Thursday, June 08, 2023

Dick Dillin Donnerstag : Gerechtigkeitsliga

Once again the old saying " Posts lead to other posts " rings true as we are shedding light on an underappreciated artist who did the yeoman's work laying the foundation for one of the greatest and best known assemblages of heroes with special abilities - or just good old chuzpe.

I'm talking of course about the world famous Justice League OF America with a big emphasis on the " of " part back when the main objective was to defend the home of the brave and the land of the free against all kind of threats be it domestic or abroad, on the planet Earth or out in space.

Because their headquarters were in space and teleporting to the Justice League satellite was easier than taking a bus. Or at least that was how we imagined things would be. I don't want to say the times were simpler because that is always one of the erroneous generalizations of those generations which did not experience all those trials and tribulations.

And I thank the deities that I started my comicbook reading journey at a time when the never ending fight between the forces of good and evil and entertaining the readership was the most important thing. Instead of trying to educate - or better said " conscience bully " - the audience into following the new SJW acceptable propaganda and self inserting yourself into a story while claiming to champion all those important checkboxes like diversity or representation. A time when creators were hired based on the merit of their work and not because of their gender, political views, religious belief, sexual orientation, race or physical shortcomings.

It may be hard to believe for Today's spoon - fed comicbook readership but back then creators had more freedom of expression concerning politics, socio - ecological problems, environmental issues, civil rights, emancipation, generation conflicts, racial strife or simply the human condition in general. It may also be a shock that straight white caucasian jewish males were allowed to write black characters, female characters, american characters, foreign characters, gay characters and vice versa.

Female writers were not relegated to writing just female characters and could write any type of character they wanted. Furthermore none of the many aliens that populated the pages of the four colored entertainment back then were written by actual aliens. Today I am not so sure of that.

Granted, the stories could be a little oversimplified and the way the issues at hand were addressed may not have always been the best plus the writing could be a bit cringe - worthy and hammy. But at least they were honest about it and you feel there were good intentions involved .

Now I will be the first to admit that reading some of these early JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA stories with Today's context can be a little rough.

Back when I had what could be classified as a legit comicbook collection I bought all the trades with the crossovers between the Justice League Of America and the Justice Society of America working my way through it was very hard and it only got better during the latter half of the books.

Now the reason why I bought the trades was there were no hardcover collections of those stories available and I had to resort to the german edition - which came out just a little time later as the german editions always do - because some of the trades went out of print very quickly.

Especially the ones including the issues by the great late George Perez because up to that point in DC Comics publishing history they had only been reprinted in the criminally overpriced DC COMICS CLASSICS LIBRARY : JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA BY GEORGE PEREZ hardcovers which could have easily been collected into one single volume but to charge readers more they split it up into two books. Funny story : as over - expensive as those books were I ended up buying both of them after I had gotten a few of the actual issues at my trusty comicbook shop, the Sammlerecke in Esslingen, and decided that even though they cost an arm and a leg I should just cough up the money and get it while I still can enjoy them.

By the way, the anniversary issue 200 which features guest art by such incredible creators like Brian Bolland, Gene Colan or Jim Aparo was not reprinted as good in these super expensive hardbacks as in the later Justice League / Justice Society of America crossover collections or the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA : A CELEBRATION OF 60 YEARS hardcovers.

Of which I can really recommend the latter ones. Granted, most people are disappointed by those books because for some reason they expect THE GREATEST STORIES EVER TOLD or the ESSENTIAL STORIES of a certain character or team when it is just a celebration of the various decades.

Not a collection for people who are trying to get to know a character or team or those who want the best stories in one neat book but rather an appreciation book for seasoned collectors who know them that also tries to include material that has not been reprinted before. And if you leave your preconceived notions of what these books are at the door and just try to enjoy them they are a cool collection of quirky standout stories.

One thing I have to say though : as someone who also tried the german anthology format I prefer the german FLASH ANTHOLOGY to the 75 years Flash celebration book because it includes more stuff about the Wally West Flash - including one of the best stories of THE NEW TEEN TITANS by Marv Wolfman and George Perez - who is just a footnote in the US book.

And I get that at that time the CW The Flash tv show was all the rage and they were pushing Barry Allen Flash in any way possible but come on DC Comics, are these books not supposed to be for future generations ?

