Sunday, March 27, 2022

Superman Sunday : José Luis García - López

Since José Luis García - López celebrated his 74th birthday just two days ago and it has been two years since my last spotlight post it´s about time.

Plus it never hurts to put more Superman related stuff on my little blog.

It also gives me a chance to continue my GOODBYE GERMANY series so we start off with my last remaining José Luis García - López covers for Ehapa Verlag´s issues of SUPERMAN BATMAN. Sadly they are not enough for a full blown post so I have also included some australian covers plus some DC COMICS PRESENTS leftovers from our last José Luis García - López tribute.

When DC Comics announced the SUPERMAN`S GREATEST TEAM - UP`S hardcover a lot of people were upset because some of the issues of Superman´s default team - up series DC COMICS PRESENTS were missing.

The reason for that is that they were already reprinted in volume 1 of ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN BY JOSE LUIS GARCIA - LOPEZ. Sadly José Luis García - López hasn´t done many issues of the regular Superman series so volume 2 is made up almost entirely of his ELSEWHERE stories - which are nothing to sneeze at either - but if you want to read the classic Superman team - ups everybody knows and loves volume one is the book you need.

A lot of writers have problems with writing for Superman because they think he is too powerful ( which is not true but let´s not get into that now since I have already written about that subject ad nauseum ) so I would like to know how those creators would approach the following characters who are even more powerful than the Man of Tomorrow.

We continue our retrospective of the classic Superman movies with the last good one. From here on it gets weird. Anyway, the studio interfered so much that there is a separate Richard Donner cut. To tell the truth I haven´t watched the full version but I´m not sure if I liked the parts I´ve seen so far. The scenes looked like they went into a completely different narrative. So maybe the studio was right but I´d have to see the full film.

These days I only include the celebrity birthdays sporadically but those who want to check out my past musings can find the anniversaries from March the 17th up to April the 1st in this Arthur Adams spotlight post from 2019, from March the 18th to April the 5th in this post, and last but not least March the 21st to April the 5th in this Arthur Adams spin - off post .

We continue our trip down memory lane on March the 22nd with Hugo Egon Balder who turned 72. He is of course best known as the host of TUTTI FRUTTI and I love wikipedia because I have never heard it described anywhere else as a soft - porn tits - out show but I guess it kind of was .

One of the main attractions of the game show TUTTI FRUTTI was of course brabuster Monique Sluyter who not only had no problem taking off her clothes on tv she also often disrobed for various gentleman magazines.

Regular readers of this blog already know that I cast her as Fire a.k.a. Beatriz da Costa in the Andy Sidaris Special of my popular Casting the Justice League of America movie series and I also kept mentioning her in all kind of posts like the annual re - posts about italian mega soccer MILF Simona Ventura until I decided to give Monique and the Tutti Frutti girls their own post which I re - posted in 2016 in a new and better version.

But the blow up sex doll from the Netherlands was not only in PLAYBOY multiple times she also was a big factor in my obsession on blondes with giant breast like Power Girl with her impersonation of Marilyn Monroe.


In the old comics artist Wally Wood kept making Power Girl´s breasts bigger and bigger to see how far he could take it. Or at least that is the urban legend. Speaking of Wally Wood´s version of Power Girl, if you want to see for yourself if there´s any truth to the claim that he supersized Power Girl´s boob you can find the original art for the 17 page story from ALL - STAR COMICS 65 at the private collection of James Halperin and you can see them at an even bigger resolution at HERITAGE AUCTIONS . Well, in regards to Power Girl´s breast size ( let´s not loose track of what is really important here ) fact is that the artists after Wally Wood drew her with normal proportions .... or what is considered normal for superheroines.

Until Bart Sears took over the character, buffed her up and returned her signature breast size - at least until the whole NEW 52 fiasko / retcon.

When I started to read american comics the DC universe was brand new thanks to the Crisis on Infinite Earths fallout and I grabbed all the series I didn´t know which included the two fisted combo of Justice League by Keith Giffen, J. M. DeMatteis and Kevin Maguire and Justice League Europe also by Giffen and Matteis, art by Bart Sears and inks by Pablo Marcos whom I knew from his work on Defenders. I don´t know if it was fate but the very first issue of Justice League Europe I got was issue 4 in which Power Girl, Flash and Animal Man share a hotel room as they go to Bialya on an undercover mission. I re - read the issue a few times and I always wondered if these more human - and more horny in the case of Flash - heroes didn´t spend the dull waiting time in a more adult way.

