Today´s birthday shoutout goes to William Gaines who created such classic series like TALES FROM THE CRYPT, THE VAULT OF HORROR, THE HAUNT OF FEAR, TWO - FISTED TALES, WEIRD SCIENCE, WEIRD FANTASY etc., etc.
Besides publishing the best comic in the genre of horror, science fiction, war, crime fiction and many others ( which every comic book fan or comic book creator worth his salt needs to read to understand what you can do within the medium of comic books ) he also created a whole new genre with the creation of Mad magazine when his competitors, censorship and the Comics Code Authority forced him to cancel his most successful titles.
As a big fan of the EC Comics I´ve done a number of posts on the subject : I did a special black and white tribute post to William Gaines in 2017 with two full stories, one by Johnny Craig and one by George Evans, in 2018 I did two posts, one for the horror books and one for the other titles EC published and I also did special spotlight posts for Jack Davis and a black and white post with the complete original artwork of the story And All Throughout The House by Johnny Craig from THE VAULT OF HORROR 35 which was featured in the TALES FROM THE CRYPT movie from 1972.
For some mysterious reason I didn´t write any EC Comics posts in 2019 but in 2020 I did another post in honor of William Gaines which featured stories by Johnny Craig, Graham " Ghastly " Ingels and Joe Orlando - who got his own spotlight post not that much afterwards - as well as one in tribute to the late Bernie Krigstein and two spotlights for Johnny Craig.
There are still a few artists where I haven´t gotten around to feature in a solo post so I am using the opportunity to show more of their art. As in previous posts I am favoring full stories instead of just a lot of original art from random issues - which I will continue doing as long as I have complete stories. In this post we have Miscalculation by Jack Kamen from Weird Science 15, We Ain´t Got No Body ! by Graham Ingels from The Vault Of Horror 28 and Tombs - Day by Jack Davis from The Vault Of Horror 35.
Our next stop is on the 22nd with sci fi cult siren extraordinaire Jeri Ryan who celebrated her 53rd birthday. She is best known for playing the inflatable DD Borg playmate with the big melons and a skin tight bodysuit sexborg Sex With Nine on the otherwise forgettable Star Trek : Voyager.
I´m sure there were thousand of Star Trek fans who wanted to be ass - imilated by her. Or better tit - imilated by this bodacious Borg sex drone.
Jeri´s breasts were so huge that they made her skintight suit darker and darker so you couldn´t see them as good but to no avail. Seven of Nine is THE cyborg sex machine every sci fi fanboy wants to have multiple borg - gasms with ( she´s a literal sex machine who is not only built like a porn star with Jeri Ryan´s hardbody, as a cyborg she has a lot of stamina and endurance and she also can take a lot of punishment so you don´t have to be gentle and you will get a lot of mileage out of this cyber sex amazon ).
Jeri tried her best to make us forget the shortcomings of the writing but couldn´t compensate for a plethora of always darker bodysuits that tried to hide her porn star physique. Since I have re - posted Jolene Blalock´s cult siren entry more often than Jeri Ryan´s cult siren entry I have re - posted Jeri Ryan again after I gave her post the old once over in 2019 .
Also check out my Star Trek cult sirens spin - off post where I wrote about all the other hot Star Trek sexbombs like vulcan babe T´Pol, the horny sex massage addict with the inbuilt automatic Pon Farr nympho mode who was perfectly portrayed by hot 34D - 23 - 35 pop culture cutie Jolene Blalock .
Under an agreement with the Vulcan High Command and Earths Starfleet T´Pol was placed aboard the NX - 01 Enterprise as Science and Executive Officer, serving under Captain Jonathan Archer. However the hot alien would eventually be brainwashed into " serving under " Commander Charles ' Dubya ' Tucker the Third, while under the effects of Trellium D.
A Trellium - drugged out, semi emotional vulcan love slave with great curves and a killer rack - what's not to like about that ? Her exotic sex appeal transformed Commander Tucker into Commander Fucker who had mul - t´pol orgasms thanks to the ancient forbidden vulcan sexmassages.
