For a guy who says he is trying to finishing up his old posts I am sure starting a lot of new ones lately. But the thing is that I was just working on my tribute post to 36C - 23 - 26 page 3 girl Corinne Russell Yesterday and as I kept adding more stuff about the iconic horror magazines Tales From The Crypt, The Vault Of Horror, The Haunt Of Fear and other EC Comics publications like Mad to the bonus section I thought it would be a waste to put it all there instead of doing a full blown EC Comics post.
You see, when I started the latest two GHOST RIDER posts as kind of an introduction for Halloween one of the reasons why I didn't make an EC Comics post was that I thought I did not have enough material for it.
Well, when I was working on the aforementioned Corinne Russell post I realized that I have indeed more than enough for a full blown EC Comics post and so I have decided to write on and put some more material out.
At the moment my EC Comics library is extremely limited : besides the spanish edition of the first volume of Weird Science I only have the EC Covers Artist Edition, the EC Comics sampler Choke Gasp ! The Best Of 75 Years Of EC Comics and the reprints of Tales From The Crypt, The Vault Of Horror and The Haunt Of Fear that I used to pad out the boxes when I shipped some comics I could not sell to Spain which I can't bring myself to throw away no matter how beat up and battered they may be.
As a big fan of EC Comics I´ve done a number of posts on the subject : I did a special black and white tribute post to William Gaines in 2017 with two full stories, one by Johnny Craig and one by George Evans, in 2018 I did two posts, one for the horror books and one for the other titles EC published and I also did special spotlight posts for Jack Davis and a black and white post with the complete original artwork of the story And All Throughout The House by Johnny Craig from THE VAULT OF HORROR 35.
I didn´t write any EC Comics posts in 2019 but in 2020 I wrote a post in honor of the late William Gaines with stories by Johnny Craig, Graham " Ghastly " Ingels and Joe Orlando - who got a spotlight post - as well as one in tribute to the late Bernie Krigstein and two about Johnny Craig .
And back in March 2021 we had the obligatory William Gaines tribute and in 2022 I did an Al Feldstein spotlight post just in time for Halloween.
Besides publishing the best comic in the genre of horror, science fiction, war, crime fiction and many others ( which every comic fan or comic book creator worth his salt needs to read to understand what you can do within the medium ) he also created a whole new genre with the creation of Mad magazine when his competitors, censorship and the Comics Code Authority forced him to cancel his most successful titles.
One of the artists who got the famous MAD Magazine off the ground and running with Harvey Kurtzman was Will Elder and if you are interested in comic history, good satire comic magazines or just good art you should check out those early issues - you can read my spotlight post on him .
Now besides being a master at cartooning and bringing slapstick humor to the printed page Will Elder was very adept at depicting the female form which probably was a very big factor in MAD´s rise in popularity.
Will Elder´s faible for drawing sexy women was also the reason why Harvey Kurtzman chose him to bring one of his most famous creations to life : PLAYBOY´s LITTLE ANNIE FANNY, a spoof on LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE.
Coming back to the genesis of this EC post I thought about gutting the Corinne Russell post and put everything about the EC Comics in this post but as the faithful followers of the blog know I try to keep my posts as faithful as possible. So while I am leaving the initial video about the 90s Tales From The Crypt tv show in the other post I am including some of the videos - like the one about the completely sanitized Tales From The Cryptkeeper cartoon that was not only an embarrassment to everyone involved but to every EC Comics fan and comicbook fans worldwide.
As for the comicbook content for this post since I never made a special post for Graham " Ghouly " Ingels ( mainly because he is not one of my favourite EC Comics artists although I do appreciate the influence he had on artists like Bernie Wrightson and other ) I thought I could include some of his original artwork here as there has accumulated quite a lot.
But we will start with the complete original art for the story Four Way Split from Tales From The Crypt issue 43 by Al Feldstein and Jack Davis.
keep the crypt my ghoulies
crypt stuff
crypt links
and since I included the MAD parody Starchie the Archie comics are always celebrating the holidays and Halloween is no exception and
crypt videos
tv show
demi moore
part one
the best
house too
hombre arana
halloween episodes
Speaking of cult tv shows on Mtv, I had included some new HQ clips from The Grind in Brooklyn but sadly everything has been deleted by YouTube.
