Friday, December 23, 2022

The Return of Flash Friday : Der rote Blitz !

Since I still can't get into the right mood to finish my remaining two posts - and I couldn't fit all the Christmas related videos I have collected over the last weeks into this year's Bart Sears birthday post - I thought about doing another post in the spirit of the Christmas holiday. Of course my options are limited since my old picture archive is out of limits for me right now so I thought why not reinstate one of my longest running ( no pun intended here ) series with a visit from the man in the red suit ?

With an emphasis on the red part. At least in Germany where he was called Der rote Blitz ( The Red Flash ) which is how I read his adventures first. Back then I didn't understand any english apart from a few words so it was either the spanish tebeos or the german translations published by the Ehapa Verlag under the banner of SUPERMAN PRAESENTIERT : ROTER BLITZ SONDERHEFT that I experienced the many trials ( quite literal ) and tribulations of police scientist Barry Allen, the fastest man alive.

At least on Earth 1 because on Earth 2 Jay Garrick was the fastest man alive and a founding members of the Justice Society Of America , the Earth 2 counterpart to the crime fighters from the Justice League .

I think for the longest time not a lot of people - including many comic book afficionados - were aware of how important the Flash was. Not only in the DC universe or for DC Comics but for comicbooks in general since the story Flash Of Two Worlds written by Gardner Fox and illustrated by Carmine Infantino in issue 123 of The Flash introduced the concept of parallel worlds to the comicbook reading audience in September of 1961.

Aside from that the Flash has been a central character ( again, no pun intended ) in many of the most important universe changing storylines from the first big inter company wide crossover CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS to FLASHPOINT without getting a lot of acknowledgement.

Thankfully that has changed thanks to the CW show The Flash. Which not only did one of the best interpretations of the Barry Allen Flash mixing in a lot of the elements from MY favorite Flash Wally West ( starting with his catchphrase " My name is Wally West and I'm the fastest man alive. " ) but also brought back John Wesley Shipp my Flash from the 90s tv show.

I was a huge fan of the show and especially of Amanda Pays who played scientist Christina McGee ( a role she later reprised on the CW The Flash show ) and was the star of my adolescent wet dreams. All those sleepless nights she caused me thinking of what those sets of lips could do to me.

Coming back to the Flash in the comicbooks, since I have written so much about him I don't want to repeat myself too much. But one thing I want to mention is that one of the reasons why I liked him so much was that unlike a lot of the other superheroes he only had one super power.

His thing was speed and so he had to be creative when he got into a jam because he couldn't fly, he was not invulnerable, he was not super strong and he could not become intangible. What he could do was to apply his speed to vibrate through walls or run up a building or even run across water or gravity punch a villain out of orbit. That was when the Flash took a quick run around the globe to get enough speed for a punch at escape velocity. That is the minimum speed required for a free, non - propellered object to escape the gravitational pull of the planet Earth which is 25,000 miles per hour. And that's what we called a Flash fact.

Which are little scientific facts they included in the stories to educate children without it feeling like they were doing homework. This was another fun aspect of the Flash comics for me : unlike most of the other series out there most of the things that happened in the comicbook were based on real scientific theories. Even if they applied it in creative ways and things that were every day occurrences in the stories only happened in real life decades later as the science had to catch up to the fiction.

Of course another reason why the Flash was so underrated as a hero back in those days was that he had only one super power and he wasn't even the best at what he did. Because Superman was not only as fast as the Flash but faster. Nowadays they retroactively changed that so Barry Allen did let Superman win in most of the famous Flash / Superman races because they were for charity ( and also not to bruise Superman's ego ) but back then Superman had to be the best - no super - at everything he did. So nobody could be stronger, smarter or fasters. Which undermined the Flash's utility for the Justice League and relegated him to the guy they called to get somewhere fast whenever Superman was not around.

There is The Day Superman Became The Flash from Action Comics issue 314 in which we see Kal - El's father trying out different worlds that he could send his infant baby to and through the magic of comicbooks we see Superman substitute the entire Justice League of America as he becomes the Atom, Aquaman, Batman, Green Arrow and Flash of those respective worlds due to the different environments of those planets.

Talk about a grandstanding, showboating, hotdogging, spotlight stealing son of a something something. Okay, I feel it's time to wrap things up for Today as I probably will not be able to work on my posts Tomorrow with it being Christmas and all. But before we come to more covers from DER ROTE BLITZ ( which makes this a secret GOODBYE GERMANY post ) I have to include the obligatory links. Usually I always post the same links but since I went back in time Today to see what I had written about the Flash so far I also want to include links for my earliest FLASH FRIDAY musings.

The earliest FLASH FRIDAY post I could find ( there may be older ones but I didn't always use the tags back in those days ) is from October 2013 and mainly about my reading history of the Flash and the whole anti - marriage thing concerning superheroes which I found stupid because any man who thinks marriage makes life less interesting obviously has never been married. Anyway, my second FLASH FRIDAY post was in January of 2014 and in it I focused on why Wally West is my favorite Flash going back to the days when I started reading american comicbooks during my military service and THE FLASH was one of the books I got on a regular basis up to when Mark Waid started on the book with his Born To Run.

My next post about the Scarlet Speedster in October of 2014 was not so much a FLASH FRIDAY post and more a DEATH IN COMICS post guest - starring the Flash. And my next FLASH FRIDAY post in May 2015 was also only in name a FLASH FRIDAY post since it was more about redheads in comics ( remember that in the comicbooks Wally West has red hair ) and female redheads at that. With an emphasis on casting all natural 46H - 29 - 39 Busenwunder Christina Hendricks as Maxima whom I also included in my very first CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE post .

Though not a FLASH FRIDAY post the next time I mentioned the Flash was in this Christmas post from December the 26th in 2015 with Christmas themed stories from various comicbooks including Flash issue 73 from the second volume of the book called One Perfect Gift which is the lead in to the Return Of Barry Allen story arc that starts in the 74th issue.

