Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Error ! SUBZERO vs the update FROM HELL !

As some of my more faithful followers may have noticed I still haven´t finished my spotlight post on former eis hockey goalie turned glamour model, canadian 38F ( !!! ) - 25 - 37 Busenwunder Mikayla Demaiter but something has happened that will affect the future of this blog that is much too important to just address in the post entertainment section.

With the posts I try not to do too many " public announcement " posts because I don´t have enough time to do all the comicbook related posts I have planned as it is and I will try to keep this one as short as possible.

Now I have mentioned my move to Spain a few times and that I had to sell all of my belongings. Those that I could not sell I tried to give away for free but everything else ended up in the trash bin including all of my drawings which means basically 40 years worth of work. One of the few items I could take with me is my laptop so I was hoping that even if I had to say goodbye to everything else I could still write about comicbooks and stuff like cult sirens, movies, tv shows and pop culture related things.

Which is the point when the universe steps in to tell you that you can´t have nice things. Ever since I came to Spain my laptop has decided to selfdestruct. First with slowly sabotaging the laptop´s screen. It began with one of the light bulbs or thingies going out, followed by two and then all but one. All of this happened on the right side of the screen.

And when that wasn´t enough the complete screen went darker so that I was basically working on my posts without being able to see what I was doing. But still I wasn´t ready to give up. At which point the laptop said " F - word it ! " and the screen went black. Completely switched off. Which meant that I had to switch off the laptop while I was still working on the post without the ability to shut it down like it is supposed to be done.

As you can imagine this wasn´t very good for the laptop and when I could switch it on again I first had to re - initiate it or even run a diagnosis and repair program so it could work within normal parameters again. As much as that applies to my laptop right now. And yes, you have read right, I said " when I could switch if on again " because that was not always the case.

You see, once the screen went black and I had to switch the laptop off with the off button it just stayed black. At least for a few days. Then it started working again but in most cases with a few of the lamps turned off and more follwoing suit very quickly. Which severly endagered my ability to work on my posts which in turn is one of the reasons why finishing the last few posts I started took longer and longer. Thankfully my posting schedule has always been kind of spotty at best and with all the recent problems in my life it hasn´t improved much so the regular blog visitors are already accostumed to the fact that the time between posts may vary.

Which is one of the reasons why I put as many videos as I can into the bonus section as soon as I can. From the videos I put in my last three posts three have already been deleted so I hope that a few of my readers have had the chance to watch them. But as frustrating as it is all of these problems would not prompt me to write this public announcement post.

Because as some of you may have guessed from the title that is when the universe reminds you again that you can´t have nice things. Which brings us to the update I mentioned in the title. I don´t know if I have written about this before but I don´t like updates and I try to avoid them at all costs. Not only because I am generally speaking against change but because experience shows that updates always f - word everything up.

Starting which such things as the constant and needless layout changes of my internet browser to the unnecessary complete rearrangement of the blogger interface without any chance of getting back to the previous configuration. Blog regulars must already be fed up with my constant bitching about how blogger f - worded me up like a cheap fillipino hooker.

So for the most part I try to avoid all updates or at least delay them as long as possible. And I´m saying " as long as possible " because with the user friendly laptops Today you can only delay the updates for a time before it just starts automatically. This has been a necessary pain in the neck in the past but this time it has severly hampered my ability to continue this blog.

Because another reason why I don´t like these updates is that they don´t work. The laptop takes between three up to five hours to do an update and then I have to re - initiate the laptop again only to be informed that it was not possible to perform said update. With which I am usually just fine.

In this particular case it also completely oblitareted my internet browser.

Yep, completely crashed and burned it. Thankfully it was not my only internet browser ( let that be a lesson to you all, never rely on just one internet browser ) so I quickly found out that this apparently was a very common error that could be rectified by two things : erasing everything that was on my laptop and start from zero or - and this was the option I went for because it would not mean destroying everything digital and on the internet that is left of my old life - re - install the internet browser.

No you may ask why I didn´t just go on with the default internet browser.

The thing is that I have configurated my old internet browser in such a way that I can read my posts without problems. Also I don´t know what it is but whenever I use a different internet browser to view my posts the text gets changed. I know it´s just a pet pevee of mine but I like it when the text ends up in neat little boxes wihout any overlap. So using another internet browser would mean that the text in all of my old posts - all 1,230 ones - would look wrong to me. I´m not sure if my readers would notice.

