Sunday, January 19, 2025

It is a Suprise Sunday with John McCrea !

As I already threatened in the pop culture trivia / cult siren section of the second part on Joe Jusko's TOMB RAIDER : THE GREATEST TREASURE here is my little spotlight on THE DEMON / HITMAN artist John McCrea.

For one because I think he is an underrated artist but also to pimp the HITMAN omnibus once again since it is offered at a real bargain price at amazon Spain and I don't want the information to get buried in the bonus section of a still unfinished post some visitors might not even check out.

As longtime followers of the blog already know I don't make comicbook recommendations without a reason and in most of the cases it is because of a discount by amazon. Since I am now living in Spain these discounts are now all on amazon Spain ( sorry to all my readers in other countries ) but I still like to make them from time to time like in July 2023 when they were offering the two gigantic hardcovers - KIRBY IS MIGHTY ! and KIRBY IS FANTASTIC ! - for 55 EUROS or in May 2023 when they offered the MARVEL UNIVERSE BY CHRIS CLAREMONT omnibus for just 53 EUROS.

Well in this case it is - as you might have guessed - the HITMAN omnibus which has 1074 pages ( with bonus material ) a regular in store price of 125 bucks and you can get it now from amazon Spain for a measly 38 EUROS. Not for 100 EUROS. Not 75 EUROS. Not 50 EUROS. Not even 40 EUROS. 38 EUROS and that includes handling, packaging and shipping.

I know what you are thinking. Where is the catch ? Because if something sounds too good to be true it usually is. That is what I thought when I saw the DREADSTAR omnibus collection offered for 30 EUROS at amazon Germany back when I was living there. Because each of these hardcovers alone has a store price of 100 Dollars. So I thought it was either an error and they were selling the softcover versions, or it would be just one of them - probably the third one because these don't sell as well as the first two - and the slipcase and you have to buy the other two. But I ordered it anyway and lo and behold it was the mero mero DREADSTAR omnibus collection without any printing errors or such for which you usually pay around 300 Dollars and I got it for a laughable 30 EUROS. Of course I had to practically give it away for free when I had to sell almost my entire comicbook collection to come here to Spain - but that is another story.

Anyway, as my faithful readers know I never put these amazon offers on the blog without having the book in question because it could have been the softcover version, there could have been printing errors or whatever.

But no, this is the real deal omnibus, 1074 pages of unadulterated, two barrel hitman shooting action and for 38 EUROS. Now for those who are not that familiar with Garth Ennis ouvre and only know his more famous series PREACHER or THE BOYS or his work on PUNISHER or HELLBLAZER ( well what do you know we are still talking about that book ) HITMAN is a series that spun out of the most unlikely of places : DC's BLOODLINES.

Coming out in 1993 it is one of the more forgettable crossovers in which aliens come to earth and want to take dominion. The gist of the story is that these aliens suck the spinal fluid out of humans but one in 1,000 humans survive and gain super powers. The story would unfold in two BLOODLINES issues and 23 annuals and each annual would feature a new character with super powers. So they told the creators that they had to come up with a new character and the rights for the characters would of course lie with DC Comics. Which sounds like a brilliant idea. The crux of the plan was that if you tell a creator that he has to come up with a new character but they won't have any rights over the character they are not going to put much effort into it. Which is why you have never heard of the characters that were featured in the BLOODLINES crossovers as even those that got a solo series didn't last long. With one notable exception.

That's right, introduced in the DEMON ANNUAL 2 by Garth Ennis and John McCrea Tommy Monaghan - a lowlife hitman who operates in Gotham - somehow struck a cord with readers and spun out into a 61 issue ongoing series not counting annuals and specials. If I had to describe HITMAN to somebody I would say that it is probably Garth Ennis most accessible series as well as one of his best. Everybody who has read this blog over an extended period of time knows that I am of two minds about Garth Ennis work. On one side he is undeniably one of the great comicbook writers of our generation who has done such iconic series like PREACHER.

But on the other side - talking about preaching - his constant super hero hate tends to get in the way of telling stories as well as on the reader's nerves over time. Yes, books like THE BOYS obviously lives off his disdain for superhero comicbooks ( probably because they dominated the comic market when he grew up ) but you think that after a decade or two he would get over it. Because we already get it. Garth Ennis doesn't like superheroes. Now can we please get over it and go to something else ?

And there is something of it in HITMAN but not as annoying as in some of his other work. Maybe it helps that one of the superheroes that Garth Ennis has his way with in the series is Kyle Rayner Green Lantern whom I also am not that fond of. Out of all the Green Lanterns he is the one who never connected with me despite that he is also somewhat of an artist.

