Sunday, July 16, 2023

Surprise Super - Villain Team - Up Sunday !

Like a lot of posts lately this one was rather unplanned but after finding so much material - while looking for something completely different of course - I decided to put the best parts into a post as long as I can. So Today's topic is a series I always wanted to check out bur never came around to do it : the mythic SUPER - VILLAIN TEAM - UP comicbook.

Now the idea of super villains teaming up is nothing new, in fact it makes a lot of sense. Since they are the bad guys they do not have the same notions of fair play as the heroes so stacking the deck in their favour by ganging up on the good guy seems like only logical. Of course the good guys also know that there is strength in numbers and so they form their own assemblages of avenging agitators which is where we get the super hero teams and the super villain teams from. And the resulting battles.

One thing that always bothered me in these confrontations is that the writers picked one villain to go up against one hero - most often than not from said hero's rogues gallery. When it would have made more sense that the bad guys would cheat and fight two or three against one hero.

And this is why UNDER SIEGE by Roger Stern , John Buscema and Tom Palmer is such a brilliant story : Baron Zemo does not follow the old one super villain versus one super hero formula and just throws as many super villains as he can against the Avengers almost destroying earth's mightiest heroes forever. Even if the heroes emerge victorious from the battle they will wear the scars - physiological and psychological - for a long time. One of these days I have to get around to make a post on it.

While that is one of the most successful super villain team ups in general they don't work because unlike the heroes the villains are only in it for themselves so it's only a matter of time before they betray each other.

The only super villain team up in comicbooks that has worked over a longer period of time is the Flash's Rogues who formed out of necessity - if you go up against the fastest man alive you need every help you can get - and developed a kind of camaraderie and have set up their own rules of super villain conduct each member of this club has to follow.

Anyway, coming back to Marvel Comics SUPER - VILLAIN TEAM - UP series I can't tell you a lot about it since the only issue I read was issue 9 since that was included in the AVENGERS - THE PRIVATE WAR OF DOCTOR DOOM hardcover that was part of my old comicbook collection. Oh, and we get a cameo appearance by atlantean Busenwunder Namorita in her metal bikini outfit. Man, how I miss the good old days. Anyway, we have various writers and artists working on this one but it's not like we got only c - list talent as we even get one issue pencilled by Wally Wood. One last thing : for those collectors interested in the ominous " key " issues number five might be of special interest as it is the first appearance of The Shroud.

double cross

to be continued

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Before we come to the usual cult siren / pop culture trivia section you love I just wanted to put up a quick reminder that both, the KIRBY IS MIGHTY ! and the KIRBY IS FANTASTIC ! king - sized hardcovers that I pimped in my KING - SIZED THORSDAY post ( where you can find a list of the contents of these books ) are still available from amazon Spain for the measly price of 55 EUROS ( 61 EUROS with handling and shipping ).

But more importantly to let all the blog visitors - from my most faithful oyeescuchas to the casual interwebs surfer who stumbled upon my blog by chance - know that you can also get the DC UNIVERSE : THE BRONZE AGE BY JACK KIRBY omnibus that has a page count of over 1,400 pages and a regular in store price of around 150 / 160 EUROS for 75 EUROS.

84 EUROS with handling and shipping because that is one thick book.

Now regular blog followers may remember that I already bought this book when I was still in Germany and although the actual price is more than what I paid back then I think it is still a good bargain. Also I don't think the price will get as low as 27 EUROS again. That really was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Now I thought about doing another special post to pimp this but right now I just don't have the necessary material for it.

Nevertheless I wanted to get word out about this great bargain as soon as possible. Since I already wrote about this you can find the list of contents - and where it differs from the JACK KIRBY OMNIBUS - VOLUME TWO - in my SURPRISE JACK KIRBY SANDMAN post from November 2019 .

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Now the very first version of Namor ( or Aquaman if you prefer the DC Comics heroes ) on tv - at least for people from my generation - was the sadly short lived The Man From Atlantis starring a very young Patrick Duffy right before he got his big break landing the role of Bobby Ewing on Dallas alongside such premiere 80s sexbombs like Charlene Tilton, Victoria Principal or Audrey Landers ( more on her later ). As longtime followers of the blog know The Man From Atlantis has become a guilty pleasure for me and I got the DVD set when I came to Spain. And as much as I love the show watching the episodes was rough at times because the pacing back then was really different and I had to struggle just to stay awake. Anyway, while it seemed just a cheesy tv show when I first saw it my appreciation for the people behind this and their drive to make it special has grown as I have found many videos that show all the effort they put into this. Especially Patrick Duffy who went as far as to write an entire book to give the fans the ending they never got in the tv show.

