Sunday, April 14, 2024

Amazed by Aparo : The Brave And The Bold

Ever since I wrote my last Jim Aparo tribute in June last year I have been itching to get more original Jim Aparo content on the blog - especially since that post was only about one issue of THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD but with almost all original pages - so I thought I should use the opportunity to free space on my OneDrive before I can't work on the blog anymore.

Now while we are staying with THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD ( as long as I have pages from that series I will keep on posting them unless I am writing a special post for BATMAN AND THE OUTSIDERS or any of the other series he drew at DC Comics like DEADMAN, THE SPECTRE , THE PHANTOM STRANGER or AQUAMAN ) I don't have a complete - or almost complete - issue this time around. Instead we have pages from various issues although I tried to select those with the most consecutive pages.

As longtime followers of the blog know I don't like to put pages from one issue in different posts, as least not if I can avoid it. For this post I have chosen some of my favourite stories and characters so you know that pre - CRISIS ON INFINTE EARTHS Supergirl is bound to make an appearance as well as Black Canary, Zatanna, the Spectre and the Creeper. As for the coloured pages at first the ones I found were not of very good quality.

I thought that with the release of the BRAVE AND THE BOLD omnibuses there had to be scans in good quality but the only one I found was the first volume which didn't include any Jim Aparo art at all. But then I remembered the three volumes of LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT : JIM APARO I used to have in my collection. Granted, not all scans were in good quality ( for some reason some issues were scanned really badly and they used those scans for every reprint even though some of issues were printed in black and white in the SHOWCASE PRESENTS volumes and those scans were somehow okay ) but most of them were good.

As those who own these three books know they don't cover all of Jim Aparo's BRAVE AND THE BOLD run and it seems DC Comics was planning to do a fourth volume but than gave up on it after all the issues were included in the THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD : THE BRONZE AGE omnibus.

I don't know, is it just me or does DC Comics seem to be very reluctant about reprinting Jim Aparo's entire catalogue ? Anyway, with so many posts I have done about THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD and Jim Aparo I don't think there is anything I haven't said. For me Jim Aparo is one of my top ten artists of all times and the number one Batman artist. His Batman will always be the first thing that comes to mind when I close my eyes and think about Batman. Maybe some day we will even get an Artist's Edition with his artwork, there seems to be enough material out there.

number one

bat stuff


bat links

Did you ever wonder why there are so many strange and weird villains on the 60s Batman tv show ? Well, some of them were created because they needed a new villain in every episode since it would have become quite boring if they always used the Penguin, the Riddler, Joker or Catwoman.

Some of those villains might have been borne more out of necessity than for novelty because they could not use certain characters for whatever reasons. It's this conundrum our good pal Brian Cronin examines in the latest instalment of his never ending fight for truth called Comic Book Legends Revealed over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES in which he ponders if the Batman tv villain false face was originally meant to be Clayface .

Speaking of Clayface, does anyone remember when Jeph Loeb shocked the entire comicbook industry when he made everyone believe that Jason Todd had returned from the dead in the iconic HUSH storyline ?

He then pulled a fast one by revealing that it was actually Clayface who pretended to be Jason Todd to shake Batman's confidence but it was also testing the waters to see if the comic fandom would be interested in a return of Jason Todd which in the end facilitated his ascenscion to fan favorite anti villain Red Hood. Although with the way DC Comics turns super heroes into super villains and super villains into super heroes at an alarming rate they could be all described as anti heroes. If everybody is a hero nobody is. Anyway, we have another list by Brian Cronin with four more DC Comics / Marvel Comics characters who have adopted identities who turned out to be real people . And when I say " real people " I mean of course made up people who DO exist in the realm of the comicbooks.

Because there are also cases of comicbook characters who were based on people in real life or comicbook characters using the name of people who exist or existed in real life. By the way, the fantastic Under The Hood storyline by Judd Winick and Doug Mahnke is not only one of the best Batman stories ever, the adaption as an animated DC movie called Batman : Under The Red Hood is one of the top 20 animated DC movies.

Although for my taste they could have reduced it to a top 10 since this video includes a lot of clutter that does not belong in a top twenty list.

Maybe it is just my New 52 weariness but for my money none of the animated DC movies from that era are really good animated DC movies.

Even the Death Of Superman film lacks the impact of the original story because instead of decades this Superman has only been around what ?

