Friday, January 06, 2023

Finally it's Paul Ryan Fantastic Four Friday !

I have been thinking about how I should start the new year and I thought which better way to ring in 2023 than with something I promised readers years ago : the fabulous FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH PAUL RYAN series.

Because usually I start the year with a post containing the best original artwork that I did not get to post in the previous year. But - as I already explained at length in my latest CLASSIC VAMPIRELLA tribute post - forces outside of my control prevent me from accessing my old picture archive so that was no longer an option. So I thought what I could do and since I found a lot of original FANTASTIC FOUR art pages while making my RETURN OF FLASH FRIDAY : DER ROTE BLITZ post I decided to finally start something that I have been putting off for too long anyway. Granted, I had a vast library of original art and now I have barely enough for four posts of Paul Ryan - ny goodness but we will have to make do with that.

And yes, I know that I already kicked off the FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY series with my FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH JOHN BYRNE tribute post last month but this is its own sub category. Oh, okay, technically I am writing this on a Thursday but since Tomorrow is Epiphany - which is a pretty big holiday in Spain since the Three Kings brought Jesus presents so this is the day when you get the presents instead of Christmas which is more a holiday about family here - I don't know if I can work on my blog at all so I am writing this in advance and will just change the date later. Which is not cheating just good organisation skills put to good use.

Now so far I have done a plethora of Paul Ryan posts, most of them from his FLASH run - which is why I included the link to the ROTER BLITZ post since you can find all the links there - but I also did one about all the different series he worked on after his passing in 2016 and one about his runs on AVENGERS and AVENGERS WEST COAST - he is the only artist who drew both books on a monthly basis at the same time - back in 2017.

Coming to the contents of this post while this is a toned down version of what I would have originally posted as longtime blog visitors are already aware of I don't like to split up pages from one issue into different posts.

So instead of going in chronological order I put an emphasis on the issues from which I found the most consecutive pages. As you might notice we are starting with an INFINITY WAR crossover and we will continue that topic in our next instalment. Because there are quite a few issues with that particular crossover namely issues 366 to 370 so you got five full FANTASTIC FOUR issues in the INFINITY WAR omnibus hardcover. Which I used to own before being forced to sell my entire comicbook collection.

As the MARVEL MASTERWORKS haven't caught up to that particular point in the publishing history of Marvel Comics First Family it was a nice way to get those issues in hardcover even if I already had all the single issues from the FANTASTIC FOUR run by Paul Ryan. I also had a few of the issues as TRUE BELIEVER one dollar reprints but they are gone now and the Epic Collections I still have don't include these issues. I have been meaning to buy the volumes containing the Paul Ryan issues when they come out but at the moment they're very expensive with no sign of dropping in price.

As it is I don't have any money to spend on comicbooks at the moment anyway. But this is a nice way to remember better days and what fun I had reading them. By the way, we will also talk about Susan Richard's new costume with the Power Girl - esque cleavage window - although this version is slightly altered to fit in ( no pun intended ) with the FANTASTIC FOUR motif - which is obligatory. Not only because it ties in with the INFINITY WAR crossover or is my favorite Susan Storm Invisible Woman costume but also because some readers out there - like me - might think that Susan adopted this look after the death of her husband Reed Richards a.k.a. Mr. Fantastic while she sported that particular look long before he kicked the bucket. Wait a minute, you might be saying right now. Reed Richards dies ? For real ? For real for real ? That's right.

Reed Richards goes on to the great beyond during this run which is why originally I wanted to title this series THE DEATH OF REED RICHARDS and make it a part of my DEATH IN COMICS series. But events in my personal life in the last years have taught me that death in the real world is no fun, especially when your own is not that far away so we will be dealing with this story and its ramifications further down the line. Maybe. As for now we have a smattering of original pages from this run where the fab foursome tackles everything from evil Doppelgangers to rogue watchers and the obligatory Doctor Doom. Or is it a Doombot ? Let us find out.

Before heading into Today's pop culture trivia / movie cult siren section there are a few obligatory links I want to include and since I hope to get more FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH PAUL RYAN posts going we start with the FOUR FANTASTIXXX round of COMICBABE BATTLE - the runners up , the four finalists and the unscheduled spin - off post for the unexpected winner ( although it is obvious in hindsight ) - since the two finalists play important roles in the Paul Ryan and Tom DeFalco FANTASTIC FOUR run.