I am still leaving the GIFs I made for the post here so that those faithful followers who failed to watch the clips when I first posted them can at least get an idea of all the bonerinducing stripper moves those relentless men milking machines of the show subject the viewers to. This also was a good one as we are off to a great start with this teenage Busenwunder who looks like Sabrina Salerno's big breasted younger sister wearing a cross between a harem slave girl's outfit and Victoria Secrets lingerie.
gregory peck
making of
crypt keeper
game show
secrets of the cryptkeeper
new year
We come ( no pun intended although you probably will before the end of this part ) to another batch of videos with our mexican men milking machine Samantha Arteaga and I still haven't found her measurements or date of birth so if anybody out there can help me out please let me know in the comments below because it would be much appreciated. I don't know what it is with ultimate sexbombs on tv that it is almost impossible to find out even the most basic information. Which is especially baffling because we are not talking about some unknown Busenwunders here but rather well known public figures. But no, there is not much information on Samantha Arteaga available anywhere not even an official biography.
Besides that Samantha worked her way through college ( licensing in communication sciences and technology ) as an exotic dancer ( read stripper ) under the stage name of Candy Piernaslargas and as an escort under the name of Chu Pamela nicknamed Carmen Sutra ( because she was well versed in all the positions of the Kama Sutra, Naranga Nanga, Joy Of Sex and a few others she came up with herself ) who provided special services to her more wealthy clients at a secluded no tell motel.
Who turned out to be perverted pricks with giant horsecocks who slam - fucked her in the most brutal ways possible. But as gruelling as being drilled on a daily basis was Samantha decided that it was time to change professions when she accidentally appeared at a serial rapist convention and the bastards who had all giant monstercocks that would give even the most endowed breeding stallion penis envy drowned Sammy in cum.
During one of her modelling gigs to Thailand a friend told her that they were looking for a new girl to present the weather on a mexican tv station so Samantha put on her sexiest outfit and convinced one of her male friends ( and when I say " convinced " I mean " deepthroated his brains out, making him squirt like a garden hose again and again and again until he could not get it up anymore " ) to tape her audition.
Thankfully the tape he used to tape it was a sex tape on which her ex boyfriend was slam - fucking the living daylights out of Samantha like there is no Tomorrow which was ultimately the reason why she broke up with him. She just could not take the constant incessant sexual abuse.
Although her other friend taped over most of it the last five minutes were still on it where he was pounding her like a cheap asian prostitute who owed him money and as we all know those asian sluts can take it.
When Samantha showed up for the job of weather girl - wearing a miniscule dress that didn't leave anything to the imagination - the guy doing the job interviews had already gone through most of the other candidates. Since she didn't know about the sex tape her credentials included a very explicit nude photograph where she was spreading her legs like a fillipino hooker plus a letter of recommendation from one of the jurors of the beauty contests she had attended which read like this :
" To whoever reads this, Samantha Arteaga expects me to write a letter of recommendation for her but since she sued me for sexual harassment only because I used her like a cheap blow up sex doll for a few months I am going to give you some words of advice instead. This bigbreasted bitch has no experience whatsoever but she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose and is especially experienced in giving double breasted deepthroat dick massages - I personally made sure of that. During a writers strike she had to work as a fluffer for gay porn actors and she was fired because she got excited and fucked a few of them straight.
She also worked at a sperm bank but was fired from that job because she insisted on doing the sperm extraction herself with the well hung patients and submitted them to a deepthroat marathon during which she made them squirt countless times until they could not get it up.
Which would have gone unnoticed if she had managed to make them squirt into the sperm containers. Anyway, this whore has no experience on tv but if you put her on the screen in a nice outfit or bikini I can guarantee you that the male audience will rise to astronomical heights.
So just give her the job and have a great time blowing her back out. A word of advice : be careful if you try to dicktame her because I tried to drill this ultimate sex machine until Samantha is my obedient lust slave and I almost wore my dick out on this slut. But that may be worth it. "
After reading the letter and watching her audition tape - especially the last five minutes - a few times the guy called in Samantha and because most of the other job interviews were unsatisfactory ( there were a few hot candidates which had bigger boobs than Samantha but they all acted up when he started to undress them and tried to spread their legs ) he asked her to give him a blowjob. Samantha didn't think twice and after some intense deepthroat action until his dick was as hard as unto a thing of iron and three times his normal size he slam - banged Sammy hard.
The very next day Samantha Artega started as the new weather girl and like the letter had predicted the ratings triplicated in the first week alone and kept rising as every male in Mexico was whacking off to her.
