Sunday, October 27, 2019

Joe Sinnott Sunday with the Fantastic Four

After surviving the hell of Barcelona it is time for a new post even if it´s - once again - a belated birthday post for one of my favorite comic creators.

Okay, that sounded a bit more melodramatic than it really was since I was not actually IN Barcelona during the riots but it did prevent me from going there and enjoy one of the perks of going to Spain. So this time I could not buy any music, movies or comicbooks. Which would have not been that bad all things considered if I had been able to go to Tarragona but there were also demonstrations that blocked the traffic. Kind of puts the whole " a better world through social media " thing into perspective when terrorists use twitter to transform a peaceful protest into a military strike.

Most of the people who participated in burning trash containers probably didn´t even know what they were protesting against or protesting for and you could see a lot of millennials walking around like it was a party, taking selfies, jumping in front of the camera or plundering nearby stores. I know that some people say that it was a political demonstration and not just random vandalism but if you have no political grounds for a demonstration and you attack people - not only the police force but also reporters - and burn cars and trash buildings leading to millions of property damage and get people hospitalized it´s just a case of disturbance of public order. 

Thankfully in the last demonstrations a cordon of peaceful protesters separated the violent troublemakers from the security forces so the outbursts of aggression could easily be dealt with. But I don´t think this anti - violence technique could be applied to Germany since the populace has the civil courage beaten out of them. Anyways, the best part about all this is that it´s not even the big majority of Catalans who want to be independent from Spain. That´s right, it´s just a small minority that is on this crazy trip spurred on by ruthless politicians and the vast minority wants to stay connected with Spain. But as all extremists the Catalans who want their independence just ignore THEIR constitutional rights.

But I´m not here to give political sermons so let´s just say that with the riots in Barcelona which made us question if there would be a flight back to Stuttgart and the flooding caused by the rain storms the night before which caused trains to be late I really picked a great time for our return.

And the only reason why I am mentioning that at all is to explain why there have been no new posts the last two weeks and why there will be no new posts about spanish comics. At least NEW spanish comics. There will be the occassional classic spanish comic series thrown in when you least expect it. Anyways, with that said let´s finally get to our newest Joe Sinnott appreciation post which - as you might have guessed from the post title - showcases Marvel´s first family. And a few affiliated series. 

Because while I already did three posts on the FANTASTIC FOUR under Joe Sinnott´s tenure on the book those were focused on two artists : Jack Kirby ( you can find art from various issues in this post while this one has almost the entire original art for issue 99 ) and John Buscema whose run ( or better runs since he returned ) on the book is very underappreciated. 

Now don´t get me wrong, I love Jack Kirby´s work but as longtime readers of this blog know that appreciation came after a long time and as a young kid I was not that big a fan of his artwork. It took me a really long time to really " get " his thing so while I read all those classic FANTASTIC FOUR issues as a tyke and remember some of them very fondly ( like who could argue that THIS MAN, THIS MONSTER is the most perfect Fantastic Four story ever written ? ) the time where I really became an ardent fan of Marvel´s first family was when Big John Buscema took over the art reigns.

Now like I said for most people this was not that interesting a time on the book and if you hear comic fans talk about legendary runs on FANTASTIC FOUR they mostly talk about Jack Kirby´s groundbreaking start together with Stan Lee ( let´s not forget his contribution. While some people say too much credit was given to him which may be true in some occassions he never went out of his way to claim any undue credit and without Stan Lee´s wonderful writing and grandiose hyperbole there may have never been Marvel Comics ) that basically built up the entire Marvel universe or John Byrne´s brilliant run that breathed new life into the FF franchise.

And while you can´t underestimate the impact of the runs by Jack Kirby and John Byrne I think that anybody who dismisses issues 102 to 231 of FANTASTIC FOUR as not that important does himself a great disservice.

For me personally this was a great time to read the book and I gobbled any spanish issues up that I could get my hands on ( as usual the spanish issues of LOS CUATRO FANTASTICOS was years ahead of whatever was published in Germany at that time ) since a lot of the art was done by two of my all - time favorite artists, John Buscema and George Perez. There also were a lot of other artists like Rich Buckler or Keith Pollard.