Which brings us to the year 2016 which is when the FLASH FRIDAY series kicked into overdrive and really became a weekly institution on the blog.

Most of the issues I posted were from the run by writers Grant Morrison ( who also wrote such great comicbooks like ANIMAL MAN or ALL STAR SUPERMAN ) , Mark Millar ( whose comic projects have been turned into multiple movie franchises from KICKASS to KINGSMAN and you can find a more detailed rundown of his greatest hits in my tribute post from 2020 ) and artist Paul Ryan going from issue 113 to issue 114 , issue 115 , issue 116 , issue 117 , issue 118 , issue 119 , issue 120 , issue 121issue 122 , issue 123 , issue 124 , issue 125 , issue 126 , issue 127 , issue 128 , issue 129 , issue 130 , issue 131 , issue 132 , issue 133 , issue 134 , issue 135 and Three Of A Kind issues GREEN LANTERN 96 and GREEN ARROW 130 .

There were also four special FLASH FRIDAY editions : one for the late Mike Wieringo , one for Greg LaRocque who was the main artist during William Messner - Loebs run - but who also did some LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES issues - that included THE best story of the run Nobody Dies, one for issue 8 of Mark Waid and George Perez brilliant THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD run and last but not least a special birthday post for Kevin Maguire with the complete issue of JUST IMAGINE STAN LEE CREATING THE FLASH.

And now we can - finally - get to the good stuff with DER ROTE BLITZ so get into your starting positions and please hang on to your Lederhosen !

Thanks go this time to the guys from DER DEUTSCHE COMIC GUIDE which is the best resource page to find those elusive german Ehapa Verlag covers of DER ROTE BLITZ and for more fun - Flash related or not - we start with 13TH DIMENSION which has the obligatory 13 covers with the Flashes of two worlds as well as 13 underrated SUPERMAN covers , 13 underrated ACTION COMICS covers , 13 underrated BATMAN covers , 13 underrated DETECTIVE COMICS covers and 13 funky variant covers for DETECTIVE COMICS issue 1072 . RANKER has the 20 Best The Flash Stories and speaking of the best stories with the Sultan of Speed ( you haven't heard that moniker in a while ) Shatley Q at POP MATTERS takes a look at the Geoff Johns penned Flash Rebirth, Brian Cronin over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES takes another look at Action Comics issue 314 in his I LOVA YA BUT YOU'RE STRANGE series examining the often overlooked fact that Superman would've died on the world where he becomes the Flash, Joshua Isaak over at SCREEN RANT explains why Barry Allen's return from the dead ruined the character of Wally West for DC Comics and for the in comicbook version of that THE UNSPOKEN DECADE podcast takes a look at The Return Of Barry Allen. Last but not least you can run over to PLAYBUZZ and take their quiz to find out Which DC Speedster Are You ?

Although there might be something wrong with the algorithm because according to this I am the Flash and that can't be right. Starting the pop culture stuff / trivia section running we have a video for my spanish visitors about how to start reading THE FLASH and apropos, for those who are ready to enter the comicbook speedforce COMIC BOOK HERALD has the complete Flash reading order and you can also do some speed reading on the history of The Flash on the DC CONTINUITY PROJECT .

I don't think The Day The Flash Weighed 1,000 Pounds is on the list of the 20 best The Flash stories but it sure is one that carries a lot of weight.

Coming to more well known Flash 101 knowledge most people THINK they know the origin of the Barry Allen Flash thanks to the CW tv show.

And there are some comicbook afficionados who know the origin of the Wally West Flash and even fewer that know the retconned secret origin of Wally West as the Flash. But do you know the REAL secret origin of the Barry Allen Flash that was so crazy that DC Comics immediately chose to ignore it for the rest of Flash's history so it appeared in only one issue ?

Another great thing the CW Flash show did was incorporate MY Flash, the Flash from the forgotten, overlooked and definitely underappreciated 1990s tv show played by John Wesley Shipp. A lot of people may see him as a campy version of the character when compared to the newest live action adaptions but I remember that when the show originally aired it was a big deal. This was one of the most cutting edge versions of a DC Comics super hero on tv and at the time neither Superman, Batman nor Wonder Woman were on the small screen as live action versions. Well, Superman kind of was because The Adventures Of Superboy was still on air but the full grown adult version of Superman would only return to tv screens with Lois & Clark : The New Adventures Of Superman ( starring the best Lois Lane ever 38C - 22 - 33 cult siren Teri Hatcher ) later on.

During the 90s the only DC Comics characters that had their own live action tv show besides the Flash were lesser known heroes like Swamp Thing and Human Target. Also none of the Marvel Comics characters like Spider - Man, Captain America or Hulk had a live action tv show at that time. Okay, The Death Of The Incredible Hulk aired in 1990 but that was the last Hurrah " of that tv series. So the 90s Flash was one of three DC Comics character with a live action tv show and it was a serious take that was true to the lore and the theme by Danny Elfman was fantastic.

Since I have run out of tv shows from Forgotten Television I am including War Games with Matthew Broderick - who some may recognize from the first Inspector Gadget live action movie although he's better known for such films as Ladyhawke, Biloxi Blues, Family Business, The Freshman, Glory or Ferris Bueller's Day Off - which may not be a Christmas movie per se but it was shown a lot during the holidays when I was younger.

With the limited time I have now I must skip most of the celebrity birthdays but there´s one from December the 20th I just must do.

Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

Thus I want to give a shoutout to one of the biggest movie cult sirens of my youth : sexbomb Joyce Hyser who celebrated her 65th anniversary.


And before you ask : you don´t know Joyce Hyser, you don´t remember the movie Just One Of The Guys for which she is best known but I bet you remember this scene where she shows her incredibly big talents !

In the scene she tries to convince this guy that she is really a girl but nothing works until she pops her porn star boobs out. What was missing from the movie were the consequences of this revelation. They showed some of them. But in the real world it would have been like : The good news is you managed to convince him you´re a girl. The bad news is you managed to convince him you´re a girl. Because once that guy gets an eyeful of living blow up sex doll Joyce Hyser´s huge melons she would not leave his bedroom for the next three weeks while this pervert tries to dicktame her, banging her brains out until she is his obedient slave.