Longtime readers already know this but since it may be new to first time visitors : I am a big fan of Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. Especially when they work together like in their THOR run that followed on the heels of Walter Simonson´s epic revitalization of the title. Because they came in right after one of the best THOR runs ever a lot of people skipped their issues and dimiss them which may be one reason why I like it so much.

I know it borders on sacrilege but for me it is a guilty pleasure I rate even above the Walter Simonson THOR run . And in fact when I had to get rid of my comicbook collection I had no problem selling my two Artist´s Editions of Walter Simonon´s THOR but I just couldn´t get with the idea to sell all of my issues of the Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz THOR run.

Tom DeFalco also wrote MC2 titles like AVENGERS NEXT, JUGGERNAUT 2, AMERICAN DREAMER, FANTASTIC FIVE, Wolverine and Psylocke´s daughter WILD THING, LAST HERO STANDING and LAST PLANET STANDING but I never did a spotlight post on them. There is however another MC2 title, the best known one SPIDERGIRL and I wrote two posts about the book in 2017 since he teamed up with Ron Frenz again and another one in 2022 .

Speaking of Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz teaming up on spider - books they also did a lengthy run on AMAZING SPIDER - MAN when I started to get into reading american comicbooks and was still buying all my issues at the international press newsstand in Stuttgart. So I wrote two tribute posts to that and especially in homage to the platin blonde mercenary Silver Sable who for me is one of the most criminally underused female characters in Spider - Man history. Thankfully she had a big part in the Assassin Nation Plot storyline during Todd McFarlane´s run on the title .

Which brings us to their collaboration on THOR and Eric Masterson, about whom I wrote four posts. The first one back in 2014 in which we covered everything from THOR 383 - which was the first issue of Tom DeFalco and a SECRET WARS tie in - up to Thor´s epic battle with the Celestials and Captain America ( Back then wearing the red and white costume that would become the U.S. Agent´s uniform and going by the name The Captain. And you can read about his fights with Iron Man in my Bob Layton Iron Man spotlight posts ) lifting Mjolnir for the very first time.

I wrote my second Eric Masterson post in 2015 in which we continued our journey making a jump to THOR 430 covering the broad strokes of THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA. My readers had to wait for my third Eric Masterson post until 2017 but for that they were rewarded with the full issue 433 which is the first outing of Eric Masterson as the official new Thor. There is also my Mark Texeira GHOST RIDER tribute post from 2014 in which I wrote about how I had stopped reading THOR and started again because of THOR 430 which was the second part of a story that guest - starred Ghost Rider and led right into THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA. Apropos, I have finally managed to start the series in 2022 but now that my complete archive is stuck in limbo I have no idea when - and if - I can continue it.

There are also two Ron Frenz posts with the nice pictures he posts on facebook and the second one is an all - Thor post that includes original art from his THOR issues. Last but not least I also did two posts about the work he did for Marvel Comics Distinguished Competition namely the famous Zap Superman and the SUPERMAN RED SUPERMAN BLUE storyline.

And I already mentioned my latest FLASH FRIDAY post about DER ROTE BLITZ twice which you definitely need to check out. Not only because it has all the links for the FLASH FRIDAY WITH PAUL RYAN posts but also for literally all posts where I wrote about DC Comics' Scarlet Speedster and to find out what connection living 38B - 24 - 33 blow up sex doll Joyce Hyser who gained her place in the Hollywood Boob Hall Of Fame for the breast and most iconic naked boob flash in 80s cinema has to the Flash.


Coming back to the topic of Today's post we have an interview with Tom DeFalco who is very underrated not only as a writer but also as Editor - In - Chief at Marvel Comics, a position he held for 13 years from 1987 to 1994. One of the things that shows how versatile Ron Frenz is as an artist is that when he and Tom DeFalco started their run on Amazing Spider - Man Ron was channelling Steve Ditko while on Thor he started off with the look from Spider - Man but the more they got into classic stories and concepts his art incorporated more and more of Jack Kirby's influences.

