Time for another unscheduled spin - off post. This was originally part of my main Arthur Adams birthday post and I really thought that with three spin off posts I had more than enough but even after all this cutting the main part is still a bit long and this lightning review just lends itself for this.
As usual this amazon pick will probably already be gone by the time I finish this which is why there have not been a lot of them in my last posts.
Nevertheless I want to pimp the trade of Ultimate Comics - X : Origins not only because it´s a steal at 5 EUROS but because the interiors are fully done by Arthur Adams and it´s some of his best work in recent years.
You might be reluctant to pick this up because Marvel terminated the Ultimate line but while it lasted they did their share of kickass comics ( the revamped version of the Avengers in ULTIMATES not only was the blueprint for the Marvel cinematic universe, it also established Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury ) and this is one of them. And despite the fact that it takes place in a mutant universe with a lot of backstory you don´t need to know much about it since the issues fill you in on anything important.
The first four issues are done in one stories and especially the second one is one of my all time favorite issues that I always carry with me when I leave the house. So this trade gets my utmost recommendation as you get two masters of the comic craft - Jeph Loeb and Arthur Adams - at the top of their game. Now as I said this reading tip may be already redundant by the time you read this but I still wanted to include it because the trade - and sometimes even the hardcover - keep popping up in amazons bargain section as this story was overlooked by many comic book afficionados.
There is one last thing I want to mention in regards to Ultimate Comics - X : Origin but for that I have to go on a short tangent. And I know that it looks like I am just doing this to include a few more sexbombs ( which is never a bad thing ) but I promise that it is relevant to the review. So please bear - or better bare - with me. Longtime readers might remember the german after midnight striptease superstar cult show Die Rote Meile that had an entire male generation glued to the tv set thanks to the parade of living blow up sex dolls which I mentioned in a few posts.
The series was named after the red light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg and was a sequel to The King of St. Pauli. It follows the lives of strippers, prostitutes and their pimps but they are all portrayed like regular people not like in american tv series where people from this walk of life are always portrayed as bad people. I remember an episode of a series about beach cops on bikes ( that sounds as action packed as it was ) with people from the porn industry and they also made them killers because all people in adult entertainment are horrible people. Anyway, I watched every episode of Die Rote Meile because they had a very easy concept : one strip in every episode which was not interrupted by commercials. I don´t know if they could do that Today as they put commercials into everything.
Anyway, one of the best strippers of the regular cast is Sylvia Leifheit who has a secret identity in the series as she plays the typical devoted wife by day, secret stripper by night. Sylvia made me realize two things : firstly, while I usually don´t go for skinny chicks she is just oozing so much sex appeal that I would do her in a minute. And second, hair color can really make a difference because her character in the series is actually a blonde and despite having the same figure as a blonde she´s kind of a - meh - looking girl while as Luna with the black wig she´s a real firecracker !
A few years back I got the complete first season of Die Rote Meile on DVD at amazon at a pretty decent price and I´m glad I seized the opportunity because it really goes for ridiculous prices now. I can really recommend this show and Sylvia Leifheit alone is worth the price of admission.
Now you may ask what that has to do with the comic book I am pimping. For which I have to do another callback. I know, I hate to go all How I Met Your Mother on you. I hate this kind of thing because my father always used to tell stories that way and he often forgot what his initial point was when he came to the end of the story. Which may be one of the reasons why I never watched a lot of episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Okay, our second tangent takes us even further back to the year 2007 when COMICBABE BATTLE was still a regular feature on this blog ( I think it´s still one of the most popular topics on the blog and every year I try to bring it back ). My very first post in that series was my ranking of the X - TREMELY X - RATED X - BABES and some readers with a really long memory may recall that Jean Grey didn´t make it in my top five, she was my third runner up.
Besides her longtime relationship with Cyclops, a plethora of unfavorable costume designs and just one too many death and resurrection the fact that she was a redhead never scored any extra points with me. I don´t know what it is but while I certainly get the appeal of redheads in real life ( You know the old saying : you can sleep with a blonde or you can sleep with a brunette but you will never sleep with a redhead. Also there is the hottest redhead ever, real life Power Girl all natural 38DDD Busenwunder Christina Hendricks whom I cast as Maxima in my very first CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE post . ) there are not a lot of women with red hair in comics I think of as hot with the exception of a few very scantily clad redheads like Red Sonya or Jessica Rabbit. Maybe it has to do with the fact that in comic books hair color is not that big of a difference.
Be that as it may, here is where we come back to Ultimate Comics - X : Origin because in the story Jean Grey dyes her hair black to go undercover and like with Sylvia Leifheit on Die Rote Meile Jean Grey with the black hair is a real firecracker. And I´m not only saying that because something like the scene below happened to me in real life. During one of my long train rides to Munich ( back when I was doing my military service ) I had the luck to be seated next to a young girl with really incredibly big breasts and the three hour long journey went by flying as I could look right into her plunging cleavage. I would have put the moves on her but she told me that she was underage when she caught me peeking at her titanic twin torpedoes. Which destroyed my hopes of taming her in the ICE lavatory but at least I could openly drool all over her mouthwatering mega melons.