Of course I have to mention the comicbook adaption of The Man From Atlantis because if you want to know more about that I made an entire spin - off post with the best original art by Frank Robbins from that book I could find. Now Frank Robbins is no stranger to the visitors of this blog since he has two spotlight posts here, one about his work for DC Comics horror anthology titles ( and if you are interested in those check out my first post on those horror anthology titles as well as my newest one ) and one about his work on Marvel Comics INVADERS. I always wanted to do a second part but never got around to it and now all the material I prepared for it is gone. Anyway, the INVADERS omnibus is one of the few books on my To Buy list - once I have disposable income again - because over the last years I have really come to love Frank Robbins art style.

Anyway, that's all about the comicbook stuff so let's get to the part you have all anxiously been waiting for since I mentioned Audrey Landers.


Together with her sister, blonde 40B - 25 - 35 beach body Audrey Landers - who was of course best known for her role of Ashton Cooper on Dallas and Val Clarke in A Chorus Line - 40C - 24 - 35 Judy Landers was one of the hottest commodities of that time. They knew how to squeeze their talents and could have made a real fortune working the stripper pole.

Before the Hilton sisters, Mother Nature blessed us with the Landers sisters, and if you were a teen in the 1980s, the only crack you were on was the roughly twelve inches of cleavage shared between Judy Landers and her sister Audrey. They helped keep the boob in " boob tube " for over a decade, with appearances on nearly every hit tv show requiring a dyed - in - the - scalp blonde with the breast - busting bikini to match.


The 80s gave us a lot of the Landers sisters, mostly on the small screen, where they were often fashioned in as little clothing as possible and even less dialogue. It's hard to imagine though, or it's hard when you imagine, just how famous older sister Audrey Landers became playing the perennial bubbly blonde for our perpetually perky peckers. The sexbombs dazzled us with their own brand of twin magic long before the Bellas arrived on the scene and I must confess I prefer their version of it since here we got two sexbombs for the price of one while Bree is a poor version of Nikki since she got her tits inflated. But back to the Landers.

These blow up sex dolls would have been perfect in a Little Annie Fanny movie since with their perfectly shaped breasts, butts that won´t quit, legs almost up to their chins plus their lean and fit tireless bodies they were born for porn and back in the 80s they were the hottest blonde double d combo everybody fantasized about as two thirds of a sandwich.

Of course it goes without saying that Judy would play the tit - ular and tittilating character of Little Annie Fanny - with a big emphasis on the " tit " part although because of the size of her bonerinducing chesticles all males call her Big Annie Fanny - since she is without question the hotter.

Don't get me wrong, they both have incredible pornstar bodies but while Audrey has the prettier face Judy's body ranks a twelve out of ten while Audrey is clearly a ten plus. And while Audrey has those " bedroom eyes " that drive men crazy Judy has " sex eyes " which means that she knows you want to bang her brains out six ways to Sunday and she is going to milk you dry until you can't get it up anymore, it's only a matter of time.

Plus, Judy has those pronounced cheekbones a woman only gets after decades of oral sex especially extended deepthroat sessions. So clearly Judy would play the kind of role she has made a career of : the busty blonde with an insane body that can multiply the sales of any adult magazine without even trying and a heart of gold who is not too bright and who guys take advantage of and who always ends up loosing all her clothes while horny perverts take turns drilling every orifice of her body.

Now Audrey on the other hand has a more sophisticated look so I doubt she could play the part of the dumb blonde even if she tried so she is written smarter than Judy. In the comic strips Little Annie Fanny has a sidekick called Wanda Homefree who is clearly the brains of the outfit but I would like to cast Audrey as Little Annie Fanny's sister even though I don't think she has a sister in the comics. Anyway, this would not be the first time something is changed for a comicbook movie adaption and that is my prerogative as the movie director. Plus it's only a mental exercise.

We could call Audrey Landers character Little Audrey Fellatio and what little her character would lack on the physical side - only in comparison to her sister Judy mind you - she would more than make up for with her sheer sexual aggressiveness, a degree as a world - class oral sex - pert who graduated at Deepthroat University Sukka Cum Louder and her photographic memory of all sex positions in the Kama Sutra, Ananga Ranga, Joy Of Sex plus a few dozens she came up with on her own.

So Audrey would be the smarter one who would always instigate the sex orgies and naturally she would whore her sister out so Judy would have to bear the brunt of the sexual assault while Audrey gets to cherry pick the studs with the biggest schlongs and the most endurance whom she could dicktame merciless at her leisure to become obedient sex slaves.