Speaking of the King of Comics, while his run with Stan Lee on Fantastic Four is not on this list - because let's be honest here for most of Today's comicbook readers it is not the best starting point - the original Galactus trilogy is included because it is still one of the best superhero sagas of all times. And while I won't hold my breath until Disney / Marvel Comics publishes an omnibus collection of Tom DeFalco and Paul Ryan's run on the book I would not be surprised to see a video about that highpoint of 90s comicbook storytelling - once this guy gets to read more issues of it.

Apropos the things on people's reading lists, something that is on mine - as soon as I have some disposable income - is Alex Ross' Fantastic Four - Full Circle which everybody seems to love. The funny thing is it would not have happened if it wasn't a co - production of Abrams ComicArts.

Although not that surprising because most of the interesting books about Marvel Comics in the last decades were published by others like Taschen Verlag or IDW's Artist Editions. It seems that Marvel Comics not only can't get their characters right in the films - as they still haven't done a good Fantastic Four movie - now they can't get them right in the comicbooks.

Although that has been going on for decades which is one of the reasons why I stopped reading their current SJW pandering / propaganda books. 

Since we already covered the Fantastic Four movie by Bernd Eichinger in my FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH JOHN BYRNE post Today we are taking a look at the Roger Corman movie from 1994 which according to some sources was only produced so Bernd Eichinger could retain the rights to The Fantastic Four and was never supposed to be shown in cinemas. The story of making the movie is almost more interesting than the film and there is a great documentary called Doomed : The Untold Story Of Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four which sadly has been deleted from YouTube.

One thing I want to add is that I don't think it is impossible to make a Fantastic Four movie and be accurate to the comicbooks. For starters anyone who claims that it is impossible to make the original costumes look good has obviously never heard of this little thing called cosplay because there are plenty of talented cosplayers who have costumes that are pulled straight out of a Fantastic Four comicbook that look amazing.

Also you can't tell me that with Today's state of the art CGI technology replicating the team's powers is any problem. Number three you have to remember that the Fantastic Four are a family first, scientists second, explorers third and super heroes as a fourth. I also don't understand why every movie has to waste so much time on their origin when you can cover that in five minutes during a guided tour of the Baxter Building.

I think Disney just doesn't care about a Fantastic Four movie like they don't care about the Fantastic Four comics. I mean this should be their most important franchise and instead it is the one they never get right.

But as I already explained in previous posts that is because they don't understand the concept behind the team. Which is weird for a company that claims to be all about wholesome entertainment for the whole family. I guess it's for every family except for Marvel Comics First Family.

Marvel Comics' fantastic foursome has fared only slightly better in the animated adaptions and because we already covered the Fantastic Four cartoon from 1967 in the aforementioned John Byrne FANTASTIC FOUR post we shine a spotlight on the animated show from 1994 that - like Fantastic Four : World's Greatest Heroes from 2006 - is very underrated.

Now I could not find an episode from that particular cartoon show - what a revolting development - but instead I came across a full episode of My Favorite Martians and I had no idea that this cartoon show even existed.

Apropos aliens on tv, one show I knew existed was The X - Files - which in Germany was called X - Files : The Uncanny Cases Of The FBI - starring David Duchovny as Special Agent Fox Mulder and ravishing all natural 38C - 24 - 35 redhead sexbomb Gillian Anderson as Special Agent Dana Scully.

Yup, like the Fantastic Four cartoon above this aired during the 1990s which is also when the Fantastic Four run by Tom DeFalco and Paul Ryan was published. You know, the 90s have a bad rap as the worst decade for comicbooks but if you have read this blog over a longer period of time you know that I don't subscribe to that notion. Because a lot of people who make that claim either did not read comicbooks in the 90s and just repeat what they have heard or have just read the wrong comicbooks.

Because I was reading comicbooks all throughout the 90s and while there was a lot of really bad comicbooks that was mainly because there was an insane amount of comic publishers and comic series so naturally there were more bad comicbooks. But there also were a lot of really awesome comicbooks but since I already wrote about that in this post from 2014 I won't get into it. But the 90s was a great decade for cartoon shows, tv shows and tv entertainment in general since this was still the golden age of wrestling and bikini / wet t - shirt competitions on tv and home video.