Speaking of how that particular scene would have played out in the real world, I thought that with ultimate sex goddess Joyce Hyser any guy would get an instant erection. So there must be some Behind The Scenes sex shinanegans going on like on the set of Hot Blooded where 38C - 24 - 33 science fucktion cult siren Kari Wuhrer's on screen partner Kristoffer Ryan Winters got a huge erection every time Kari rubbed her breasts all over his nude body and climaxed multiple times ruining shot after shot.

In the end Kari had no choice but to milk his cock completely dry making him squirt until he couldn't get it up anymore during a weekend long non - stop ejaculation marathon that almost left the lucky stiff in a coma.

Or on the set of Under Siege where Steven Seagal - who had a habit of doing casting couch auditions for the likes of brunette 38B - 25 - 35 bra buster Brenda Bakke or 90s erotic 37D - 22 - 35 sensation Shannon Whirry - put the role of Jordan Tate into the film script himself with the explicit intent to dicktame some hapless big - breasted up and cumming starlet.

And when 36E - 22 - 35 sex icon Pamela Anderson spurned his advances after doing a strip show for him wearing two strings that were thinner than shoelaces and left nothing to the imagination he gave the role to the next girl. Which was blonde 38C24 - 32 playmate Erika Eleniak and Steven not only blew her back out in a casting couch audition that lasted six hours he completely banged her brains out six ways to Sunday using her as his personal blow up sex doll for the entirety of the shooting.

At least according to Pamela Anderson. Erika always denied all claims of secret fuck marathons with her and Steven Seagal that lasted all night during which he relentlessly pounded every orifice of her body with his giant member. So you could just chalk it up to the envious rants of the spurned Pamela Anderson for not getting the role if it was not for co star Gary Busey going on record that when he was on the set he took Erika under his wing. Because he saw right away that Steven was extremely determined to have explicit sex scenes with Erika Eleniak and that he constantly tried to add a love scene to the script. But of course he was not always there to protect Erika from Steven Seagal's perverse urges.

And speaking of overwhelming sexual urges, there was also Russ Meyer's cult classic Up ! where a totally uninhibited Janet Wood ( although with such a porn name it should not have come as a surprise to anyone ) who rode her homosexual on - screen partner Robert McLane like a woman possessed trying to bang him on the straight path again in the worst way worked herself into a fuck frenzy. She even went so far as to botch a few takes on purpose so she could continue pumping him dry in front of the camera and the poor guy had no other choice than to let her use him as a human dildo until he squirted again and again and again and again ...

But apparently all male actors on the set of Just One Of The Guys had superhuman restraint and managed to stay calm while ultimate wet sex dream Joyce Hyser unpacked her appetite wetting double whoppers. And it's not like Joyce Hyser was not getting any either because at that time she was dating both Bruce Springsteen and Warren Beatty so you know they took turns riding her like a stud mare during the breeding season.

Back in the 80s your best bet to see some naked breasts were screwball comedies because you knew even if the script was totally worthless and the actors without any kind of talent you were going to get boobage .

Joyce Hyser may not be famous and may not have played in the best movies but every prepubescent boy growing up in the 80s saw this.


And to think she almost didn´t do it. Joyce had a no nudity clause in her contract and was against showing her wonder twins especially after a female friend told her : " Honey, WITH THOSE BREASTS if you GO TOPLESS in that scene, NO ONE you meet will EVER look you INTO YOUR EYES again ." Thankfully Joyce Hyser shot the scene showing her breasts and without showing them and in the end decided the scene did not work if she didn´t go topless. This is what I call " poetry in motion ".

So the thanks of an entire generation of hormone driven boys is yours for logic winning over superstition. Or naked breasts winning over whatever.

Now Joyce Hyser´s bonerinducing twin torpedoes appear in a lot of lists about the best gratuitous nude scenes in movies and in fact one person even ranked it as the number one gratuitous nude scene in movies. And while I agree that Joyce Hycer´s massive milkshakes deserve the top spot in any countdown I have to call foul on his reasoning. The reason why it has the top spot on the list is that - according to this guy - it is completely gratuitous and absolutely absurd. He claims that it is totally unnecessary for Joyce to pop out her wonderful breasts and that it'd be easier to show the guy her drivers license or ID to convince him she is a girl. Yeaah, right. I am no expert on life in America and mostly get my knowledge about that from movies, tv shows, comics and the internet.

But even I know that those documentations can be faked. So I ask you : what would convince you if a person is a guy or a girl ? Some ID that can be easily faked by teenagers as we see so often in american sping break comedies or a pair of big juggs like Joyce Hyser presents ? Rest my case.


Going back from the most famous boob flash in movie history to the Flash of this post, nobody will probably believe that I did not plan this but when I decided to include Holllywood Boob Hall Of Famer Joyce Hyser is was a spur of the moment kind of thing and not a grand design.

Mostly because featuring Joyce and her squirt - guaranteeing rack attack has become an annual tradition . Well, I knew something weird was up when during my search for a good intro shot of bra busting Joyce Hyser ( which I still have not found because most pictures are from the boner inducing breast reveal in Just One Of The Guys so you cannot tell me Joyce is not best known for that movie and in particular that scene ) pictures from the 90s Flash show kept popping up ( no pun intended ).

So then I went through the episodes that I found just recently and chose the one with the best picture quality. And I won't lie, the hot brunette with the full cleavage in the preview picture might have had something to do with my decision. And since I am already spilling all the beans the first thing I did was of course see if Amanda Pays was wearing anything more revealing than a lab coat in any of the episodes but sorry, no dice.

