Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It´s a Teamwork Tuesday with John Byrne !

After finishing what was supposed to be just a short public announcement post it´s about time to bring things back to comicbooks looking back to the few books I could keep from my vast - and lamented past - collection while at the same time saying hello to a new addition to what´s left of it.

For those new to the blog : at the first of April this year I was forced to move to Spain and since I could not take all of my comicbooks with me I had to sell most of them. I won´t go into more detail about it - since I have already written a lot about it in previous posts - but while I had to sell the two Artist´s Edition´s I had of Walter Simonson´s iconic THOR run I did keep the Artist´s Edition of Mike Zeck and the Artifact Edition of John Byrne including - among other stuff - his issues of THE AVENGERS.

I still have to order comics through amazon Germany for various reasons I don´t want to go into right now. And there are a lot of comics I could buy to recover all the books I lost. But there are a lot of series I wanted to get rid of anyway and there are also some which I bought to read only once.

Of course there are some which I read and re - read time and time again but I have very limited financial resources at the moment so I have to think long and hard about which books to buy. There is also the fact that some of the books I had are no longer available or at least not available for the price I paid. Longtime readers recall that back in the day I pimped the IRON MAN omnibus by the iconic team of David Micheline, Bob Layton and John Romita Jr. because a. ) it was offered by amazon Germany for a low price and b. ) I predicted that once the Marvel movies became popular the price would reach stellar heights. At the moment it´s almost impossible to find at comic shops and if it is offered at amazon the price is between 170 and 250 EUROS. Another unique swag was the SECRET WARS II omnibus.

As regular visitors know SECRET WARS II is one of my favorite crossovers .

So having most of the stories and tie - in issues collected in one neat hardcover ( except for the tie - in issues of MICRONAUTS and ROM as Marvel Comics didn´t have the license for those properties anymore ) was a no - brainer for me. I even paid full price for it because I only found one copy of it. With most of my hardcovers and trades I paid if not half price then at least much less than I would have in a regular comic shop thanks to the discounts at amazon. But for the SECRET WARS II hardcover I paid the full price and once again my prediction came true because it is out of print now. Anyway, coming back to my comicbook collection, since recovering all of the comicbooks I lost would not only take a lot of money ( which I don´t have ) but also time ( of which I probably have even less ) I decided to not do that and instead continue as if I still had my vast collection and only re - buy some of the more essential hardbacks. IF I could find them at a good price. So coming back to this post, a huge part of my comicbook collection was the work of John Byrne. I don´t claim that I owned EVERY comicbook ever written or drawn by John Byrne but if it was not too obscure I probably bought and read it, from his work at Marvel Comics to DC Comics, Dark Horse and other independent comicbook publishing companies. Which brought me to one of my newest additions : THE MARVEL UNIVERSE BY JOHN BYRNE - VOLUME 1 OMNIBUS HARDCOVER.

I had THE MARVEL UNIVERSE BY JOHN BYRNE - VOLUME 2 and didn´t buy the first part back in the day because I thought it contained his lesser work. And because I already had most of the contents of it in one form or another. But now that almost everything I had of John Byrne is gone I had a good reason to buy it. I also found out that I might have been a bit hasty in labeling the issues in this hardcover John Byrne´s lesser work. But I will leave the comparision of the contents of the first and second volume to another post. For this post I am showcasing something that is part of the JOHN BYRNE ARTIFACT EDITION and the MARVEL UNIVERSE BY JOHN BYRNE omnibus, namely John Byrne´s short but memorable run on AVENGERS.

Which includes the famous YESTERDAY QUEST. Yep, longtime blog followers have already figured it out : once again I´m trying to kill two mutants with one hex power. And while I haven´t had the opportunity to watch WANDA VISION yet I wanted to showcase the Scarlet Witch. Or better vindicate her. Because I think she has been treated unfair by most of the writers.

Okay, part of her appeal - at least for male comicbook readers which at that time were the vast majority - was that the Scarlett Witch has such a hot body that even an android got horny and forgot his programming.