Anyway, coming back to The X - Files I don't think that there is much I can say that hasn't been said a hundred times by people who are more knowledgeable and more eloquent than me. So I just want to point out two things that you might not have heard, the first one being that after writing the episode Flight 108 it was decided that the concept was too good to end up as an episode of a tv show and was reworked into the first Final Destination movie that started a successful movie franchise.

The second thing is that Mitch Pileggi who played FBI Assistant Director Skinner also played serial killer Horace Pinker in Wes Craven's underrated horror movie Shocker . I saw this first in the german version which was awful because they cut the most important scene of the movie - the execution of Horace Pinker - and they kept bringing up his execution the whole time. They were constantly saying things like " Didn't you see how he died ? " and I was like " No, I did NOT see how he died because the german FSK cut it out of the movie. " Man, that was always so annoying.

Since there are obviously no full episodes of The X - Files on YouTube we are still in the science fiction realm with the first episode of Starhunter ReduX which I still haven't seen. Regular visitors may remember that I mentioned finding this channel which has a lot of first episodes in good quality but as usual I haven't had time to watch them all. The reason I picked this one is that it is a science fiction series and it stars Michael Pare who I just loved in the tv show Houston Knights ( or Los Caballeros De Houston which is how I first saw it because Spain gets tv shows much earlier than Germany ) and Streets Of Fire . I don't recognize any of the other names from the cast list and apparently Starhunter Redux is like a remix since this is an updated, re - cut and re - scored version of the original Starhunter tv series that is closer to the creator's original vision.

Fun fact : the girl singer Dan Hartman pines after in the music video for I Can Dream About You from the soundtrack of Streets Of Fire is Joyce Hyser whom I mentioned earlier. Weird how things connect sometimes.

In any case, you can't have a science fiction bonus section without a Cult Movie Review by Brandon Tenold about a well known sci fi classic knock - off, in this case it's japanese Star Wars knock - off Message From Space.

We continue the documentary about cyberpunk as we enter the 1990s where computers became more available and therefore the rise of technology was much more prevalent in movies and tv entertainment.

Staying with science fiction Creature Features presents the cult classic Battle Beyond The Stars from 1980 ( and you can find Brandon Tenold's Cult Movie Review in the 3rd part of my Hugh Hefner tribute from 2020 ) - which I first saw in a cinema in Spain so I got to experience it uncut.

As for the cast of this sci fi popcorn flick that is the space version of The Magnificent Seven ( with Robert Vaughn ) which in turn is the western version of Akira Kurosawa's samurai classic The Seven Samurai, we just had John Saxon - best known as the guy with the suitcases from Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon - in Black Christmas in the bonus section of my THE RETURN OF FLASH FRIDAY : DER ROTE BLITZ post . Then there are George Peppard - best known as John " Hannibal " Smith on The A - Team and the aforementioned Robert Vaughn who besides The Magnificent Seven also appeared on The A - Team and played the villain Ross Webster in Superman III, Richard Thomas who is best known as John - Boy on The Waltons - at least to people from my generation ( Richard was also in the 1990s tv two parter It based on Stephen King's bestseller ) and last but not least bra busting 42C - 22 - 38 sex icon Sybil Danning in one of her breast performances besides They're Playing With Fire ( which blog regulars might have seen since I already posted it twice : first in my Carmine Infantino tribute post in 2016 and also in the first part of my Samantha Fox birthday post in 2017 ) and Howling II : Your Sister Is A Werewolf where the scene where she reveals her bonerinducing bare breasts was repeated 17 ( !!! ) times during the end credits. For more on austrian b - movie queen Sybil Danning check out her cult siren entry .

Sybil Danning really worked her way up to one of the biggest erotic stars in the 80s from humble beginnings starting with small bit parts in german tv shows like Derrick ( you can find the full episode in my second Matt Wagner tribute post ) to guest - starring on american tv shows like Street Hawk and then to movies like The Man With Bogart's Face , Chained Heat and finally the Andy Sidaris movie Malibu Express . Sybil left the film biz for a while but returned for John Landis Amazon Women On The Moon.

Speaking of mega busty Uebersexbomben who have appeared in cheesy science fiction flicks, we have a rare treat, the iconic Cher teaming up with 42D - 24 - 36 silver screen goddess Raquel Welch and no disrespect to Cher but she can't even hold a candle to pin up legend Raquel Welch.