And most of the inks during that period were provided by Mr. Sinnott. He was the glue that held the book together - at least where the inks were concerned - and gave it a consistent look even if artists changed. He always made them look good. Now as longtime fans know I have to take every chance to mention THE OVERMIND SAGA. Although to tell to truth, I´m not even sure if anybody else but me calls it that. In any case, I´m not going to go into detail about the story because a. ) I don´t want to spoil it for anybody who has not read it, b. ) all those who WANT to read about one of the best Fantastic Four stories of all time ( at least in my humble opinion and comic icon Robi will back me up ) can do it in this posting .

Which is my cue to shut up and get to these year´s selection of art pages but not before adding a few more links to previous posts. I tried to write a special Halloween post in 2015 which turned into my first Joe Sinnott appreciation post talking about all of my favorite series or parts of series.

In 2016 I even managed to do two posts, one with a lot of splash pages from german HIT Comics and a special THORSDAY post which included mainly splash pages from Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz´ run on THOR about which I have written in numerous posts. And which I will continue if I ever can get my new series about THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA off the ground.

With all the scattershot artists in this post I wanted to spotlight two eras in the FANTASTIC FOUR lore which in my opinion don´t get a lot of play.

The first one is John Byrne´s stint on the book. Now before everybody pulls out the torches and pitchforks I want to specify this : I am talking about his first regular work on the book, not the run everybody always is talking about. That´s right, before John Byrne did his much lauded run pulling double duty as the writer AND the artist he did some FANTASTIC FOUR issues. The first of these fell into the IN SEARCH OF GALACTUS story by Marv Wolfman ( who also wrote - among other titles - the brilliant NEW TEEN TITANS , masterfully illustrated by George Perez ) and which were the first FANTASTIC FOUR issues with art by John Byrne that I ever read.

So whenever somebody talks about John Byrne´s FANTASTIC FOUR those are the issues that first pop into my mind. And the fact that basically everybody but me completely ignores them makes is especially weird for me. For those who have followed the blog since its beginning ( or at least a few years ) it probably comes as no surprise that I did not read these issues that I remember so fondly in the original US version but in the spanish translations by COMICS FORUM. It was - kind of - a trade, which in this case meant taking five regular issues, just glue them together and slap a cardbox cover on it. They clearly didn´t mess around back then.

Since then I have gotten the hardcover of IN SEARCH OF GALACTUS and apart from the nostalgia I have for these issues the story is noteworthy for a few reasons. The biggest one is probably the first appearance of Terrax who became one of Galactus more rebellious heralds and also one of the most ruthless. Another is the epic battle of the Sphinx against Galactus.

The Sphinx much later became one of the first big heavyweights the New Warrior faced when they got their own series and since I had read IN SEARCH OF GALACTUS at that point I was familiar with the character.

Besides a few minor moments like one of the few instances in which Johnny Storm shows up on campus and the in - continuity explanation why the Human Torch was replaced by H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot in the FANTASTIC FOUR cartoon there is also the pivotal moment where the team´s resident flamehead is the only hero standing after a bout against the SuperSkrull. The rest of the team has succumbed to the effects of a Skrull aging ray to which all except Johnny Storm were exposed at the beginning of the story and now he has to find a way to reverse its effects before they kill his teammates. It´s a great character moment for Johnny where he shows that he is more than just the hip and carefree youngster of the team. It also serves to rejuvenate the others, making them younger which was much needed since they had been around since the early 60s.

John Byrne´s first stay on FANTASTIC FOUR continued until issue 221 and included a team up with Spider - Man against the Frightful Four. I have to say, it may be just nostalgia but from all the costumes of the Marko Cain Sandman, I like the green one best. Interesting pop culture tidbit : the first issues of FANTASTIC FOUR John Byrne wrote were 220 and 221 and the story was actually meant to be part of a Coca - Cola giveaway comicbook.

Now while I often say that I go out of my way to bring my readers the best stuff I can find on the internet ( it may be worthy to repeat for all new readers that I don´t scan in artwork and that everything I post on the blog - except for some of the animated cult siren GIFs - was posted on the internet by other people ) I can be a little selfish from time to time.

So the second era in the FANTASTIC FOUR history I want to spotlight is probably not going to be of any interest for anybody but me as it is the time right after John Byrne left the book up until Walter Simonson took over to continue a storyline he started during his tenure on AVENGERS.