Anyways, these celebration books have a great assortment of stories you won't find anywhere else and it's a good way to have some choice stories in one handy package without having to spend a fortune on back issues.

Which by the way are going for crazy prices right now. Seriously, I never understood this fixation on " key " issues and first appearances over good art, fleshed out characters and memorable storytelling and while I enjoy a lot of YouTube content about comicbook hunting at conventions ( thank god those are back ) it hurts my soul to see that some of the best comic books ever written are only appreciated by Today's audience if some of the minor c - list villains appear in a lame tv show or movie adaption.

Coming back to the A CELEBRATION OF X YEARS books, right now I own two, GREEN ARROW and SHAZAM and they are nice reads especially if you don't have a vast comicbook collection. I think I like the CAPTAIN MARVEL book better ( for legal reasons DC Comics can't call the original Captain Marvel Captain Marvel without being sued by Disney ) since it has a superb collection of Captain Marvel stories ( it's funny how much better these books are the less material from the NEW 52 and beyond they contain ) and I have to say the colour reproduction in the MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL story is especially mind blowing. If the colours were as crisp as this when it first came out it is no wonder Captain Marvel left the Superman comics in the dust and DC Comics resorted to such dirty tricks like a lawsuit to keep them from getting all of the market shares.

Five years after these books came out DC Comics did some updated 80 YEARS hardcovers but as I have not seen them and I don't have my old hardcovers at hand I can't tell you if it's worth it to buy the new versions if you already have the previous ones. I guess that is somthing everybody has to decide for themselves. I do know that they corrected some of the issues the readers had with the FLASH book - like not enough Wally West content and not including the best Flash story from that run " Nobody Dies " by William Messner - Loebs and Greg LaRoque - in the new edition.

By the way, DC Comics also released some anniversary books with all new stories so don't get these volumes mixed up or you will be very surprised.

Okay, after this completely unscheduled and unnecessary rant let's get back to the real topic of Today's post. Which is - if you have not already guessed by the title of this post - Dick Dillin ( this is one of the few times where I can get away with using the word dick in the post title ) who drew JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA for an unprecedented 12 years.

His run only ended when he had a heart attack at his drawing desk while working on issue 183 thus paving the way for George Perez . You can say what you want about him but that is what I call dedication to the craft.

Now as usual the genesis of this post lies in another post - namely the second part of our tribute to Jim Starlin's , George Perez and Ron Lim's INFINITY GAUNTLET saga - for which I needed a good picture of Black Canary. But since my old picture archive is in binary limbo I had to look for one and that was when I stumbled upon a lot of original art pages of Dick Dillin for JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA and also WORLD'S FINEST.

And since I have only posted a few pages of Dick Dillin's Justice League Of America pages in a post from January 2021 where I included all kinds of Justice League Of America material that I could not post anywhere else I thought it was about time to give the man the proper respect.

sticking it to the man





And as most of my regular visitors are probably aware of I am a big fan of Bob Layton's run on IRON MAN with writer David Micheline and artist John Romta Jr. ( of whom I am also a huge admirer especially his work on DAREDEVIL and UNCANNY X - MEN so come on IDW when will you make an artist's edition of this material ) and he also does a lot of commission work. He also does a lot of cover homage commissions because either the original artist is no longer with us or Bob Layton charges less. Anyway, since I already mentioned the meetings of the Justice League of America and the Justice Society we have another meeting of two iconic teams over at 13TH DIMENSION courtesy of Bob Layton but this time it's the Justice League of America and the Avengers in an homage to the cover of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA number 56.

bob layton on korean tv




We have another batch of forgotten tv shows - this time from the horror genre - which sadly includes American Gothic, one of the best and most underrated horror tv shows ever created which I have been pimping like forever on the blog. And not only because it features brunette 38B - 25 - 35 bra - busting Brenda Bakke ( try saying that quickly three ) as the nymphomanic school teacher we all wished we had as a horny teenager.

Brenda also appeared in the tv shows Ned Blessing, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., Charmed, Popular, Dark Angel, NYPD Blue, Dollhouse, The Mentalist, Dark Blue, Supernatural, If Loving You Is Wrong, Criminal Minds : Beyond Borders, The Bridge as well as in Tales from the Crypt : Demon Knight, Under Siege 2 : Dark Territory and L. A. Confidential.