Well, I was young, in my sexual prime and had a lot of spare time in the barracks ( we were three in one room but the others went home after duty so I had the black and white television set with a lot of TUTTI FRUTTI and PLAYBOY LATE NIGHT episodes all to myself which didn´t exactly help my situation ) so I re - read the issue a few times imagining what could have happened if Animal Man would have gotten Power Girl under his control with pheromones. Ah, all the things I would have done to her.

For me Bart Sear´s version is still the definite version of Power Girl and when DC started back - paddling with REBIRTH and restoring many things I was curious what that meant for Power Girl. I had hoped that there might be a return to her former glory in store for her but so far the SJWs have stuck the real Power Girl in limbo and replaced her with a political correct, flat chested black version. I guess Kara is too much woman to for them.

Now I have never made a secret that I am sexually obsessed with Power Girl. There are dozens of posts dedicated to DC´s Maid of the Mighty Mammaries and while I haven´t written one recently I started a new series about one of my favorite artists from my earliest comic reading days. And while the first post was all about Joe Staton´s contribution to the GREEN LANTERN ( or DIE GRÜNE LEUCHTE how he was called in Germany and at that time I was reading mostly german comics ) my next ones were about his version of Power Girl - which I had to split into two separate posts, the intro and the main post - since Joe Staton not only drew all of the stories of Power Girl or the Justice Society of America but basically everything on Earth 2. For those who want to check it out I also managed to do a follow - up post with a lot more Green Lantern art by Joe Staton just in 2020 .

The problem with TUTTI FRUTTI is that if I finally manage to find some videos of it - or the original show COLPO GROSSO - they have an age restriction and I can´t post them. But a few months back I found some episodes of TUTTI FRUTTI that I CAN post and what´s even better not all of them were deleted. Granted, the best parts had to be cut in order to circumvent the age restriction but you can just use the download links or the links to the uncensored videos that you can find in the text for that.

And I just wrote a spin - off post with all the usual links to Janet Jones Gretzky and real live Power Girl Leslie Easterbrook who had the most famous scene in Police Academy 4 - Citizens on Patrol in which she emerges from a pool in a wet t - shirt . And while the obligatory Andy Sidaris actresses / playmates / sexbombs like Roberta Vasquez , Ava Cadell , brunette Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir , Julie Strain , Shae Marks, Julie K. Smith and Samantha Phillips are mentioned the main part is about blonde brabuster Monique Sluyter and the obligatory plethora of Tutti Frutti girls .

Now usually I just include a short part with them in the posts but this time I did a somewhat longer version so I could include all the new download links I found while writing this post. I just recently included a whole slew of new ones but those are just for compilation and mixes while these new ones are not only for entire episodes - which are always ultra rare - but for german episodes which are even rarer . Some of them even include my favorite Tutti Frutti girl ( whom you can see just below ). 

Coming back to the topic of our post, Superman fights for truth, justice and the american way. Or at least he used to do until the snowflake SJW generation decided that " the american way " sounded too imperialistic plus it could hurt their bottom line abroad so they changed it to " truth, justice and a better Tomorrow " in the hopes of not offending anyone.

Well, I wonder how long that lasts because sooner or later someone will be offended by " truth " or " justice ". Anyway, Superman USED to fight for truth, justice and the american way and what could be more american than Marvel Comics Team America ? Marvel Comics already had successful comicbook series under its belt with Transformers, G. I. Joe, Micronauts and Rom, Spaceknight so it was not unreasonable that they tried again.

Apropos politically co - retconned characters, as awesome as the following crossover may be I just can´t take the new flat chested Lara Croft serious.

Thankfully there are people who remember what Lara Croft looks like.

We have another episode of Inside Of You with Tom Welling which never gets old. Now as most people know Tom Welling had a great cameo in the Elseworlds crossover where he didn´t wear the Superman costume. And as much as I would have liked to see that you have to keep in mind that he never wore it on Smallville. Speaking of Superman tv shows I really wanted to give the new show a chance but I stopped watching it because for me it´s false advertising. We are promised a new version of Lois & Clark but what we get instead is The Supersons Temper Tantrum Power Hour and that is not something I´m interested in. Longtime followers of the blog know that I´m a big fan of the original Supersons stories but not so much of the political neutered new attempts. While the original stories had some appeal in the " Oh, Dad, stop showing off your super powers, you´re so embarrassing. " vein with Superman Jr. joining forces with Lex Luthor to kill his Dad the new stories are just too much lovey dovey " aw, shucks Daddy is just the best " crap that just makes you want to vomit.

