Thursday, April 07, 2022

Reflections on the Legion of Super - Heroes

This post was not planned and originally I thought my next post would be the first part of my WHICH COVERS I WOULD LIKE YAYA HAN TO RE - ENACT series since her birthday is just a few days away ( don´t worry, with a bit of luck I can include a small part of it here ) but I just had to give a little shoutout because the day I never thought would come has finally arrived.

Yes, not only has DC Comics finally caved in to the demands of millions ( and millions ) of Legion fans and released the first issues of Keith Giffens fan favorite FIVE YEARS LATER run - and in a nice omnibus hardcover to boot - with a second volume already planned. They also reprinted the LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES issues preceding what may be the best Legion story of all time - THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGA - in their BEFORE THE DARKNESS hardcovers. And as it just happens the second volume includes one of my favorite stories of my misspent youth : THE REFLECTO SAGA.

Of which you may never heard of because I don´t know if anybody besides myself even calls it that. Or even remembers it. As I said, I first read this when it came out in Germany which was in Ehapa Verlag´s SUPERBOY ( or like it said on the cover : SUPERMAN PRÄSENTIERT SUPERBOY ) in the 80s.

Now at this point I have not re - read it yet since I just got my copy from amazon Spain. I was waiting until I can get it with a decent discount and I figured that 35 EUROS is the lowest it gets keeping in mind that we are talking about a hardcover with a regular retail price of 50 bucks. It also helps that I got the second volume of SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES for 28 EUROS which is almost half price. Three EUROS more. And is it just me or have these books less pages as they continue ?

Coming back to THE REFLECTO SAGA, as I just wrote I have not given it another reading because I want to give me my own reflections ( see what I did there ? ) on the story according to how much I remember of it and then later compare if I was on point or if my memory was way off base.

Because if there is one thing I have learned it is that I can´t always trust my memory. But more about it later. If memory serves right it all begins with Grimbor. Not to be mistaken for Rimbor, the birth planet of Jo Nah a.k.a. Ultra Boy, Grimbor is the leather and chain clad sadomasochistic villain who blames the Legion for the death of his main squeeze Charma.

Which is pretty accurate. Charma Drisden was a mutant who´s pheromone powers made all men drool and fall over themselves trying to fulfill her every wish while they had the opposite effect on women who became envious of her and tried to harm her psychologically as well as physically.

Basically Charm Drisden was the Pamela Anderson of the 30th century.

Now while I can understand why they could not put her in a prison with male wardens putting her in an all female prison was just an invitation to disaster keeping in mind her special powers. I mean, with all the races in the galaxy couldn´t they find one whose population - or at least prison wardens - are not susceptible to her powers ? The best way would have been to keep her in solitary confinement with robots as the wardens.

But no, they had to put her in an all female prison so it was only a matter of time until her powers enraged her fellow inmates enough to kill her.

So yes, I think that Grimbor is right in that regard, even though the Legion of Super - Heroes didn´t directly kill his girlfriend they certainly didn´t do much to ensure her safe incarceration either ( the boys probably out of shame and the girls definitely out of envy ) which led to her untimely demise and the whole thing could have been handled better. I mean they didn´t even send him a Sorry we got your girlfriend killed greeting card.

Grimbor´s main thing - besides banging the living daylights out of Charma - are chains. Not only does he wear them as a fashion statement, he also uses them for his traps so he builds giant chains around Earth crushing it and the Legion has 1 hour to stop them. This happens just after Phantom Girl is saved from drowning by a new superhero who calls himself Reflecto.

Reflecto´s identity and origin are a secret he keeps to himself but since most Legion members have their own secrets ( most of the Silver Age Legion stories are either about the dark secret of a Legion member or a Legion member betraying the Legion or both ) he joins the fight against Grimbor and because he is very protective of Phantom Girl - who was Ultra Boys girlfriend - and because he displayed the same powers as Ultra Boy most Legionnaries assume Reflecto IS Ultra Boy. Well, nice try but no cigar.

Now you might think revealing the identity of Reflecto would be a spoiler but things are not always how they look like with the Legion of Super Heroes. I think the reason why some of the Legion members did not believe that Ultra Boy was Reflecto was that he was dead at that time.