I thought I had written something about these issues just recently but after going through most of my posts of this year I have to conclude that it is either well hidden or I wanted to write something about it but then never got around to do it. Since I have already covered issues 296 to 307 in my very first Joe Sinnott appreciation post as they are included in the Epic Collection FANTASTIC FOUR - ALL IN THE FAMILY here is some original art from issues 311 to 319 which are part of the Epic Collection FANTASTIC FOUR - THE MORE THINGS CHANGE which I want to pimp a little bit here.

At first I was not sure if I should buy the Epic Collection at all because not only did I already have if not all of the issues than at least most of them in single issue form I also have some of them as part of an omnibus. Namely issues 316 to 319 as part of the SECRET WARS II omnibus. SECRET WARS II keeps popping up in this blog again and again and I will take every chance to mention my favorite Marvel crossover of all times. I also have issues 322 to 324 as part of the INFERNO CROSSOVERS omnibus but they will be in the next FANTASTIC FOUR Epic Collection so I´ll ignore them in Today´s post.

Anyway, the reason why I finally did buy it ( and I was so anxious to read those stories again that I didn´t even wait the usual period until you can get it for 25 bucks ) was that the nearer the release date of the Epic Collection came the more hyped I was to read those stories again. I don´t know why I have such a fondness for the stories, if it´s nostalgia because I bought them as they came out or what. But while most people skipped the time when the Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel ( There was another super heroine at Marvel Comics called Miss Marvel after Carol Danvers ? ) was turned into a female version of the Thing while the Thing was turned into an even more grotesque version of the Thing I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Maybe it was the fact that it was all one big, continuous story where they threw in everything but the kitchen sink. I mean you have the Fantastic Four - led by Ben Grimm no less - on a wild road trip that takes them from New York to the mid - east sheikdom of Aquiria to outer space, Wakanda, Project Pegasus, the Mole Man´s underworkd kingdom, the fourth world of Arcturus, the Savage Land and the Negative Zone where they encounter not only one of the weirdest Fantastic Four villains Fasaud but also the Lava Men, Belasco, Master Pandemonium, Morbius, A.I.M. , the Black Panther, the blonde eye - patch wearing Doctor Strange ( don´t ask  ), X - FACTOR in a FALL OF THE MUTANTS tie - in, forgotten hero Comet Man, wanna - be - Doctor - Doom Kristoff and last but not least the real deal monarch of Latveria who joins the team in the big finale with Molecule Man a.k.a. Owen Reece, the Shaper of Worlds, Kubik and the Beyonder.

I have to say, Steve Englehart ties all these seemingly random things together in one big crescendo that has a lot of deep cut callbacks to Marvel continuity but no matter how often I read it I never can recall a single thing. Which is probably one of the reasons why I keep re - reading the issues so often. Another thing that only dawned upon me after many readings is Keith Pollard´s art. I never considered him one of my favorite artists but now as somebody who tries to get his comicbook art going I am very impressed by his immaculate figure drawing, the clear storytelling and detailed background especially where futuristic machinery is concerned.

So that´s it for the comic part of Today´s post that hopefully has piqued your interest in two periods of THE FANTASTIC FOUR publishing history that don´t get a lot of play but which I personally enjoyed very much.  

Now I have already put a lot of links to older posts from TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN in the text above but there are also a few more which I think might be interesting for newer readers since I mentioned certain stories or artists who were featured in previous postings. I could have put them in the text like the other links but I am never completely sure if my readers really use the links or just ignore them. And I wanted to make sure these posts got your attention. Now for my new readers as well as more seasoned visitors who just want to refresh their memory ( I have written 1,085 posts at this point so it is understandable when one or two slip your mind ) there are links to more Jack Kirby posts in this recent post , to my John Buscema AVENGERS posts in this post about his second AVENGERS run under Roger Stern´s penmanship , to my newest George Perez posts right here , you can find more links to my posts on the Eric Masterson THOR ( of which a lot of issues were inked by Joe Sinnott ) in this black and white Alan Davis birthday post and last but not least all the links to my posts on John Byrne´s run on UNCANNY X - MEN with Chris Claremont in this post about Ed Piskor´s X - MEN : GRAND DESIGN and the changes he ( or the powers that be at Disney ) made to the original X - Men continuity.