As well as everybody else in the Marvel universe when the only women were her, the Wasp and Susan Storm. Looking back on the old AVENGERS issues it´s kind of weird that all her male teammates had the hots for her but not only does Wanda have a Playmate Of The Month porn star body her costume is basically the scarlet version of the PLAYBOY bunny suit.

Even her own brother it seems which is something they picked up again in ULTIMATES. Which was so oversexed and badly written that this really didn´t matter. But back in the day Wanda was the go - to damsel in distress and the top item for a villain´s bachelor base was probably to have her chained to a bed naked. I mean, I get that all the villains like Arkon wanted to mate with her. Okay, in the comics they only kidnapped her but guess what they intended to do with her. Which wasn´t in the least bit awkward when it was revealed that Magneto was her father. Yes, that´s one way how writing as you make things up can bite you in the ass.

Now all those times Magneto had Wanda under his spell and tried to turn her into his lust slave look really weird. Of course he played the old amnesia card but the truth is he probably knew all along that old dog.

Another curious case was Ultron who always saw the Vision as his son and the readers always assumed that when he included Wanda in the list of Avengers he abducted it was only because she was the Vision´s wife.

The writers always gave Ultron an Oedipus complex which meant that he wanted to kill his father - in this case his creator Hank Pym ( not Tony Stark as those who have only seen the movies might think ) and have sex with his mother - in this case influencer blow up sex doll Janet Van Dyne.

In the comics they censored the fact that Ultron wanted to bang the Wasp in the worst way by having him build a robot version of her with Jocasta.

Things really got weird under Kurt Busiek´s absolutely fantastic AVENGERS ASSEMBLE run together with George Perez as it was revealed that back when Hank Pym built Ultron he used his own brain scan as a template.

Which in turn means that it might have been more than just his Oedipus complex at work why he wanted to have sex with the Wasp. It might have been the part of Hank Pym that was so obsessed with banging Janet that the height difference between a six foot man and a five foot four inch woman was not enough. He first gave her shrinking powers so that she would fit him like a glove. And when she refused to use them because he was stretching her out he developed a way to grow so he could increase the size of his penis until he could pound his small wife into submission.

It has been downplayed in the comicbooks but Hank Pym always vented his frustrations on his wife in the bedroom and while the backhanded bitch slap against Janet Van Dyne was heard around the world it almost went unnoticed that the pervert sexually assaulted her on a regular basis.

Janet really had a lot of problems in her private life and every time it looked like she would get a break - like when she tried to use Hank Pym´s Yellowjacket persona to dicktame her abusive husband - things went bad.

Like the time when that old horndog Tony Stark used her vulnerability after her separation from Hank to use her as his private blow up sex doll until Captain America forced Tony to tell Janet that he was also Iron Man.

Naturally Janet ended the relationship but the damage was already done.

The petite pocket rocket with the wasp waist of her insectoid namesake attracted perverts of all sorts thanks to her perfect bubblebutt like Ares who decided to - for once in uncounted millenia - make love not war.

During the THE INITIATIVE storyline he became a member of Tony Stark´s politically sanctioned Avengers team and when he got a good eyeful of Janet´s ASSential ASSets he thought " This one I can have my way with. "

Ares quickly got Janet drunk enough to become his newest sex slave and slam - banged her brains out many positions in, preferrably doggy style.

Coming back to Ultron, one reason for his Oedipal tendencies towards Jan originated in Hank´s sick psyche and it is because of his repressed feelings about teammate Wanda that Ultron always tried to subdue her to his will.

What´s more, Ultron kidnapped the Wasp in part for his little science projects while the only reason why he took the Scarlet Witch was for fun.

While Ultron reasoned that he was torturing the Vision by using his busty wife as his newest personal blow up sex doll, submitting her to a battery of grueling and humiliating sexual tests during which he penetrated her with increasingly bigger robotschlongs, a growing number of metallic dildo tentacles and all kind of crazy vibrating robot dildos with extra features ( one with a big ball on top that could be used like a battering ram, one with a dozen rings that could be inflated an additional five inches all at once or separately, a rotaing one with three parts that would move off center, a slim one with big balls that could be moved up and down, etc. ) for science Ultron first and formost did it to achieve personal pleasure.