Now while being able to mention Busenwunder Brenda Bakke on the blog is its own reward ( which I am sure my readers can appreciate ) the real reason why I chose to include this particular top five of forgotten tv shows was because it included Wes Craven's Nightmare Cafe. Which also helps continuing the theme of public places as a backdrop for our videos.

Since I could not find any special guest - stars among the cast of this - we have Robert Englund Freddy Krueger himself but because he appears in every episode he does not really count as a guest - star - we are going with the first episode and you can find the other five on this channel.


Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that .

But as much as I like to feature these squirtstorm guaranteeing sweaty skin flick sensations, born - for - porn leg spreading dicktamers, stripper pole polishing pros and talented tittilating torrid teenage teasers I don´t always have the time, space or even necessary material to feature them properly and have to console myself with re - visiting them on the few occasions where I get to mention these babes or on their next birthday.

So when I saw - totally by chance as always - that the video with bikini sex goddess Corinne Alphen I had posted years ago had been deleted I decided to re - post her feature since I just happened to stumble a new - and of high quality - version of said video just a few days prior to this.

Living blow up sex doll Corinne Alphen a.k.a. Corinne Wahl was born on September the 27th in 1954 and with her bonerinducing 42D ( all natural !!! ) - 23 - 36 measurements it shouldn´t surprise anybody that she was not featured only once or even twice, but three times in PENTHOUSE.

First as the Pet Of The Month in June 1978, then again as the Pet Of The Month in August 1981 and finally as Penthouse Pet Of The Year in 1982.

The busty brunette got her big break in the teen film Spring Break where even movie critic Roger Ebert praised her appearance ( see animated GIF below ) in his review and regretted hers was not the film´s main role.

Besides Spring Break Corinne Alphen appeared in such movies like Shakin´Up which also featured a then unknown Willem Dafoe, Screwball Hotel and Amazon Women On The Moon as an interactive video girl alongside Russ Meyer. Her tv credits include The A - Team in the episode The Little Town With An Accent ( season 4 episode 22 ), The New Mike Hammer tv series in the episode called Dead Card Down ( season 2 episode 7 ) as well as the The Return Of Mickey Spillane´s Mike Hammer tv movie.

And last but not least and most importantly Night Court in the episode called Where There´s A Will, There´s A Tony : Part 2 ( season 8 episode 24 ). Night Court is of course a show that I have to mention constantly because it featured ultimate 80s tv sex - sation the late Markie Post .

markie post part to be added later

Coming back to Corinne Alphen, she is a professional tarot card reader who studied at The Tarot School of New York, receiving two certifications in advanced tarot card reading. So Corinne has integrated her modelling and acting experiences with those tarot card readings on her website.

Since we are on the subject of hot sexbombs in movies or tv who don't get enough validation, I absolutelyhave to mention that the mega busty psychiatrist who tries to get Mike Hammer to quit smoking ( I know of one way how the blow up sex doll could get Mike to quit smoking but you can't show that on tv before midnight ) at the beginning of the episode with Corinne Alphen is 36E - 25 - 35 Busenwunder K. C. Winkler a.k.a. Karen C. Charboneau who was one of the finalists in PLAYBOY's 1979 " Great Playmate Hunt " for the magazine's 25th anniversary.

Speaking of PLAYBOY magazine 38D - 23 - 37 Busenwunderfrau Lynda Carter was slated to play ( no pun intended ) a PLAYBOY bunny in Francis Ford Coppola's cineastic masterpiece Apokalypse Now but the shooting of the movie was interrupted by a storm. And when they continued with the movie Lynda had to abandon her role to shoot the wonder Wonder Woman tv series. There is a topless photo of Lynda carters posing as the playmate she would have played in the movie that has surfaced and there has been a lot of debate if the picture is real, fake or doctored.

Well, here is Ayer Nomas to take an in - depth look at the photo of Lynda Carter - naturally - but also on everything else surrounding the movie to determine if it is really Lynda Carter in that promotional picture or not.