Since the series takes mainly place in Gotham you can't avoid cameos like Batman or Catwoman and the last one is handled superbly. Methinks Mister Ennis might have a crush on Catwoman. But then who doesn't ?

There is also the obvious crossover with THE DEMON taking advantage of the situation that Garth Ennis was writing both books at that time plus a really touching issue 34 in which Tommy meets Superman on a rooftop and they have an interesting conversation. Without any double meaning.

Because yes, HITMAN is one of the typical Garth Ennis books with a lot of crude stuff, graphic violence, a lot of killing ( the main character is a hitman after all ) and the usual things you would expect from a Garth Ennis comicbook. But out of all of his series this book is probably most grounded in the real world ( when it doesn't involve aliens or demons from hell or zombie penguins ) with a cast that are not the good guys but still guys you can root for and a main character who may not be the smartest guy ( especially in the way he uses his super powers ) and kills people for a living but at the end of the day tries to do the right thing and lives by his own code of respect, honour and loyalty. What sets this book apart is that it has a lot of heart, blood and guts and you can't help but you want to know more about this unlikely crew from Noonan's bar.

One last thing that may be interesting for the german speaking part of my audience and which always got a laugh out of me are the antics of the grandfather of one of Tommy's love interests who apparently was a Nazi and who mistakes Tommy for his old Gruppenfuehrer. Anyway, no matter if you have read some of Garth Ennis more popular work or only know the tv adaptions give this series a try. You won't be disappointed.

But stop. You might say what about the artist ? What about John McCrea ? I would say that he is what I like to call an acquired taste. Which is not to say that he is bad - just the opposite - but like with Jack Kirby or Bill Sienkiewicz you probably won't like him right away since his style is not what you might call mainstream. But once you get accustomed to it you will love it and want to see more of it. One thing I just recently found out is that his style on commissions or sketches looks way better than what he puts into most books. So no, there are no complaints on that front so you better think hard about getting the HITMAN omnibus rather sooner than later because we know these amazon offers never last long.

So that was the comicbook pimping part from our last post - with a few new art pieces added but to make this a real John McCrea art spotlight we need a little more so here are a few more that I found while looking for original HITMAN / THE DEMON art by John McCrea for you to enjoy.

shoot em up

hitman stuff

hitman links

hitman videos


one of the best buddy cop tv shows of all times

from houston knights to whitney houston

hitman karate

hitman city

Now I have been literally waiting to write about City Hunter since the following video from Studio Alf appeared in my recommendations. You know, as annoying as the YouTube algorithm can be sometimes from time to time they nail it which is probably no big surprise to my faithful blog followers who already know about my sexual obsession with asian babes.

But aside from my hasian fetish and the singer's hot looks - I think her name is Alf at least that is all I could find on her the rest of the results were all about some obscure 80s sitcom with an alien - she does have a lot of oral skills. I mean vocal skills. Well, probably also impressive oral skills because you know what they say : life sucks but asian girls swallow.

Or was it life sucks but asian girls deepthroat ? In any case, she has some really big pipes on her ( and she can sing too ), the outfits always match the song and one big reason why I wanted to put her on the blog is that she - or Studio Alf for that matter - cover a lot of songs from mangas and animes. Some of them I know, some of them I have heard of but I have never watched the anime and others I am very unfamiliar with. So there definitely will be more songs from Alf appearing on the blog and since I don't want to use any songs that may come up in any further posts I tried to include more videos from anime show that I am not that familiar with.

Now coming back to the singer as the observant person of culture may have noticed all the videos have one thing in common and that is Alf rocking that tight short shirt look. I would not describe her as an asian Busenwunder with huge breasts but on the other hand she does have an impressive chest size when you compare it to your average asian woman.

Especially when she is wearing those shirts that cling to her body like a second skin. She has two really big talents and I would love to re - enact some scenes from my favourite hentai series with her in a no tell motel.

Especially one that I will write about a bit more further down the line.

hitman manga

the full gamut

hitman anime

hitman french

hitman netflix

Of course there are no episodes of the City Hunter tv show from Netflix on YouTube but instead I have got something even better and this one is all about action / adventure. And when I say " action " I am talking about my favourite kind of action in the " big DD boobs in tiny bikinis bouncing action " way. So it will probably not surprise any of my longtime readers that I am talking abou the tv show involving a lot of bikini clad sexbombs since it was the number one of all the blatant 90s wannabe Baywatch clones. That's right, Cheese, my friend, we are talking about none other than the glorious Acapulco H.E.A.T. which Subzero watched religiously.