Three years ? Five at tops. And we are supposed to feel the same as for the guy who has been fighting for truth, justice and the american way for a hundred years ? Likewise the supposed romance with Lois Lane falls completely flat because on one side this Superman has spent almost the entire time in the New 52 banging Wonder Woman and in all interactions of Lois Lane and Clark Kent Lois has been treating him like s#!t. But now they are suddenly the romantic couple of the century ? On the other side of the spectrum I am missing such fun movies like Batman : Soul Of The Dragon or Justice League Vs The Fatal Five one of my favourite animated movies released by DC Comics involving THE LEGION OF SUPER HEROES .

You might say that I am a bit biased but I really can't take a list serious that includes horrible movies like THE FLASHPOINT PARADOX and omits JUSTICE LEAGUE : THE NEW FRONTIER, RED SON or ALL STAR SUPERMAN .

Speaking about Darwyn Cooke's THE NEW FRONTIER, I swear I didn't plan this but there is another article by Brian Cronin about how the Apple TV + show Sugar evokes the feeling of the graphic novel. I'm not going to go into more detail about that because it's about a certain character in the graphic novel and when you know which one it is you can also guess what the tv show Sugar is all about. My recommendation would be check out the series before reading the article or if you don't care to get spoilered you can just go and read it. In any case you won't find any spoilers here.

Coming back to Jim Aparo and his co - stars from THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, the last original art page I included in this post is from issue 180, one of the many where he teams up with one of my favourite Justice Society Of America members The Spectre ( of course my number one all time favourite is Power Girl but that goes without saying ) especially if he is drawn by Jim Aparo ( and you can find the link to my spotlight on Jim Aparo's THE SPECTRE at the beginning of this post ) and Brian Cronin has an article about how the Spectre was once punished for killing perps.

What's so ironic about it is that DC Comics tried to emulate the horror anthology series that were so popular at that time ( they would later try again and this time more successful with HOUSE OF MYSTERY and HOUSE OF SECRETS and you can read my spotlight posts on these and other DC Comics horror anthologies here ) by turning The Spectre into basically a horror host narrating different short stories in his own book but the new format didn't go over too well with the readers so it was soon discarded and THE SPECTRE was cancelled. When it came back with Jim Aparo not only was the Spectre back to killing criminals but he disbanded them in some of the most grisly ways to ever been allowed inside the pages of a comicbook under the ever watchful eye of the Comics Code Authority.

There are of course other interesting articles by Brian Cronin about all kinds of Batman related stuff to be found on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES but for the moment the last one I want to include here is about Chris Burnham redrawing over 20 pages for the Absolute Edition of BATMAN INC . Okay, I have one more. Today's comicbook related video ( in english ) is about the infamous murder of Aquababy at the hands of Black Manta which most comic connoisseurs know but there was also a very tragic but at the same time hilariously funny story about Aquaman's pet dragon cat.





anne marie martin


If one of the hookers in Runaway looks familiar that is because she is played by none other than longlegged Anne - Marie Martin best known as Sgt. Dori Doreau, the hardbody of the law with legs almost up to her chin on Sledge Hammer, who could have made a fortune as a real life hooker or at least working the stripper pole. We all dreamed of Anne assuming the position so we could give her a full cavity search. The canadian blow up sex doll honed her Playmate Of The Year body as a horse riding world championship contender for America so she is an expert breaking in wild broncos, taming the breeding stallions ( her speciality are stallions with an insatiable big third leg ), natural insemination and dressage riding.

This comes in handy in my favorite episode, Model Dearest in which Dori Doreau goes undercover as a bikini model which thoroughbred stud mare Anne Marie Martin pulls off easily thanks to her bonerinducing bikinibody.

No wonder the horny sheik who " buys " Dori can't help but comment : " She will be a wife AND a mistress ! " when he sees her in all her glory.

Apropos Dori being auctioned off to become the love slave of a rich pasha, with Sledge Hammer's innate bumbling nature - remember that he almost blows her cover when he sees her model pictures at the fake model agency - I always fantasized about what would happen if Sledge would arrive too late and Dori would have been already shipped away to a future position of living party favour for the sheik's many horny guests.

Especially at the uninhibited sex orgies his business partners would be invited to where ultimate sexbombs with enticing stripper moves that would make even the most seasoned porn super stars blush performed steamy stripteases that made Salome's famous " dance of the seven veils " look like a Kindergarten dance apt for the whole family by comparison.

As a boob lover the sheik's personal harem - which is where Dori Doreau was supposed to end up - was full of exceptionally big breasted women who were pumped two times - first full of very potent illegal sex drugs and a second time by the huge monstercocks of the sheik's guests who were totally out of control ganging up on the women assaulting their holes up to four schlongs at the same time and stretching them out.