For me nobody in Hollywood has eclipsed Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman so far which I have elaborated in various posts. I wrote the first one way way back in 2011 which I split into two posts. A very short one on Lynda Carter and a longer one on the Wonder Woman tv series of which I did an updated version of with a lot of high quality animated GIFs back in 2016.

In 2019 I did a Wonder Woman post with a lot of stuff about Lynda Carter but also some original comicbook pages and in 2020 I even managed to write two Wonder Woman posts, one about Don Heck´s tenure on the book ( which also includes Nubia or how she is more often called Black Wonder Woman ) and one about the Wonder Woman comic Rich Buckler did for Power Records. I still don´t know if this was from a pre - existing comicbook or if Rich Buckler did this exclusively for Power Records. If anybody out there knows please let me know in the comments below.

Aside from that I also mentioned Lynda Carter in my latest post about Larry Hama and Marc Silvestri's run on WOLVERINE where I wrote about the bra - busting crime fighting duo of Lynda Carter and blonde 38C - 25 - 36 knockout Loni Anderson in the short lived tv show Partners In Crime.

Since I have written about Lynda Carter a few times but not so often about Loni Anderson I wanted to rectify the situation but as usual when blonde Busenwunderweiber are concerned things got a bit out of hand.

So I decided to give that part its own spin - off post and since I love to kill two birds with one stone I used the opportunity to do my first post on William Messner - Loebs and Mike Deodato's famous - or infamous - WONDER WOMAN run in which Diana has to relinquish the mantle of Wonder Woman to Artemis but gets a nifty black leather hooker outfit.


captain marvel

and isis too


the best movie in the captain marvel universe so far has been black adam so naturally critics hate it

real life power girl sonia edde


ballermann 6

One of the things I always admired about Tom Gerhardt is that in his hit sitcom Hausmeister Krause ( Janitor Krause ) he didn't play the character of Thommy and instead played Thommy's father the caretaker. Now this may not sound very impressive but keeping in mind that Thommy was his most famous role a lot of german comedians would have kept playing a teenager even if they were obviously too old for the part. But Tom gladly stepped aside to let someone else have the fame and glory and not only singlehandedly kickstarted the career of Axel Stein but also gave blonde 38B - 25 - 35 Busenwunder Janine Kunze a huge career boost while also introducing her to the mainstream audience as the ditzy Carmen Krause.

Before that Janine appeared naked in Knockin' On Heaven's Door ( the german movie from 1997 with Til Schweiger, not to be confused with the 1987 comedy Knocking At Heaven's Door or the 2014 musical Knocking On Heaven's Door or any of the other dozens of movies with a similar title ) which also featured the teutonic twin torpedoes of such wet sex dreams like Corinna Flock, Jenny Elwers or Xenia Seeberg. She also did a guest appearance on one of my favourite german striptease soap operas Die Rote Meile although I don't think she did a striptease or even got naked.

The series was named after the red light district of St. Pauli in Hamburg and was a sequel to The King of St. Pauli. It followed the lives of pimps, prostitutes and strippers but they were all portrayed like regular people not like in american tv where people from this walk of life are horrible people. Anyway, I watched every episode because they had a very easy concept : one strip in every episode not interrupted by commercials.

Even if they did not go totally topless - sometimes they had pasties on - I was glued to the tv watching such ultimate sexbombs like Yasmina Filali.

Daimn, Yasmina Filali really has the prototype of the heart shaped ass.

Longtime readers know that one of my pet pevees on this blog is celebrating all the brave actresses who turn insufferable dreck into bearable entertainment by taking their clothes off or at least show what their Mama gave them and who don´t get enough recognition for that.

And there were some on Die Rote Meile as I found out when I tried to find the names of the best strippers. Yes, only the " real " actors are mentioned in the cast meaning those with a speaking part which tells you which place some women still occupy in Today´s society. So if you know the name of the living blow up sex doll who is squeezing her big melons together in this GIF please let me know in the comments below.

Anyway, one of the best strippers of the regular cast is Sylvia Leifheit who has a secret identity in the series as she plays the typical devoted wife by day, secret stripper by night. Sylvia made me realize two things : first, while I usually don´t go for skinny chicks she is just oozing so much sex appeal that I would do her in a minute. And when I say " do her " I mean " slam - bang her brains out six ways to Sunday ". Man, you can really wear your dick out on an ultimate men milking machine like her.