Or at least believed to be dead. And from there on things really got weird.

Now this is where I want to leave things off storywise because on one side I don´t want to spoil things for those who have not read it and on the other side because I want to re - read it first and see if I remembered everything right or if I am talking nonsense. One thing I always liked about the Legion of Super - Heroes is that besides the obligatory super hero and science fiction stuff it also included the normal teenage stuff like dating.

Not that I was much into dating girls myself but I was at that age where a boy starts to appreciate the female Legion members skimpy, skin tight costumes and voluptuous figures. And I felt kind of more adult because the LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES comic didn´t avoid this subject. Not that they showed it explicitly and you only got glimpses of the Legion babes in bed wearing lingerie but you knew that Lightning Lad was getting it on with Saturn Girl. I mean, they married, left the Legion and had a baby.

Sex and sexual relationhips play a big part in the Legion stories and like they portray a positive image of the future the Legion stories also show a healthy and positive image of nudity. I remember a story where some of the Legionnaries visit the home world of one of the Legion members which is a planet much like the pleasure planet Raisa in Star Trek - The Next Generation and they all drop their swimwear and frolic at the beach.

And then there were the secret sex orgies some the hot female Legion members celebrated with Superboy that were omitted from their records.


Deja Vu. The strange feeling you have seen or done something before.

In this case it are the secret sex parties the female Legion members had with Superboy as I distinctively remember writing about this before but when I looked through my Legion posts I could find nary a mention of it.

So I am trying my best to remember what I thought I had already written.

If you know your Legion lore you know that at some point Brainiac 5 invented a machine to mind wipe Superboy before he returned to the 20th century so he wouldn´t have any knowledge of future events and could not alter the time stream. Yes, long before ( technically long after ) the Justice League of America was doing it in IDENTITY CRISIS the Legion guys were already wiping minds left and right for the benefit of mankind.

The thing is once the girls found out that Brainiac 5 wiped Superboy´s mind every time he went back to his own time they realized this was a big opportunity for them. They could dicktame Superboy without any mercy or fear of repercussions because even if their wild sex marathon would literally bang his brains out or break his dick in half Brainiac 5 would just erase it all. The only downside is that they have to start his training as their living breeding stallion every time from zero but that´s a small price.

After various discussions they decided that the best course of action would be if Phantom Girl were the one to invite Superboy to a pool party in the Legion grotto since everybody knew she had a crush on Superboy so it would surprise no one if she was the one to volunteer for this.

The only problem was to keep Brainiac 5 occupied for a few days while the girls could use Superboy as their super powered breeding stallion so one of the girls had to volunteer to fuck him into a coma. In a few lucky instances events aligned perfectly like when Supergirl tried to join the Legion but her plans were quickly foiled by a well placed red kryptonite meteor which accelerated the natural growth of Supergirl and gave her an adult body.

Since adults can´t join the Legion her membership had to be denied but Brainiac 5 - who had a crush on her for a long time - insisted on giving Kara a complete physical examination meaning a full cavity search meaning he put a virtual reality goggle made out of lead on her so she could not see with her x - ray vision how he replaced his medical probe with his hard erection and penetrated her every orifice living out his sex phantasies.

Under normal circumstances Supergirl´s invulnerability would prevent Brainiac 5 from penetrating her but he had convinced Kara that it was absolutely necessary to do the medical examintion under a red sun lamp which negates Supergirl´s powers. As he was able to convince her that they not only had to sleep in the same bed for the next five weeks but that she should have sex with him many positions in to determine if her teenage body´s growth had been simply accelerted or if her teenage body had been exchanged with her future adult body which could have serious repercussions on her future life. Of course this was all scientific hogwash to dicktame Supergirl into becoming his next personal blow up sex doll.

Anyway, with Brainiac 5 occupied things could finally proceed like planned and when Superboy arrived at the Legion grotto the only people present were Phantom Girl, Jenny Ognats, Shadow Lass and Princess Projectra - all wearing extremely tiny micro bikinis with less fabric than dental floss.