For more on the Scarlet Witch the website SCARLET WITCHING has a post about The entire histoy of Wanda and Magneto´s relationship and THE PEERLESS POWER OF COMICS has an entry on her hex powers and her first glimpses as a villainess under John Byrne. You see ? Long before Bendis made Wanda a reality altering super mutant MILF it was established that everything was possible for her ( she even had twins with an android ) and that she´s so hot she made her own father, brother and a machine horny.

Not to mention that Simon Williams a.k.a. Wonder Man came back from the dead to have sex with her. Multiple times. I mean he came back from the dead multiple times not that he had sex with her multiple times .... although now that I think of it he probably did too ..... okay, coming back to vindicating the Scarlet Witch. Since she joined the Avengers Wanda Maximoff quickly became one of the most popular members and together with her soon to be husband the Vision also two of the quintessential Avengers. Truth be told there was a time where imagining an Avengers team without the Vision and the Scarlet Witch was almost impossible.

So you might ask yourself what happened to turn one of the Avengers most beloved members into one of the most vilified, almost on the level of a super villain. Bad writers. That´s what. Thanks to her mystic powers the Scarlet Witch was the Marvel Comics equivalent of the Legion of Super - Heroes Tyroc. A member of a team of super heroes whose powers were so undefined that he / she could do whatever and was mostly used as a deus ex machina device whenever the creators had written themselves into a corner. Aside from that most writers seemed to hate her with a burning fervor heaping one catastrophe after disaster upon the poor woman.

Which is the reason why most of the pages I selected for this post feature a time when the Scarlet Witch was not crazy or snuffing out mutants left and right or re - writing history or any of this nonsense but a valued and capable member of the Avengers. Who apparently did sleep in the buff.

I recall that in previous AVENGERS issues whenever we saw Wanda in her bedroom ( her male team mates used every excuse to barge in on her ) she was wearing a nightgown so this was the first time we got some sexy hexy booty. Anyway, let´s get to the rest of the pages I selected for this.

As my regular blog visitors may have noticed I haven´t included a lot of celebrity birthdays in the last posts. With the way things are going right now my posting schedule is becoming more erratic which means that I would have to catch up to a plethora of birthdays. So Today I am doing things a bit different so I can at least check off the first half of the month of June. Usually when I don´t have a lot of time to go over the list of awesome anniversaries I check out my old posts and select some birthdays of choice and links to older posts where those blog followers that are so inclined can find my ravings and ramblings about other celebrity birthdays.

Instead of that I am only including the birthdays which have their own post - or re - posts - and those who want to know which other birthdays they have missed can check out my older posts via the blog archive. Which means that I would not include the following blow up sex doll but since we have the anniversary of another Andy Sidaris playmate later on so I have to include the obligatory Sidaris links anyway I am making an exception.

In our first Andy Sidaris related anniversary - which is also a Baywatch related birthday - we have PLAYBOY´s Playmate of the Month for May 1994 , Shae Marks who celebrated her 49th birthday on the first of this month .

This hot mix of cherokee, irish and french roots who had her breasticles enhanced to her new 34D - 23 - 34 measurements had cameos on Married With Children ( alongside baywatchable 34C - 22 - 34 Donna D´Errico whom I featured at length in last year´s Greg Capullo birthday post ), Baywatch , Viper, Renegade and Black Scorpion ( if you don´t know what Black Scorpion is check out Joan Severance´s 2018 cult siren entry ) but is best known for Andy Sidaris Day of the Warrior and Return to Savage Beach .

And for more on such baywatchable babes like Erika Eleniak ( who is of course most famous for her incredibly steamy striptease in UNDER SIEGE ), Krista Allen ( best remembered for getting her freak on as french blow up sex doll EMANUELLE in 8 made for tv movies ) or natural born go go dancer Carmen Elektra check out my latest BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POSTS.

Among all the celebrity birthdays I missed my most faithful followers were probably the most surprised that I did not do a post on June the 9th since we had three birthdays concerning my favorite subjects ever on the blog.

