Monday, January 27, 2025

Maniac Monday : Sal Buscema's Spider - Man

Yesterday was Sal Buscena's 89th birthday and since I am still trying to finish my last post on his run on SPECTACULAR SPIDER - MAN I started on February the 18th in 2023 I have decided to cut the pop culture trivia / cult siren section in half and include the still unfinished part in this post.

Now usually I don't like to do that because I try to include stuff for all of my readers there but the post has become so long that I am starting to have trouble with sending the HTML version to myself via e - mail as the e - mail program can't handle it. So it is with a heavy heart that I have to do it but on the plus side my readers get an extra post out of it, the old post gets finished sooner and it will be easier to read because it will be shorter. So as promised here is the stuff about Harry Osborn as the new Green Goblin and while I had to leave out pages with the Scorpion there is more stuff about the Vulture in here including an insane splash page.

Oh, one more thing I want to mention : I don't like to toot my own horn but since I have started these posts Marvel Comics has finally decided to do an omnibus hardcover with these stories. Coincidence ? Me thinks not.

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Now the run by J. M. DeMatteis and Sal Buscema hasn't come out yet - according to amazon the official release date is the 29th of July ( just in time for my next birthday ) - so it was a bit difficult to find any videos on that book but luckily for my spanish readers Panini Comics published what I call a minivan edition within their MARVEL HEROES imprint. Why a minivan ? Well, you all know the so - called omnibus editions. A minivan edition is also a hardcover book but a bit smaller and with less pages for a lower - in most cases at least half - the price of an omnibus book. Just like a minivan is smaller with less space but cheaper than the omnibus.

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Today's batch of music videos for my faithful oyeescuchas comes from spanish real life 40C - 24 - 35 Power Girl Malena Gracia and I really don't know that much about her. The reason why I decided to include her in this post is that I came upon her video for BomBom Latino and said to myself : " A woman with such a bonerinducing outfit must be shared with the world. Let's see if I can find more videos with her. " The only other information I could find about her is that she was in the spanish edition of PLAYBOY magazine not once but twice : in 1998 and in 1999.



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yoon nakyum or yoon na-kyum all I can say Yoon Daymn ! Yum Yum full video there are a few shorter ones, one with just the shorts and two that have just the swimsuit part ( the second one being longer and showing more of her incredible butt ) as well as four that are more suited to the frame of your mobile phone with and one just with the shorts and one with the shorts and the swimsuit and two that are just with the swimsuit and ( the second one being much longer and of higher quality which strangely enough is the only one with an age restriction although it is the same footage in all of these videos but I guess up close and recut to fit the frame of your mobile phone Yoon Nakyum's butt is much more xxx - rated ) and


breast scene of the episode longtime followers of the blog may recognize Joanna Cameron as Isis







Rebecca - Zarah Mir german afghan model second place in the sixth edition of the Germany's Next Topmodel casting show from 2011 measurements 35B - 24 - 35

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We continue our casting for the female supporting cast in a SPIDER - MAN movie with ultimate ASMR sexbomb Amy and in her case ASMR stands for " absolutely sexual stimulating men milking machine recreation ". I think she would be an absolute dream casting for the role of ravishing redhead super model Mary Jane Watson Parker and I can just picture a scene in which she surprises her husband all dressed up as Lara Croft which works better than even she suspects because Peter gets so excited that he just bangs her brains out and doesn't let her leave the bedroom for a week.

Longtime followers of the blog may remember that Mary Jane finished second place only by a breast's length after the double Dee delinquent Felicia Hardy a.k.a. the Black Cat in the " Sultry Spiderbabes " edition of my series COMICBABE BATTLE and only because of the new costume Mark Bagley drew at that time, delivering heavy on the fan service making all fanboys sex dreams come true if I have ever seen a costume do that.

As with Silver Sable I don't know if I would not rate Mary Jane higher if I did the ranking Today because you know the old saying " You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you will not sleep with a redhead. Because those nympho sluts are naturally born sperm extraction machines who turn into complete sex freaks in the sack who will go blowjob gonzo on your dick deepthroating it into submission until it's hard enough to cut a diamond and has grown to three times its regular size after which they will pump you all night long without mercy making you squirt load after load until you are completely depleted. " 

I mean it's no secret that ultimate men milking machine Mary Jane was a promiscuous party participant who frequented every campus frat party where the horny jocks took turns slam - banging her brains out or that she was dicktamed by the entire football team in a crazy ejaculation sensation penetration sex marathon during their victory party where they used every cheerleader - as well as every big breasted female teacher who could not get away in time - like cheap blow up sex dolls.