The second problem is that all of my passwords, sign ins and secret information is all saved in my old internet browser. From my e - mail account to such important accounts like Google, Facebook, amazon, my blog and also some of the few options I have left to pay for stuff online.

Which is very important because I still haven´t had the opportunity to go to a comic shop in Spain ( which my Mother will prevent at all costs so that I can´t fill the house with trash again, with trash meaning comics and everything else that makes life in exile bearable ) nor find a good one online. And since amazon Spain has unknown problems with accepting payments from my bank in Germany amazon Germany and the online shops I know in Germany are my only source for comicbooks. And as you can probably guess for yourself I have to pay through the nose for shipping.

But all of these things could be restored. What also went completely kaput are all my bookmarks. Which means not only all of my bookmarks for pages I wanted to include in my posts but also all of the pages I need as resources for writing my posts. And all the cool YouTube videos I have bookmarked.

Thankfully this isn´t the first time I had a complete and total sytem crash with the laptop so I had some of them saved but most of the good ones I bookmarked the last four to five years are gone. I spent almost the entire last week ( there were some days where I could not turn the laptop on so obviously I didn´t work on these days ) trying to restore as many video links as I can and also going over the bookmarks I could save to see if they still work or if YouTube has already deleted them. Which were quite a lot.

You are probably asking yourself why all of this needed to be addressed in a special post and what it will mean for the future of the blog. Well, first of all it means that posts will appear even more sporadically and that it will take me longer to finish them. I hope I can get the laptop fixed in the near future but I have no idea when I can get back to business as usual.

As for the bonus section I have tried to make it as diverse as possible because I know not every reader likes every subject I address in these add ons. And that will not change. What will change is that now that all of my latest bookmarks have been obliterated by the vengeful internet gods there may not be such a wide varity. Also I can´t always go over all 1,230 posts I have made so there may be some videos I have posted before.

There may be some that are worth revisiting but I am trying my best to keep the re - posts to a minimum. The good part of this ( yep, that´s me, always seeing the good part ) is that including the videos will take less time because there are literally years worth of bookmarks less to go over.

The bad part of this ( yep, that´s also me, always seeing the bad part ) is that a lot of the links I wanted to include in certain posts have vanished.

As well as some of the best videos I had bookmarked. Which means that some can´t be written like the reader request spotlight about former American Gladiator and real life Power Girl Erika Andersch a.k.a. Diamond.

I know that I promised to do it but I don´t know if I have enough material left to wanton a full blown cult siren post. And if this wasn´t bad enough I had some of the bookmarks like the ones with Debra Michaels catagolized including the order in which they should be posted. So I guess I am living in interesting times as the old chinese proverb - or was it a curse ? - says.

Speaking of interesting times you may ask what I´m doing to make up for my lack of internet entertainment. Well, first up I have now more time to read the few comics I could order online like the fifth vol of the NEW TEEN TITANS OMNIBUS hardcover a.k.a. Why everybody hates Danny Chase.

Or the AQUAMAN books by Jim Aparo. Which I would categorize as pre - Jim Aparo because the Jim Aparo I am most familiar with and most like is from his late THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD and BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS phase ( check out these posts for more gorgeous original Jim Aparo art ).

And since I lot all of my DVDs and Blue Rays I am watching the few that I found here. Just last week I started with the first season of El Ministerio Del Tiempo - The Ministry Of Time - one of the best series ever which I don´t get tired of pimping. I´m also watching the third season of The Twilight Zone. Which may not be the best idea to watch before going to bed in such a desolate location. Two things I have left are the reprints of the classic EC Comics horror anthologies like Tales From The Crypt, The Vault Of Horror and The Haunt Of Fear and season three of The Twilight Zone. Not really the best entertainment if you don´t like nightmares.

There is also stuff to watch on tv like a new season of Los Hombres De Paco as well as a lot of westerns. And I mean it, I had no idea how much the spanish people like westerns. There are at least three westerns on tv at any given day of the week. Plus a lot of Steven Seagal movies. In fact he´s such a big deal over here that they don´t even have some of their special programs like Cine a la bestia or Martes Letal when they show his movies. No it´s just One With Steven Seagal or Two With Steven Seagal.

I´m also watching a lot of iCarly hoping against hope to catch the famous nipple slip wardrobe malfunction of Jennette McCurdy. I mean, if there is a country where viewers may be able to see the uncut version it is Spain.