Now the reason why Sledge would come too late - no pun intended - to prevent Dori Doreau being shipped off as a penetration pleasure pet was that he and the task force he assembled stumbled upon the agency's secret underground " taming facility " also known as " Deepthroat High " where the unsuspecting models were " broken in " by the henchmen of the agency's boss ( who were the elite of the most brutal serial rapists around the world ) before getting special classes by phillipino prostitutes about how to spread their legs and milk schlongs dry until the last drop.

During their " taming period " the hapless girls were also used for " recreational purposes " by the model agency's male employees on their lunch breaks and after work who were encouraged to use this perk as often as they could since they were usually quite brutal and relentless which - according to the boss - sped up their indoctrination process.

To that end a lot of the girls where blindfolded and handcuffed to beds in a soundproof chamber so when Sledge Hammer and his fellow police men came upon these rooms with rows upon rows of beds that had naked exotic Busenwunders from every corner of the world that could easily triplicate the sales numbers of any adult magazine ( since the whole scam was to trap girls who could be Playmates Of The Year ) lying on their backs and being totally incapacitated while spreading their legs - who on top of that had just been hosed down and oiled up so they were ready to be used and abused in any which way - a few of the cops could not help themselves and started " sampling the merchandise quality ".

Of course Sledge would have none of that - although he was seriously tempted to participate in the impromptu fuck marathon when he came across a woman who looked like Dori Doreau's big - breasted younger twin only with longer legs and was so pumped up on sex drugs that she immediately started giving him a double breasted deepthroat massage.

After handcuffing her to a bed while he was on the brink of squirting like a fire hose he tried his best to prevent the cops from further using the already abused girls. But there were a lot of these rooms and he could not be everywhere at the same time so it took Sledge a while to bring things under control and by the time all the girls had been freed and put into busses that were supposed to bring them to the next police station.

Although most of the cops drove them to the nearest subway underpass so nobody could hear the girls scream at the top of their lungs while the police men took turns slam - fucking the sluts senseless against the glass.

Needless to say that by this point Dori Doreau had already been gagged, hogtied and put on a freighter to the Middle East. Because the sheik was so smitten with Dori he took it upon himself to dicktame her and spent the next weeks relentlessly drilling every orifice of her body making her go through all of the positions of the Kama Sutra, the Ananga Ranga, the complete Tantra Sex BibleJoy Of Sex and the vulcan Pon Farr guides.

Thankfully Dori Doreau had spend some time at the vice squad as bait for serial rapists and since her partners always " accidentally " arrived after the perverted perps had their way with her and she could not offer any resistance when they took turns sexually assaulting her for the rest of the night she managed to bear the pervert's powerful pussy pounding.

She even managed to escape by deepthroating the chef eunuch until she had successfully reversed his castration - which luckily was of a chemical instead of a surgical nature - and then slam - fucking him into a coma.

Speaking about wet sex dream Anne - Marie Martin's flawless body, there are sadly only a few episodes where she gets to spotlight it like in the pilot episode where she disarms a perp with an mindblowing high kick exposing her perfectly shaped legs or in episode 12 of the second season called Icebreaker where she has a date with Adam Ant in an incredible strapless black dress. Another one which eluded me for the longest time is one where she and Sledge go to a sauna to interrogate an informant and because of the hot steam their clothes shrink later. Especially Dori Doreau's long skirt turns into a micro skirt revealing Anne - Marie Martin's gorgeous gams. Boy, who said that she has legs for miles wasn't kidding.

But now I finally found it, it's episode 9 of the first season called Magnum Farce which is of course a spoof of the second Dirty Harry movie with Clint Eastwood titled Magnum Force and Anne - Marie Martin's short leg revealing scene is around the six minute mark.

I have mentioned Sledge Hammer - and especially canadian Sexbombe Anne - Marie Martin - a few times on the blog over the years but newer blog visitors might want to check out my latest Bill Ward tribute post where you can not only find an episode of Ayer Nomas about the show but also more stuff about the Sledge Hammer comic by Marvel Comics.


apropos harem

lonesome dove





I also wanted to include Rihanna's performance on Saturday Night Live where her heavy boobs caused her tiny top to slip down which almost ended in a wardrobe malfunction but it seems that Rihanna deleted all footage of the incident from the internet so all that we have left some scattered animated GIFs of that bonerinducing moment in boob history.

valerian where Rihanna's boner - inducing erotic dance alone is worth the price of admission

behind the scenes

the full clip

since I have written more than enough times why the movie was not successful outside of Europe

the comic

galaxy rangers

bravestarr galaxy rangers







nora sahinpasic

90s anime

gun frontier

the duke

the undefeated john wayne rock hudson jean michael vincent

Now I can't mention Jan - Michael Vincent without mentioning one of the biggest 80s cult shows Airwolf and the word " airwolf " should be part of the english vocabulary to describe the pinnacle of coolness at this point.