When you have written more than 1030 posts you naturally reach the point where you run out of comic book related videos about the X - MEN.
But don´t fear, this post still contains the obligatory comic book video and it also gives me the chance to post a video about the famous 90s X - MEN cartoon that I wanted to post for the longest time. Some people say the 90s were not the best times for comics but they sure were for cartoons.
Now I don´t have much luck with Die Rote Meile either as there are very few clips on YouTube from that show and they are all very short and of bad quality. So I resort to the few videos about erotic dancing that I have left which brings back an old reader favorite for a sexy encore performance.
From time to time I throw away the rule book in regards to what kind of videos I put in these post and just go for what I find interesting, cool or funny. Or all of the above like in this commercial with the real MacGyver.
Originally I had included a very interesting documentary about Peter Falk and his famous role of Columbo but that was deleted before I could finish it. So to make up for that here is Tod am Strand ( original title Identity Crisis ) guest starring Patrick McGoohan best known for The Prisoner and Leslie Nielsen who can be seen in one of his rare serious roles. Leslie is of course best known for his part of Frank Drebin in Police Squad. Ultimate Busenwunder Anna Nicole Smith was his co star in The Naked Gun 33 1/3 - The Final Insult and daimn, she would have been a heck of a Power Girl !
Which must have been what 89 year old billionaire J. Howard Marshall was thinking when he married the then 26 year old Playmate Of The Month of May 1992 and Playmate Of The Year 1993 in 1994. His family was probably not very thrilled about this since they assumed she only married him for his money which she planned to inherit as soon as possible by having lots of freaky sex with the old guy in as many positions as you can think of. Of which horny J. Howard Marshall probably was aware from the get - go.
This must be the absolutely best way to go : after getting filthy rich you marry a young and flexible blonde Playmate Of The Month with giant 41DD boobs whose only goal in life is to kill you with sex. Who knows to which endurance testing hardcore sex orgies the overinflated living blow up love doll submitted the lucky guy - we only know that it took her thirteen long months to succeed. Man, that was probably the best year of his life !
Anna Nicole Smith didn´t last much longer either with her untimely death in 2007 but instead of engaging in all the negative gossip and rumors about the steady decline of her film career I want to remember her at her best .
Coming back to Columbo, something they especially mentioned in the documentary was that the tv bosses were never happy with the show. For their understanding having the viewers witness the murder took away all of the suspense, the audience had to wait fifteen minutes until the main character appeared on the scene and unlike most tv cops Columbo never used a gun. Which just goes to show that sometimes you don´t have success in spite of going against the mainstream but because of it.
Since Anna Nicole Smith is no longer with us we will need somebody else who can play Power Girl so here are five candidates who could all fill out her magical cleavage window : Aimee Spiers ( 30 ) born on the 5th of October in 1988 in Las Vegas, Nevada, Chantel Zales ( 24 ) an american glamour model ( 34E - 25 - 36 ) born on the 6th July of 1994 in Albuquerque New Mexico, Jayce Ivanah, Sarah Allen an australian fitness model, bikini competitor and personal trainer who was born back in 1985 and last but not least the mega busty ( 35D - 26 - 36 ) Kinsey Wolanski whose birthday was either the 30th of August in 1996 or the 1st of June in 1997 who appeared in MAXIM, Sports Illustrated, FHM and the movie Slasher Party .
As promised here is the comic book video and since this is a Marvel Comics post I thought it would be appropriate to take a look at their What If ? line. For Today´s readers : this was a series that told stories of alternate worlds and realities where things happened different than in the 616 universe which was the main Marvel universe. For older readers like me that is what is happening in the Marvel universe right now since the top dogs scrapped the complete continuity. Now it´s a whole world of What Ifs like What If Thor Was A Woman ? ( which happened in WHAT IF issue 10 ), What If Steve Rogers Were A Hydra Agent ?, What If Captain America Was Black ? etc. as long as it keeps those non comic reading SJWs happy.
Some may see this song as a commentary to the current state of Marvel Comics but I assure it is just coincidence. I don´t have a music video that fits the post and I already took out the video from three previous posts.
We are taking another detour outside the realm of comic books, movies or pop culture to delve a bit into science. Although you could say that it kind of has to do with it since it explains how our human bodies process colors.
I am still pimping The Justice League Vs The Fatal Five which for me is THE BEST animated movie DC has done in the last years. While it is jarring to have Superman who not recognize the Legionnaires ( Who else had a River Song moment with that ? ) at least we have some of them in the movie.
For me this is much better than Gods And Monsters which was basically an ELSEWORLDS ( which was DC´s version of Marvel´s WHAT IF ? - see how it all connects ? ) and while the stories in ELSEWORLDS can be very engaging you don´t connect on the same deep level with the new versions of the classic characters as with the heroes you followed for decades. But I guess that is something people who don´t read comic books will never learn.
Anyway, check out The Justice League Vs The Fatal Five no matter if you are a Legion fan, a Justice League fan or just a fan of good comic stories.