That said I guess you can put any woman next to Raquel Welch and - except for a few sex goddesses - they end up looking like chopped liver.

We have another episode of Wine And Paper this time about The History Of Science Fiction by Xavier Dollo and Djibril Morissette - Phan a work of secundary literature told in the comic format. For those interested in an english edition there is an english translation you can find on amazon.

One of the big topics in science fiction has always been the end of the world so we take a look at the depiction of the apocalypse in movies.

Not the end of the world but a very obscure science fiction sitcom is Out Of This World or like they called the show in Germany My Father Is An Extraterrestial. Since I barely remember anything from the show except that the father in question was a floating, glowing being of pure energy inside a glass case I went through the cast list to see if there were any interesting guest - stars on the show and it is probably no big surprise to anyone who has followed this blog over a longer period of time that I picked the episode where Judy Landers makes a guest - appearance.


Together with her sister, blonde 40B - 25 - 35 beach body Audrey Landers - who was of course best known for her role of Ashton Cooper on Dallas and Val Clarke in A Chorus Line - 40C - 24 - 35 Judy Landers was one of the hottest commodities of that time. They knew how to squeeze their talents and could have made a real fortune working the stripper pole.

Before the Hilton sisters, Mother Nature blessed us with the Landers sisters, and if you were a teen in the 1980s, the only crack you were on was the roughly twelve inches of cleavage shared between Judy Landers and her sister Audrey. They helped keep the boob in " boob tube " for over a decade, with appearances on nearly every hit tv show requiring a dyed - in - the - scalp blonde with the breast - busting bikini to match.


The 80s gave us a lot of the Landers sisters, mostly on the small screen, where they were often fashioned in as little clothing as possible and even less dialogue. It's hard to imagine though, or it's hard when you imagine, just how famous older sister Audrey Landers became playing the perennial bubbly blonde for our perpetually perky peckers. The sexbombs dazzled us with their own brand of twin magic long before the Bellas arrived on the scene and I must confess I prefer their version of it since here we got two sexbombs for the price of one while Bree is a poor version of Nikki since she got her tits inflated. But back to the Landers.

These blow up sex dolls would have been perfect in a Little Annie Fanny movie since with their perfectly shaped breasts, butts that won´t quit, legs almost up to their chins plus their lean and fit tireless bodies they were born for porn and back in the 80s they were the hottest blonde double d combo everybody fantasized about as two thirds of a sandwich.


In real life neither of them were but they clearly were unaware of the general public´s perception of them as the ultimate sex symbols. Proof of that is the fact that they did a very tasteful but non - nude ( and non - paying, so thanks for that ) PLAYBOY pictorial for publicity reasons only.

They thought it would help the direction of their career and the roles they would be offered would change from cheerleaders to mature roles.

Of course the incredibly sexy pictures had just the opposite effect since a lot of people had not actually seen the pictorial and just assumed they had done nudity and so all of the roles they were offered had nudity.

Like I said, for two such incredible sexbombs it´s astounding that they managed to live a life without sex scandals and they are both married and have two kids, Audrey has twin sons and Judy has two daughters.

There have been a few attempts to do a reality show with the sisters but their everyday life turned out to be too boring for the networks and they refused to spice it up to get more viewers so nothing came out of it.

There was more about the Landers sisters in a recent post but because that part got longer and longer I gave them their own cult siren entry .

Continuing our series about the beginnings of anime shows on german tv we are making a jump in time from the very beginnings to a later date when animes were already a fixture on music television. After Mtv had big success with such series like Cowboy Bebop, Lupin III or Golden Boy the german music television network VIVA could not be far behind.

One of the animes that aired on VIVA was Naruto ( as always they did a censored version that ran during the day and the uncut version after midnight ) and longtime blog veterans may remember this cool mash - up between Naruto and The Matrix since I already posted this ages ago.

Which is why I am including the opening for Naruto Shipudden, which was the follow up series to Naruto. Well, one of the openings anyway since there are a lot of them. But this is the opening they showed in Germany way back when and from the few I have seen it is the best one.