As he commented how uncomfortable their swimsuits made him the girls took them off with the explanation that in the 31st century nobody wears swimsuits anyway and that they only wore them for his benefit because they know how prude 21st century boys are when it comes to nudity.

Being confronted with so much unchecked nakedness Superboy got a huge erection much to the delight of the girls who only got him to the pool to bang the living daylights out of him. He tried to resist their erotic advances but once Princess Projectra - who finished her tenure as oral priestess from the holy church of Deepthroatia Blowjoba Sukka Cum Louder - started inhaling his super boner he was done for. Not only do the women of Oral - Do have tongues that are three times as long as the tongues of earth women they have two additional vaginas in their throat.

So when Phantom Girl started pumping his super schlong with her special double breasted deepthroat massage Superboy could not resist any longer especially when she used her illusion powers to look like Lana Lang, Clark´s highschool sweetheart who he had wanted to slambang hard for years but couldn´t because his powers would break her in half. For hours Princess Projectra and the other girls took turns milking his superboner dry as best they could, impaling themselves without mercy with Kal - El´s rigid rod.

But not only did they give Superboy a good demonstration how much sex techniques had evolved in the last 1,000 years, they also used their super powers on him going completely out of control because they knew that his indestructable penis could take the punishment. On top of that they used their Legion flight rings to pull off otherwise impossible positions for humanoid bodies and since all of Superboy´s memories of their ejaculation extravaganzas were going to be wiped anyway they used all the perverted sex techniques in the galaxy that they wouldn´t use on their boyfriends.

Because of all these factors the Legion girls lost all inhibitions and fell into a fuck frenzy like possessed super nymphomaniacs where they began to really attack Superboy´s dick with a vengeance in a grueling insemination marathon. Which very quickly turned into a competition to see how much damage they could do, who could make him ejaculate the fastest, who could make him squirt the most but most importantly who could make him scream in burning ecstasy the loudest while he shot out load after load.

To that end the horny girls started double teaming Superboy, licking his horsecock up and down with all of their super flexible tongues at once before squeezing his pulsating supermanhood between two sets of soft boobs until it had grown to three times its normal size. Then they picked up the pace, ever increasing the tempo, riding him like a breeding stallion.

They took him to the limits of kryptonian endurance in a relentless pounding stakkato giving him the male equivalent of multiple orgasmns until their sweaty bodies were writhing in convulsions, their eyes were rolled to the back of their heads and they were foaming at the mouth.

Especially Phantom Girl was very eager to put Superboy´s superdick to the test. She first got together with Ultraboy to spite her Mom ( when they met he was a prisoner and she used her phantom powers to break into his cell and push her boobs into his face until her banged her ) but he can only use one super power at a time. So he would have either super hardness or super penetration speed or super multiple ejaculations or super sex marathon stamina or super sperm recuperation power or super squirt quantities. While with Superboy she would get all of this at once.

Another nymphomanic sex freak who tamed Superboy´s boner with great enthusiasmn was Jenny Ognats a.k.a. XS ( or XXX like she was called by all the male Legion members - as well as by all the Legion boys ) and not only because she had been thirsty for him ever since she saw him shirtless.

Also because she had to be extra careful when she had sex with regular males not to destroy them with her super powers - and I don´t mean in a good way. She could easily set them on fire with her super friction, break their molecular integrity with her super vibrations or phase them in half.

And whenever she got busy with another Legion member´s member things didn´t end well either. The fact is that not only does Jenny have a body porn stars would kill for, because she is a speedster she has the perfect bubblebutt with legs for miles that go almost up to her chin and she is a real pro at spreading them like a fillipino hooker which makes all the legion boys gonzo. And again, not in a good way : Element Lad transmuted his aspirin pills into viagra by accident and banged the dickens out of her for days, Sunboy got so excited he incinerted the entire bedroom, Colossal Boy used his growing powers on her while drilling her and totally stretched her out ( she only is still tight down there because as a speedster she is super flexible and has super recuperative powers ) and Timber Wolf became a complete animal. And I don´t mean he became LIKE an animal and they had crazy sex. No, he literally transformed into a huge wolf with an even bigger member and slambanged her doggy style. And when Jenny had enough of getting used like a blow up sex doll by the Legion boys and tried shagging up with some of the females that was another train wreck.