There has been a lot of controversy about this particular nipple slip with the two most prolific theories being that either there has been no nipple slip and that the animated GIFs that can be found of it online ( of which there are very few of good quality ) are completely fake and the other one that there was a nipple slip and that Nickelodeon erased it digitally like Disney shrank luscious Lindsay Lohan´s booming teenage boobies in Herbie - Fully Loaded or Lindsay - Fully Stacked like her male fans call it.

At least they digitally shrank her out of control boobs down in the close ups which makes for a weird watching experience because her breasts are smaller the closer she gets. In all the scenes where she is farther away or wearing a baggy t - shirt her melons are huge. Like in the scene below.

I remember the height of her racktastic development when every man, teenager, prepubescent boy or horny shut - in used her underage rack as jerk - off material / viagra substitute dreaming about putting her booming teenage body to the test. She was every male´s wet fantasy and there was a website that had a countdown to her eighteenth birthday when it would be finally legal to have wild marathon sex orgies with Lindsay Lohan.

I always thought Disney threw away a huge opportunity when they didn´t cast her as the lead in a life action movie of Kim Possible. Think about it : both Lindsay Lohan and Kim Possible were at the height of their popularity around the same time. It´s really mindboggling that nobody ever made the connection between those two up and coming teenage girl idols. A Kim Possible movie with Lindsay Lohan ( when she had big boobs ) would have totally rocked especially with some bikini scenes with Shego thrown in.

I bet she helped a lot of young kids hit puberty a few years early through her films and she would have sold the fact that pervy Golden Age Hillbilly Superman wanted to use Supergirl as his blow up sex doll in the worst way since her own Dad lusted after her. Which came out when he was thrown out of the Scores strip club in Manhattan because all the strippers he tried to order looked like Lindsay Lohan. To which I say : Why does this strip club has so many strippers who look like Lindsay Lohan and what are the prices ? I guess Lindsay would have liked to hide out from the papparazzi on the secluded farm of Ma and Pa Kent like the post Crisis Supergirl did.

It is an open secret that Lindsay Lohan´s Dad has an unnatural obsession with dicktaming his daughter and that he insists on rehearsing all of her nude scenes before she is allowed to perform them in front of a camera.

Which is just a cheap excuse to rub his giant rockhard boner all over her incredible porn star body. She even has to rehearse some very explicit sex scenes with her Dad all night long that are only in his copy of the script.

Then there´s the fact that her Dad´s new girlfriend looks like a wee bit older version of Lindsay Lohan. According to insiders she had to dress up in Lindsay´s more sexy clothes and extremely slutty underwear since that would make him extra hard and she had to call him Daddy and say that she had been a bad girl and that she deserved to be punished. On her back.

It will probably cost Lindsay various years to deal with the fact that she spent countless nights awake because her Dad was visciously slamfucking his new girlfriend - who looks like her a few years down the line - who was screaming " Fuck me harder, Daddy ! Don´t stop ! Punish your little girl ! " at the top of her lungs - while he kept on screaming Lindsay´s name.

There was an unconfirmed report of an incident where the screaming got so loud that the neighbour´s called the police saying that her Dad was using Lindsay Lohan as his personal sex toy. When the police arrived on the scene the screaming had stopped and when Lindsay´s father opened the door - while obviously just getting dressed - he denied such things happened. The police officers still had to enter the scene just to be sure.

One of the two police officers was a woman who had just finished police academy and who knew the telltale signs of being raped brutally first hand since she herself had been sexually assaulted - by her colleagues no less - multiple times because of her Playmate Of The Year - worthy hardbody.

With a set of huge melons that would have instantly doubled or tripled the print run of any men´s magazine, soft lips made for deepthroating hard erections until they are hard enough to cut a diamond, legs for miles that almost go up to her chin and a perfectly sculpted bubblebutt that just won´t quit she fueled the wildest wet sex dreams of her male partners and during her initiation ceremony the entire male precinct staff took turns banging the helpless handcuffed blow up sex doll six ways to Sunday.

After this she was partnered with various horny male colleagues who all constantly tried to assault her sexually. When they were not dragging her to the backseat in an abandoned alley and ripping off her uniform so they could pound her senseless they cooked up fake undercover sex missions.

Which either required the Ć¼berbusty cop to enter a bikini or wet t - shirt competition or the perp they had to find was last seen on the beach - preferrably the topless beach or the nude beach so they had an excuse to rub down her naked body with oil. And in turn make her oil down their body - with a special emphasis on oiling up their giant swollen, pulsating erections - with her overdeveloped naked boobs to keep her cover intact.

To make things worse even her superior officers enlisted her for special observation duty. Which was just an excuse to strip her naked and pound her brains out to their heart´s content on the backseat until they ran dry.