What I haven't seen is Ring Raiders which is Today's default cartoon video since there are no episodes of neither Naruto nor Naruto Shipudden on YouTube. The only thing that could have improved this experience would have been if they had done a german version of the title song. Not that there is anything wrong with the original song but it would have been interesting to hear. Even if they only translated the lyrics to german.

Speaking of the german translations of Ring Raiders, I have no idea how successful the show was in Germany but during my research of the show I came across some german language audio dramas that I think might be interesting for some of my followers. I mean, you never know. There is always that one guy out there who is a huge Ring Raiders afficionado.

From audio drama classics we come to classics from the New Wave a musical movement which focused on german lyrics to counter the music that was coming from outside. One of the better known bands was DÖF ( which was short for Deutsch Österreichisches Feingefuehl or German Austrian Tactfulness. Yup, they really wanted that weird abbreviation ) here with their hit song Codo about a strange visitor from outer space.

Also a classic - although it is not connected to science fiction - is The Black Mill which is a more faithful adaption of the Krabat saga than the version by Ottfried Preussler and Jurij Brezan which was the basis for the wonderful animated movie by Karel Zeman. Now I already posted this in my birthday post for french 40C - 22 - 36 mega MILF sexbomb Marlene Mourreau from 2020 but it has been deleted in the meantime and since this film is not that easy to find on YouTube I had to post it right away.

Now my newer readers might want to check out my KRABAT RELOADED ! post - especially if they have never heard of Krabat - where I go more into detail about what the story is and everything including adaptions to movies and other media. And apropos Marlene Mourreau, I included the french cult siren who found a second home in Spain in my latest Matt Wagner post but with all the stuff going on in my personal life I totally forgot to mention that I not only cast her as the Justice League Europe french member Crimson Fox in my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series more than that I even gave Marlene her own post.

By the way, I also think Marlene would make a splendid Susan Storm and I would have been especially anxious to see Marlene in her Malice outfit.

Starting with the section for my spanish speaking audience we first dive into Super Boxers, one of the first graphic novels published by Marvel Comics which I first read in the german translation by Condor Comics as Epic Comic Collection Album 4 : Die Super Boxer - Duell der Giganten.

Written by John Byrne the art is done by Ron Wilson who is best known for his work on comicbooks starring Benjamin J. Grimm a.k.a. The Thing either in Marvel - Two - In - One or the John Byrne penned The Thing series over an 11 ( !!! ) year period from 1975 to 1986. I used to have a trade of the latter one because I got it at a bargain price and I don't remember if I gave it away as an impromptu Christmas gift - as I used to do in the day because when you have a vast comicbook collection there are always a few books you bought strictly as collateral or to bargain or of which you have bought an upgraded version so they are not essential to the collection and also make nice gifts ( don't think I was only giving away stinkers, sometimes you just have multiple editions of top notch books ) - or when I had to sell my collection. In any case they reprinted the whole series with a few extras in a new omnibus hardcover and you can stomp by MIKE STERLING'S PROGRESSIVE RUIN to hear his thoughts on the new edition. I was tempted to call it a review but you can hardly call it that if he hasn't even cracked the book open yet. But I'm sure he will write one as soon as he has the time to read it so do watch that space.

Speaking about space : the final frontier, we come to the best Star Trek movie that is not a Star Trek movie Galaxy Quest or how it is called in spanish Heroes Out Of Orbit. This film is the favorite Star Trek movie of many science fiction fans including Jonathan Frakes, Sir Patrick Stewart, George Takei, Wil Wheaton and  J. J. Abrams and it manages the difficult balancing act of a realistic depiction of fandom without making fun of it.

It is at the same time a portrayal and a celebration of fandom culture.

Plus it was ahead of its time in many ways like the growth and influence of media fandom that only now people are starting to appreciate this.

Apropos things we all appreciate, I have to give a standing ovation ( no pun intended ) to 38B - 24 - 35 sci fi cult siren Sigourney Weaver who perfectly - and literally - filled out the part of eye candy as blonde fanservice provider Gwen DeMarco. She really delivers one of the breast performances of her career with great gusto and that at the age of 49.

Now if you have watched the video you know how long it took to get the movie done and while it was a surprise hit when it came out it has only garnered a bigger fan following over the decades. There has always been talk about a Galaxy Quest sequel and I think that it was in development for quite some time but after the death of Alan Rickman the consensus of the other actors involved was it would not be the same without him.