This brings us to our obligatory birthday section which is extremely long since it has been almost exactly a month since our last post. And while I would like to keep all the cult sirens of notice in this post I have - like in previous posts - made divergences where those parts were too long or where it was convenient to cut certain parts because they dealt with similar topics. At first I wanted to keep the best stuff here since it is the main post but I had to outbranch some of it because otherwise it would have been too confusing. I tried my best to help navigate these waters by providing the appropriate links to my spin - off posts as well as other posts where you can find more birthdays. As usual I am not addressing all the celebrity birthdays of the last four weeks since that would be impossible and instead I have paired it down to the only necessary ones. Which fall into four categories : a.) those where I have already written a post about them so I can include a link, b. ) those where I have something new to add to what I have posted before, c.) those which I have not featured on the blog for a long time and d.) my personal favorites. Hey, writing these posts is hard and anything that helps me stay enthusiastic about it is welcome.

So we start our cult siren countdown on September the 29th with a massita who checks all four of these categories. It´s none other than mexican 40C Über Power Girl Ninel Conde whom I have cast as Zatanna in my Justice League Hollywood movie and who celebrated her 49th birthday.

Ninel Conde is a mexican singer and actress and - with her incredible chest size of course - swimsuit model who has starred in the very popular telenovela REBELDE which you can see in a lot of countries like Spain.

Ninel Conde was born on September the 29th 1970 in Toluca which means that when I made the post with her red plunging cleavage dress from the Latin Grammy Awards she was around ...... 40 years ? ? ? Holy Makarel !

I bet if you look in the mexican dictionary under MILF ( or MMIGF in that case ) there´s a picture of Ninel Conde. And it´s a probably a foldout.

Since she is not well known outside of the spanish speaking world I also wanted to include some videos from other shows she has been on like Desmadrugados where I found one years ago where she is wearing a red dress with a generous cleavage that really showcases her ample bust. Sadly I could not find that on YouTube although I did find a lot of sketches with her from the comedy show Estudio 2. In fact I found so many that I had to leave them all out and go for quality instead of quantity with these short clips where you can see why Ninel Conde has had such a successful career.

We are staying on September the 29th with one of my favorite sexbombs who still falls into three of the categories and regular readers of the blog are probably surprised that I didn´t make another re - post of her cult siren entry since it´s none other than natural born stripper starlet Erika " Double E " Eleniak ( who is of course most famous for her incredibly steamy striptease in UNDER SIEGE ) who had her big 50th anniversary.

The reason why I haven´t done a new post for her is that I am constantly working on her old posts since the videos of the aforementioned MMILF Ninel Conde as well as such sexbombs lika Anna Simon, Ana Morgade or Emanuela Botto keep getting deleted from YouTube. And while I can´t always replace all videos that disappear in all of my posts I try to keep up with those posts that I link to on a frequent basis. As long as I have new videos to replace the old ones. So I only recently completely overhauled the long CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE - SPECIAL BAYWATCH EDITION post that features Erika Eleniak and Carmen Elektra as well as some of the re - posts of her original cult siren entry that I wrote in 2015 , in 2016 and in 2018 . In fact I have just replaced some of the videos that were deleted in her re - post from 2016 again Yesterday. So at the moment I don´t feel the need to do a new version since I have already posted all I have to say about Erika Eleniak in UNDER SIEGE or BAYWATCH

And for more on such baywatchable babes like Pamela Anderson, Traci Banghim , Krista Allen ( best remembered for getting her freak on as french blow up sex doll EMANUELLE in 8 made for tv movies ) or go go dancer Carmen Elektra check out my latest BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POSTS.

Okay, attentive readers might be wondering why I said that Erika Eleniak falls into three of the categories that I cited for including cult sirens in this section. Without any doubt she is one of my favorites but she is not somebody I have not mentioned in a long time and I also just said there is nothing about her on BAYWATCH that I want to add. There is however something about one of the lesser known actresses from a literal plethora of sexbombs that went through the rotating casting doors on the show .

In this case it is Brandy Ledford from BAYWATCH HAWAII about whom I wrote more in this post . She appears on a few top ten lists in regards to gratuitous scenes in movies since she started her career with the only nude scene in Demolition Man ( the scene is a bit weird and looks like it was only thrown in as an afterthought ) and besides her bonerinducing outings as a PENTHOUSE PET OF THE YEAR she also appears in Killing for Love where she delivers one of the best sex scenes in movie history .