Topic number one are of course cult sirens and other sexbombs, especially those of exotic or oriental origin. Which brings us to hasian 34D - 25 - 35 blow up sex doll Akira Lane who turned 40. Akira is well known to all blog visitors since I not only cast her as the female Doctor Light Kimiyo Hoshi ( who made her debut in CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS ) in my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA series and also gave her her own cult siren entry back in 2016 but also mention her in a lot of Yaya Han posts since I would just love to do an explicit photoshoot with ultimate 40D - 25 - 35 cosplay sex goddess Yaya Han in the hot ensemble Akira is sporting below.

Daimn, Akira Lane´s pelvis is perfect for pounding pulsating penises into submission and I wouldn´t mind adding her to the Yaya Han photoshoot.

No disrespect to Yaya but for the last few days I have tried to finish this part because all I could think about was that if my current residence was less crowded it would be the perfect spot to train Akira Lane as my new sex slave, since it is very isolated and equipped with a swimming pool.

But now that I am writing this part I realize that it would be even better to have a menage - a - trois with Akira Lane AND Yaya Han. With two recent posts about Yaya Han you might think I have gotten everything off my chest - especially since the second one is about the erotic movie / porn flick I would like to shoot with Yaya Han. But that doesn´t seem to be the case. And while so far Yaya has never done a naked photoshoot ( not even when she appeared inside PLAYBOY magazine, the closest she has come is her Goddess Enyo cosplay with her oppai only covered by two small pasties ) I keep hoping she will don the outfit Akira Lane is wearing.

I would probably loose it if I could get Yaya Han to wear a see - through shirt like that exposing her king sized XXL breasts and her nude butt only covered by a tiny string of dental floss that really doesn´t cover anything.

Sadly I couldn´t find a picture of that particular view and apropos, the pictures I included here are all I could find of that photoshoot with Akira Lane so if you know where I can find more please drop me a line or let me know in the comments below. Now so far the closest I have come to Yaya Han wearing the outfit of my wet sex dreams is the drawing I did which ended up in the bonus section of issue 2 of my new adult comicbook series VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN which sadly is currently on hiatus.

As I explained at length in this post I tried to draw a version of this scene that I could use as a cover and when it didn´t meet my expectations I even tried to commission it to a fellow german comic artist. For various reasons that didn´t work out and since the scene didn´t make it into the comic I had to come up with another cover. The only consolation I have is that I got to express other sexual fantasies with Yaya Han´s Power Girl cosplay. By the way, those lucky ones who managed to get their hands on an issue of VERSAUT BETTGESCHICHTEN might want to hold onto it. Since I don´t know if I can continue the series those copies might be worth a bundle now that the rest of the print run ended up in the paper bins.

As usual things got out of hand as always when asian sexbombs are involved so you can read more of my completely NSFW ramblings in this post . I really have to make a re - post of Akira Lane´s cult siren entry.

Now one problem with those cult sirens that have done erotic movies or porn is that those videos on YouTube that show off their breast features are blocked because of the adult content while those that are not blocked are either way too short or so tame that it´s not worth the effort. With that in mind I am including this review of Hot Blood Sundae from 2008, starring - among others - Akira Lane. It may not be a horror classic, nor does it have enough adult content to be a skin flick gem but if you want to watch a horror movie where the main purpose is to show bodacious babes like Akira Lane in as little clothing as possible you should give it a try. Plus, this is one of those films where alcohol makes it more enjoyable.

The second and most important one of course being George Perez´67th birthday. As anybody knows who has read this blog for some time I am a huge fan of him and though I am bummed out that he has now officially retired from comic books I am still continuing with my posts on him and the series he worked on. If anybody has deserved a rest it is George.

Now usually I just put up a link to previous posts but in the case of George Perez there are just too many posts to list them all. So instead I am putting up the links for one of the posts ( either the latest one if the series is still going or the first one if I have concluded the series ) on THE NEW TEEN TITANS , THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD , FINAL CRISIS : LEGION OF THREE WORLDS , THE AVENGERS , THE INFINITY GAUNTLET or LOGAN`S RUN and you can follow the links to the other posts. Initially I was not going to make a new George Perez post but after doing an asian sexsation spin - off post for Akira Lane - which totally went off the rails as usual when ultimate asian sexbombs like 40D cosplay blow up sex doll Yaya Han are involved - I might continue with the CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS posts.