The main lead . who is played by Jan - Michael Vincent also has what must be the most incredible names on tv ever as Stringfellow Hawke.

Opposite Jan - Michael Vincent we have the late Ernest Borgnine who portrayed Stringfellow´s friend, business partner at Santini Airways and surrogate father figure Dominic Santini and sadly Jan - Michael Vincent passed away in 2019. Amongst a plethora of movie and tv roles he also co - starred with 90s soft sex film icon Shannon Whirry in Animal Instincts .

But as much as I like to feature these squirt storm guaranteeing sweaty skin flick sensations, born - for - porn leg spreading dicktamers, stripper pole polishing pros and talented tittilating torrid teenage teasers I don´t always have the time, space or even necessary material to feature them properly and have to console myself with re - visiting them on the few occasions where I get to mention these babes or on their next birthday.

So I want to give a shout out to Helene Phillips, who played the exotic dancer who gets killed so Belinda Bauer is brought in. Now some people take the fact that Helene´s character gets offed as reinforcement that women with big breasts only get roles where they get killed off quickly while the flatchested girls have larger roles but Belinda´s character also gets killed. Oy, she DOES have more screen time then Helene Phillips.

Now one of the reasons why I love writing this section is that I always learn new things like for example that Helene Phillips was one of the original Solid Gold dancers. Which I didn´t know because as old as I am that was still before my time. I was always more an Mtv´s The Grind guy.

Especially the beach episodes. And you can read more about that here .

Speaking of natural born strippers we are continuing our episodes of french soap opera Sous Le Soleil with french Busenwunder Florence " Voulez Vous Coucher Avec Moi Ce Soir " Geanty that we started in our last post since you never know how long these videos last on YouTube.

Todays we have episode 47 from the third season called " The Aggression " in which we find ex - stripper Marie ( if there is such a thing like an ex - stripper ) working at a bar where some of the male clients are getting a bit fresh having never seen such huge boobies outside of porn movies.

And just when she thinks things couldn't get worse a customer from her stripping days enters the bar who out of the goodness of his heart offers her a job as a stripper at his club - where she would earn more and not have to deal with rude customers - since that is a job Marie is better suited for. Taking her clothes off in front of dozens of drunk truckers is just in her blood but Marie kindly declines the offer since she wants to stay on the straight and narrow for her ex - cop husband ( they married since we last saw them since the guy knows a good thing we he sees it ).

Since Marie decided to stay the juvenile delinquents who are sexually harassing her get naturally hornier and even bolder and the leader of the group not only pulls down her zipper he even manages to make it look like the only gang member who is not okay with manhandling Marie is the main initiator. So when Marie is sexually assaulted by a serial rapist after closing up shop - the arrival of her beau at the nick of time prevents the worst from happening - the wrong one is the prime suspect.

At the end everything is resolved in the usual soap opera fashion, the bad guy ends up in jail, the wrongly accused gets exonerated and while we don't have a striptease with Florence ( they could have included one in a flashback scene ) her huge melons are filling up some nice cleavage especially in the scene where the drooling rapist is slowly pulling down her zipper you get more than a good eyeful of her massive milkshakes.


And speaking about Quentin Tarantino and westerns, regular blog visitors might remember that I mentioned a Quentin Tarantino penned ZORRO comic series in my MASK OF THE ZORRO MONDAY WITH MATT WAGNER MONDAY post but the thing I didn't mention - probably because I didn't know it at that time - was that it was originally going to be a sequel to Quentin Tarantino's Oscar winning western Django Unchained where we would have seen Jamie Foxx and Antonio Banderas reprising their famous roles as two of westerns most iconic heroes, Django and Zorro, team up.

outlaws tv pilot



sunny originally I wanted to include a different video with Sunny but that one was apparently too hot for YouTube - probably too much Sunny in skimpy bikinis content - so it has an age restriction and I had to include this one


smoking gun

And for even more wrestling related stuff check out my recent spotlight on the Bronze Age JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA which is not a George Perez ONLY post though it does have a lot of original George Perez art and which besides full wrestling shows - in english and german - includes two german episodes ( sorry, the english episodes have all been deleted by YouTube ) of the Hulk Hogan vehicle Thunder In Paradise and the Hulk Hogan movie Suburban Commando has an extensive feature on blowjob addicted 40D - 22 - 33 men milking machine Terri Runnels and the time Flying Brian Pillman " won " her as a personal assistant and used her for weeks as his personal travel sized blow up sex doll until he turned her into a deepthroat champion making her dress up in slutty leather outfits.

lucky luke

bat banner

bat quote of the day

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