I won´t go into all the details but let´s just mention that XS is the only female Legion member who didn´t end up in intensive care unit after experiencing Triplicate Girl´s infamous Super Double Dildo Penetration Sensation up to the final Super Stakkato Of The Six Double Dildos Of Destruction during which she was hammered by six double dildos at once.

You can imagine Jenny´s relief. Not only was she not on the receiving end this time but with Superboy´s nearly invulnerable body she could really let loose of all of her inhibitions for once. Which she did with a vengeance : for normal onlookers it looked like he was getting deepthroated by dozen of girls and she would go through hundreds of different positions in mere seconds all the while draining his pulsating dick with her super vibrations.

But her coup de grace was a special technique called Sex around the world where she had taken a page from the Flash´s playbook : it consisted of running ( or better streaking since she had to be naked ) around the planet at mach speed and then slamming onto Superboy´s hard erection with her legs spread wide open breaking the sound barrier on the way.

And while Superboy´s kryptonian physiology could withstand almost everything it didn´t take more than a dozen to break his resistance.

Once word got out about their super squirt sensations all the other girls joined in because they could not let the chance pass to use and abuse Superboy as their indestructable living dildo. But these super sex orgies got wilder and wilder until they finally had to suspend them when the bachelorette party for Triplicate Girl got out of hand. The inebriated sex machines had gone completely gonzo and started to shove one another with more and more speed and force unto the delirious Superboy´s vibrating member with long, swift strokes using him like a battering ram drilling one another without mercy until he climaxed. Afterwards they had to use Brainiac 5´s mindwipe machine to make everyone believe it was Computo who destroyed Triplicate Girl´s third body and after a month business as usual resumed as they slam - fucked him into submission again.

Of course you couldn´t read more about these uninhibited milking orgies in the Legion of Super - Heroes comicbooks but readers of issue one of Versaute Bettgeschichten got a little taste of it in the bonus section ( I didn´t have a full story on it because I was pressed for time ) and those who were lucky enough to buy the second issue got two additional pin ups of the nymphomanic female members of the Legion of Super - Heroes.

Speaking of ultimate nymphomanic blow up sex dolls who can suck a kryptonian dry, since I mentioned my upcoming COVERS I WOULD LOVE YAYA HAN TO RE - ENACT I´m sure it´s no surprise to my longtime followers that there are some covers of the Legion of Super - Heroes among them.

Coming up with new ideas for coplays can be difficult so I thought I would give Yaya Han a hand although longtime followers of the blog already know in which outfit I would like to see her in ( and so do the fortuntate ones who managed to get their hands on a copy of my discontinued comic VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN since I included a pin up of her wearing this in the bonus section. There also were plans for a variant cover with Yaya Han in this by a german comicbook artist well known for his erotic art but sadly that never came to pass for various reasons outside of my control ).

Speaking about new cosplay ideas, blog veterans might remember my long promised but sadly often postponed post about the covers of certain comic books or magazines I would love to see Yaya Han re - enact or at least see her wear the skimpy costumes on them in her next hot cosplay.

I thought this could be a good topic for a post on her upcoming birthday if there is any interest from my readers but I am of two minds about this.

On one side it´s another of these things that I keep thinking about in the back of my head and which is driving me crazy. On the other I know that IF I really start this there will be no way to contain it to just one post so it´s likely to spin even more out of control than my Casting the Justice League of America movie series did. And it goes without saying this series would probably be even more NSFW which would be another reason not to do it.

That said the covers - or in some instances pin ups or famous comicbook panels / splash pages - fall into three categories and to clarify, these are not just covers where there is a naked woman on the cover so I could get blow up sex doll Yaya to drop her clothes. As tempting as that may be.