Mary Jane was never portrayed as the ugly duckling who gets a makeover and suddenly has a big sex appeal blowout like it is so popular in woke entertainment. No, she was always the hip girl, you knew that she was getting copious amounts of dick and MJ was basically the campus slut.

Which is why ASMR Amy would be perfect for the role. In another case of life imitating art it is only thanks to the writers that Mary Jane has not become a world famous porn star ( although it has been decades since I dared read a Spider - Man comicbook so who knows what the cancel pigs are up to with Mary Jane ) while ASMR Amy got plenty of experience in milking giant monstercocks dry with her tits during her porn star phase.

And you can say what you want about Stan Lee but he was never shy about depicting the overwhelming effect that Mary Jane's mesmerizing measurements had on the male populace of the Marvel universe even if it may not have been appropriate like when she was a go - go dancer.

Which of course was the sanitized version of Mary Jane becoming a famous stripper. Because of the censorship by the Comics Code Authority they couldn't say that a possibly underage teenage sexbomb was taking off her clothes in front of dozen of drooling horny elder men many of which were also criminals. And you know that there was a special secret club within the club where the girls danced with very little clothing for a very select clientele which in those time probably includes the Kingpin.

Now I know that the whole thing of Mary Jane working as a go - go dancer ( if not outright a stripper ) sounds more like fanfic than what could actually happen in a Marvel comicbook and that I made the whole thing up but as I will explain in more detail in an upcoming John Romita spotlight ( and I can't say why I am going to write that post because it hasn't happened yet ) in the story " The Brand Of The Brainwasher " by Stan Lee with John Romita doing the pencils with some assistance by Don Heck and inked by Mike Esposito which appeared in issue 59 of AMAZING SPIDER - MAN some gangsters have the brilliant idea of brainwashing the customers of their night club to commit crimes. And to prevent them from noticing they are being brainwashed they hire absolute stunners like Mary Jane Watson to distract them with their nubile teenage bodies.

And they are not too subtle about the effect of Mary Jane's girating hips on older men as not only Gwen Stacy's Dad - who is one of the prime targets the criminals try to control with him being the chief of police and all that jazz - but also Robbie Robertson and even old curmudgeon Norman Osborn commenting how much they enjoyed her sexy dancing.

What's more, there are fan theories that say - and you can also read more about that in my aforementioned John Romita SPIDER - MAN post - that it was indeed Mary Jane's bonerinducing dance that reawakened Norman Osborn's Green Goblin persona ( since it represents his negative urges like violence and sex ) and led to Gwen Stacy's death after he took an experimental new Green Goblin formula that temporarily transformed him into a goblin sex monster with huge tentacles and sexually assaulted Mary Jane on her way home after her shift at the night club had ended.

Man, Norman Osborn really had some questionable stories where he got a lot of tail like in the infamous Sins Past storyline that ran through Nrs 509 to 514 of AMAZING SPIDER - MAN in which he meets Gwen Stacy in Europe - after a break up with Peter Parker - who grants him a pity fuck.

But once he has tasted the sweet teen body he uses and abuses her like a blow up sex doll until he manages to leave her pregnant with two kids.

Coming back to Mary Jane working as a go - go dancer, you might think that was just a one - off thing for one issue or two since they needed it as a plot point in that story but no, her gig lasts from issue 59 to issue 96 even if you don't see her dancing a lot. But it is referred to quite a few times as well as the fact that Aunt May helped her with the designing of some of her costumes. And here you thought Aunt May was an old prude.

There also were some very spicy stories with Mary Jane during Todd Mc Farlane's run of the book since writer David Micheline - best known for his collaboration with John Romita Jr and Bob Layton on THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN - delved heavily into the negative fallout of her fame as a super model on a popular soap opera where she had to deal with fans.

Then there was another story in which a horny super rich guy became infatuated with Mary Jane and abducted her so he could relentlessly slam - bang her brains out six ways to Sunday like his personal blow up doll without mercy until she agreed to become his obedient sex slave.

Of course Peter eventually found and rescued Mary Jane but because he owned a lot of properties in different states he had him searching for months during which the pervert dicktamed Mary Jane in the worst way.

