in THE MUSKETEERS REVENGE ( or The daughter of D´Artagnan like it´s called in Germany ) that has one of my favorite scenes with Sophie. D´Artagnan´s daughter ( Sophie Marceau ) is captured by the villain of the movie to be sold off to a brothel, but only " to the sleaziest one where they waste the whores very quick " as she says. The guy who has to sell her bitches starts complaining that at the price he has to get for her he´ll never get rid of her. At which point the woman tells him that in this case he should really be glad, ripping open Sophie´s shirt and revealing Sophie's gorgeous breasts which shuts him up as he is already in his brain going through all the positions in which he will slamfuck her brains out six ways to Sophie's choice until she becomes his new blow up sex doll.

Speaking of Sophie Marceau's mouthwatering mammaries and casting her in a superhero movie, while it is not based on an existing comicbook she would be perfect for the role of Majestic of the spoof series Society Of Virtue, especially if she is wearing the original costume - which leaves nothing to the imagination so Sophie could display her flawless pornstar body here - instead of the prudish lame outfit she gets in later episodes.

As for which episode I would adapt, it's either the one directly below as Sophie gets plenty of screen time showcasing Majestic's breast costume - as well as her erection guaranteeing gazongas - from all angles or a new one. This would be a follow up to the episode called " XXX " in which the team surprises a group of actors shooting a porn movie parody of them and decide to take over to make the movie more realistic. As one might imagine this new episode would show the team actually shooting the porn movie and the main focus would - of course - be Sophie Marceau.

Who could show every dirty trick she learned spreading her legs wider than a desperate fillipino hooker when the rent money is due during the seven years horny Christopher Lambert used her for surprise penetration sensation marathons at every chance he got as well while doing hundreds of extremely explicit sex scenes for xxx - rated european films overseas.

It goes without saying that as the director of this episode I would have to insist of rehearsing all of the sex scenes before shooting and at Sophie's request this would take place at a posh five star hotel at an undisclosed location as she knows only too well through experience that shooting a bonerinducing scene with too many people around always ends up with everybody taking turns at dicktaming her. It's a dirty job but somebody has got to do it and I would not only make the sacrifice to slam - bang Sophie Marceau's brains out six ways - and six days - to Sunday during these gruelling sex scene rehearsal marathons I would also have to take over the job of stunt cock to shield her from those pervy horny actors.

Since we are on the subject of casting the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA movie I think all natural mega Busenwunder Ellie the Empress would be funbag - tastic as Nubia - a.k.a. the black version of Wonder Woman for whom I have already designed a special costume. If Sydney Sweeney plays Power Girl maybe I could trick her ... I mean persuade her to give me one of her patented lubrication sensation two hour long double - breasted deepthroat dick massages by betting her five bucks that she can't swallow the entire shaft. And like all naturally born blonde oral sex nymphos she will get totally carried away once she tit - fucks my cock !

With her bonerinducing 40D ( !!! ) - 24 - 33 measurements sex freak Sydney Sweeney is a prime candidate for my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series since she would have no problem filling out DC Comic's Maid Of The Massive Mammaries magical boob window with her giant boobies.

Now since we can't include the full Breakdowns storyline in the movie - which sadly is the only time Power Girl wore her bonerinducing coconut bra costume ( at least as far as I know since I am not up to date on the new JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA book although I doubt DC Comics will ever let it appear within a comic again ) - I would opt for the scene that was cut from the story and which was only in the first draft of the script.

In it Guy Gardner steals Kara's diary where he finds a passage about how she turns into a complete deepthroat addicted nympho slut who milks the nearest dick dry when she gets drunk. Guy promptly uses the info to get Power Girl plastered like 20 russians during a fake fertility festival on Kooeykooeykooey Island - where she is tricked into performing a sweat inducing fertility dance for hours while drinking lots of beer mixed with potent interstellar sex drugs containing pink kryptonite - until Kara is writhing in wild convulsions and foaming at the mouth. At which point Guy drags her to the nearest hut where she immediately starts to submit his already huge boner to a double - breasted deepthroat dick massage.

After a few hours of lubricating Guy's little guy until he becomes first the big guy and then the supersized guy Kara flies on his dick - literally - and rides him loke a nympho cowgirl until he shoots his load like a fire hose !

For the rest of the night and during the next week Guy Gardner keeps Power Girl drunk so he can live out all of his perverted sex phantasies.

But all good things come to an end and after Guy Gardner has dicktamed Power Girl to the point where he can no longer get it up anymore while completely wearing out his dick in the process he uses a trick Alan Scott showed him to mindwipe the last fuck week from Power Girl's memory.

Or so he thinks. In reality Alan Scott showed him a useless trick because he knew Guy would try to use it to sexually assault his fellow female Justice League of America members and Power Girl's diary was a fake.