Although I don't think that would take a lot of taming because who would not want to be the sexual slave of a horny Audrey Landers in her prime ?

Not that I think anybody would protest if Audrey - or Judy - subjects his rockhard boner to an all nigh ejaculation sensation squirt marathon. As for the plot of the movie, since this part has gotten longer than planned I will let you know the next time I get to mention the Landers sisters.


In real life neither of them were but they clearly were unaware of the general public´s perception of them as the ultimate sex symbols. Proof of that is the fact that they did a very tasteful but non - nude ( and non - paying, so thanks for that ) PLAYBOY pictorial for publicity reasons only.

They thought it would help the direction of their career and the roles they would be offered would change from cheerleaders to mature roles.

Of course the incredibly sexy pictures had just the opposite effect since a lot of people had not actually seen the pictorial and just assumed they had done nudity and so all of the roles they were offered had nudity.

Like I said, for two such incredible sexbombs it´s astounding that they managed to live a life without sex scandals and they are both married and have two kids, Audrey has twin sons and Judy has two daughters.

There have been a few attempts to do a reality show with the sisters but their everyday life turned out to be too boring for the networks and they refused to spice it up to get more viewers so nothing came out of it.

There was more about the Landers sisters in a recent post but because that part got longer and longer I gave them their own cult siren entry .

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the famous shower episode



tiger sharks


beach girl as promised in my Frank Thorne RED SONJA post we are continuing our spotlight on croatian cocktamer Lidja Bacic Lille with the top five bikini music video of the blonde Busenwunder and

one piece

Naturally the two breast reasons to watch One Piece are provided by nubile navigator redhead Nami who even among a bevy of lusty busty anime babes stands out as the number 1 sexbomb of the show who always provides great fanservice with her giant - sized XXL floaters.

But Nami doesn't just show her bouncy overdeveloped oppai in tight outfits, skimpy harem girl costumes, plunging cleavages or mega tiny bikinis she also has plenty of scenes where she lets it all hang out taking a shower or a bath and she has been known to flashing her crew mates completely naked several times. I don't know how they haven't used her like a blow up sex doll yet especially serial - rapist - in - training Sanji.

Of course for the tv show a lot of it has to be censored like in Nami's most famous - or infamous depending on your personal preferences - naked bath scene during the Thriller Bark storyline where she was spied on and almost sexually assaulted by invisible animal patchwork pirate Absalom and all the naughty bits of her body were covered in steam.

Now somebody made an uncensored version of the scene but of course the video has got an age restriction on YouTube so I can't post it here.

It seems the One Piece tv series on Netflix -is going to be a thing and there are already people who are sure it will suck. As for me I think the trailer looks pretty decent and as longtime followers of the blog know I am willing to give these things the benefit of the doubt and wait with my judgement until I have had the opportunity to see the first episode. The actors seem to be a good fit for the characters although you really don't know until you have seen the actress who plays Nami in a bikini or nude.

Well, with all that said I can think of a pair ( or two pairs or three pairs and even more than that ) of reasons to make a One Piece live action adaption of the top of my head especially if it's for Netflix or HBO where they have no problem with nudity so we could get some of those shower scenes with some hot girl on girl action. I mean, when we are pandering to the SJWs and the lesbian community we should do this the right way.

And we wouldn't even have to deal with those tv execs who always want to change the look of the characters because " you can't adapt the look of a character from a comicbook 100 % because it would not look good on camera "  since dozens of gifted cosplayer - including mega hot 35D - 24 - 36 cosplay blow up sex doll Ashlynne Dae ( of whom you can find more pictures and videos in my GOBLIN QUEEN spin - off post ) - have shown that it can not only be done but that it also looks aaawesome.

Speaking of awesome looks I could totally see Ashlynne as Nami and I would even volunteer for the position ( and any other position I could get her to assume ) of stunt cock for her casting couch audition. Which would take place at a no - tell motel and last several days until I have either dicktamed Ashlynne into becoming my obedient sex slave or my dick gives out and I can't get it up anymore. Whatever happens first.

Although I suspect the latter because you know the old saying " You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you will not sleep with a redhead because those nympho sluts are naturally born sperm extraction machines who turn into complete sex freaks in the sack who will go blowjob gonzo on your dick deepthroating it into submission until it's hard enough to cut a diamond and has grown to three times its regular size after which they will pump you all night long without mercy making you squirt load after load until you are depleted. " and I do not think Ashlynne is the exception to that rule.

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