That scene is what I always pictured happening behind closed doors between Dinah Lance a.k.a. Black Canary and Oliver Queen a.k.a. Green Arrow. Even though in the comics Dinah Lance´s natural hair color is black and the blonde hair is only a wig. Which is one of the reasons why she brushes off everybody who hits on her with blonde pick up lines. Anyway, I still imagine Brandy Ledford as the one who polishes Oliver´s long shaft.

We have another indispensable cult siren on September the 30th as italian sex goddess Monica Bellucci turned 55. With her giant melons the mega MILF was a natural choice for the amazonian princess of Themyscaria in the big finale of my casting call for a Justice League of America movie.

A woman with steel in her eyes, the beauty of Aphrodite and the ability to turn all men into babbling, drooling idiots. Yep, it´s a description of Wonder Woman but it also sounds pretty much like Monica Bellucci .

Monica Bellucci can fill out the Wonder corsage quite well with her 37C chest, and I wanted to cast her in a movie where she is not degraded, abused, forced into prostitution or raped like in most of her films.

Shheeesh, what´s wrong with the movie industry ? It seems the only roles for women with big breasts are either prostitutes or rape victims ( or raped prostitutes ) and one of the few movies where Monica is not a victim of sexual assault is the ASTERIX movie where she was Cleopatra.

I think Monica Bellucci would really be a terrific Wonder Woman and she would have no problem filling out the role with her 37C Wonder Twins .

I put her in the finale of the Hollywood Edition of Casting The JLA Movie series as Wonder Woman but now I´m tending more towards Big Barda.

In the original FOURTH WORLD comics by Jack Kirby - and this definitely changed in the NEW 52 - Big Barda was built like a brick shithouse with the personality of a lady trucker, the muscles of a female bodybuilder, the hot measurements of a playmate of the year and the cupsize of a porn star.

She got that from her mother Big Breeda, the fiercest female warrior on Apokolips who - nomen est omen - was therefore selected by Darkseid himself to breed the next race of warriors. I don´t know if it was because she spurned his advances or if he just thought she would produce the best offspring but it is implied that they used her like a blow up sex doll !

All for the next generation of Akopolips´ finest of course. Now with Big Barda the melons didn´t fall far from the tree and when she began to develop, especially in certain parts of her anatomy that had to do with procreation Darkseid decided to let her follow in her mother´s footsteps and - like mother like daughter - personally introduce Big Barda to the breeding pens to continue the family tradition. So as soon as she got wind of Darkseid´s perverted plans for her Big Barda decided to ditch Apokolips and hitched the next ride to Earth. According to Big Barda she managed to do that before Darkseid had a chance to break her in but maybe she was so eager to join Mister Miracle because she had tasted the Darkseed.

For more on DC´s creepy sex stories with Big Barda - like the time when Superman starred in a porn movie with her and then claimed he could not remember a thing - check out BIG BARDA : DEATH, LIES AND VIDEOTAPES .

Originally I casted Maria Grazia Cucinotta, the italian mega MILF with the giant 39D ( !!! ) melons as Big Barda but keeping in mind her history I may cast her as Big Breeda. Not only to get Maria to do nude scenes that way but also because then I could cast Monica Bellucci as Big Barda and give the Wonder Woman role to british 90s porn superstar Sarah Louise Young .

Yep, she was a big star over here in Germany when I was old enough to rent porn videos. That shows you what an old geezer ( and old pervert ) I am. Also, she was the first one who made porn videos for a price that horny teenagers like me could afford. I mean, new tapes. Because back in those days you could buy used porn videos at the video store but those were watched hundreds of times and only seconds away from combustion.

Not only was Sarah Louise Young the first porn actress to agree a fee of $1,000,000 for a single film, in 1992 she also opened her first sex shop in Hannover, named Sarah Young Erotic Markt, and there would eventually be eleven such shops located in various German cities. I think there might have been one in Stuttgart but with all the movies she starred in and the ones she produced Sarah Young was very present in german video stores and sex shops around the time I was old enough to watch her movies. By the time she lived in Spain she also had one of the first adult magazines that were sold together with a videotape. Which in Spain were sold at newsstands next to comics or newspapers. Yes, some countries do not hide their porn under the table like it´s something to be ashamed of.