We tie it all together with our last video which is The Most Dangerous Game from 1932 with Fay Wray who some of the older amongst my readers may remember from the first King Kong movie. This is the very first movie adaption of the short story by Richard Connell which not only has been the plot of a dozen movies and tv shows it also was the inspiration for the Legion of Super - Heroes story The Hunter ! in Adventure Comics 358.
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Listen, Columbo, just for a minute how about we stop pretending that I´m brilliant and you are simple.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Fast cars, faster bikini women retro spin off
With such a long period between posts it should be self explanatory that I can´t fit all the birthdays into one post. At the moment I have split them into three posts but I wouldn´t be surprised if I had to make two more.
Now since I have to make another Arthur Adams post anyway I want to use the opportunity to post some of the pages that were supposed to go into the main part of this belated birthday post but that I couldn´t fit in.
In this Arthur Adams spin off post we have all the hot cult sirens who earned their money in swimwear and the first on is Krista Allen who celebrated her 48th birthday on April the 5th. The bodacious brunette played Clark Kent´s hot new teacher on SMALLVILLE, Jim Carey´s new neighbor with the big boobs in LIAR LIAR and the sexy oracle on CHARMED but she is best known for her role of Jenna Avid on BAYWATCH HAWAII .
Now my readers outside of Germany probably don´t know what BAYWATCH HAWAII is and for the longest time I thought it was a BAYWATCH spin off.
Like BAYWATCH NIGHTS. So I was very surprised when I went looking on amazon for that and couldn´t find it. That´s because in Germany they titled seasons 10 and 11 of the regular show BAYWATCH HAWAII which exists nowhere else. Only in Germany there is a BAYWATCH HAWAII. I do not know if they felt the need to give it an extra push because they exchanged the whole cast and relocated to Hawaii or they thought the german viewers would be too confused. In any case it was a weird thing.
BAYWATCH was really big in the 90s and it is like THE ultimate babe tv show. No kidding. No other show had more actresses who were featured in Playboy or playmates. If there was a hot babe during the time the show was produced you can bet that she´s in - at least - one of the episodes.
David Hasselhoff is my hero for putting hot babes like nubian sex goddess Traci Banghim on prime time television even though he never took them up on various casting couch sex offers ( at least that´s what he says ).
Well, if that´s true he was probably the only one who didn´t get any as buxom blonde Pamela Anderson paints a different picture of the set of Baywatch in an article from 2003 . Pam admitted having steamy sex liaisons with all of her hunky lifeguard co - stars and often enjoyed some sextra - curricular activities with her cast mates in their trailers." I dicktamed all male cast members at least once. Heck, with the ultimate porn star body I had back then I could have any man I wanted and I used my fellow co - star David Chokachi like a breeding stallion. I vented all my nymphomanic deepthroat urges on him and literally turned him into a sex freak. Just ask Carmen Elektra, whom he used as his personal blow up sex doll during her short tenure on BAYWATCH. But everybody was having sex behind the trailers, in the trailers, around the trailers. " Colleague Geena Lee Nolin adds the cast's motto was " If the trailer's rocking, don't come knocking. "
Now I don´t know if this was still going on when BAYWATCH HAWAII was on but surely none of the female cast members would play second fiddle on this sex orgy merry go round. Kama Sutra instructor in spe Krista Allen for example played Emanuelle in eight made for tv movies . Because she did it when her incredible porn star body was in prime condition she was able to believable portray the french sex machine with the high moan factor who merciless milks men dry until they can´t remember on which side the doorknob is. The show had some strange 3D effects - because that was the new thing at that time - and the stories were not that great but it was all worth it to see Miss Allen get her freak on. Whoa, did she ever.
Here it was shown on PRO7 but so far I haven´t seen the DVDs anywhere. Maybe I´ll have to buy them in Spain. So here´s to Krista Allen, many happy returns and thanks for the mammaries. And if you haven´t seen them do yourself a favor and hunt down those Emmanuelle tv movies.
The most famous of a veritable plethora of incredibly hot women that went through the revolving casting doors of BAYWATCH is without any doubt Pamela Anderson and it is beyond belief that so far I have only mentioned her in the first ever Casting the Justice League of America movie post where I naturally cast her as Power Girl ( a role she was born to play ). Because Pam An was not only the very first candidate in my hugely popular SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series over at my old boob - centric blog.
No, she also is on my TOP TEN MOVIE STRIPTEASE list thanks to her boner inducing wet & wild opening scene from the movie adaption of Dark Horse Comics BARB WIRE. Most of this was cut off in the german version which is one of the reason why the movie flopped so much in movie theaters while the video cassette of the original US version became such a huge success.
Anyway, I still intend to do posts for all of the striptease babes on my list but every year I have to postpone Pamela Anderson´s cult siren entry.
Coming back to BAYWATCH, go go dancer Carmen Electra was one of my favorite sexbombs on that show. She is in the special Baywatch edition of Casting the Justice League of America movie where I cast her as original Batgirl Barbara Gordon and she had to share the post with Erika Eleniak.