Because after finding out that Guy's new vuldarian heritage had turned his already huge horsecock into a giant monstercock that could give even the most well hung breeding stallions penis envy she devised this plan to get him to pound her pornstar body senseless without having to debase herself to having to openly ask the pervert to have sexual intercourse.

Apropos squirting a huge load, coming back to casting Sydney Sweeney as Power Girl in an xxx - rated Justice League of America movie I would include a scene where the male JLA members are on a rescue mission for the JLA babes with the biggest boobs who have been kidnapped by slave traders to be sold as blow up sex dolls to outer space harems where sex demons stretch them completely out with all their aggressive tentacles.

Somehow Guy Gardner manages to slip away from the others and thanks to a DNA sample of Power Girl ( which he wanted to provide to the new Toy Master to clone him an army of obedient Power Girl sex drones ) he finds her still tied up in the villains vessel where Mongul kept her for his private uses after he sold most of the other members ( except Big Barda and Starfire which he kept in storage ). While the rest of the team goes after the other women Guy stays behind to free Power Girl but as soon as they have left he uses the opportunity to piston pump the captive.

Which would lead to the final scene I definitely would have to include in which Ellie returns to the bedroom five hours later only to find me slam - banging Sydney's brains out six ways to Sunday without mercy since I made another bet that she could have sex with me all night long and I would not come twice. And instead of money Sydney agreed to become my obedient living blow up sex doll for the next three months if she lost.

Anyway, Nubia - played by Ellie the Empress - would not come in to tell Power Girl that the whole bet is rigged ( the catch is that the stipulation clearly states that I will not come twice and in fact I came over a dozen times and not only two times ) but to get her to share my monstercock.

Not only does Sydney have one of the nicest sets of tits in Hollywood as she has proven in the tv show Euphoria and in movies like The Voyeurs she has no problem doing extremely explicit nude scenes ( as long as she can bring her own intimacy coordinator ) and she's really an expert when it comes to riding huge monstercocks and milk them dry to the last drop.

We definitely would have to include an extended scene where the bad guy of the movie is taming her to be his newest submissive blow up sex doll with a montage of Sydney going through all of the explicit positions.

Of course I would insist on being the stunt cock who has to rehearse the scenes with her before they can shoot it. Speaking of positions, does anybody out there know what " the position " is supposed to be ? I have seen a few videos on YouTube where the same guy always asks hot big breasted women to assume " the position ". I have no idea what he means so if anybody knows please let me know in the comments below.

sydney on jimmy fallon

Coming back to Ellie the Empress of course my favourite videos with her are the bikini hauls - the skimpier the bikini the better - and I tried to include the entire four part Fashion Nova Black Friday swimsuit haul but part two and part three turned out so hot that YouTube slapped them with an age restriction. And you can still watch them on YouTube though.

Whenever I have the chance I like to include some videos with more information on the incredible sexbombs I find on the internet and the last time I posted some videos of Ellie the Empress a. k. a. Ellie Ensley was in my unscheduled Gil Elvgren pin up post where I included the most pressing one - where she talks about her breasts and answers all of the questions we all have : because, yes, her boobs are all natural 44Hs !!!

Yes, one is bigger than the other one ( which often happens with real breasts ) and yes, they might have gotten bigger since she started the channel but she did not get implants. So with all of that out of the way we come to another important topic which is her time in the military.

Yes, that surprised me too because with her titanic twin torpedoes you might assume that Ellie would have done a lot of troop entertainment in her tour or at least have been a " barrack bunny " ( I just learned the term from this live stream ) but according to Ellie she was not sexually harassed because she was a late bloomer even if she later made more than up for that with her bonerinducing 44H - 24 - 34 measurements.

She claims that she was not as busty back then and always concealed her pornstar measurements with her baggy uniform. Also there were like 60 girls in her unit and four guys so you know that all them horny girls were milking those lucky dudes 24 / 7 until they could not get it up anymore.

And to think that they made that unit because the horny soldiers were constantly slamfucking the girls who were working at the supply unit and the officials were tired of female soldiers getting pregnant all the time.

Boy, did that plan backfire. Although for the four guys this was probably heaven on earth : each one had 15 girls as their private blow up sex dolls to use at their hearts content without the need of sexually assaulting a woman in uniform. Which is always a serious problem in the US military.

Now there might be some guys who might find it hard to believe that she could successfully hide her booming pornstar body - even if she did not have the huge tits she would get later at the tender age of 18 - just with a baggy uniform but as I learned from personal experience we sometimes can't see the forest for the trees. Or rather the tits for the stripper pole.