Since I need more comicbook related content in this section here is another review of the new JACK KIRBY´S FOURTH WORLD omnibus that I still got left from the research for another post. At the moment you can get it for 100 EUROS at amazon which is not a bad price for a 1,500 plus page hardcover phone book that has a regular in store price of 143 EUROS.

I am still hesitant to buy it because it probably is very hard to handle since it has more pages than the DEATH AND RETURN OF SUPERMAN omnibus I recently bought. And that is almost impossible to read. Plus I already got two of the previous slim FOURTH WORLD hardcovers for my brother and although they are almost impossible to find and quite expensive they are easier to read. I also have the german edition of some of these issues.

So I would much rather buy the KAMANDI omnibus at a reasonable price. Or go all the way and spring for a Jack Kirby ARTIST`S EDITION. Now that I sprung for an artist´s edition of Walter Simonson´s Thor ( about which you can read more in this post ) I realized that they are not as expensive as I thought. And it´s a small step from 100 EUROS to 118 EUROS, especially if you get some gorgeous original art for it. Okay, I won´t get an artist´s edition of MISTER MIRACLE or NEW GODS since they go for 143 EUROS but there are two KAMANDI volumes and one of the FOREVER PEOPLE that you can get for 118 EUROS. So I guess it will depend on whether I can find the JACK KIRBY`S FOURTH WORLD omnibus hardcover with a huge discount.

New readers ( as well as those that want to refresh their memory ) can find the rest of the celebrity birthdays from September the 30th here , here and in this post . Skipping October the 2nd ( since I haven´t written a post on that day and do not have the time to go through the list of anniversaries now ) I put this year´s completely subjective selection of anniversaries from October the 1st and October the 3rd in my newest Richard Corben post and as usual we run the full gamut from comicbooks to spanish sexbombas, cult sirens Jacqueline Collen, Pamela Hensley, Debra Paget and the obligatory Markie Post, V. I. P. ´s fast and furious Natalie Raitano ( in this case V. I. P. stands for Very Impressive Playmate ), Sinbad in cartoons and tv shows, egypt street food, Swamp Thing and Rollerball.

We then ignore all the anniversaries from October the 4th in favor of the celebrity birthdays from October the 5th and the 6th in my newest Jim Starlin DREADSTAR post which has become some kind of marathon post.

Initially I only posted a dozen DREADSTAR pages but since I couldn´t find any colored pages in good resolution I decided to add some original black and white art as well. On the side of the cult sirens of choice we have Terri Runnels a.k.a. wrestling MILF Marlena plus another match by the late Ashley Massaro, sci fi cult siren Olivia Thirlby, french blow up sex bombs Julie DuPage and Florence Geanty, the sister duo of Las Mirandas from La Parodia Nacional as well as Paula Vazquez who was one of the sexy hosts.

The entire post has a real sci fi theme going on with videos about Psi Judge Anderson, a science fiction movie top ten, the underrated science fiction movie Reel Steel, the anime Casshan and the first episode of the british cult series Blake´s 7. Which is much better than one would expect.

We continue with the celebrity birthdays from October the 7th in my newest somewhat unscheduled BOB OKSNER TRIBUTE post due to the fact that I initially wanted to do a post but only found the folder with all the material I have collected when I was already working on the other spin - of posts. I have included art from several series Bob Oksner worked on and because of the title of the blog I had to include some pages with Supergirl in my favorite costume ( the one with the shirt with the puffy sleeves and the red hot pants ) and some pages from the story Superman 2001.

In the birthday babes section we have another WWE wrestler with 34G ( !!! ) - 27 - 34 bodybuilding model Celeste Bonin a.k.a. Celeste Braun a.k.a. Kaitlyn and the double threat of busty blondes Audrey and Judy Landers.

These classic sexbombs are joined by erotic eurodance starlet duo Daniela Haak and Judith Hildebrandt from Mr. President who did full frontal nudity for the german PLAYBOY magazine and gaming porn star Bayonetta whose part was lost in the draft folder until I managed to resurrect it. The post also features a review of the science fiction cult classic Lifeforce in two parts, PLAYBOY´s Little Annie Fanny and a Little Orphan Annie Christmas. 