Just last year I finally managed to get the DVD of Baywatch - Hawaiian Wedding - which I haven´t gotten around to rewatch yet - but Carmen hula dancing with a coconut bra alone is worth the price of admission.
We are making the jump from BAYWATCH HAWAII to another franchise from the same area that also includes a lot of hot women in bikinis. Guys from my generation will remember the HAWAIIAN TROPIC which was one of the bikini contest shows that were on tv between the end of the 80s and well into the 90s like THE BIKINI OPEN. Here in Germany it was on the sports channel of all places and don´t ask me for the reasoning behind that. I was just glad I got to see it. The episode below is from 1987 and the reason why I picked it is that it features Debbe Dunning among the contestants who took over the role of the Tool Time Girl on HOME IMPROVEMENT after Pamela Anderson left the show to become world famous with BAYWATCH.
We are taking a short break from the boob tube with the anniversary of Gil Kane´s birth which was on April the 6th. He was one of the great artists of the 20th century and while it took me a while to do a post on him I more than made up for that by dedicating fifteen ( 15 !!! ) posts to him.
But before you panic, most of the posts just contain a selection of covers which is one of the things he was known for. For Marvel he did a plethora of covers which is one of the reasons why I made more Marvel posts than DC posts for him. I also still have over a dozen bookmarks for Gil Kane but there is still one post I plan to make and I hope I can include them there.
With so many posts I almost didn´t include them but then I decided in favor of my newer readers. I thought about just numbering them but I think if I go to all the trouble and go through these links I should include some info. As I said I made less posts for DC than for Marvel, one about his covers for the german Superman / Batman issues by Ehapa , one with his covers for Green Lantern and the last one with more DC covers . For his Marvel work I did posts with some of his best covers , with more covers , with his Giant - Sized covers , his covers for Shang - Chi : Master of Kung Fu, one about his covers for Marvel´s horror titles - almost in alphabetical order - and the last one with even more covers for their horror titles .
I also did a black and white post with a selection of covers for DC and Marvel , one post with some covers from western comic books for DC and Marvel , one post with covers for swords and sorcery comic books , one post with an emphasis on DC and Marvel´s black characters , one about covers for comic books related to movies and last but not least one with covers for all those comic book series you may never have heard about .
Of course Gil Kane did more than just covers and his überlong list of work includes AMAZING SPIDER - MAN where he illustrated some of the most iconic stories - with inks by the equally legendary John Romita Senior.
Since this is a Marvel themed post it´s only fitting that our next candidate is Paul Rudd who celebrated his 50th birthday since he plays the Scott Lang Ant Man. He also played Desmond Fellows on Veronica Mars with bikini 34D siren Charisma Carpenter best known as Cordelia on ANGEL.
One of these days I´ll have to get the first season of Veronica Mars to find out how it all started since I came in at the tailend of that season - as usual. Besides Veronica Mars Charisma Carpenter was also in episode 11 of season 5 of Burn Notice where she showed she still can deliver the goods.
In Germany only the first three seasons of Burn Notice have come out on DVD and right now I´m halfway through season 2. I´m not sure if I should wait any longer to see if they will do the rest someday or just get them through imports. Now that I´m invested I want to know how it plays out and there is even a spin off with Bruce Campbell´s character Sam. In any case Charisma´s funbags alone are worth the price of admission . Daimn !
We are staying with incredibly hot women a bit longer as famous soft sex / erotic movie / b - movie cult siren Mia Zottoli turned 51. So far I haven´t managed to do a full post on her and it looks like this won´t change soon.
If you watch b - movies you have probably seen her in some movies and if you watch erotic movies chances are very high you have seen her take her clothes off. She had some breast surgery early in her career from which she benefitted greatly as you can see in her best best movies which are The Mummy´s Kiss, Fast Lane to Las Vegas and Sinful Temptations ( a+ ).
Especially the last one is my favorite Mia Zottoli movie not only because she´s in her best physical condition in this one but also because it has a lot of nude scenes with her in such a relatively short film. So check out her movies - if you haven´t yet - and for Mia Zottoli : many happy returns, as always good luck, stay strong, healthy and thanks for the mammaries !
The month of April really has a lot of hot sexbombs that celebrate their birthday that month and with Krista Allen, Mia Zottoli and Nikki Fritz who celebrated her 51st birthday on April the 7th this was always an extra busy time for me checking all the video links back when I had my old boob blog.
This is almost like the trifecta of erotic actresses but not quite as my top three are Nikki Fritz, Mia Zottoli and Shauna O´Brien ( whom you might have seen in The Mistress Club or the Sex Files : Erotic Possession series ) in that particular order. Too bad nobody ever made a film with all three.
At this point I have so many bookmarks for my posts that I am not sure for whom I still have something. I thought I had to include one of these short clips with Nikki Fritz you can find on YouTube but then I stumbled across Bikini Drive - In which not only features Nikki but also Michelle Bauer.
We are staying with screen sexbombs as Steven Seagal turned 67 on April the 10th and it´s probably no big surprise that my favorite movie with him is Under Siege. Which is called ALARMSTUFE ROT ( Condition Red ) in Germany. That´s what you get when you use german words for a movie title that make no sense in german - then they have to come up with a different name. And that was one of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to find stuff about the movie until I figured out the original title.