In any case, I made my selection and forgot about it because I was busy with those time consuming life things - it being Christmas and all of that - as well as the other posts I still have to finish. But just the other day I got to finally watch this when I said to myself : " You know, the woman who plays the private eye ( I have reservations about calling a woman a private dick because women don't have a dick - at least in general, you never know nowadays ) that Megan Lockhart looks awfully familiar. " but because my memory is not as reliable as it used to be I didn't pursue it further. Then came the scene in the restaurant where she is showing a lot of cleavage and I went : " Wait a minute, I have seen this face and these boobs together before. I may forget a face but never such supple breasts. " So this time I DID research it and lo and behold not only was it skin - tastic Joyce " Tits Out " Hyser who played that role, Joyce also appeared in two more episodes of The Flash. Makes you almost believe that maybe there really is a Speed Force out there that connects us all.

Since we have come full circle I want to include one more Flash video as mein Freund Crayton takes a look at Flashpoint on its 10th anniversary.

For me personally the story never clicked which may have something to do with the fact that I have been reading Flash comics for such a long time that I can still vividly remember the pre - CW Flash tv show / pre - Crisis On Infinite Earths Flash. And in the original version Nora Allen was not killed and lived long into adulthood. Until Flash Rebirth came along.

So a lot of people don't know that the Reverse Flash killing the Flash's Mom is only a recent thing that was picked up by the tv series because it made for better storytelling. In the Silver Age comicbooks the Reverse Flash killed the Flash's wife Iris West Allen and later tried to kill Barry Allen's fiance Fiona Webb on their wedding day which left Barry no other choice than to kill Reverse Flash - which lead to The Trial Of The Flash.

This story was not necessarily the first time a super hero stood trial for taking a life but it definitely was the most prolific case. All that is to say that the Reverse Flash killing Barry Allen's mother is very strange for me so a whole event that changed the DC universe forever - or at least until they could no longer ignore the plummeting sales figures - based on the Flash going back in time to undo her death starts off on the wrong foot.

And originally Flashpoint was not supposed to be this company wide crossover that changes the DC universe and restarts everything with a new status quo and brand new number ones ( because you can never have enough number ones ) but a story that was confined to the Flash.

But - as usual - the anniversary of Crisis On Infinite Earths was coming up and the bigwigs wanted a big cash grab project but since they had no great ideas they just co - opted the Flashpoint storyline, changed a few things, added a ton of stuff and - presto changeo the New 52 was born.

This is also the reason why there are so many things that don't make sense in Flashpoint like a Flash rogue not killing a woman in America setting off a war between Atlantis and Themyscaria. Anyway, aside from the story the art by Andy Kubert is solid as always and the best thing to come out of this - at least for me - is the part in the animated adaption The Flashpoint Paradox with Batman and his newest sidekick Flachmann.

German readers will get that joke. But seriously, I would gladly buy any new comic series based on the adventures of Batman and Flachmann.

And for those people who wonder how the creators at DC Comics came up with the title Flashpoint here is a hint where they got the inspiration.

Coming back to substance abusing comic characters there is this urban legend that the reason Popeye uses spinach for doping is that when the Max Fleischer cartoons were made that really cemented the concept of spinach giving Popeye super powers they used an 1870s measurement of spinach's iron content with a misplaced decimal point leading to an iron value that was ten times as high as it is. Lately the consensus has been that it was not so much a slipped decimal point but rather a measuring error which was corrected in 1930 but the myth of spinach having an extraordinarily high iron content persisted. Which led to generations of kids eating their spinach. So who knows, without that error kids might have been prompted to eat their lettuce or even cabbage. Pooooey !

Going from one famous sailor to another we have Kirk Douglas who played Ulysses in one of my favorite adaptions although in this video they concentrate more on Spartacus since it takes a look at the return of the sword and sandal movies brought about by Cecil B. DeMille's Samson And Delilah ( starring Victor Mature as Samson, Hedy Lamarr as Delilah as well as Angela Lansbury and George Reeves best known as Superman from The Adventures Of Superman - which ran from 1952 to 1958 ) after the genre fell into decline with the advent of the talking film in 1930.

From swords in the arenas of ancient Rome we come to swords in outer space with Saber Riders And The Star Sheriffs, one of my top three cartoon shows right behind Galaxy Rangers and naturally Mazinger Z.

My younger brother was much more obsessed with it so I got him the complete series as a Christmas gift but since his girlfriend didn't want so much comicbooky stuff at their house he left it at our old crib. And I had just started to watch it again from the beginning but then the stuff with my other brother happened and then the corona virus thing happened and then our move to Spain happened so in the end I never finished it.

Now since I lived the first 50 plus years of my life in Germany I watched Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs and Adventures Of The Galaxy Rangers with the german dubbing on Tele 5. Which was not the first german tv station to show animes so Today we are taking a look at how the boom in Germany started with Calimero or Lady Oscar on RTL 2.

One thing that always surprises me is how many films I thought to be pretty well known end up in the Best Movie You Never Saw category.

Especially if it's something like 1997's The Devil's Advocate which has a really stellar cast with Keanu Reeves, Al Pacino and Charlize Theron.


Today I want to include a different wrestling video as YO VIVI EN LOS 80s - a spanish channel I just recently discovered but who will be popping up in future posts - brings us the pulse pounding bone crunching excitement of G.L.O.W also known as Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling a not so serious wrestling program that had the emphasis on entertainment and a lot of the women were actresses or models first and female wrestlers later.

And if that sounds familiar than that might be because there has been a G.L.O.W. revival - an upglow if you want - because of a recent Netflix series ( which I naturally have not seen yet ) that adapted the behind the scenes drama and the story how this wrestling league came to be.

But back to the original G.L.O.W. show, while the wrestling was not on the same level as in other wrestling leagues it aired in Germany around the time when the wrestling show Catch Up presented by Joe Williams and Horst Brack " The Punisher " ( also known as Rochus Hahn or Robi who is a prolific comicbook writer who wrote such german cult comics like MENSCHENBLUT, DR. DIPPERZ, HORST, ARSINOE, LUNA or ALRAUNE ) was the only german wrestling show so you took what you could get.