And second, hair color can really make a big difference on how a woman comes across because her character in the series is actually a blonde and despite having the same stunning figure as a blonde she´s kind of - meh - looking while as luscious Luna with a black wig she is a real firecracker !

Coming back to Janine Kunze aside from appearing in Die Rote Meile - whether she got naked on the show or not - she also posed naked for the german PLAYBOY magazine like Jasmina Filali and Sylvia Leifheit and if you happen to own a copy of the September issue from 2002 you better hold onto it because Janine has gone on record that she won't do any more nude photoshoots after that one. Not so much because of her hubby but more because her daughter was slowly getting to that age where her male classmates were getting interested in sex and having them drool over naked pictures of her Mom - or getting certain ideas about playing some " grown up " games with her daughter because " like mother like daughter " - would probably lead to some therapy sessions down the line. Although I am not so sure how effective this can be in Today's day and age where you can find most anything on the internet.

gas station

speaking of animated royalty



cat and mouse

miraculous and supermouse

jair bags

Since I already did a very long part about React channel's nubian mega sexbomb Jair ( click here for the breast video of my future wife ) in the bonus section of my Gambit post ( I know, WTF ? me writing a Gambit post ? It happened ) and an even longer part about Busenwunder Haley who seems to have developed a Russ Meyer breast size overnight and then did another feature for Jair in the pop culture trivia / cult siren section of my post pimping two omnibus books that were offered at amazon Spain with a discount ( I hope some readers got the AVENGERS BY KURT BUSIEK AND GEORGE PEREZ book since it has gone up in price.

I do know that I am the only one who ordered the MARVEL UNIVERSE BY CHRIS CLAREMONT book - although I shouldn't have - and I might write if it was worth it in a future post. ) you might think that I would hold off with any new videos for a while but I couldn't let this opportunity pass.

Not only because Jair is showing some nice cleavages and has incredible bouncing action - especially in the last one OMG - but also because there are two new videos with Haley. Which is not enough for a new feature but I wanted to put them on the blog as soon as possible nevertheless.

Whenever I revisit things there is a lot of copy / paste involved ( even if my new laptop is doing his darnest to make that as difficult as possible ) so I try to come up with stuff I haven't posted yet for my loyal followers.


Now I have been thinking about casting Jair in a comicbook movie and apart from the usual suspects I realized that she would be perfect as Vicky Spritzfest ( Fucktoria Squirthard in the english translation ) the Busenwunder reporter for Notzucht TV that would have been introduced in the third issue of my discontinued adult comicbook series VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN. Granted, in the comic Vicky is white and not black but I think Jair definitely has the long legs to pull it off and I don't think people would mind it much that her huge boobs are smaller than Vicky's.

Vicky is a plucky reporter with a body made for porn movies - which is why Jair would be perfect for this - who drives all men around her crazy.

Especially her perverted camera guy who is a rapist - in - training that " initiated " Vicky after her first live report by hiding in her motel room and using her as his sex doll for the rest of the night. From that moment he has been sexually assaulting Vicky on a daily basis and even though she sometimes manages to fend off his attacks she always ends up in situations where multiple men have their way with her or she is at least naked - which is the reason why her broadcasts have such high ratings.

Now in the story Vicky is reporting live from the annual Wet T - Shirt competition - together with fellow female Notzucht TV reporter Sandra Saugstark who was the winner of the wet t - shirt contest the last nine years in a row thanks to her huge melons as well as having a ten year winning streak as Miss Nude World - when three guys ( instigated by the horny camera guy ) first douse Vicky Spritzfest with a bucket of ice cold water so that everybody can see her nipples and then pull up her shirt exposing her wet and naked pornstar tits to the entire world on live tv.

Of course Vicky changes her wardrobe immediately but on such short notice the only thing that is available is a tiny shirt that shows more than it reveals. Naturally the tv station is inundated by phone calls, e - mails, twitter messages and whatnot so the station manager smells a big PR opportunity and decides to let the viewers vote if Vicky should also participate. Even if she doesn't win, the five finalists at least get a money prize and are featured in a naked PLAYBOY pictorial ( which should tell you when this story was written ). So she wins the poll by a landslide because everybody wants to see her bucknaked in PLAYBOY.