To make things even more confusing I had to put this year´s selection of celebrity birthdays from October the 8th in my newest Vince Coletta post which got so blown out of proportions that I should have given it at least three spin - off posts. First because of an unscheduled recommendation for the new KIRBY IS MIGHTY ! oversized hardcover that you can get at amazon Germany for 49 Euros and which makes an excellent Christmas gift.

But also because the parts about spanish MILFsita Ivonne Reyes, mega busty Robin Stille´s magic self repairing shirt in American Ninja 4 : The Annihilation, Sigourney Weaver´s fan service cleavage in Galaxy Quest and the combined butt - power of Linda Kozlowski, Kristina Mendonca and Zahra Elise ( which includes the story how Nick Fury used a dozen of Maria Hill´s LMDs as his own personal blow up sex dolls ) got ridiculously long.

And that´s AFTER I cut some stuff. Anyway, if all of that weren´t enough we cover the Galaxy Quest comic, Paul Hogan as the Phantom, kung fu fighting action with the first episode of Ninjak vs the Valiant Universe, the horror of cult classic Night Of The Creeps and the humor of Eugenio.

The next comicbook related birthdays are Jim Starlin on October the 9th and Bob Oksner on October the 14th for whom I did the two spin - off posts already mentioned above. See how confusing that gets ? Anyway, the reason why I skipped so many birthdays between October the 8th and October the 14th is that I already covered the anniversaries from October the 6th until October the 14th in this black and white post about Jack Kirby´s MISTER MIRACLE series from last year and just from October the 14th in the FLASH FRIDAY : RACE AGAINST TIME - PART 5 post from 2016 .

Since we already covered Vince Coletta´s anniversary on October the 15th in the aforementioned post we come to this year´s selection of birthdays ( skipping a few here and there ) from October the 16th to the 21st plus a link to a post where I cover some until October the 22nd in our last spin - off post about Steve Epting´s groundbreaking run on AVENGERS which led to the controversial ( putting it nicely ! ) introduction of The Gatherers.

We also tackle Steve Epting´s contribution to Ed Brubakers taboo breaking CAPTAIN AMERICA run as well as birthday babes Mar Saura, the australian sexbomb with two 35C stereo speakers, Dannii " Double Airbags " Minogue and Christiane Hagemann with guest appearances by german natural born strippers Yasmina Filai and Sylvia Leifheit, french sex goddesses Sophie Marceau and Marlene Mourreau , asian fitness guru Kiana Tom , german Schlager Sternchen Linda Hesse , italian mega sexbomb Sabrina " Bouncing Action " Salerno and last but not least my number one sex fantasy of all times, the living nubian blow up sex doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson ( who has three solo posts and three entries in my JLA cast ). Plus the best scene from Renaissance Men, Skyjacked and an unaired Beetle Bailey cartoon pilot.

At this point you probably need a break from the onslaught of cult sirens ( and a tissue if I have done my job right ) so you won´t mind if don´t talk about Today´s anniversaries. For those who are curious to find out who celebrates another birthday Today there is this Joe Kubert tribute post .

I swear this time it was not me who made the connection between strippers and k - pop bands. I just came across the video above while writing the post and thought it would go well with the stripper sexbombs ( and because most videos I had bookmarked with stripping actresses have been deleted ) but regular followers might recognize the song in the hot video as k - pop band Girl´s Day smash hit Something from this post .

Anyway, here´s a preview of our next Girl´s Day feature although I´m not sure if the title is Expectation or Expect Me as I have seen both versions.

With the constant addition of posts and the reshuffling of content I want to include a video I planned to put into another post. It´s Drive with Marc Dacascos and it is one of my younger brothers favorite movies. Or at least it was when he was a teenager. I don´t know how he feels now about it but there was a time where he watched this film at least once a week.

The last video is one I had already put into another post but because of forces outside of my control I had to cut it out again. So I´m putting it here. It´s another classic cartoon from my childhood, The Bee Maja, and all people from my generation know the title song by Karel Gott by heart.

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1 comment:

  1. The old time inkers like Sinnott knew their business. Lovely black and white art...then it gets colour splashed all over it! Enjoyed the comic posting!