Superman is also called " The Man Of Tomorrow " which is something that has always interested science fiction fans and let´s be honest, although a lot of people don´t see it that way Superman is first and foremost a sci fi story. There are many ways the concept of a hero for the future can be applied and one tv show that went in a different direction was Automan.

Instead of a strange visitor from a super developed alien civilization they took the concept of Tron and flipped it on its head : while in the movie a user was transported into a computer generated universe here we had a computer generated person that was transported into our " real " cosmos.

Now on past occassions I go with the first episode of a series but after checking out the imdb page for Automan I went with the second one because of a certain buxom barkeeper which the blog followers from my generation might remember from the Tom Hanks comedy Bachelor Party.

Back then they put the emphasis in screwball comedy on the screw part so there were a lot of hot massitas like uncredited blonde bombshell Angela Ames who could have easily starred in a POWER GIRL movie.

So it´s no wonder that among her sadly too few credits ( she passed away with only 32 years ) is the 1984 Jim Wynorsky skin flick THE LOST EMPIRE besides former blow up sex doll template Raven De La Croix who played the role of überbusty amazonian princess. I wrote a bit more about Raven De La Croix in my first Justice League Casting Alternates post and you can find more about the Russ Meyer movie UP ! in this Alan Davis post about the Legion of Super - Heroes including some spiffy new animated GIFs of born for porn actress Janet Wood who tried to bang her homosexual co - star Robert McLane straight again in the worst way during the shooting.

And while I have mentioned some of the well endowed actresses from his cult movies like 39D playmate Eve Meyer , 44F Busenwunder Uschi Digard or natural born indian 42F stripper Raven De La Croix in various posts I have only written solo cult siren entries for two of the greatest Russ Meyer muses : Haji and Tura Satana . Tura´s post is mostly about the cult movie Faster Pussycat ! Kill ! Kill ! ( The Devil Women of Tittfield in german ) although it touches on her other movies and has her full bio.

Our next video is kind of a re - post but also not and it comes with a bit of an explanation. While I have posted the film I haven´t posted this episode from Creature Features which is less likely to be deleted - at least I hope it is. In regards to the explanation, in Germany there were two Tales From The Crypt movies : one which combined the first episodes from the HBO tv show on the cult comicbooks released by EC Comics in the 1950s and this feature film from 1971 which only shares the title and not much else.

As a big fan of the EC Comics I´ve done a number of posts on the subject : I did a special black and white tribute post to William Gaines in 2017 with two full stories, one by Johnny Craig and one by George Evans, in 2018 I did two posts, one for the horror books and one for the other titles EC published and I also did special spotlight posts for Jack Davis and a black and white post with the complete original artwork of the story And All Throughout The House by Johnny Craig from THE VAULT OF HORROR 35.

I didn´t write any EC Comics posts in 2019 but in 2020 I wrote a post in honor of the late William Gaines with stories by Johnny Craig, Graham " Ghastly " Ingels and Joe Orlando - who got a spotlight post - as well as one in tribute to the late Bernie Krigstein and two about Johnny Craig . And last but not least last March we had the obligatory William Gaines tribute .

Besides publishing the best comic in the genre of horror, science fiction, war, crime fiction and many others ( which every comic book fan or comic book creator worth his salt needs to read to understand what you can do within the medium of comic books ) he also created a whole new genre with the creation of Mad magazine when his competitors, censorship and the Comics Code Authority forced him to cancel his most successful titles.

Coming back to the topic of heroes with technological enhancements we have one of my favorite cartoon shows of all times, Bionic Six which is part Fantastic Four, part Partridge Family, part Six Million Dollar Man / Woman.

Sadly there are no full episodes of Bionic Six on YouTube but I found something even better : an episode of the classic Tom & Jerry show.

For Today´s music video I´m going with the OG John Williams theme. I don´t know about you but just hearing it makes me want to reach for some quintessential Superman comicbooks and give them another read.

Besides most of my comicbook collection I didn´t have to let go of a lot of books by Astrid Lindgren. Not because I haven´t read a lot of her books but because I read most of them via the local library and bought only her recent ones. Which is my life hack of Today : check out your local library.

We are closing things out with one of the many adaptions of Astrid´s books. Astrid had a lot of opposition because she promoted the idea of educating children without violence. Which may sound like not such an outlandish concept for Today´s generation but keep in mind that the practice of corporal punishment was still the norm when I went to school.

New to the blog ? Everything you need to know about TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN : top ten posts / more posts of interest / best of the best

How the world of Tomorrow looks like depends in great part on the power of imagination of those that are learning to read right now.

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