Especially the main eye candy of the show, PLAYBOY's Playmate Of The Month Of October in 1990 british 36C - 24 - 34 bra - busting Busenwunder Alison Armitage a.k.a. Brittany York made me watch more episodes than was healthy and I never understood why she didn´t get more screen time than blonde 34C - 23 - 33 beach body Catherine Oxenberg. I mean, the producers had to pay her anyway and to just have her in a few short bits in most of the episodes must have been a huge waste of money. Maybe I am naiive but to me that sounds like you got two weapons - a pointed stick and a gun - and always use the stick when the gun would be easier.

If it was me after a few times I´d say f - word the stick and go for the gun right away. But that is probably a thing that is done because it has always been done a certain way and therefore nobody questions this.

Now I have posted episodes of Acapulco H. E. A. T. on the blog before - some of them in regular quality and others in not such good quality and some of them have been deleted - but I wanted to put these on the blog as quickly as possible. For one because it's the pilot episode ( even if it's cut in two parts which always leads to confusions with the numbering ) and it prominently features Alison Armitage in the bikini from the intro.

But also because it's in spanish and in very good quality. Granted, right now there are only the first three episodes of Acapulco H. E. A. T. on the spanish boomer channel but I hope there will be more as the quality of the episodes is way higher than on the regular boomer channel. And my spanish speaking visitors can also find some episodes of Tarzan - The New Adventures and the Conan The Adventurer tv shows also in high quality.

hitman american football who does it better Jung Ye Ri or Lee Eun Ji

hitman this should be the guest list for my birthday party

Coming back to asian cult siren Alf and the special hentai series that I would like to re - enact with her regular blog visitors might have already suspected that I was of course thinking of the new hentai series Sakusei Byoutou - The Animation also known as Semen Extraction Ward a.k.a. Big Breasted Nymphomanic Nurses Of The Extreme Deepthroat Sperm Extraction Ward Dicktame Young Horsecock With Their Giant - Sized XXL Boobs and I would also include hasian penetration sensations Jung Ye Ri, Lee Eun Ji as well as the other contestants of the 2019 Miss Bikini Korea competition, brunette bra - buster Alison Armitage and Cynthia Rothrock ( to whom we will come a bit further down this section ) in that line up.

In the hentai series a young lad by the name of Yamada who suffers from an ultra rare illness where he produces more sperm than his body can store and if he does not ejaculate the excess semen every three hours his balls will explode is admitted to a hospital for special treatment.

The guy already did his best to manage it on his own but because of excessive monkey spanking he fractured both of his hands. Thankfully all the nurses in the hospital are built like living blow up sex dolls with giant boobs perfect for massaging stiff horsecocks, long legs almost up to their necks, perfect bubble butts that would make afro - american rap stars like Cardi B envious and full, soft lips which were gentically engineered to be wrapped tight around a huge pulsating erection and to suck it dry.

So everything would be fine for Yamada if the first buxom nurse who is assigned to personally handle his case - Tachibana a.k.a. " begrudging nurse " - was not less than thrilled to jerk him off every three hours.

What should be a great time turns into an embarrassing experience and it doesn´t help that Yamada needs ever increasing sexual stimuli which forces Tachibana to give him a blowjob - among other things - and ends with her spreading her long legs like a fillipino hooker and riding him like an untamed breeding stallion during the height of insemination month.

For some reason among all the sexual practices the nurse uses to extract sperm there is no titfucking scene but you can be sure that I would include it in my remake as playmate Alison Armitage was built for this.

The nurses in the series all have special names and my first choice would be to cast Alison Armitage as Hiramatsu a. k. a. " demotivational nurse " a big - breasted sexbomb that he gets assigned to in part four and who Yamada finally gets to slamfuck in every way to his hearts content. And the role for Cynthia would be nurse Kiritani from the eight instalment.

In the hentai nurse Kiritani a.k.a. " black hearted nurse " is a former delinquent who was feared by everyone in her hometown because she dicktamed all well endowed guys and then left them as sex zombies and we could leave that as part of her backstory if it even comes up. Anyway, like I said in the fourth part Yamada gets a rare breather and finally gets to slamfuck Hiramatsu to his heart's content but alas things can't last and from that on he gets treated worse and worse in every new part until the recent high point - or low point if you see it from Yamada's point of view - namely part eight in which Kiritani uses him as her personal living dildo after having forced some of the other nubile nurses to get destroyed by his always ready cock ( which at this point is extremely well trained ).

Of course not all of the nurses have to be ordered to milk Yamada's big erection dry as some of those sperm hungry sluts are very anxious to live out all of their most perverted sex fantasies with his constantly hard on and are only too willing to become Kiritani's merciless squirt enforcers.