I know that T´Pol claimed it was something else but we all know what vulcan " body relaxation massage " really stands for. T´Pol was just needy for Tucker´s earth meatpole because while Phlox gave her the idea to practice the vulcan massage it was T´Pol who went all " Kama Sutra on acid " on Tucker. And she was so turned on by their all night long midnight olympics sex marathon sessions that she had to use the old " it´s just for scientific reasons " schtick to relentlessly bang Tucker into submission.
It´s back to comicbooks on February the 23rd with a double whammy and the first candidate is Tom Peyer who turned 67. His name may not appear on a lot of best comicbook writers lists but he wrote a lot of books with the Legion of Super - Heroes during what is affectionately - and by some fans not so affectionately - called the Threeboot Legion as well as some of the ancillary titles like L.E.G.I.O.N. 94 or R.E.B.E.L.S. 95 which I enjoyed.
I did a special post for Tom Peyer in 2017 , in 2019 and in 2020 . The last one has more birthdays from the 22nd of February and the 23rd. Which brings us to the second part of our two - fisted one two punch, Doug Moench who celebrated his 73rd birthday. He is best known for writing Marvel Comics best series of all times Shang - Chi, Master of Kung Fu.
For those who came in late and missed out on all the kung furying / karate chopping martial arts action I wrote two posts about the series in general and did five spotlights : two for Gene Day , one each for Paul Gulacy and Mike Zeck , a special post on Gil Kane who provided a lot of the early covers and one for all the other artists who worked on this great book.
Now if all Doug Moench did had been writing THE HANDS OF SHANG - CHI, MASTER OF KUNG FU it still would have been enough to secure himself a place in the comic olymp but he didn´t and I wrote a special post about all the series he worked on in 2016 . What I appreciate much more now then when it was coming out is his writing during Gene Colan´s tenure on the Batman titles since I really didn´t get Gene Colan back then. I became a bigger admirer in recent years which led to these three posts about that.
The Doug Moench / Gene Day tribute post from 2020 has more celebrity birthdays from February the 23rd and you can find the birthdays from February the 24th in my first Will Eisner tribute post about THE SPIRIT from 2010 and from February the 25th to February the 27th in my first post about the hot femme fatales from Will Eisner´s THE SPIRIT also from 2020.
We also had a sad anniversary on the 27th but because Norm Breyfogle was always in my list of the top five Batman artists I have to pay him tribute.
Of course everybody has their favorites but for me the number one spot clearly goes to Jim Aparo. His Batman was in all the stories I read, in The Brave and the Bold and later Batman and the Outsiders one of my favorite books of all time. He drew most of the iconic stories and his Batman was always very consistent unlike Neal Adams´ Batman who looked different depending on if it was in World´s Finest, The Brave and the Bold or the Batman stories. Still Neal Adams is my number two because of all the great stories of my youth that he drew with Batman going up against Ras Al Ghul bare chested and kissing Thalia. But Norm Breyfogle comes close behind.
I don´t remember how many books Jim Aparo and Neal Adams drew each month but when he was on the Batman books Norm Breyfogle drew both books almost continuously. There were a few stories where other artists stepped in but I don´t recall if that was to give Norm a breather to catch up on the monthlies or because Norm was drawing another project. But if you read Batman between 1987 and 1993 it was all Norm Breyfogle. As for the other two Batman artists in my top five list I would say Marshall Rogers and Don Newton ( I always liked his art ) with a honorable mention for Kelley Jones who for me drew one of the best and most underrated runs.
I wrote my first Norm Breyfogle post in 2013 into which I put everything you would ever want to know about him including the kitchen sink. My second post was about when they finally started reprinting his work on the Batman titles in chronological order in Spain ( with the original text in spanish and translated to english by Yours Truly ) and my third post had artwork from various of the books he worked on as did my fourth one .
And finally I did a spotlight post on his work on the Batman titles in 2018.
The post also includes more celebrity birthdays from February the 27th and we can find Yesterday´s anniversaries - and one from Today - in my first tribute post to Will Eisner´s mindblowing splash pages in THE SPIRIT .
Today´s cult siren section is very international and we start our selection of globetrotting giant gazongas on February the 28th as blonde XXL Busenwunder Oana Andoni from romanian tv station Pro Tv turned 43. It has been a long time since I mentioned her - for those who want to know how I became aware of Oana Andoni I explained it at length in this post .