Under Siege is one of the better Steven Seagal movies which means that his acting is not as bad as in other movies and it also has big stars like Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey and Nick Mancuso. The plot is simple but even though he only beats up smaller guys ( Did you notice that in most movies Steven Seagal only fights people who are smaller than him ? It makes it hard to take him serious. ) it´s a pretty decent action movie.
But the reason why I really like the film is of course Erika " Double E " Eleniak and her sexy striptease after she comes out of a cake . She really shows some talent there which makes the fact that she never continued in that direction just more tragic. The stripper career she could have had.
So it´s no surprise that Erection Erika is the most prominently featured baywatchable sexbomb on this blog or that I re - posted her original cult siren entry in 2015 , in 2016 and also in 2018 . Besides her entry in the cinema hall of striptease fame Erika also appeared in a few movies like BEVERLY HILL BILLIES, CHASERS ( where she had some pretty hot scenes ) , THE OPPONENT , STRIKE FORCE a.k.a. THE LIBRARIANS and BORDELLO OF BLOOD ( which got censored beyond recognition in Germany ) but she never achieved the level of success Pamela Anderson did. Not even Traci Bingham achieved that and she´s build like a porn star for crying out loud.
You can say what you want about Steven Seagal but he sure does have an eye for talent because it has been said that he included Erika Eleniak.
And if that rumor is true he has earned my eternal gratitude for giving the entire world one of the best film striptease ever. And her manager who persuaded to take this part and use her stripper skills to the benefit of mankind. I bet he got something out of the deal as well. I know that if it had been me there would have been a few private sessions of rehearsing.
People always wondered if there was a rivalry between Erika Eleniak and Pamela Anderson and if that was the reason Erika Eleniak left the show.
There are two different versions of the story but I think this article from Jake Davis on FETCH SPORT - which also takes an in depth look at Erika Eleniak´s life and career - comes closest to the truth. According to Pamela Anderson when she auditioned for the role of Jordan Tate in UNDER SIEGE Steven Segal wanted to put her body to the test on the casting couch.
" When he saw me rehearsing the part where Jordan comes out of the cake he insisted on me giving him a personal strip show. He changed my costume to two strings of fabric thinner than shoe laces and after he got a huge erection in his pants he made me strip naked and wanted to act out a sex scene with me that was not in the script. And when I didn´t want to do it he told me that the next girl would get the role instead. "
" I refused but Steven Segal convinced Erika Eleniak to let him use her as his personal blow up sex doll durnig the entire shooting of the movie. He fucked her brains out six ways to Sunday, That´s how she got the role."
Erika Eleniak for her part denies these wild sex orgies ever happened.
" I learned a lot on that shoot watching Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey work. It was a hard shoot and I spent many long hours in Steven´s trailer. Yes, he was merciless drilling me but not during sweaty fuck marathons that lasted all night long where he relentlessly pounded every orifice of my body. We were just rehearsing scenes not sex scenes that were more explicit than porn movies. All these rumors that Steven tried to break me in with his giant member are just a product of Pamela Anderson´s sick fantasy. But it still was an incredible learning experience for me. "
So that´s the last of this but if you want more of these bikini baring actresses you can check out my latest BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POST .
Another thing that was big in the 90s were push up bras and I don´t know if any of the sexbombs on BAYWATCH wore them - at least on the show - but ever since I posted a few review videos for the new upbra readers have been clamoring for more and now I can finally fulfill those requests.
We are slowly making our way through the red carpet sexbombs and since this post is all about hot women and fast cars I just had to include Parnia Porsche and Mercedes Carrera. Parnia ( 23 ) is an australian model ( 34 - 25 - 37 ), self professed rapper and former boxer who was born on May the 7th in 1995 and who has been in MAXIM PLAYBOY and FHM, Mercedes ( 36 ) is american adult model and porn star ( 34E - 26 - 40 ) of german, lakotan, puerto rican and swedish descent who was born on Novemder the 30th in 1982, Melissa Riso ( 32 ) is american glamour and adult model ( 32C - 24 - 34 ) who was born on the 27th of June in 1986 and all I could find out about Milanya Maria is that her measurements are 32D - 24 - 34. Any additional info about these or any of the other red carpet sexbombs is appreciated.
You can say what you want about the Hoff but he has become a pop culture icon. And a famous pop star in Germany. Here he is at Dancing With The Stars performing the opening song of BAYWATCH. Yes, for those who were distracted by the incredibly high amount of boobage in the BAYWATCH opener there actually was a catchy theme song for the show.
Now not all of David Hasselhoff´s tv shows were such great hits as BAYWATCH. One that tanked on an epic level was RING OF THE MUSKETEER but what do you expect when the casting director thinks it´s a good idea to put someone as bad at acting asThomas Gottschalk on the show ? I bet there was some shady side deal with Disneyworld Resort Paris going on.