That's the role that I have in mind for Alf, she would be great as one of Kiritani's deepthroat addicted nymphomanic ejaculation enforcer nurses and with her bonerinducing Playmate Of The Month body I would cast her as Yamaguchi a.k.a. " Violent Nurse " because it would be epic to see demure Alf go completely gonzo on a huge horsecock trying to break it in half or at least completely wear his dick out - whatever happens first.

Although I would cut down on the violent stuff and concentrate more on Alf's qualities as an ultimate men milking machine with a lot of scenes where she pounds Yamada's cock into submission. As the resident stunt cock I would have to rehearse them extensively at a luxurious five star hotel with a soundproof bedroom because if her music videos are any indication this asian ejaculation sensation is a screamer not a moaner.

Yamaguchi is Yamada's assigned sperm extraction specialist in part three and she does a lot of kinky stuff like giving him electro shocks or using self made sex toys on his dick but the best part is when she grabs him by the ankles and uses him like a living walking dildo. No, I mean the worst.

I wouldn't cut that out completely but in this case I would let somebody else handle this since I would not survive this kind of treatment. In any case I would probably keep it very short - just enough to show it in a flashback - and instead concentrate on Yamaguchi's return in part eight.

Especially since that is the part with Kiritani that I would most definitely put into the movie. Like I mentioned Kiritani has a few enforcer nurses to subdue Yamada and Yamaguchi is brought in in part eight to soften him up so that Kiritani can have her way with her. But when Yamaguchi starts riding Yamada like a breeding stallion during insemination month reverse cowgirl style she is in for a rude awakening as he not only goes in all the way but his dick is much bigger than she remembers completely stretching her out. Totally shocked the dizzy Yamaguchi starts cursing and asking Yamada if the nurses assigned to him after her developed his cock to this ultimate form all the while pounding away at him like crazy.

I think Alf could really deliver a spectacular performance and to get the breast of her big talents I would make this an extended scene so she can vent all her repressed nymphomanic penetration sensation urges on me.

As for Kiritani not only does she love to dicktame young horsecocks to become well trained sex slave like obedient dogs she also loves using the most potent aphrodisiacs on her patients and tests the newest creation of the hospital's head nurse - an extremely potent and very dangerous one - on Yamada which makes his cock grow to a ridiculous size but also his balls grow as big as tennis balls as they produce so much semen that he ejaculates three times only because Kiritani showed him her boobs.

I think with her bonerinducing ass that rivals Street Fighter's Chun Li and her ability to spread her legs better than a phillipino prostitute when she does the splits Cynthia Rothrock would have been perfect for this role.

Especially after she augmented her breasts to pornstar size to play a cop who is used as bait for a serial rapist in Tiger Claws - and it would be epic to see her impale herself on a giant horsecock that has grown to the size of a third leg and pump it dry until the last drop without any mercy.

scared pilot

hitman jackie chan

powerpuff girls


sugababes live

full concert

hitman not exactly light reading

hitman animania

hitman jet li

hitman aaliyah

hitman tiger

hitman erfinderung

hitman ninja

hitman this is actually based on a manga series

hitman katzenauge

Who would be perfect for a live action adaption of Cat's Eye would be german Sexbombe Rebecca Mir even though she is not of asian descent.

With her long legs she would fill out the skin tight latex suit perfectly and the plot would be that the trio of cat burglars have to go undercover at a strip club as the owner has one of their missing father's paintings.

Now you might say that they don't necessary have to pretend to be strippers to scope out the place but for the sake of argument - and to get Rebecca Mir to work the stripper pole - let's say that the strip club owner is very aware how priceless the painting is so he will not display it in the club and instead keeps it in his private quarters within the club.

So all three of them start working as new strippers at the club to scope out the place but one of them has to get close to the strip club owner since the only girls that he lets into his private quarters are strippers or female guests whom he uses like cheap blow up sex dolls all night long.

As a rich strip club owner he could pay really high class prostitutes but like all rich people he is also very stingy and prefers to slam - fuck the dickens out of his female guests who have to pay him money or bang his female employees hard who can't say no if they want to keep their job.

Because he spends most of the day watching these ultimate men milking machines grinding their pornstar bodies and spread their legs wider than seasoned phillipino prostitues while disrobing completely and displaying every bonerinducing inch of their sensational anatomy. Is it any wonder that he walks around with a constant hard on and seeks sweet release ?