There is not much information about Über busty Oana Andoni on the internet especially in regards to her actual breast size. This must be a thing with hot news casters since she is not the only one where finding some information about their huge breast features is almost impossible.
Ever since I first wrote about Enki Bracaj I have been getting request for more videos since those are not that easy to find but I never get to do it. As for news about everyone´s favorite news girl aside from an interview where she went on record that her breast size is 34DD and all natural ( I can´t link to it since the website is NSFW ) there is nothing new to report.

Coming back to Oana Andoni, in previous posts I wrote that 42 is probably her cup size, 42DD or 42E in the least, but the way her boobs have been growing in the last weeks it must be at least a 43 or 44EE, an F or even a G. In her case the term melons is right on spot. OMG ! I don´t think she got some porn implants like Yaya Han so either she is pregnant again or she is auditioning for a Russ Meyer kind of movie role. Just check out the first animated GIF I made of Aona Andoni where her boobs are already huge.
And this is Oana Andoni now. I swear, I have not altered these pictures.
You can find a biography here but for some reason my google translate doesn´t work so if anybody wants to lend a helping hand and translate it it would be much appreciated. When I didn´t need it google translate was constantly going off but now that I really could use it it doesn´t work anymore. What you can peruse without any translations is this link to a gallery with some pictures of Oana Andoni and at least she is on facebook.
What I still remember from when google translate worked is that there was a big scandal in 2016 because Oana wore a very transparent shirt during a live newscast - or what ever you call the piece of clothing that tries in vain to cover up Oana´s gigantic double airbags - and so the audience could see more than usual ( sorry, I haven´t found that clip yet ) which surely made for excellent ratings. I don´t know what they are complaining about since this is exactly what every male viewer was praying for years.
At the moment there are only a few new videos with Oana Andoni I haven´t posted yet and I have to confess I have no idea what she is doing at the moment. The last time I mentioned Oana I wrote that she had returned to Pro Tv in 2020 and it really looked that way but with all the stuff that has been going on last year and this year I didn´t have the time to watch much romanian tv so I can´t corroborate this. If anybody out there knows more about her please let me know in the comments below.
We are staying with blonde sexbombs who would be great in a Power Girl movie with Monica Farro, a former Miss Uruguay and star contestant on argentinian dance show Bailando Por Un Sueno who celebrated her 45th birthday. I have already posted a few clips from that show so I don´t have to explain it ( basically it´s the porn version of Dancing with the Stars as the female contestants have all done porn or at least appeared in adult movies and instead of normal dances they do super steamy stripteases ).
She is a total knockout with the prototype heart shaped butt, she has been numerous times in PLAYBOY, MAXIM and other men´s magazines and she gives the best interviews. I don´t know if you can believe everything she says though as she confesses to be a total sex freak,having sex up to six times on one day and possessing three g - spots. In Monica´s words :
I love doing it in the shower, it makes me hot. Whenever I feel horny I say : " Let´s hit the shower ! " My favorite position is with my boobs pressed firmly against the wall while being taken hard from behind. I like kissing with water pouring down between my lips....both sets of them.
In bed I can give you a brilliant class about everything. I´m the born sex instructor and I love playing the role of horny teacher. Whenever I get the chance to give some boy, who has just reached the peak of his staying power and can come dozens of time, some deepthroat sex ed I switch to " total nympho mode " going for a weekend sperm extraction marathon.
Which ruins him for all girls. I know that sounds hard ( pun intended ) but so far there have been no complaints from any of the guys I dicktamed.
Including her in these posts is always a struggle because she is just too sexual. I have put her in a special real life Power Girl post together with russian 43E - 24 - 36 Schaubusenbesitzerin ( some things you just can´t translate ) Anna Semenovich. In the case of Anna it has nothing to do with her material being too explicit I just wanted to post more pictures.
I don´t know what it is with former female athletes that makes them boob out that much after ending their career ( you may remember hungarian gymnasts Csisztu Zsuzsa and Stefany Hohnjec who turned into mega endowed brabusters ) but I guess that when they stop with the doping it gives the female hormones that have been suppressed so long a chance to come back with a vengeance and turn them into the ultimate Sexbomben.
Now in the case of former figure skater Anna Semenovich - who turns 41 Today - I don´t want to say she was born for porn ( which totally could be the title of a reality tv casting show for porn stars in spe ) but with her nomen est omen and she does have the word " semen " in her last name.