You also have to keep in mind that around that time the women in the WWE - or better WWF how it was called then - were mostly engaged in bikini / lingerie / wet t - shirt or bra and panties matches since Vince McMahon had a very strict opinion what female wrestlers are good for.

Just ask Kaitlyn, Melina Perez, Summer Rae, Kelly Kelly, Eva Torres, Candice Michelle, Stacy Keibler, Sable, Torrie Wilson or Trish Stratus.


Funnily enough swimsuit model, Sexbombe and WWE Diva Trish " The Dish " Stratus just celebrated her 47th birthday on December the 18th.

While Trish Stratus never won any fitness competitions, long before she stepped into the squared circle, a lot of us saw her in Muscle & Fitness.

Trish Stratus ( born Patricia Anne Stratigias in 1975 in Richmond Hill, Ontario ) is a former canadian fitness swimsuit model and semi - retired professional wrestler ( on September 17th, 2006 after winning her 7th Women's Championship ). She´s the first in WWF history to have held the Women's Championship seven times, three more than the four reigns of Lita and the four recognized title reigns of The Fabulous Moolah. She is also one of only four women to have held the Hardcore Championship.

As a fitness model, Stratus has been on the cover of major health and fitness magazines such as MUSCLEMAG, FLARE, and TOTAL WOMEN´S FITNESS. She also released a calendar series called " Dream Team " with fellow model, Stacey Lynn. As a sports entertainer, she was proclaimed the " Diva of the Decade " on the WWF RAW X Anniversary Show. She was voted as WWE Babe of the Year " three times between 2001 and 2003.

Man, just look at Trish Stratus perfect heart shaped ass ! It's no wonder Vince McMahon ASSaulted her bubblebutt like a man possessed and used her as his anal blow up sex doll during gruelling doggy style penetration marathons that lasted all night. For more Stratusfaction check out The Best Of Trish Stratus ( with more pictures ) on DIVALICIOUS and if that´s still not enough the only place that is left is ADAM´S WRESTLING BLOG .

Now one name on the list of wrestling divas Vince McMahon used and abused like a fillipino hooker that didn't surprise me was Torrie Wilson since the buxom blonde who posed naked for the PLAYBOY twice was already dicktamed by Billy Kidman and the rest of the Filthy Animals.

Billy Kidman drilled Torrie Wilson's 40D - 25 - 36 born for porn body when he could drag her into a corner and the rest of the Filthy Animals really tried to live up to their name by taking turns banging Torrie's brains out six ways to Sunday in the motel when they were on tour - which was on three hundred ( that's right 300 !!! ) days of the year. Especially Konan was eager to slamfuck her into submission and often had her handcuffed to the bed so he could pound away at her with his monstercock without restraint while she was screaming at the top of her lungs for many hours.

Coming back to the gorgeous ladies of G.L.O.W. while not all of them were prolific wrestlers the great majority were models and aspiring actresses so sometimes it was hard ( and getting harder by the minute ! ) to concentrate on the fights if they included hotties like Tina Ferrari, Spanish Red ( who was a bit flat chested for my taste but more than made up for that with a fantastic ass ) or Ashley Cartier ( Who always read the letters of a fan called Tim in the comedic bits who apparently had a really dirty fantasy or was a serial rapist in training. But as the series progressed she seemed to enjoy his letters more and more going so far as to be disappointed when no letter showed up and I think they resolved the whole storyline when Ashley finally got to meet Tim in the hard flesh although we never got to see the sex marathon that ensued ).

But one of my absolute favorites was Palaestina who not only had the biggest tits on the show, she also looked like one of my biggest wet sex dreams from that time italian 40D - 24 - 36 cult siren Sabrina Salerno, and like the sexual fantasy of an entire generation she always provided the viewer with a lot of bouncing action because she never wore a bra.

Now we come to the part I don't like to write in the pop culture section because another favorite of mine was Sally, the farmer's daughter which was played by blonde 39E - 24 - 36 bra buster Becky Mullen who passed away on July the 28th in 2020 just two days shy of her 57th birthday.

Longtime blog followers may remember that I mentioned her quite a lot - back when doing the old copy / paste schtick was much easier to do - because she had a lot of connections to other things not only wrestling.

As regular blog visitors know I am a huge fan of the late Andy Sidaris. He was THE BEST director of action movies for adults and his cast is a WHO IS WHO of playmates : 40DD Playmate Of The Month November 1984 Roberta Vasquez , hot 34D Page 3 girl turned sex therapist Ava Cadell , 41D Penthouse Pet Of The Year 1993 Julie StrainSamantha Phillips, 34D Playmate Of The Month May 1994 Shae Marks , 36D Penthouse Pet Of The Month February 1993 Julie K. Smith , 34C Playmate Of The Month September 1993 Carrie Westcott or also Dona Speir to name just a few.

This list includes Becky Mullen who sadly only appeared in one Andy Sidaris movie Hard Hunted where she played the bikini clad or topless assistant of radio DJ and sex therapist ( in the Andy Sidaris movies as well as in real life ) Ava Cadell. As I said Becky did not return for more Andy Sidaris movies and the role of topless assistant to Ava Cadell in Fit To Kill was given to blonde Busenwunder Sandra Wild who was better known to european audiences as one of the more voluptuous girls who took her clothes off in the adult game / striptease show Tutti Frutti .

Funnily enough Becky Mullen also appeared on Tutti Frutti and there was another girl who was on Tutti Frutti and got naked for PLAYBOY, hasian sexbomb Carolyn Liu who was in 5 Andy Sidaris movies : Do Or Die, Hard Hunted, Fit To Kill, Day Of The Warrior and Return To Savage Beach. But Becky Mullen was not only on G.L.O.W. as Sally, the farmer's daughter.

Who by the way apparently spent all nigh banging his wife because there were also Amy and Babe who were also billed as the farmer's daughters.