With their incredible looks and athletic abilities the three girls quickly become the main attraction of the strip club and since Hitomi is a world class acrobat and gymnast who is also ambidextrous and double jointed it is decided that she will be the one to gain the horny strip club owners attention and access to his private quarters to verify if he really has one of their father's paintings - you must keep in mind that up until this point they still don't have that information - and formulate a plan to steal it.

Thanks to her superior acrobatic abilities and her legs for miles almost up to her chin it is child's play to get the perverts undivided attention who already got an eye on the curvaceous cat burglar and has been fantasizing about piston pumping her into submission. The difficult part is to keep his attention because planning the theft and executing it will require more time than expected and Hitomi also has to milk him dry for hours so she has an ironclad alibi for the time the crime was committed.

Another problem that has to be solved are the strip club owner's two bodyguards who are not only convicted serial rapists but they also have huge horsecocks that would give even the most well endowed breeding stallions penis envy. Since they would completely ruin the strippers they are not allowed to have sex with them but from time to time the strip club owners lets them loose on any girl who refuses to have sex with him and drill her into submission and they always go completely fuck crazy.

Since Rui is the oldest sister she volunteers to keep them preoccupied during the heist but unfortunately for her - or better said unfortunately for Ai - they are not interested in her since they prefer younger prey like the youngest sister Ai. Neither Hitomi nor Rui are very thrilled with the idea of two perverted sex offenders sexually assaulting their youngest sister but because Hitomi will be busy slam - fucking the club owners brains out seven days to Sunday in the worst way and making him squirt until he can't get it up anymore and somebody has to steal the painting plus the guys already set their eyes on Ai there is not much they can do.

Of course the most well laid plans of mice and men always end up going off the rails and in this case it starts with their old nemesis - cop Toshio Utsumi - going undercover as a guest at the strip club who immediately recognizes Hitomi since he is sexually obsessed with her. Deducing that the other two new strippers at the club are her sister he suspects they are here to commit another theft and throws a monkey wrench into their schedule by slipping the strip club owner a drink with an almost lethal viagra overdose and during the ensuing asian ejaculation sensation fuck marathon Hitomi has to go through all the most perverted positions to have even the slightest chance to survive his uncontrollable sex attack.

At the same time Ai encounters a few problems of her own as the two bodyguards have a lot more sexual frustration accumulated than she anticipated and while she ultimately manages to completely deplete them it takes them way too long to wear their dicks out on her as they keep switching instead of tag - teaming her like she had surmised from their police records. By the time she can make her escape Rui is already at the appointed rendezvous point with the painting while poor Hitomi will still be busy milking the strip club owner's viagra induced permanent erection dry for a full week even with using every dirty trick in the book.

rebecca mir dessous I already posted the photoshoot here is the behind the scenes

hitman first episode set up

hitman seasons three and four are in colour

we continue the theme of knock offs with a few sexbombs who all wanted to be the next samantha fox or sabrina salerno

hitman samurai

hitman jack

hitman double feature

Also newer visitors to the blog should check out my second post on Joe Staton's GREEN LANTERN run where I wrote at length about Cynthia Rothrock's career as well as the first Tiger Claws movie ( they really did turn this into a trilogy ) which was the first movie where Cynthia got to show off her new and vastly improved 40C ( ! ) - 25 - 37 measurements.

Cynthia Rothrock and her new busticicles go undercover as a hooker to catch a pervert at the beginning of the movie - and only the beginning.

I was always disappointed that we didn´t get to see more of Cynthia Rothrock´s stunning physique in her films but it was totally not her fault.

As I learned much later Cynthia Rothrock always wanted to do riskier scenes and was willing to show more skin ( After all what is the use of training your hardbody to physical perfection if you can´t show it ? Especially if you are an actress where your body is one of your main factors determining what roles you get and what you are paid. ) but her stupid agent always vetoed it who for some inexplicable reason thought it would hurt her market value as a female martial arts star if she did nude scenes. Thankfully Cynthia did manage to get her way in many Femme Fatales issues much to the delight of all her drooling male fans.

And she was finally allowed to strut her stuff in films like Fatal Passion, Undefeatable and especially Sworn to Justice which does not only star Cynthia in the title role of a woman out on revenge but she produced it.

So you know that it is going to kick ass. It also shows ass since the top heavy blonde is aware what movie goers want to see and so shows a lot of her body. She even serves up a brief look at her twin trophies in a lovemaking scene. It’s her only skin on screen to date, so enjoy it guys !

neither jackie chan nor bruce lee appear in this movie

since we already had the knock off lisa boyle is in the third episode



hitman ever after

hitman dancers

hitman top 5

hitman sixties

hitman hammer

hitman banner

hitman quote of the day

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