Firstly covers which are a personal favorite of mine. During the four plus decades of my comic reading history I have read SCHWERMETALL - and later when I could get it HEAVY METAL - since before I was old enough to read it, borrowing issues from my older brother´s collection as soon as he started reading it on a regular basis. And although I probably had more issues of the german underground comic U - COMIX I owned a huge stack of SCHWERMETALL and HEAVY METAL issues. Lately I haven´t kept up as much as I used to but I still bought an issue now and then like when there is a translation I did of  a comic ( which already has happened two times ).

So I can say that I have read quite a lot of issues and among them were some really phenomenal covers which I can instantly recall because the art was so mind - blowing. A lot of them are also fantastic ( no pun intended ) from an aesthetic perspective and offer more than just simple nudity for nudity´s sake. There´s nothing even remotely gratuitous about them.

For the second category I went with covers that´d be interesting from a cosplayers point of view, that could really interest Yaya Han to do them.

Don´t get me wrong, as much as I practically live in denial where Yaya is concerned and realize I have a full blown sexual obsession with her my perv attitude doesn´t prevent me from seeing the real world and keeping possible perks in mind. So while it is a great mental exercise and it helps me release some tension why not go all the way and find some covers that may really happen ? It would be totally cool to really inspire Yaya Han for a cosplay so it could not hurt to throw in a few of those among the others.

And last but least are those covers you would expect from a dirty old man like me which means Yaya would be showing as much skin as possible.

Which - again - doesn´t necessarily mean going full frontal nudity. Not that there would be anything wrong with that or that I would mind. Hey, any excuse to get women naked is okay with me, especially hot asians. But sometimes showing not everything but much rather enough to arouse you and still keep you interested to see more can be more erotic than doing the full monty outright. And I can´t believe I really typed that neither.

By the way I didn´t put the cover above into my selection because while it falls into the first and third category it is too close to the War Goddess Enyo shooting Yaya Han did. So there would be no reason for her to do it.

Of course I´ve already thought about how to best group the covers I´ve selected so far and there is one all about Yaya doing male characters. Now I know that Yaya has said in some interviews that she doesn´t dress up as female versions of male characters but that is not completely true since I know that she DID dress up as the tenth Doctor. Anyway, while I know that it is probably for the best if I don´t do the cover posts there are some outfits I totally think Yaya should do. Well, I can still dream, can´t I ?

Being realistic here I want to say that it´s about time Yaya did something a bit more risky. And I´m not talking about my sexual fantasies here either.

The last time I wrote about her I mentioned her 41st birthday but I forgot to add that Yaya might want to reconsider doing a nude photoshoot. Too many celebrities never take the chance to do nude pictures when they are in good condition and their banging bodies are in their prime. Then, twenty ( or thirty ) years later their biological clock starts ticking, they want to prove that they still look good and do some pictures. Well, how are we supposed to come to a qualified decision ? We don´t know how she looked in the buff when she was young and sexy. So please Yaya, do some nude shots while you still look good. Otherwise there is no proof.

So far I´ve written six posts on Yaya - two of them are pretty safe but the other four are absolutely not safe for work - and I keep mentioning her on various JLA casting posts and any other posts involving asian sexbombs like flex appealing Kiana Tom, Ava Cadell, Akira Lane, Miko Lee, korean wrestling knockout Gail Kim a.k.a. Die Geile Kim or 55KK ( !!! ) Minka .

I swear the completely NSFW BIG YAYA HAN POST is still in the pipeline. In the meantime I have made two new posts about Yaya which showcase a part of her incredible anatomy that I have ignored too often - her legs.

For some reason I didn´t get to do a birthday post for Yaya Han in 2019 so to compensate for that I did three new ones in 2020 ( since I couldn´t get all the new pictures with her I wanted to post into one post ) : the first one is a spotlight on her Eliza from Tekken Revolution cosplay, the second one has five more erection guaranteeing cosplays with the asian extreme ejaculation sensation and post number three has my final selection of Yaya Han´s breast new cosplays mostly of Danganrompa´s Junko Enoshima.

And there is also a special Eliza / Chun Li spotlight post which was my first reader´s request Yaya Han post ever and the second part of it right here .