But Becky had bigger aspirations than appearing in an Andy Sidaris movie - as full filling as that may be - and so had many guest stints on such tv shows like Renegade, Cybil, MAD TV, Pacific Blue, Hudson Street, High Tide or Black Scorpion although her most famous guest role was on an episode of Married With Children and it's probably the role from which most people know her. She appears in Al Bundy's dream sequence as one of his perfect wives and even gets to wrestle with bonerinducing 44E - 22 - 34 Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson at the beginning of her big career .

Becky appeared in a few erotic movies like Sinful Intrigue, which is extremely difficult to find because there seem to be at least ten movies with this name and you want to get the right one. In the movie she´s a hot babe who gets taken advantage of by her pervy husband who makes her do some slutty hardcore stuff which she is not comfortable with.

Basically he treats her like a prostitute which is not okay. Even if she has the measurements to be the centerfold of a certain publication for men I already mentioned twice in this post you should treat her with respect.

But her husband is not even trying, I mean no flowers, no presents, no nice dinner, just " Slut up, wife ! " and then it´s " Wham, bang, not even Thank you, Ma´am ! " What a dork. On top of that he cheats on her with every other woman he comes across like his nymphomanic hasian porn masseuse Mai - Ling ( really, like there are no other names for asian women, but that´s Hollywood for you ) played by ultrahot Chona Jason, who gives him a special massage - one of the best scenes of the movie.

Oh, there is one decent guy in the movie who has the hots for Becky Mullen - her neighbour - but of course she keeps him at a distance and only does it with him out of pity when he´s ill. Just like in real life.

The guy who treats her like a prostitute gets to do her every which way day in and day out the whole year while the nice guy finishes last.

There´s some kind of murder story involved but the important thing is that Becky Mullen gets to strut her stuff and wears some kinky outfits. If you have a chance you should watch the movie, it´s quite entertaining and the story doesn´t distract too much from the erotic parts of it. The movie also has an all star cast with a lot of hot babes like erotic movie veterans Lorissa McComas in a lesbian scene and Griffin Drewwho joins Chona Jason turning her sex massage into a threeway endurance test ! ).

We continue our Behind The Scenes Of Classic Science Fiction Movies series with the Making Of David Lynch's Dune from 1984 starring Freddie Jones, Brad Dourif, Dean Stockwell, Linda Hunt, Virginia Madsen, Alicia Witt, Sean Young, Sting, Juergen Prochnov, Max Von Sydow plus Patrick Stewart and Kyle MacLachlan best known for Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet.

Kyle MacLachlan also starred in another science fiction cult classic, The Hidden which is a bit more underrated and mainly got a loyal male cult following over the decades based on the participation of 36B - 25 - 38 science fucktion cult siren Claudia Christian who earned a spot in my TOP 10 MOVIE STRIPTEASE list with her revealing performance in this.

The film is still shown on tv mostly because of the raunchy striptease by Claudia Christian who is best known from another sci fi show, Babylon 5 by comic writer J. Michael Strazynski where she plays hot Commander Susan Ivanova. Although I doubt Claudia wore anything as skimpy as this.

While I always was more of a Star Trek : Deep Space Nine fan than a Babylon 5 fan they did have some decent sexbombs on the show like 40C - 25 - 35 Uebercougar Tracy Scoggins ( who really caught my attention as Cat Grant on Lois & Clark - The New Adventures Of Superman which also starred the best Lois Lane EVER, the aforementioned not so desperate housewife 38C - 22 - 32 sexbomb Teri " I'm Not A Stripper ! " Hatcher ).

Coming back to The Hidden, in the movie bi - sexual Claudia Christian plays a stripper ( a role Claudia was clearly born to portray ) who gets taken over by a sex addicted alien parasite and the first thing the alien does with the stripper´s pornstar body is literally fuck a guy to death.

Which apparently she tried to re - enact with Kyle MacLachlan for a few weeks in a nearby no - tell motel where she used her relentless body and her ability to spread her legs like a fillipino hooker to pump his dick dry.

Man, Kyle really got to bang some grade a born for porn sexbombs during his career since not only Claudia Christian tried to re - enact the scene where she literally fucks a guy to death with him in her trailer. Nobody can tell me that he didn't drill all natural 38C - 22 - 35 showgirl Elizabeth Berkley without mercy during their uninhibited sex scenes in the pool .

Coming back to Dune I know there have been new adaptions into movies as well as tv series but so far I have not had the time to watch them.

Nevertheless I wanted to include something more so I thought why not go to the one person who is such a big fan of Frank Herbert's science fiction epos that it has almost taken over her entire YouTube channel ?

Once again we ring in the Christmas part of the pop culture / bonus section with Pentatonix who provide another fresh interpretation of a familiar classic, this time famous pop band WHAM !'s Last Christmas which has long since become a holiday evergreen and if that wouldn't be enough they are joined by japanese acapella sensation Hiakin & Seikin.

When doing a channel like Brandon's Cult Movie Review you often have to decide if you do a Christmas movie or a canadian horror movie that basically invented the slasher movie genre. Sometimes you are lucky and get to do both like with Black Christmas which stars John Saxon a.k.a. the guy with the suitcases in Bruce Lee's Enter The Dragon and Margot Kidder best known as Lois Lane in the Richard Donner Superman movies.

We continue the Christmas horror movies with Silent Night Deadly Night 2 provided by the second Creature Features channel on YouTube. Yes, I know this channel is billed as The Original Creature Features but since I don't know which came first I don't want to circulate false information.

Going through the cast - as I usually do when I don't know a movie - I couldn't help but notice that this film is helmed by a trio of b - movie skin flick veterans. First off we have 38C - 22 - 33 b - film queen Lynnea Quigley who has starred in a litany of movies too long to list including everything from Savage Streets with 42C - 24 - 38 sexorcist Linda Blair and bra busting real life Power Girl Suzee Slater to A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 : The Dream Master or Dr. Alien with blonde 40C - 24 - 35 bikini body par excellence Judy Landers working multiple times alongside soft porn regulars natural born 34C - 22 - 30 stripper Maria Ford and the late bonerinducing brunette 38D - 24 - 33 ejaculation sensation Nikki Fritz.