The third anniversary on June the 9th is sorbian Jurij Brezan who wrote the original version of Krabat. Back in Germany the version by Ottfried Preußler is the best known as it is a book you read in schools. Now the only reason why I am even familiar with Jurij Brezan´s work is that I made a mistake. During Realschule ( which is like german middle school ) I was at the library and withoutlooking at the author I borrowed this book called Krabat because I had seen the animation film by Karel Zeman ( I learned his name many years later ). Anyway, when I read the book it was nothing like the movie I remembered and the story was more epic rivaling J. R. R. Tolkien´s The Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Still I did not think much of it but when I wanted to read it again I could not find it. For months or better years I kept looking for this book in vain until I was convinced that I had just imagined reading it. Well, I was a kid with a very vivid imagination and could not always trust my memory. Fast Forward a few years with me now writing for a blog when I decided to write a post about one of my favorite books growing up and lo and behold while doing the research I found out that I had not imagined it but rather that I did chance on one of the three Krabat books Jurij Brezan wrote. Which are apparently very rare so it was a stroke of luck that I got my hands on a copy. Now if you want to read more about Krabat - or have no idea what Krabat is - you can check out my Krabat Reloaded post from 2016 or my original Krabat post which I wrote way back in 2008 since I have nothing new or important to add.

We come to Today´s birthdays starting with our second Andy Sidaris related anniversary : hungarian 34D - 24 - 34 skin flick sexbomb and sex therapist Ava Cadell who turns 65 and got her own cult siren entry way back in 2016. Which means that she´s due for an updated version, now that I have made bigger and better GIFs for all my Andy Sidaris playmates.

As longtime followers of the blog know I have to take advantage of every opportunity to mention cult movie maker Andy Sidaris especially since Ava Cadell provides the best scene of DO OR DIE . In later Andy Sidaris movies she had the part of Ava ( coincidence ? ) who was head DJ and president of local hawaiian radio station KSXY in HARD HUNTED. 24 hours a day, she broadcasts sleazy F&S music, giving sex advice and moaning in orgasmic ecstasy. Her sex fueled speeches also serve as code to spies in the field.

Then there’s the office assistant, played by Becky Mullen ( it would take too long to go into detail on her so check out her solo posts ), who fetches coffee in a skin tight red leather bikini. And if dressing for work nearly naked wasn’t enough, then hold on, because later in the film they actually do work naked, well, almost naked. Ava proceeds to do her radio show topless from a hot tub alongside her by then topless office assistant.

It seems that Ava works from wherever she wants wearing whatever she wants. Seriously, if this was a real radio station it had to be on live tv !

By the way - talk about playing what you know - DOCTOR Ava Cadell ( you can call her The Sex Doctor ) is America’s number 1 sexpert as a Clinical Sexologist, AASECT Certified Sex Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Founder of LoveologyUniversity.com and President of the American College of Sexologists International. Dr. Ava Cadell’s brand is sexual empowerment and she´s the author of 8 books and the monthly Sex Advice Columnist for Penthouse Magazine for whom she has created a series of online courses and videos entitled Sex Academy. Dr. Ava is also a sought after media therapist, and global speaker; her mission is to empower people to overcome sexual guilt & shame so they can enjoy the benefits of healthy, sexual relationships. She also has a radio show called SEX DRIVE !

As usual I got just a tiny bit overenthusiastic with Ava Cadell - read totally carried away - so for more on her sex adventures how she was used by two groups of horny Boy Scouts as a blow up sex doll or how a safer sex deepthroat demonstration during spring break escalated into a mass sex marathon orgy check out my newest Ross Andru Spider - Man tribute post.

Andy Sidaris was probably THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHOS´S WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie Strain , Samantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or Dona Speir to name just a few.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt . And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks , Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer. Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ).