Coming back to Sigourney Weaver, not only was she very persistent in getting the role she also insisted that Madison had to be a blonde with large breasts to capture the humor of a sci - fi production. Now I have to shatter your dreams but not only did she wear a wig but to get the bust size of Gwen DeMarco she had an enhanced bosom which according to the crew gave her a totally new personality. Apparently Sigourney loved being a busty blonde sexbomb so much that she often left the set still wearing her costume and when she returned to her hotel room she spent many hours admiring herself in the mirror. Sigourney also kept the wig.

Besides a sequel to Galaxy Quest there has been talk about a tv show but as we all know these things take forever. There are however some comicbooks out there and you can find a video about that - as well as the full article from Femme Fatales in the pop culture trivia / cult siren section of my last Vince Coletta tribute post from 2019 . Sigourney really poured her heart, soul and breast into this role and one reason why she enjoyed being the bra busting blonde femme fatale was that it was such a big departure from her iconic role of Ripley in the Alien film franchise.

Sadly Sigourney Weaver's breast parts were cut - I mean her breast scenes were cut God forbid that something happens to her impressive sweater puppies - and so what qualifies as a work of art that should be enjoyed by all of humanity and all aliens can only be seen in the extras.

This is the best version of the deleted scenes I could find on YouTube so if you have a video in higher quality let me know in the comments below.

Now that I think of it if the movie had been made outside of the US and for a more mature audience with all the aliens out there who are horny for earth girls there even could have been some Urotsukidoji II - Legend Of The Demon Womb style tentacle action. Maybe General Roth'h'arr Sarris, the warlord of the Fatu - Krey would have drugged Gwen DeMarco to turn the buxom blonde into his new concubine and decided to dick - tame her as his new spoils of war blow up sex doll himself for a change.

We are leaving the realm of science fiction for a rare treat, The Lighthouse Keepers Daughter from 1952 starring none other than all natural 40C - 19 - 35 sex kitten ( a term that was invented to describe her explosive sexuality that drove men into theaters like lemmings ) Brigitte Bardot. This is the re - colored spanish version titled Manina, The Girl From The Island but I can see why they chose an english title that tells you a bit more about the setting of movie since the original french title Manina, The Girl Without Sails is rather confusing. I have also seen the title of Brigitte Bardot, The Girl In The Bikini on some movie posters which is an accurate description of why you should watch the movie but I think these were mostly used for promotion of the film.

Staying with international sexbombs we have some spill - over from our last post since I could only cram a few videos with latin pop queen Thalia into it. For Today's batch I am going with a thematic approach so here we have her best live performances of Tu Y Yo plus the official music video.

Writing various posts at the same time can be confusing - especially if you add such fun things like cold temperatures, sleep deprivation and time famine which surprisingly don't improve your higher brain functions - which is the reason I had to cut the episode of Space Academy which was originally part of this bonus section since I also included it in my still unfinished Bart Sears birthday post . As blog veterans know I don't like to dwell on bad things and prefer to see the positive side of things ( except for the loss of my vast comic collection which I will probably lament for some time ). So not only did I notice it before both posts were finished it also gives me the opportunity to include the episode The Luck Child from the late Jim Henson's tv series The Storyteller which I already included in the DVD extras of a previous post but had to take out again instead.

Going back to the topic of science fiction we have another episode of Inside Of You with canadian 42C - 24 - 35 cult siren Emmanuelle Chriqui and because of the name I thought she was spanish but I think I got her mixed up with somebody else. I know that she definitely appeared in The Mentalist as one of the henchmen of Red John. She also plays Lana Lang in Superman And Lois so you have Lex Luthor interviewing Lana Lang.

Now Emmanuelle Chriqui also did some voice acting including Cheetara on Thundercats which is the topic of Today's Ayer Nomas presentation.

As usual we have a full episode of Thundercats ( or at least whenever I can find one that fits ) and this one is called Cuestion Of Time or Trouble With Time which is the original US title. It is billed as episode five here although on wikipedia it is listed as episode seven since they count the pilot episode - which was aired in two parts - as episodes one and two.

Closing out we have an episode of Un, Dos, Tres about science fiction.

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