The first big hit that David Hasselhoff had was KNIGHT RIDER - a show that tv producers tried to copy for decades without any success - but since there is no CARtoon version of it here is another show with fantastic cars ( this pun is for my spanish readers ) that was a big success in the 80s.
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When I first came to BAYWATCH I was scared because I couldn´t swim but then David Hasselhoff came to me and said : " That´s okay because I can´t act. "
Now since I have to make another Arthur Adams post anyway I want to use the opportunity to post some of the pages that were supposed to go into the main part of this belated birthday post but that I couldn´t fit in.
In this Arthur Adams spin off post we have all the hot cult sirens who earned their money in swimwear and the first on is Krista Allen who celebrated her 48th birthday on April the 5th. The bodacious brunette played Clark Kent´s hot new teacher on SMALLVILLE, Jim Carey´s new neighbor with the big boobs in LIAR LIAR and the sexy oracle on CHARMED but she is best known for her role of Jenna Avid on BAYWATCH HAWAII .
Now my readers outside of Germany probably don´t know what BAYWATCH HAWAII is and for the longest time I thought it was a BAYWATCH spin off.
Like BAYWATCH NIGHTS. So I was very surprised when I went looking on amazon for that and couldn´t find it. That´s because in Germany they titled seasons 10 and 11 of the regular show BAYWATCH HAWAII which exists nowhere else. Only in Germany there is a BAYWATCH HAWAII. I do not know if they felt the need to give it an extra push because they exchanged the whole cast and relocated to Hawaii or they thought the german viewers would be too confused. In any case it was a weird thing.
BAYWATCH was really big in the 90s and it is like THE ultimate babe tv show. No kidding. No other show had more actresses who were featured in Playboy or playmates. If there was a hot babe during the time the show was produced you can bet that she´s in - at least - one of the episodes.

David Hasselhoff is my hero for putting hot babes like nubian sex goddess Traci Banghim on prime time television even though he never took them up on various casting couch sex offers ( at least that´s what he says ).
Well, if that´s true he was probably the only one who didn´t get any as buxom blonde Pamela Anderson paints a different picture of the set of Baywatch in an article from 2003 . Pam admitted having steamy sex liaisons with all of her hunky lifeguard co - stars and often enjoyed some sextra - curricular activities with her cast mates in their trailers." I dicktamed all male cast members at least once. Heck, with the ultimate porn star body I had back then I could have any man I wanted and I used my fellow co - star David Chokachi like a breeding stallion. I vented all my nymphomanic deepthroat urges on him and literally turned him into a sex freak. Just ask Carmen Elektra, whom he used as his personal blow up sex doll during her short tenure on BAYWATCH. But everybody was having sex behind the trailers, in the trailers, around the trailers. " Colleague Geena Lee Nolin adds the cast's motto was " If the trailer's rocking, don't come knocking. "
Now I don´t know if this was still going on when BAYWATCH HAWAII was on but surely none of the female cast members would play second fiddle on this sex orgy merry go round. Kama Sutra instructor in spe Krista Allen for example played Emanuelle in eight made for tv movies . Because she did it when her incredible porn star body was in prime condition she was able to believable portray the french sex machine with the high moan factor who merciless milks men dry until they can´t remember on which side the doorknob is. The show had some strange 3D effects - because that was the new thing at that time - and the stories were not that great but it was all worth it to see Miss Allen get her freak on. Whoa, did she ever.
Here it was shown on PRO7 but so far I haven´t seen the DVDs anywhere. Maybe I´ll have to buy them in Spain. So here´s to Krista Allen, many happy returns and thanks for the mammaries. And if you haven´t seen them do yourself a favor and hunt down those Emmanuelle tv movies.
The most famous of a veritable plethora of incredibly hot women that went through the revolving casting doors of BAYWATCH is without any doubt Pamela Anderson and it is beyond belief that so far I have only mentioned her in the first ever Casting the Justice League of America movie post where I naturally cast her as Power Girl ( a role she was born to play ). Because Pam An was not only the very first candidate in my hugely popular SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series over at my old boob - centric blog.
No, she also is on my TOP TEN MOVIE STRIPTEASE list thanks to her boner inducing wet & wild opening scene from the movie adaption of Dark Horse Comics BARB WIRE. Most of this was cut off in the german version which is one of the reason why the movie flopped so much in movie theaters while the video cassette of the original US version became such a huge success.
Anyway, I still intend to do posts for all of the striptease babes on my list but every year I have to postpone Pamela Anderson´s cult siren entry.
Coming back to BAYWATCH, go go dancer Carmen Electra was one of my favorite sexbombs on that show. She is in the special Baywatch edition of Casting the Justice League of America movie where I cast her as original Batgirl Barbara Gordon and she had to share the post with Erika Eleniak.
Just last year I finally managed to get the DVD of Baywatch - Hawaiian Wedding - which I haven´t gotten around to rewatch yet - but Carmen hula dancing with a coconut bra alone is worth the price of admission.