After the third time she reported this but in retaliation her boss put her on the vice squad as bait for serial rapist. Her new beat was the area with the most brutal sex offenders and the highest violation ratio per square inch and because her backup was notoriously late on purpose - to give the perverts a few hours to have their way with her - she learned to run fast.

She had asked for another transfer from the vice squad since a sting operation where she infiltrated a porn syndicate under the alias of Dolly Part Em went bust. Not only did the porn producers get away scott free.

But to add insult to injury her confiscated porn audition during which she was triple penetrated by three black guys with huge monstercocks for five hours had to be returned and was released as THREE ALL THE WAY, PART 1 and TWO which turned her into an overnight mega porn star sensation.

To top it all off her superior graciously provided a free copy for everybody to boost morale so now all her horny colleagues, plus all the sex offenders jerked off to her getting analyzed by three super hung breeding stallions.

So when this cop entered the house and interviewed Lindsay Lohan and her Dad she was suspicious because she could see the signs her partner could not - or would not - see. First off, her Dad was just getting dressed and his huge horsecock was hanging out being still at an incredible size, drenched in cum and covered with lipstick marks from deepthroating.

Lindsay Lohan for her part was wearing clothes which had been torn to shreads and while she was changing the experienced law enforcement enforcer could spot the marks of being handcuffed on her wrists that she knew all too well. There also were rope marks on her legs from tying up in a spread position and hand prints on her breasts and all over her body. She had tried - in vain - to wipe off the sperm between her legs, between her breasts and from her face where it apparently not only had gushed in big spurts but it also had burst out of her nose in huge amounts with force.

Despite these obvious signs she could not arrest Lindsay´s Dad because his and Lindsay´s statement denied anything like this had happened and since her her partner didn´t back her up she had to let it go. Convinced that something bad had happened to Lindsay the female officer continued to investigate but the same day she called her superior that she may have found some evidence she suffered a home invasion during which she was overpowered by her attacker, handcuffed with her own handcuffs, her legs were tied to the bedposts in a wide spread open position and after he ripped off her clothes the pervert used her like a cheap prostitute.

She suspected the perpetrator had been Linday´s Dad - especially after she found out that her asshole of a partner had leaked her home address to him - but again she didn´t have proof. After a week of recovery she continued to look for clues but she gave up on the case when she was sexually assaulted the following three nights with each attack lasting longer and longer until he drilled her all night long during the last incident.

Now with the internet not always reporting real facts there is still the interview Lindsay Lohan´s Dad´s new girlfriend gave in which she detailed the events of a very special session she had with him well after the events with Lindsay and the female police officer. She said that first he ripped off her clothes and then handcuffed her and tied her legs to the bedposts.

Then he went totally insane and his dick had grown to almost triple his usual size. The one thing that threw her off and made her remember it was that unlike their usual sessions where her let her take control in this one he was constantly giving her directions and correcting her when she did it wrong. It seemed to her that instead of living ot a special sexual phantasy it was more like he was trying to re - create a certain incident.

When asked if she believed that this could be proof that he really did have sex with his daughter she replied that it couldn´t have been because he was addressing her as Lindsay but also as a cop and yelling at her to stop investigating. Anyway, with all these stories make of them what you want.

Coming back to Jennette McCurdy and her nipple slip on iCarly, the most plausible theory is one I read online that she really had a nipple slip on set of iCarly but that they caught it and re - shot the scene with a red bra.

The scene of the nipple slip ended up on the cutting floor and thanks to a lax security found its way to the internet. At this point they probably erased all the copies that may have contained the original footage with the nipple slip but we are still hoping against hope to see it somewhere.

I don´t know if there was a latent psychic power at work, some kind of hot babe premonition sense or what but I always found her character more interesting than the main one. She always seemed to be the girl with whom hanging out would be more fun which might have something to do with the fact that the writers could be more imaginative and crazy with a supporting character than with the main lead. Whatever the reason in all the episodes I watched of iCarly I was more interested in Sam and for some reason she turned out to be much hotter than Mirande Cosgrove.

By the way, Jennette´s stunning look and booming body is in great part owed to her mixed irish, english, french, italian, dutch and swedish roots.

Daimn, how I would love to tame this filly as my personal breed mare. You know that with a few years down the line Jennette McCurdy might be one of the biggest heartbreakers - and probably also dickbreakers - in showbiz.