During the contest Vicky uses her natural born sluttiness and her superior stripper skills that she used to work her way through college to win over the crowd and apart from one little slip up - which she manages to turn into a bonerinducing stripper move - everything works out for the breast.

I don't think I would have let her win the contest - as good as she is Sandra's boobs just eclipse her and Sandra also gets her clothes totally ripped off by the crowd as her performance almost turns into an orgy.

I think the way I would have gone is that Vicky wins sixth place - which means that she will not get naked for PLAYBOY magazine - but at the last minute the second place winner is disqualified because she is only 16 ( she does have giant tits which makes it believable everybody thought she was of legal age ) and Vicky has to strip naked for PLAYBOY after all.

The end would be Sandra Saugstark - with her shirt ripped to shreds, her boobs hanging out of her bustier and her mouth and cleavage covered in cum because male co - host Mandingo Schlonglong assaulted her sexually off camera - reporting that Vicky Spritzfest celebrated her fifth place in the wet t - shirt contest with an impromptu sex marathon orgy with the entire soccer team FC Spread Them& who slipped Vicky an overdose of illegal sex drugs. I don't know if I would have included the penetration sensation orgy in issue three but judging by how things worked out in the past I would have probably have to leave that part for the next issue.

Now as an incentive to get as many people as possible to vote for Vicky to enter the wet t - shirt contest the tv station manager offered five prices which I think could also be used for Jair be it as punishments for losing in React videos or as incentives for premium channel members.

The fifth prize would have been a meet & greet with Vicky - in a tiny micro bikini - and the participation in a two hour bodypainting class with Vicky as the canvas where the lucky winner gets to apply the paint with his hands and help Vicky to get clean afterwards as he uses his rockhard boner to make sure those hard to reach places get enough showering gel.

The fourth prize would have been a visit to Vicky's shooting for PLAYBOY magazine to experience her spreading her insanely long legs better than a phillipino hooker first hand. The shooting ends with the lucky winner alone on the set with Vicky who has been " accidentally " handcuffed naked to the bed after the crew leaves for a three hour lunch break.

The third prize is a 12 hours all expenses paid trip to a nude beach on a desert island that is so secluded that nobody will hear Vicky's screams when you use her like a blow up sex doll. If you don't believe it just ask the tv station manager who has used the island for many weekend trips with female employees including Vicky Spritzfest and Sandra Saugstark.

Second prize would have been a " surprise " visit to the set of Notzucht TV where Vicky Sprtzfest is taping the Sketch Of The Week which in this case is the re - creation of Halle Berry's famous sex scene from the Oscar winning " Monster's Ball " and the lucky winner would get to participate.

In the original scene Halle Berry only had sex with one guy but since not only the winner of the prize wants to slambang ultimate men milking machine Vicky but also the camera guy and the tv station manager they turn the scene into a fourway while they are already at it without even consulting Vicky. Who naturally is not too thrilled about it but because she is already drilled hard by two guys her protests fall on deaf ears.

Especially when the third guy rams his huge erection down her throat.

And last but not least the first prize would be a hot candlelight dinner followed by an all expenses paid weekend at a luxurious five star hotel.

As a special feature the big bedroom comes with Vicky in Victoria's Secret lingerie who is pumped full of illegal sex drugs and handcuffed with her legs spread apart and tied to the bedposts. As another bonus the room is soundproof so nobody can hear Vicky scream at the top of her lungs when you slambang her brains out six ways to Sunday. Which in this case is quite literally since the lucky winner gets to have his way with ultimate sex machine Vicky from Friday morning until Sunday night.

Anyway, those are the prizes the tv viewers in the story would have won and I think this would also be things that should be considered with Jair because I think every red blooded straight male would love to encounter our favourite afro - american aphrodite in such a bonerinducing setting .

What ? You didn't really think I would post only one new video with Jair, did you now ? Anyway, here is the obligatory top five of Jair's newest breast reaction videos. This Sexbombe will be a wife AND a mistress.

if you smell what la roca is cooking






top 40






quote of the day

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