Continuing with the comic related birthdays comic master Brent Anderson turned 66 best known for his work on Marvel´s Strikeforce : Morituri and the original graphic novel X - Men : God Loves, Man Kills ( which was the template for the second X - Men movie ), Eclipse Comics Somerset Holmes and the long running Astro City. The last series being the only one where I did a special post for Brent Anderson but you can find more about Kurt Busiek´s brilliant series under the Astro City tag. Until last year I hadn´t read any issues of Strikeforce : Morituri but now that I not only have read the first three trades - the first containing all issues by Brent Anderson while the rest of the series was drawn by none other than Mark Bagley - but also have enough material for a good post I don´t have the time to write it. I also still hope to cover X - Men : God Loves, Man Kills one of these days and hopefully I will have enough decent material for a proper post then. Anyway, is it just me or did Marvel put out the best graphic novels at that time ? It could be that it was because they did stories they did nowhere else and they also put their top creators on top projects.

Comicbook legend Neal Adams celebrated his 80th birthday and so far I did two posts on him : one about his work at DC Comics and one about his work at Marvel Comics which I managed to resurrect after it was deleted.

You can also find more art from his collaborations with Denny O´Neil on GREEN LANTERN and BATMAN in my tribute post to Denny from 2020 .

I know I said I would cut down on the german content in my posts but I just had to include Today´s Dearly Departed entry, Herbert Feuerstein who was - amongst other things - chief editor of the german version of MAD which is where I got the plot for the classic Superman movies from.

As I did with most movies. Back then I could not always afford to see a movie in the theater and because this was long before the invention of video cassettes a cheap alternative was buying an issue of MAD. So in a lot of cases I read the MAD parody of a movie before I saw the actual film and to this day there are some films where I get both versions mixed up.

Anyway, in honor of the outstanding achievements of Herbert Feuerstein in german popular culture I wrote a special MAD spotlight post in 2016 .

Speaking of MAD, Runaway with Tom Selleck was one of the movies where I  first read the spoof and then watched the movie, so my experience may have been influenced. I remember that I didn´t think it was the greatest movie ever but I also didn´t hate it like apparently a lot of people did.

Staying with comicbooks but coming back to the topic of this post here is a video that I saved for a long time and I am ambivalent on this. On one side these actors do a lot of cool stuff like this to promote these movies.

On the other side the Marvel movies have become worse and worse during the so - called third phase and the last good one without any SJW crap was Captain America : Civil War. As good as Black Panther was there was just too much feminist propaganda and also major errors like potraying the Dora Milaje as some kind of special ops soldiers when in fact their purpose is as the king of the Wakandas personal bodyguards and wives in training.

So I am dreading the next movies released by Marvel. Which brings us to the fact that the sorry state of the Marvel cinematic universe is not the fault of the actors but rather the screenwriters and directors but mostly the writers of the actual comicbooks who have gone completely off the rails. So much that they have become ashamed of their past and if they can´t rewrite history they are doing all they can to make you forget it.

With all the things going on right now it´s difficult to keep up with things so I wanted to include some stuff I completely missed like MILF massita Salma Hayek´s boobtastic appearance at the 2020 Golden Globe Awards.

According to internet sources the latin sex godess´ measurements are - all natural - 36E - 25 - 37 but here it looks to be much more. Anyway, at the moment Salma is married to a rich guy who just drowned her in expensive jewelery so you know what women really want and you can find more pictures, videos and animated GIFs with Salma in my old cult siren posts .

One of the few publications about comicbooks I managed to keep are my old isues of MARVEL AGE since I used them as wrapping material when I shipped over my comics from Germany. Right now I am reading them again to decide which isues I am going to keep and which ones I am going to get rid off. Which brings us to the following cartoon. I am always searching for new ones I haven´t posted yet and you might think that this one might be displaced in a Marvel Comics themed post but there also was a short lived comicbook series which was published under Marvel´s Star Comics banner.

I am really trying to make the best of my current situation so I am not just posting videos about Germany but also about Spain because otherwise I get just too depressed. That said this video is not so much for me - since I already know all of this - but for people who think about visiting Spain. 