I have already told this story but when I was doing my job training as a car mechanic at the Deutsche Bundesbahn in Stuttgart our parallel class at the trade school ( in Germany they have the dual learning system where you are taught physically by learning how to repair cars but also theoretically in a school ) was from Daimler Benz - better known as Mercedes in Amerika - and they always had better tuition and material because they had more money. There was even a girl in the group and I did have some of the usual interactions - interchanging notes on school matters or supplying homework when one was ill - but since she was a bit mousy and looked pretty plain I didn't get more involved with her.

Which I should have but you are always wiser in hindsight. Anyway, fast forward a year and we were doing one of these activities that you do with your trade school class and the choice was either go ice skating or swimming. Since I never was good at ice skating I opted to go swimming as did the girl from my parallel class and my jaw literally hit the floor when she came out of the changing stall in a bikini and had the biggest breasts that I had ever seen. At least in real life. As longtime followers of the blog know I had seen my share of porn movies up to that point and this girl could have given aforementioned porn superstar Sarah Louise Young's giantsized implants a run for her money with her massive melons.

Suddenly I was very interested to talk to her but I was still a bit awkward and shy around women at that time so that another Bundesbahn pupil who was more experienced at talking to girls stole my thunder. All I could do was drool over her from afar and wave goodbye as the guy accompanied her home. Damn, I'm sure he fucked her brains out too.

Anyway, all I want to say is that sometimes women can hide their bodies even if they have huge tits. And if you don't believe my story just think about React channel Busenwunder Haley who managed to hide her giant - sized pornstar melons from the male audience for quite some time. But that's enough of a rant from me and let's get back to Ellie the Empress.

Ellie also admits that she did have two military boyfriends during her service - who definitely were banging the living daylights out of her and wearing their schlongs out dick - taming her into submission - and that once she was in her civilian clothes that fit like a second skin and her huge titties hanging all out all the guys in the army were hitting on her.

I am not sure if I believe that she never had any crazy sex adventures during her service with the " drill instructor " during " booty camp " month but the army's loss is the internet's gain. What I am not sure of is if I understood correctly is her comment that usually her live streams are NSFW and can't be uploaded to YouTube. Does it really mean what I think ? And if so where can I find the uncensored versions of the sex streams ?

basically beast boy

pilot episode

lita ford highway to hell

lita ford

teen titans brave and the bold

young justice is the more faithful adaption of teen titans but since I could not find any clips from that show



Now when we first see grown up Dick Grayson on The Brave And The Bold cartoon show he is wearing the costume of the older Robin from Earth 2 which is a nice nod to the fans. I have always liked the suit and Earth 2 Robin also appears in one of my favourite dimension - hopping issues from The Brave And The Bold comicbook series, issue 182 called " Interlude On Earth Two " written by Alan Brennert and drawn by Jim Aparoand for more great original art by Jim Aparo check out my posts on The Brave And The Bold and other series he worked on like Batman And The Outsiders , The Phantom Stranger or The Spectre ) and which was published in Germany in Ehapa Verlag's Batman Superband No 15.

In the issue the Batman of Earth 1 not only teams up with Earth 2 Robin but also Earth 2 Batwoman Kathy Kane who at that time was dead on Earth 1 and would not be brought back into that space / time continuum until decades later in issue eight of DC Comics brilliant weekly 52 series.

What a lot of people don't know - and which we can thank comicbook custodian Brian Cronin at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES for - is that Kathy Kane actually debuted three issues too early thanks to an art mistake.

Speaking about Dick Grayson's Robin costume from Earth 2, as a young lad I always thought that his Earth 1 counterpart would one day adapt a similar costume but in that regards the guys at DC Comics really sticked the landing ( bad pun intended ) with his new Nightwing persona. Comic Tropes has another insightful video essay about super heroes and super heroines who underwent a similar glow up - although they are more keen on the streamlined Nightwing costume that was later introduced by Brian Steelfreeze instead of George Perez classic Disco Nightwing uniform but I think everybody has his own favourite - and you can find another post by Brian Cronin about five comic characters where it took them quite a few years to settle on their now most iconic costumes - including Nightwing.

non george perez art


the snow queen




emil steinberger

mike krueger vier gegen willi folge 1 judy cheeks as assistant she came back in episode 5 and her performance is directly below I found some episodes from this game show and they will pop up in future posts especially the second episode since it has a live performance of one of my all time crushes sandra

judy cheeks

inspector gadget

bonus ripleys believe it or not

new teen titans


arancha morales again

perry mason

vanessa williams angela bassett nia pebbles

the copy

the original

marta sanchez

viaje marta sanchez plus gloria estefan paulina rubio thalia samantha fox brigitte nielsen sabrina salerno

speaking of blow up sex dolls with her size gabriela bogado is a real sex doll

top 5

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