Next we have Elizabeth Kaitan ( no measurements available ) who has appeared alongside Lynnea Quigley in The Girl I Want and Dr. Alien but also Woody Allen's Zelig or Veronica 2030 with Julia Ann and Nikki Fritz.

Last but not least we have Tara Buckman ( who also would have made a splendid Power Girl ) who besides her guest appearances on Kojak, The Rockford Files, Hart To Hart, Buck Rogers In The 25th Century, C.H.I.P.s, The Master, T. J. Hooker or Freddy's Nightmares has appeared in the first Silent Night Deadly Night movie. However she is probably best known as one of the original Lamborghini Babes flashing her ample cleavage next to 40D ( !!! ) - 25 - 36 all natural Busenwunder Adrienne Barbeau ( about whom you can read more in this post ) in the first Cannonball Run film.

Coming to a bit more wholesome Christmas movie we take a look at one of my favorite re - tellings of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol with Scrooged starring Bill Murray. I remember seeing this for the first time in the cinema so I was surprised when most of the people on the reaction channel who watched it for the first time said they'd never heard of this.

So I have to address the elephant in the room a.k.a. the breast scene in the movie. Which is the scene with the tv censorship woman who objects to the costumes of the dancers because you can see their nipples. Now while I have to agree with Bill Murray's character in the movie that most men would WANT to see her nipples if you really get technical we CAN'T.

Because you can only see the part AROUND the nipple, which is called the aureola as the nipple itself is completely covered. So while you can see more than the tv censor is comfortable with technically we can't see her nipples so it is not a nipple slip. And I am not sure if this would even qualify as a wardrobe malfunction because that would imply that is is an accident and I have the distinct feeling that the costumes were chosen with the explicit purpose of showing that part of the female anatomy not to conceal it. The second thing I want to mention in connection to the scene is that I think the director wanted to tell us something and the whole thing is kind of meta because this scene was often cut from the version they showed on tv thus proving that these arguments do happen.

Oh, one last thing. Since I mentioned in the part about Joyce Hyser that one of my pet peeves is giving credit to all the unsung Sexbomben who brighten up our movie experiences I wanted to find out the name of this afro - american aphrodite and somebody in the comments mentioned that she is a Solid Gold dancer who goes by the name of Jamilah Lucas.

Now I went to the imdb page and it seems to check out because there are three women who play the Scroogettes who are uncredited in the movie and while it doesn't say who is the one in the nipple not nipple scene I looked up the other two and they are white. So by the process of elimination I think it's pretty safe to assume it's Jamilah but if you know otherwise - or have her measurements - let me know in the comments.

We have another adaptation of A Christmas Carol with the timeless animated short from 1971 by Richard Williams Animation and Chuck Jones for abc which won the Academy Award For Best Short Film.

Now one thing that is essential to a Christmas celebration in Germany is a visit to the Christmas market which every city and small town has. To tell the truth the last few years before I came to Spain I didn't always go to the Christmas market in Ludwigsburg but it was nice to at least have the possibility. Because with the Christmas markets germans don't play.

With the Wednesday tv show becoming so incredibly popular most people are outing themselves as Addams Family fanatics but of course there are a lot of people who just jump onto the band waggon. But what most of these people don't know - and Ayer Nomas is only too happy to remind us - not all of the movie adaptions were successful. There is one made for tv movie that nobody talks about with Tim Curry and Darryl Hannah.

Now I haven't had time to watch Wednesday myself - as usual - but there is no escaping the spoilers so I know that there is a dance scene with Jenny Ortega - who plays Wednesday Addams in the show - that in turn has prompted many viewers to check out the original Wednesday Addams - Lisa Loring - who also has some dance scenes. I don't know from which episode this clip is ( it's not from the episode Lurch Learns To Dance as one might expect ) so if you know let me know in the comments below.

One thing that really warms my soul is how surprised all these self - proclaimed Addams Family fans are how wholesome and well behaved the original Wednesday Addams is. Which apparently is a stark contrast to her portrayal by Jenny Ortega in the tv show which I am guessing was mostly based on Christina Ricchi's version of her in the movies which put a new goth spin on the character that was a big departure from her original character where she was the younger child and very cheerful.

Looks like all these Addams Family experts never watched an episode of the original tv show in their life. Anyway, to remedy this situation - although I doubt any of my readers pertain to that group - here is a full episode and a Christmas episode to boot. I know, I'm just spoiling you.

We still have to check off a few categories from the list for my german speaking audience so for the music video I chose the Christmas special with Peter Alexander from 1995. I chose this in spite of the appearance of Harald Juhnke - who for me had always illusions of grandeur and tried to convince everybody that he was Germany's answer to Frank Sinatra when he was only his equal when it came to alcoholism - because it is the one with the best quality and you also get Heinz Ruehmann in this.

A movie that is shown on german tv a lot around the holidays is Erich Kaestner's Three Men In The Snow based on his book from 1934. The film I found is an austrian adaption from 1955 but there are many versions of this including a german one from 1974 with Klimbim veterans Elisabeth Volkmann and all natural 38D ( ! ) - 24 - 33 Busenwunder Ingrid Steeger .

As for the plot of the movie it's your run - of - the - mill comedy with mistaken identities where a billionaire has the brilliant idea to check into a posh hotel incognito as the winner of a sweepstakes he organized to see how the other half lives and find out if people really treat you differently if you don't have money ( to which we all know the answer ).

To make matters worse his daughter can't stand the thought of Daddy without any funds so she calls the hotel to inform them that one of their guests is a billionaire in disguise but she has to hang up before she can reveal the identity of the billionaire. Of course everybody thinks the other winner of the sweepstakes - who is really a broke slob without a job - is the billionaire so they treat him like royalty while they try to get rid of the really rich guy going even so far as to force him to hard labour.

Apropos german cult tv, one of the biggest sitcoms was Married With Children or An Awfully Nice Family ( I have no idea how they came up with that title ) and we are taking a look back at that phenomenon with Haengengeblieben TV of which I will post more videos in the future.