We are making the jump from BAYWATCH HAWAII to another franchise from the same area that also includes a lot of hot women in bikinis. Guys from my generation will remember the HAWAIIAN TROPIC which was one of the bikini contest shows that were on tv between the end of the 80s and well into the 90s like THE BIKINI OPEN. Here in Germany it was on the sports channel of all places and don´t ask me for the reasoning behind that. I was just glad I got to see it. The episode below is from 1987 and the reason why I picked it is that it features Debbe Dunning among the contestants who took over the role of the Tool Time Girl on HOME IMPROVEMENT after Pamela Anderson left the show to become world famous with BAYWATCH.
We are taking a short break from the boob tube with the anniversary of Gil Kane´s birth which was on April the 6th. He was one of the great artists of the 20th century and while it took me a while to do a post on him I more than made up for that by dedicating fifteen ( 15 !!! ) posts to him.
But before you panic, most of the posts just contain a selection of covers which is one of the things he was known for. For Marvel he did a plethora of covers which is one of the reasons why I made more Marvel posts than DC posts for him. I also still have over a dozen bookmarks for Gil Kane but there is still one post I plan to make and I hope I can include them there.
With so many posts I almost didn´t include them but then I decided in favor of my newer readers. I thought about just numbering them but I think if I go to all the trouble and go through these links I should include some info. As I said I made less posts for DC than for Marvel, one about his covers for the german Superman / Batman issues by Ehapa , one with his covers for Green Lantern and the last one with more DC covers . For his Marvel work I did posts with some of his best covers , with more covers , with his Giant - Sized covers , his covers for Shang - Chi : Master of Kung Fu, one about his covers for Marvel´s horror titles - almost in alphabetical order - and the last one with even more covers for their horror titles .
I also did a black and white post with a selection of covers for DC and Marvel , one post with some covers from western comic books for DC and Marvel , one post with covers for swords and sorcery comic books , one post with an emphasis on DC and Marvel´s black characters , one about covers for comic books related to movies and last but not least one with covers for all those comic book series you may never have heard about .
Of course Gil Kane did more than just covers and his überlong list of work includes AMAZING SPIDER - MAN where he illustrated some of the most iconic stories - with inks by the equally legendary John Romita Senior.
Since this is a Marvel themed post it´s only fitting that our next candidate is Paul Rudd who celebrated his 50th birthday since he plays the Scott Lang Ant Man. He also played Desmond Fellows on Veronica Mars with bikini 34D siren Charisma Carpenter best known as Cordelia on ANGEL.
One of these days I´ll have to get the first season of Veronica Mars to find out how it all started since I came in at the tailend of that season - as usual. Besides Veronica Mars Charisma Carpenter was also in episode 11 of season 5 of Burn Notice where she showed she still can deliver the goods.
In Germany only the first three seasons of Burn Notice have come out on DVD and right now I´m halfway through season 2. I´m not sure if I should wait any longer to see if they will do the rest someday or just get them through imports. Now that I´m invested I want to know how it plays out and there is even a spin off with Bruce Campbell´s character Sam. In any case Charisma´s funbags alone are worth the price of admission . Daimn !
We are staying with incredibly hot women a bit longer as famous soft sex / erotic movie / b - movie cult siren Mia Zottoli turned 51. So far I haven´t managed to do a full post on her and it looks like this won´t change soon.
If you watch b - movies you have probably seen her in some movies and if you watch erotic movies chances are very high you have seen her take her clothes off. She had some breast surgery early in her career from which she benefitted greatly as you can see in her best best movies which are The Mummy´s Kiss, Fast Lane to Las Vegas and Sinful Temptations ( a+ ).
Especially the last one is my favorite Mia Zottoli movie not only because she´s in her best physical condition in this one but also because it has a lot of nude scenes with her in such a relatively short film. So check out her movies - if you haven´t yet - and for Mia Zottoli : many happy returns, as always good luck, stay strong, healthy and thanks for the mammaries !
The month of April really has a lot of hot sexbombs that celebrate their birthday that month and with Krista Allen, Mia Zottoli and Nikki Fritz who celebrated her 51st birthday on April the 7th this was always an extra busy time for me checking all the video links back when I had my old boob blog.
This is almost like the trifecta of erotic actresses but not quite as my top three are Nikki Fritz, Mia Zottoli and Shauna O´Brien ( whom you might have seen in The Mistress Club or the Sex Files : Erotic Possession series ) in that particular order. Too bad nobody ever made a film with all three.
At this point I have so many bookmarks for my posts that I am not sure for whom I still have something. I thought I had to include one of these short clips with Nikki Fritz you can find on YouTube but then I stumbled across Bikini Drive - In which not only features Nikki but also Michelle Bauer.
We are staying with screen sexbombs as Steven Seagal turned 67 on April the 10th and it´s probably no big surprise that my favorite movie with him is Under Siege. Which is called ALARMSTUFE ROT ( Condition Red ) in Germany. That´s what you get when you use german words for a movie title that make no sense in german - then they have to come up with a different name. And that was one of the reasons why it was so difficult for me to find stuff about the movie until I figured out the original title.
Under Siege is one of the better Steven Seagal movies which means that his acting is not as bad as in other movies and it also has big stars like Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Busey and Nick Mancuso. The plot is simple but even though he only beats up smaller guys ( Did you notice that in most movies Steven Seagal only fights people who are smaller than him ? It makes it hard to take him serious. ) it´s a pretty decent action movie.