As for videos with Monica, all the clips with her erotic strip dances from Bailando Para Un Sueno are of very low quality as are most of the others.
And even if some of them were available - like her threesome or foursome sex scenes from Sexo Seguro - I could not post them in clear conscience.
Finding a music video with russian rack attack specialist Anna Semenovich was not very difficult since she has a long and very successful music career with lots of male fans ( which is no wonder since her pornstar body was made for music videos ) the problem here was choosing the breast one.
I decided to go with this live performance because while it is smaller than some of the others the size of her titanic twin torpedoes are just unreal !
And this wraps up - almost ( we have one more coming up in a moment ) - all of the celebrity birthdays for this post. As jam packed as this section is with cult sirens and playmates there are a lot I had to leave out but fear not, my faithful followers, you can find all important playmate birthdays from the month of February in my first Hugh Hefner tribute post in 2020.
When you do so many posts on the same subject you sooner or later run out of videos about that topic so instead of a video about a particular story from EC Comics vast library here is one about an Artist´s Edition with work from some of the best artists that company had to offer.
These books are really great and selling both Thor by Walter Simonson editions felt like cutting off an arm. But they are just too big to take all of them with me and this way at least somebody has them who appreciates it. Which is much better than what my Mom wanted to do - throw them in the garbage bin together with the rest of my comicbook collection. I think now that she sees that I can make a little bit of money off them - even if I have to sell everything way under their real price - she doesn´t mind it as much. Although she still would prefer to leave Germany rather sooner than later. My only fear is that now that there is finally coming a little bit of money my way and I have the possibility to sell my entire collection the persons who are helping me sell stuff on E - Bay are trying to get into the deal. It´s like sharks but instead of blood they smell money. The idea was that they would get a percentage of the sales on E - Bay which was supposed to be an incentive for them to put as much stuff on E - Bay as possible. But instead it seems that they are trying to go the easy way which is having me make all the work and then try to collect from that sale. Even though I made it clear that we only split the money from the E - Bay sales and what I sell to people I know is my business. Anyway, we will see how it all works out and it´s no use getting worked up about this now.
I only hope that I can keep the two Artist´s Edition´s I haven´t sold yet.
Coming to more uplifting things, since we already have Shang - Chi, Master of Kung Fu in this post I wanted to include a martial arts movie and what could be more uplifting than The Last Dragon ? I first saw this with my brothers in a spanish movie theater ( which is the reason why for me it´s always been El Ultimo Dragon which sounds way cooler than the original title as most movie titles in spanish do ) and it´s been kind of a family tradition ever since. For most of my life it has been what you call a guilty pleasure so imagine my surprise when I found out that it garnered a cult following in the last few decades. Which makes it perfect for this section.
I swear I had already decided to add The Art Of Action with Mark Dacascos to this section ( regular followers of the blog know that since the Covid - 19 thing started I tried to include at least one longer video ) before I found out that he celebrated his 57th birthday on February the 26th.
Since I mentioned guilty pleasure martial arts flicks just a hot second ago, another one was Drive with Mark Dacascos although my younger brother was much more fanatic about it then me. I swear, during his teenage years he watched the movie at least once a year. Another Mark Dacascos classic is Crying Freeman, the adaption of the manga series by Kazuo Koike who also wrote Lone Wolf And Cub and Lady Snowblood. Both of these have been adapted as movies or tv series and the second one was even the inspiration for Quentin Tarantino´s homage to martial arts movies Kill Bill.
Coming back to Crying Freeman my Mom especially likes that one and I was shocked to learn that it never had a theatrical release in the United States and only recently became available on Blue Ray there. For me Mark Dacascos was always one of the top martial arts stars but the younger generations probably know him better as the boss level antagonist in John Wick 3 - Parabellum ( one of the two things that made it worth watching the movie, the other being personal wet dream nubian MILF sex goddess and sexiest woman on the planet Halle Berry ) or as Steve McGarrett´s nemesis Wo Fat on Hawaii Five - O alongside korean knockout Grace Park.