Once again it´s time to wrap up this post since we are already in the second week of June. Because of the problems I explained at length in this post I want to do an entertainment section which contains two parts.

The first part consists of videos I have already posted but which I think deserve another go. And the second one is my usual selection of videos of interest - sans the cream of the crop that has been deleted of course. We start off the first part with another educational video from Comic Tropes : because of recent events I thought it appropriate to re - post the video about Robert Kirkman´s awesome Invincible series. I guess I am one of the few comicbook afficionados who hasn´t seen the new Invincible cartoon.

Coming to tv shows, a lot of people know the Robocop movies - may they be the classic ones or the recent remake - but what most don´t know or remember is that there was a Robocop tv series which wasn´t half bad.

We continue with another oldie but goodie as ultimate fitness blow up sex doll and former porn star Zuska Light picks up the baton who surely has no problem getting male hearts racing with her 36C - 22 - 34 measurements.

I picked this one because of her outfit which emphasizes Zuska´s giant sized double airbags and slender midsection ( just look at those ill abs ) and the workout includes plank knee pulls which show her backside. The videos with her doing push ups are great but the ones where she does dive bombers or downward dog are the best : when you see her spread her legs better than a fillipino hooker and work her pelvis you can imagine how she used to send her female co - star into a frenzy pounding them relentlessly with a giant double dildo when she was still doing porn flicks.

Another bonus of the video is that Zuska gets so tired that she doesn´t pay attention to the horny camera guy who shamelessly zooms in on her sweat covered huge melons and down her loose pants which keep sliding down. Especially when she´s doing those plank knee pulls you can see that she´s going commando as the pervert manages to film her naked buttocks and her ass crack. I bet she can´t get too tired during the workouts because otherwise she is sexually assaulted by her entire crew.

Those perverts have no qualms about dicktaming her in the shower because they know she only filmed lesbian scenes so she is still tight.

Normally former porn stars have been stretched out and they also think it´s a crying shame that she didn´t get her brains banged out in every position and want to rectify that because she was born to milk giant horsecocks dry. And no matter if you do the exercise or just watch her doing it I am guaranteeing that at the end you will be covered in sweat.

We are staying with people in army pants with Renaissance Man or Mister Bill how it is called in Germany. This is not only one of Danny DeVito´s best movies but also a prime example how movie critics can be completely wrong about what a film is all about. I don´t know how it was received in Amerika but for decades german movie critics labeled the movie as a cookie cutter commercial for the U.S. Army before realizing that the real topic of the movie is to make something out of your life but also why people are still watching plays by William Shakespeare and what a writer from the 15th century ( who some people claim never existed ) had to say about society and the human condition that still remains true Today. It´s no wonder his plays have been adapted to the big screen so many times.

As an example here is one of the best scenes of the movie ( since I could not find the full movie ) and to give you an idea of how good the movie is : there was an adaption of Henry V by Kenneth Brannagh that came out at the same time with this scene and it was not half as good as this version. 

Time for another video with the rack - tastic Angie Griffin, one of the few female cosplayers on the planet who can give walking blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her huge hasian sexsation 40D porn implants a run for their money with her giant - sized ( and 100 percent all natural ! ) 41E double airbags.

Daimn, no disrespect to Scarlett Johansson but Angie is my choice for Black Widow and I bet her huge melons would turn Bucky into Fucky.

If the Black Widow had a body like that in the comicbooks it´s no wonder that Captain America insisted on interrogating her himself after she defected to the West to find out if she was still spying for the russians.

In an undisclosed motel. For a few months. Daimn, maybe it´s just me but Natasha Romanoff lost a lot of sex appeal when she stopped being a russian spy who used her special KGB sex techniques to get intel from hapless american studs with huge horsecocks. It´s the same with figure skater Katarina Witt ( and what a figure : 36C - 24 - 36 ). Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany she lost a lot of her sex appeal. On the other side she has done a few PLAYBOY shootings since then which we would not have gotten if she was still in East Germany.

Coming to Today´s return visit of bra - busting sexsation Angie Griffin it´s a Cosplay Kitchen for the 50th anniversary of DOCTOR WHO and I won´t even make any jokes about Angie Griffin being bigger on the inside. 

We have another callback with Hugo Pratt´s Corto Maltese. I had one of the animated movies which is part of a series. Maybe now I can get the rest of the set if I can ever make my way to a decent shopping center.

Otherwise I will have to wait until I can order them from amazon Spain.