But the reason why I really like the film is of course Erika " Double E " Eleniak and her sexy striptease after she comes out of a cake . She really shows some talent there which makes the fact that she never continued in that direction just more tragic. The stripper career she could have had.
So it´s no surprise that Erection Erika is the most prominently featured baywatchable sexbomb on this blog or that I re - posted her original cult siren entry in 2015 , in 2016 and also in 2018 . Besides her entry in the cinema hall of striptease fame Erika also appeared in a few movies like BEVERLY HILL BILLIES, CHASERS ( where she had some pretty hot scenes ) , THE OPPONENT , STRIKE FORCE a.k.a. THE LIBRARIANS and BORDELLO OF BLOOD ( which got censored beyond recognition in Germany ) but she never achieved the level of success Pamela Anderson did. Not even Traci Bingham achieved that and she´s build like a porn star for crying out loud.

You can say what you want about Steven Seagal but he sure does have an eye for talent because it has been said that he included Erika Eleniak.
And if that rumor is true he has earned my eternal gratitude for giving the entire world one of the best film striptease ever. And her manager who persuaded to take this part and use her stripper skills to the benefit of mankind. I bet he got something out of the deal as well. I know that if it had been me there would have been a few private sessions of rehearsing.
People always wondered if there was a rivalry between Erika Eleniak and Pamela Anderson and if that was the reason Erika Eleniak left the show.
There are two different versions of the story but I think this article from Jake Davis on FETCH SPORT - which also takes an in depth look at Erika Eleniak´s life and career - comes closest to the truth. According to Pamela Anderson when she auditioned for the role of Jordan Tate in UNDER SIEGE Steven Segal wanted to put her body to the test on the casting couch.
" When he saw me rehearsing the part where Jordan comes out of the cake he insisted on me giving him a personal strip show. He changed my costume to two strings of fabric thinner than shoe laces and after he got a huge erection in his pants he made me strip naked and wanted to act out a sex scene with me that was not in the script. And when I didn´t want to do it he told me that the next girl would get the role instead. "
" I refused but Steven Segal convinced Erika Eleniak to let him use her as his personal blow up sex doll durnig the entire shooting of the movie. He fucked her brains out six ways to Sunday, That´s how she got the role."
Erika Eleniak for her part denies these wild sex orgies ever happened.
" I learned a lot on that shoot watching Tommy Lee Jones and Gary Busey work. It was a hard shoot and I spent many long hours in Steven´s trailer. Yes, he was merciless drilling me but not during sweaty fuck marathons that lasted all night long where he relentlessly pounded every orifice of my body. We were just rehearsing scenes not sex scenes that were more explicit than porn movies. All these rumors that Steven tried to break me in with his giant member are just a product of Pamela Anderson´s sick fantasy. But it still was an incredible learning experience for me. "
So that´s the last of this but if you want more of these bikini baring actresses you can check out my latest BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POST .
Another thing that was big in the 90s were push up bras and I don´t know if any of the sexbombs on BAYWATCH wore them - at least on the show - but ever since I posted a few review videos for the new upbra readers have been clamoring for more and now I can finally fulfill those requests.
We are slowly making our way through the red carpet sexbombs and since this post is all about hot women and fast cars I just had to include Parnia Porsche and Mercedes Carrera. Parnia ( 23 ) is an australian model ( 34 - 25 - 37 ), self professed rapper and former boxer who was born on May the 7th in 1995 and who has been in MAXIM PLAYBOY and FHM, Mercedes ( 36 ) is american adult model and porn star ( 34E - 26 - 40 ) of german, lakotan, puerto rican and swedish descent who was born on Novemder the 30th in 1982, Melissa Riso ( 32 ) is american glamour and adult model ( 32C - 24 - 34 ) who was born on the 27th of June in 1986 and all I could find out about Milanya Maria is that her measurements are 32D - 24 - 34. Any additional info about these or any of the other red carpet sexbombs is appreciated.
You can say what you want about the Hoff but he has become a pop culture icon. And a famous pop star in Germany. Here he is at Dancing With The Stars performing the opening song of BAYWATCH. Yes, for those who were distracted by the incredibly high amount of boobage in the BAYWATCH opener there actually was a catchy theme song for the show.
Now not all of David Hasselhoff´s tv shows were such great hits as BAYWATCH. One that tanked on an epic level was RING OF THE MUSKETEER but what do you expect when the casting director thinks it´s a good idea to put someone as bad at acting asThomas Gottschalk on the show ? I bet there was some shady side deal with Disneyworld Resort Paris going on.
The first big hit that David Hasselhoff had was KNIGHT RIDER - a show that tv producers tried to copy for decades without any success - but since there is no CARtoon version of it here is another show with fantastic cars ( this pun is for my spanish readers ) that was a big success in the 80s.
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When I first came to BAYWATCH I was scared because I couldn´t swim but then David Hasselhoff came to me and said : " That´s okay because I can´t act. "
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