The spanish translation Marriage With Children is truer to the original title and I did find an episode in spanish. Granted, it's not the episode with Becky Mullen and Pamela Anderson but it is a Christmas episode.

I am probably going to skip the earlier videos from this channel because they are mostly reaction videos which might not be that interesting for my german audience unless they have a celebrity guest on the show.

Speaking of celebrities, I mentioned in previous posts that Married With Children was not only seen in other countries in the original version but a few countries did for whatever reason their own version of the Bundys.


In Germany they were called the Strunks and the title of the sitcom was Help ! My Family Is Crazy ! and the less said about this show the better.

I don't know how they manage to do that but every time Germany adapts a foreign tv series or show format that is also adapted by other countries theirs is always the worst version. One of the breast foreign versions is the adaption from Argentinia Casados Con Hijos mainly because of the participation of all natural 40D - 22 - 36 telenovela star Luisana Lopilato.

Whom only my most faithful followers might remember from the last post of the Hollywood edition from my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series . Luisana is probably most famous for playing Mia Colucci on Rebelde Way thanks to the striptease below and before she married her idol Michael Bubble she was Bruce Willis guide when he visited Argentinia in 2008. Like they say in Germany : Bruce Will es, Bruce kriegt es. He has a knack for getting ultimate blow up sex dolls.

Coming back to Rebelde Way, the argentine telenovela was such a huge hit worldwide that it was even on german tv but I missed the first chapters. It takes place in a prestigious private boarding school for kids of the argentinan elite and gifted children so singing and dancing is a big part of the curriculum. Luisana plays Mia Colucci who is a bit of a snob and sex queen bee at school ( her Mom is a famous fashion designer ).

Luisana shot to prominence when she displayed her booming underage porn body in a sexy dance number giving millions a feeling of guilt about their raging woodies caused by 16 year old Ms. Lopilato´s rumpshaking.

Here is a video of Luisa Lopilato´s full sexy dance with the striptease.

She filled out quite nice and millions of horny shutins could breathe a sigh of relief when she became of legal age and still had a booming hardbody . Coming back to Casados Con Hijos, there is also a version from Chile called Casado Con Hijos which of course does not star Luisana Lopilato so don't get Casados Con Hijos and Casado Con Hijos mixed up.

Now the reason why I decided to include natural born for porn stripper Luisana Lopilato in this post at practically the last minute is that I had included a video of Casado Con Hijos in my TARZAN BY JOHN BUSCEMA tribute post but that YouTube channel has been cancelled. So I found a new channel where you can watch more episodes. I went through the episodes looking if I could find their version of the episode with Becky Mullen because I was curious to see the argentinian version of her - as well as their stand - in for Pamela Anderson but I couldn't find it. I'm not sure if they really adapted all of the original episodes. Anyway, I think I found a good one with Luisana Lopilato where she is the protagonist.

Now one thing I that noticed right away while going through the various episodes of Casados Con Hijos is that some of the characters are quite different in this version. The most obvious one is their version of Marcy - who is called Maria Elena Fusenco ( the argentinian version of the Bundys are called Argento which as far as I know is the word for silver and in spanish plata is also a slang word for money so maybe their name is meant as a pun because they never have much money ) - which I am saying because the actress who plays her is not as flat chested as the original Marcy Amanda Bearse. Who surprisingly has her own charms. 

As I said the argentinian counterpart is way bustier than the original and I tried to find the measurements of Erica Rivas who plays that role but I couldn't find them. Anyway, here is the episode with their version of the scene which is called Un Argento Suelto En La Universidad - episode 103 - and I might be going out on a limb but not only does Erica Rivas seem to be more of a sexy vamp she also gives me the vibe that she is not as sexually repressed as the original Marcy the way she enjoys making Coqui Argento - their version of Bud - horny and delights in seeing him squirm.

Continuing with the videos for my spanish speaking audience but also staying in the spirit of the holiday we come to the main attraction, the showstopper, latin superstar Thalia who is built like every man´s wet sex dream. She´s one of my favorite persons on the planet so I don´t know why it took me until 2017 to give her her own cult siren entry ( in her case CULT SIREN is meant literally since her haunting and alluring sexy singing voice can entrap men better than the mermaids of greek myth ).

Torrid tit - teaser Thalia is the total package because she is one of the nicest people on the planet, she has the soul of a saint, the voice of an angel and a relentless body made for sin. Her moves on stage drive men and women alike crazy with desire and although she does not fall into the usual blonde archetype with big breasts Thalia could easily multiply the circulation of any gentlemen magazine with her captivating curves.

She oozes sex appeal from every pore without coming off cheap or dirty.

If scientists one day start cloning the perfect woman they need look no further for a living genetic blueprint than latino superstar Thalia Sodi.

She also has the best - read skimpiest - and the breast stage outfits in the universe which would make other singers like bootylicious Beyonce blush and her sultry fertility dance makes even ultimate wet sex dream the living 40C - 23 - 36 blow up doll that walks a.k.a. the best body in showbiz, Janet " All Night - Don´t Stop " Action Jackson´s ( who has three solo posts on the blog plus three entries in my Justice League cast ) patented erection inducing stripper moves look tame by comparison.

Speaking of Thalia´s stage outfits, she wore one of her best during her live performance of Amar A La Mexicana in 1997. Which were basically just two small guitars to cover her breasts and an oversized hat for her lower body. As if that wasn´t enough the hat kept riding down because of her wild and uninhibited moves and Thalia had to pull it up a few times to prevent the unveiling of her unmentionables since you can see that she was not wearing anything underneath it. You also can see her bikini tan lines which I find extremely sexy. What an absolute goddess !

Closing things out for Today we have another episode of Un, Dos, Tres and the topic are Christmas dishes of which I am sure every country and every region has its own. So Merry Christmas, Hanukkah Sameach, have a blessed Kwanzaa or whatever holiday you are celebrating mein Freund !

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

Thought is only a flash between two long nights but this flash is everything.

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