Yaya Han also appeared in three other posts in 2021. The first one was supposed to be all about flexual dynamo Kiana Tom but as always things quickly derailed and it´s all about asian sexbombs but especially blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her giant - sized 40D oppai. As one post was not enough I decided to make a second Yaya Han spin - off post and this one is all about the erotic movie I would like to shoot with her, and with the third try I finally managed to write my planned Kiana Tom birthday post .

With these two posts you might think I have gotten everything off my chest but nonetheless Akira Lane had to share her latest birthday post with Yaya Han as I phantasized about a menage a trois with those two.

Coming back to the topic of this post, one of the reaons why I decided to finally get the second volume of LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES : BEFORE THE DARKNESS was that I also found the second volume of SUPERBOY AND THE LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES on amazon Spain at half price. As I said a few times I am not trying to rebuild my comicbook collection from the ground up but on the other side I also won´t ignore it if I find one of the books I used to own at a decent bargain price. Granted, I liked the first volume much more since it included some Mike Grell stories ( like the wedding of Saturngirl and Lightning Lad ) but this is almost exclusively Joe Staton art.

Since I already mentioned and I am not sure if I will ever have enough for a full blown spotlight post here is a video about The Great Darkness Saga.

When I started reading american comicbooks there weren´t many trades available and DC Comics only had THE NEW TEEN TITANS - THE JUDAS CONTRACT and LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES : THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGA.

As they were naturally everywhere I didn´t pay them much attention and when I got interested in the Legion trade it was out of print. Decades later I botched the chance to get the deluxe hardcover reprint and had to settle for the softcover. Which I had to sell again before coming to Spain.

Currently it is out of print - again - which is a clear sign how little interest there is in the Legion at DC Comics at the moment. I mean, it´s a seminal work like WATCHMEN but while that one not only has never been out print since its initial run but also gets special edition after special edition THE GREAT DARKNESS SAGA is constantly out of print. So if you happen to find the softcover, or better the hardcover, at a good price don´t think twice.

Going on we have a much darker vision of the future with Logan´s Run.

As longtime readers know I have done several posts on Logan´s Run, the first one in 2011 where I covered everything from the movie to the tv series and the many comic book adaptions. And speaking of comic book adaptions as a big fan of George Perez I posted all five issues of the series he did for Marvel as well as the final two by the criminally underrated Tom Sutton ( on whom I did posts in 2017 , 2018  and in 2020 ) to finish it up.

We continue our trip down memory lane with the classic Superman movies and we enter the realm of the weird and bizzare with Superman III or like it was called in Germany Superman III - The Steel Lightning ( Superman III - Der stählerne Blitz ). The movie was basically a Richard Pryor vehicle with Superman in it which may be the reason why a lot of people didn´t like it.

Staying with the Superman family, here is another episode of Inside Of You this time with Laura Vandervoort who played Supergirl on Smallville. It is kind of fitting that she is being interviewed by Michael Rosenbaum who played Lex Luthor on that show because in the post John Byrne Superman relaunch there was quite the romantic relationship between the Matrix Supergirl and the red haired I cloned myself a new body and pretend to be my own son from Australia Lex Luthor. You just gotta love comicbooks.

Apropos Smallville, they did their own version of the Legion of Super - Heroes - at least the three founding members and later on Brainiac 5 - and although it was really crash to see some Legionnaires on tv for the first time ever I was a bit bummed out that they went with the more classic looking costumes since I am more a fan of the 70s disco style costumes.

Of course that was not the last time we saw a live action version ( I should have made that distinction earlier ) of the Legion of Super - Heroes on tv.

I don´t know if anybody will believe this but when they introduced Mon - El on Supergirl I figured out his identity early on. And I was sad when he left the show because of lead poisoning. Likewise I was more than thrilled when he not only came back but also was cured of his lead sickness by some friends he met 1,000 years in the future. Not 999 years, not 1,001 years, not around 1,000 years but EXACTLY 1,000 years in the future. And any DC Comics fan worth his salt knew what that meant : it was only a matter of time before the rest of the Legion showed up. What was even more shocking was that when the Legion finally DID show up it turned out that Mon - El was married to Saturngirl. Which was a good indicator if you did have any real comicbook knowledge. Because all the Supergirl viewers without comicbook knowledge went : " Mon - El is married ? " while those with comic knowledge went : " Is Lightning Lad dead ? What happened ? "

A lot of people were surprised to see members of the Legion of Super - Heroes on Supergirl but while Superboy was their most famous member - since they were inspired to form the Legion by Superboy´s heroic exploits in the 20th century - Supergirl also joined the Legion and there even was a Legion book that was called Supergirl and The Legion of Super - Heroes.