Now I know that there will be the usual comments that casting ASMR Amy - or any caucasian woman for that matter - as Mary Jane is racist since in the movies she is played by Zendaya and for one I am not against casting an afro - american woman as Mary Jane. Even if the OG source material should be the most important source and not SJW pandering to masses.

But I am always suspicious if people have only one name and I would go away from casting somebody too young since that clearly defeats the whole purpose of Mary Jane Parker being a world famous super model.

Of course as the director I would have to include a stipulation into the fine print of Halle Berry's contract that she has to rehearse all the sex scenes at least three times with the set's stunt cock - for which I would selflessly make the sacrifice to give my time and effort until Halle has completely milked me dry - before shooting at an undisclosed location.

Since Halle Berry already showed that she has no problem with doing extremely explicit sex scenes in front of the entire crew we could have some great scenes like how her high school reunion from Mark Millar's MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER - MAN run would really have played out : not suffering from amnesia in regards to the most famous slut in town - who was the main attraction at a famous underworld strip club - they would immediately recognize the famous super model and while Peter Parker is busy they would drag her to the boys room where they would re - enact her deepthroat initiation as " head " cheerleader for the football team.

Or a storyline where Mary Jane gets even more famous as the rich guy who abducted her and got thrown in jail pays off her male co - stars to pump her full of very potent illegal sex drugs and shoot a sex tape with the drugged out nubian sex machine that he can leak to news outlets.

And there is always the popular story where the protagonists go broke and to eat and have a roof above their heads Mary Jane has to shoot porn movies with her husband and well endowed jock Flash Thompson who already tried in vain to dicktame her all throughout high school.

And the beauty of it all is that you don't even have to turn somebody like Mary Jane Watson into a person of colour to have black representation because unlike what some people may have you believe Marvel Comics has always had black characters in their stories. And not only famous characters like Black Panther , vampire hunter Blade or Power Man Luke Cage, the hero for hire. There were also people like Robbie Robertson - who was John Jonah Jameson's second in command at the Daily Bugle no less - and while I am not advocating for bringing somebody like the X - Men's Storm into a Spider - Man movie there is also a hot, black woman in Peter Parker's supporting cast : Gloria Grant who is introduced as his new hot neighbour who later works as John Jonah Jameson's secretary.

And yes, both of them are in this post as they both have their individual storylines. At the beginning there may have been some sexual tension between Gloria and Peter but they both went in different directions so it would be weird to have her in the movie as a romantic interest for him.

On the other hand it's not like she didn't have her own spicy adventures like when she fell in love with a latin lover who checks all the bad boy categories that women like because he was also a criminal, a werewolf and had a twin brother. Like it usually happens in all good telenovelas.

That was a big story for Gloria that was mostly explored within the pages of Sal Buscema's SPECTACULAR SPIDER - MAN and they definitely engaged in some uninhibited marathon sex orgies where the guy slam - banged Gloria's brains out six ways to Sunday during which he may have also transformed into a werewolf ( probably when the lights were out ) and takes turns dicktaming Gloria with his brother because with them being twins she could never tell the difference. If I remember there were some issues where Gloria didn't go to work for several weeks and it was heavily implied that she was too busy spreading her legs like a phillipino hooker.

sam raimi

a different take on spidermans origin

Speaking about different takes, back when James Cameron was trying to make his Spider - Man movie there was a lot of talk about casting none other than bra - busting 42E ( !!! ) - 25 - 38 brunette Nikki Cox a. k. a. the Jessica Rabbit of the WB as buxom party girl Mary Jane Watson.

I am not sure how legit these talks were because I don't think that it was ever confirmed that James Cameron or the producers at Carolco Pictures considered Nikki Cox for the role ( although I am sure they would have been thrilled to have her in the movie when she was at the height of her popularity due to her breakout performance in UNHAPPILY EVER AFTER and they probably would have loved to have her on the casting couch for a few weeks ) but there definitely was a lot of fan casting in that direction. A lot of people were so sure that she would land the role that WIZARD magazine had artist Brian Steelfreeze draw a poster for the James Cameron Spider - Man movie that would have starred Leonardo DiCaprio as Peter Parker and Arnold Schwarzenegger as Doctor Octopus.

It turned out to be an April's Fool prank but a lot of people thought it was the real deal since it was not as far fetched as some of the casting that was done for the real Spider - Man movies. I mean, nothing against Kirsten Dunst as an actress but when put up against an ultimate sexbomb like Nikki Cox who would you say looks like a supermodel ? Rest my case.



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