Speaking of Spain, one of the few musical shows I am still watching is The Masked Singer ( now that the auditions are over at La Voz Kids. I don´t know but I like the auditions best while the battles are boring to me ).

Anyway so far we had a few unexpected celebrities behind the masks.

Yup, that´s none other than Latoya Jackson performing as Menina on a spanish tv show. How crazy is that ? I remember that back in the 1990s everybody thought she would become the sex icon of the Jackson family that is known all over the world since she was naked in PLAYBOY magazine.

A few times. Plus there was a special PLAYBOY video with Latoya being completely naked that I bought. Now it´s my number one sex fantasy of all times, the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson - the living nubian blow up sex doll that walks - whom we all lust after so my Latoya post is mainly a comparison between her and nympho Janet. The outcome should not surprise any longtime readers of this blog.

Not only because Janet Jackson ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) is a well known sex nymfomaniac who dicktamed Justin Timberlake and confessed to be addicted to test out sex toys - especially double dildos - but it´s also an open secret that she insists on inspecting all new employees - orally.

It´s no secret that Janet Jackson was predestined to play a stripper not only because of her incredibly fit and flexible pornstar hardbody which could have earned her a fortune as one of the biggest super stars in the adult entertainment industry but also because she has some incredible stripper moves that make real striptease pros envious . Which nasty Miss Jackson more than proved in Jermaine Dupri´s music video Gotta Getcha where Janet plays one extremely busty stripper dressed up as a school girl or teacher . I don´t know if the script explicitly said " busty stripper " but with her huge DD melons it´s the only kind Janet can believably portray.

I always knew that Janet was a sex freak ( Janet admitted to joining the Mile High Club and is a well known size queen ) and although the rumors that Bobby Brown banged her in the 80s might not be true it is much more believable that she used Justin Timberlake as her sextoy and dumped him after a month of steamy sex marathons . According to Justin it took Janet an hour to get in my pants after we first hooked up and she was so wild in bed that I didn´t know how to handle it. I was falling in love with Miss Jackson but during our get - togethers she only wanted to have sex.

I don´t think of myself as sexy but I am a very sexual being, I always have sex on my mind. I feel very comfortable with it and I think it´s great if a guy has a good sized package. I know the effect my body has on guys so I sometimes use it to get especially well hung guys into my bedroom where I tie them to the bed and bang their brains out in a marathon sex orgy.

I go completely crazy and make them squirt again and again until they are completely drained. I regret doing it but I´ll turn around and do it again.

Man, now that she´s getting divorced all the horny perverts around the world are hoping to dicktame this ASSential afro - american aphrodite six ways to Sunday. But they will only be used by blowjob addict Janet as her personal sex toys since she has a lot of pent up sexual energy and will go on a sperm extraction spree, massaging huge monstercocks with her giant boobs, deepthroating schlongs left and right until they squirt like crazy.

Coming back to Latoya Jackson, I don´t want to close the topic without including a video from the height of her musical career as well as a sex symbol so here is Ain´t Nobody Loves You Like I Do which for some reason can´t be found in both - good quality AND the original music video format.

And speaking of casting shows, even with all the bookmarks the update from hell wiped out there is a plethora of audition videos left and since I don´t know how much time I have left - on one side because of health problems on the other side because my laptop is slowly self destructing - I wanted to include more of them in my next posts before the next purge.

Last but not least we have blonde 38C beach body Jenny Scordamaglia, whom I haven´t missed but rather forgotten about long ago. As longtime followers know I do a lot of research on my posts and there are a lot of things I come across that I think might be of interest for my readers. But I can´t always include everything in my posts so naturally a lot of things have to be shelved for later and since even someone as extraordinary as myself is only human I sometimes forget some of them like Jenny who fell into the cracks. One of the reasons why Jenny Scordamaglia landed on the later pile to begin with is that some of her videos are way too explicit for YouTube - even though some have the naughty bits pixelated - so including them in the posts can be difficult. But I have found two which are safe to post and give you an idea what kind of content her channel has. Plus the first one is an interview with spanish pop culture legend Toni Rovira.

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