Now unlike Superboy Kara didn´t manage to join the Legion on her first try - remember the thing with the red kryptonite meteor I mentioned earlier ? - and here is a video that retells the whole story including some of the details I forgot. Like that the Legion members who invited her to try her luck at joining the Legion again were not the original founders of the Legion of Super - Heroes but their sons and daughters. I have no idea why they felt they had to make this weird alteration nor do I know if that was something that stayed in Legion lore or if it was never mentioned again.

Staying with the Legion, I earlier made the distinction that we saw a second LIVE ACTION version of The Legion of Super - Heroes on Supergirl because there were also animated versions : on Superman - The Animated Series, Justice League Unlimited but most importantly in their own sadly short lived series. This is one of the best and therefore most underrated, underappreciated or even blatantly unknown DC Comics cartoon shows.

Now I don´t know what it is with YouTube and the Legion of Super - Heroes but not only are there no full episodes of the Legion cartoon they also deleted most of the clips from the recently released Justice League vs The Fatal Five. The ones that are left are either trailers or super short - or both - which is why I almost didn´t include one but in the end I chose this one with the Legion museum because it gives you a hint of the scope of the Legion. That is something that I have always loved about the Legion : just how many members there were. Which is one of the reasons why I always found Stan Lee´s statement that he invented the first teenage super hero who was not just a sidekick a bit wonky to say the least. I mean there was literally an entire legion of teenage super heroes - who were not sidekicks - long before Peter was bit by a radioactive spider.

Speaking of Supergirl and Justice League Unlimited there was an episode where Project Cadmus made an adult clone of Supergirl called Galtea who wore a costume that looked like Power Girl´s. However Galatea did not display all of Power Girl´s physical attributes if you know what I mean. For some reason the powers that be at DC Comics ( no pun intended ) keep even adult versions of Supergirl relatively small breasted and we have to rely on ASMR Amy to show us how a meeting of a red kryptonite aged Supergirl and her adult clone with Power Girl´s measurements would look.

Since a big part of Today is about THE REFLECTO SAGA this is a no - bainer.

What I love about writing this blog is that no matter how many cartoon shows I get to know there are always some I have never heard of like Galaxy High School. The show really sounds worth watching and while I didn´t add an episode like I normally do - sorry but all the ones I found had bad quality - you can watch the entire series on many YouTube channels.

Keeping the science fiction / outer space / time travel theme going Today´s Creature Feature is Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women with all natural 43E ( !!! ) - 26 - 36 Busenwunder Mamie Van Doren.

For some reason I have only 98 blog clicks from Spain but over 1,000 from France even though I have plenty of spanish videos on the blog but almost none in french. I have no idea how that works but I am trying to get more spanish readers - porfa, porfa, porfa - with more full movies in spanish like this live action adaption of the Space Battleship Yamato anime from 2010.

From 2010 we jump all the way to the year 2525 with Zager and Evans.

In the video scenes from Fritz Lang´s silent movie classic Metropolis ( after which Superman´s adopted home turf was named ) from 1927 were used to illustrate that not that much has changed as some people might want you to believe. Naturally I wanted to include this german cineastic masterpiece for those who have not seen it yet. It took me quite some time to find the original german language version in black and white with the original music but since the embedding is blocked on that video so you can only watch the video on YouTube here is the best english version.

Instead of Galaxy High School here is something ultra rare, an episode of Josie and the Pussycats or like it´s called here Josie y su Gatimelodicas.

As a last minute addition we have the first episode of Lifeline, a new YouTube original series ( you can see the first season on premium ). This looks promising and I wonder if this will be as successful as Cobra Kai.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Never fight an ugly man, he´s got less to loose than you.

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