Who also deserves a return appearance on the blog is the showstopper, latin superstar Thalia who is built like every man´s wet sex dream with her live performance of A Quien Le Importa at the 2003 Latin Billboard Music Awards. She´s one of my favorite persons on the planet so I don´t know why it took me until 2017 to give her her own cult siren entry ( in her case CULT SIREN is meant literally since her haunting and alluring sexy singing voice can entrap men better than the sultry mermaids of greek myth ).

Thalia is the total package because she is one of the nicest people on the planet, she has the soul of a saint, the voice of an angel and a relentless body made for sin. Her moves on stage drive men crazy and although she does not fall into the usual blonde archetype with big breasts she could easily multiply the circulation of any gentlemen magazine with her curves.

She oozes sex appeal from every pore without coming off cheap or dirty.

If scientists one day start cloning the perfect woman they need look no further for a living genetic blueprint that latin superstar Thalia. She also has the best - read skimpiest - stage outfits in the universe which would make other singers like Beyonce blush and her sultry fertility dance makes even wet sex dream the living blow up doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson´s ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) patented erection inducing stripper moves look tame by comparison.

Speaking of Thalia´s stage outfits, she wore one of her breasts ever during her live performance of Amar A La Mexicana in 1997. Which were basically just two small guitars to cover her breasts and an oversized hat for her lower body. As if that wasn´t enough the hat kept riding down because of her wild and uninhibited dance moves and Thalia had to pull it up a few times to prevent the unveiling of her unmentionables since you can see that she was not wearing anything underneath it. You also can see her bikini tan lines which I find extremely sexy. What an absolute goddess !

And this wraps up the first part of Today´s entertainment section, a salute to the blog´s glory days. Which my regular blog followers probably skipped since they have already seen all the videos. So I want to say " Welcome back. " and to those that DID read all of my delightful comments and watch the videos " Hold on to your Lederhosen, because you´ve seen nothing yet. " because there is still the second part of this fun section.

One of the upsides of taking three week to finish the post is that it gives you time to find the best videos. In this case it´s about one of the best tv shows ever, the often imitated, never duplicated Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff. Which is the point where I include the usual Baywatch links but since this post is already way too long as it is I am going to skip that.

The Adventures Of Mark Twain is a video I have kept on the backburner for a long time since it never seemed the right time to include it in a post.

This on the other side is one I only found recently and thanks to the fine boys and more than fine girls of Zappeando. By the way, they changed almost all the hot women from the show like 34C - 22 - 33 Anna Simon.

40C - 25 - 33 Busenwunder Ana Morgade has also moved on to better things and as 40C - 25 - 36 sexbomb Cristina Pedroche is way busy with shows like Love Island she only shows up once in a blue moon. Anyway, initially I wanted to classify this video as next level cosplay but I am not sure if that is an apt description since this guy builds the stuff from the movies like Iron Man´s armor, Thor´s hammer or Captain America´s shield. 

Before I mentioned the new season of Los Hombres The Paco and I was really blown away by the first episode. Then it was time for the second episode and I thought I had missed it. I thought it was on Monday but then I saw the commercial which said it was on Sundays. Well, on Sunday there also was no new episode so I did what everybody would do : go to the internet to get more misinformation. As it turns out you can only see the episodes online. They showed the pilot episode of the new season on tv but for all the other episodes you have to go online. And the way my laptop is going right now I will have to wait for that until I can get it fixed or the new season is available on BlueRay or DVD. Whatever happens first.

While I can´t enjoy the episodes of the new season of Los Hombres De Paco the same isn´t true for the song El Madero by Estopa, those spanish troubadours who rose to fame with their ballad to that slit in the skirt.

Since all the bookmarks for full movies from the last years have been deleted chosing a video for this post was easy : this is the only one left.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

A shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist. Michael Knight, a young loner on a crusade to champion the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless, in a world of criminal who operate above the law.


  1. This is why EVERYTHING whther art or comics I need get put straight to a USB device then if the computer goes (and mine has broken down several times) I have everything to hand...if I can afford a new computer :-) Seriously, let me know the new address and I'll try to get the Green Skies books to you. Hey if you ever want to translate D-Gruppe into German for free let me know :-) :-)
    Sad you had to get rid of so much stuff.
    Keep healthy.

  2. Well, I also used to make copies of the material for the posts on discs. But guess what. They all went into the trash when I moved to Spain. Even the stuff from KEROSIN COMICS I was still working on somehow got trashed. Anyway, I will sent you my new address the next time I can get the laptop to work. Right now the screen lights are going out so I hope to switch it off befgore the screen goes completely black.