Longtime readers know that I struggled with the series ever since Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park left the series which is one of the reasons why the seasons I have landed on the To Sell pile. Who knows ? Maybe they have reruns of the show in Spain so I can finally find out what happened to Chin Ho Kelly and Kono Kalakaua. Hmmm, I wonder if she goes by a different name because Kono is not a good name for a woman in Spain.
Our first cartoon video is Everything You Didn´t Know About Batman Beyond and blog stalwarts - as well as anybody who has seen a video with Jackie " Juggs " Jennings - may think this is bordering on the masochistic.
But since I decided to post all videos with her before I have to completely rebuild my life I might as well make the best of it. As in previous videos Jackie Jennings tries to hide her giant melons - which could give any of the Andy Sidaris playmates´s and Penthouse Pets erection guaranteeing hooters a run for their money ( if you don´t believe me check out her giant sized sweater puppies in the Mystery Men video ) - which is the reason why she is wearing a ridiculously big sweater ( it´s at least three sizes too big ) that still get stretched out by her XXL sized double airbags.
It´s no secret that Busenwunder Jackie Jennings didn´t get her job because she is so thorough researching the subject of the videos she hosts, hashtag deepthroat dictation lubrication sexsation. DD dicktamer Jackie was born to massage throbbing erections with her mouthwatering titanic tittylating twin torpedoes until they become harder than unto a thing of iron and milk them completely dry. That she didn´t end up in the porn industry - based on the sheer size of her huge breasts alone - is one of the biggest mysteries of the last century. She only has two big talents which she must use every night to convince her perverted, horny boss to let her keep her job so he can use her as his personal blow up sex doll.
By the way, if anybody out there knows Jackie Jennings measurements or at least her breast size any information is most welcome. And I still can´t believe that nobody has made an animated GIF of a woman who has such hugely overdeveloped oppai. Internet pervs you´re sleeping on this one.
Besides the Jackie Jennings videos I also promised to post more videos for my german readers - kind of as a farewell tour - so here is one about the 50 year celebration of the german edition of MAD magazine. It had quite a run in Germany including a relaunch but like the original it closed in 2019.
Speaking of my german audience, the next one is about synesthesia which is not an especially aggressive form of nymphomania coupled with a nearly uncontrollable urge to massage hard erections with your breasts and an insatiable thirst for deepthroat sex that also lets the tongue grow to three times its normal length and enables the person suffering from it to spread their legs wider than a fillipino hooker. As one might think from the preview picture of stunning muslim influencer Zara Todil from Frankfurt.
Nor is it the " born for porn " syndrome which grants their bearers the porn star body of a living blow up sex doll at a very young age. Twentyfive year old Zara came by her curves the natural way and we already had a video with a girl who got huge breasts very early on in a previous post.
So you might ask yourself if it´s not incredible hotness that gives all males in your vicinity instant erections ( which must happen to Zara all the time with those breasts ) what is synesthesia ? Well, according to the internet it is a perceptual phenomenon in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway and you can read up on this on wikipedia. In layman terms the individuals who have this can smell numbers or taste colors.
Coming back to the topic of our post, we have Creature Features with Grave Of The Vampire and as a special guest Dacre Stoker, a descendant of Bram Stoker who wrote the original Dracula story. By the way, there seem to be two channels calling themselves Creature Features so does anybody know which is the original ? I don´t want to step on anybody´s toes here.
We are continuing less scary with The Tale Of The Night Nurse from the cult classic series Are You Afraid Of The Dark ? aimed at younger viewers.
And while you couldn´t get uncut episodes of the Tales From The Crypt tv series in Germany the cartoon show Tales From The Cryptkeeper was an entirely different case altogether. This was made for even younger kids who apparently were not very bright and to make things worse it probably was approved by child protection committes or at least persons who had no idea what the comicbook series this was all based on was about. It´s the only explanation for the total lack of things that could scare kids. The reason why I am still including it is that it is so bad that it´s bordering on the entertaining. Plus, it´s better than a Jackie Jennings video. At least until she decides to make one skipping rope in a wet t - shirt with holes.
Closing things out we have the famous horror anthology series Gespenster Geschichten from Bastei Verlag. At first I wanted to add that this is also for my german readers but keeping in mind that the art was most often than not made in either Spain or Great Britain it is rather international.
New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best
Listen to them, the children of the night. What music they make !
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