Her new boss on the other hand was twice as lucky because not only did his program get higher ratings he also got to live out his most perverted sexual phantasies with born for porn ejaculation sensation Samantha on a daily basis for many years. And even if all his attempts to dicktame her only led to him wearing his dick out he was having the time of his life.
After Samantha had left to become the new presenter for Extranormal her old boss from the weather channel bumped into the juror from her beauty contest at a charity event and thanked him for the explicit letter of recommendation. Because without it he would never had gotten to bang such an incredible living blow up sex doll. Now the other guy was very perplexed because he never wrote any letters of recommendation.
Now while that may or may not be how buxom broadcast Busenwunder Samantha Arteaga started her tv career - as I mentioned there is not any information on her personal life so all I can do is speculate - I give you three guesses how Samantha became the presenter for Extranormal.
All I'm saying is that with her Playmate Of The Decade body she should be doing adult movies and her boss is one of the most stupid SOBs on the planet if he doesn't put her to the endurance test at least twice a day.
Because her giant gazongas that surely must have at least triplicated the male audience are just made to be wrapped tightly around a massive erection and massage it until it becomes hard enough to cut a diamond.
Like all mexican women Samantha also has an ass that doesn't quit - which is the reason why she never can give the police a good description after being sexually assaulted since she is always looking the other way.
Her extremely long and perfectly shaped legs for miles that go almost up to her chin not only are super flexible so that Sammy can assume every position humanly possible ( as well as a few that are not ) Samantha can also spread them wider and quicker than a desperate phillipino hooker who ran out of money at the end of the month when the landlord comes.
As if that wasn't enough her soft and full blowjob lips were made to swallow big erections to the very shaft and her high cheekbones are a clear sign that she has must have been sucking dicks since an early age.
She probably developed a huge breast size very young ( for which she was at first made fun of by her female classmates and later bullied out of envy because all her male classmates only had eyes for Samantha ) and the only way to prevent the horny pupils of her school ( and I don't mean just her classmates but all the males on campus which included all the teachers and especially the principal ) from assaulting her sexually was to take the initiative and milk their cocks dry until the last drop which earned her the nickname Mamolapinga amongst her classmates.
But as if that was not enough Samantha also got that look that lets you know that she is a complete sex freak in the bedroom who will wear your dick out given half a chance. You know, there are women who have what men call " bedroom eyes ", then there are women who have a look that tells you that she will make all your even most perverted sex phantasies come true and then there are women like Samantha who have a look that tells you that she is a nympho slut that can stop herself from slam - fucking your brains out six ways to Sunday if you so much as look in her direction and it is not a question of IF she will dicktame you but when.
And judging from the amount of close ups the camera man does of her in every episode he knows the effect her lips and eyes have on the males.
Dude, if I was the boss of a big breasted, long legged, bubble butted, dick inhaling blowjob Busenwunder like Samantha I would call her in to dick - tate letters at least three times a day and during those long and boring board meetings I would make her suck my dick under the table.
I would take her on " business " trips to conventions that mysteriously get cancelled at the last minute so that I have no other choice than use the booked hotel room for a week to drill her in every orifice of her body.
Speaking of mysterious things, with a show format like Extranormal you wonder if there are some episodes where they cut out stuff or that did not air. I know that Samantha Arteaga is not a field reporter and does not venture out of the studio much but I don't know if that is out of fear of the paranormal or if it is just her safety precaution because she is sexually assaulted as soon as she even sets foot outside of the studio.

What I do know is that she was on one or two outside missions and at least during one such occasion she got super scared. They did an episode in a haunted cemetery and according to eye witness accounts she got so spooked that she panicked and resorted to Elvira's old " using your boobs to bust the chain open " stick to escape. Again it is unknown if she got so frightened because of some otherworldly presence or because the horny camera guy jumped at the chance ( or better said jumped at Samantha ) to slam - bang the living daylights out of an ultimate men milking MILF machine and dragged her to the van where he started to dicktame her.
With the nature of the show you also wonder if they tried to do mystic spells ( there are some episodes where they do something similar or ritual dances ) that backfired and they summoned old nick himself who manifested as a snake and they had to offer Sam's body as a sacrifice.
There also might have been an episode where she went undercover and ended up as the helpless sex toy of demons with multiple appendages.
From these speculations we come to something more based in fact - although with these kind of shows there is always a certain amount of suspension of disbelieve required from the audience to work - with our newest full episode of Extranormal called " The Ghost Cage " which in this case is all about an abandoned haunted building in San Francisco.
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crypt banner
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