Sunday, January 07, 2024

Not a George Perez Justice League tribute

What better way is there to start the new year than to do a post that is just supposed to be a quick in - between post because you really want to do a follow up post to your last post but you also don't want to have two Marvel Comics posts in a row ? And then this post here almost becomes another George Perez tribute post because that is what always happens.

To go a bit deeper into the genesis of this post, as I said I needed a DC Comics post but I didn't want to do just a follow up to previous DC posts because on one side I like to have a little variety to my posts because that makes it more interesting for all of my readers but also for myself.

And I think that is shows when I am more invested in doing a post so it's better for everyone involved in the long run. The other thing I have to take into consideration is my rather limited picture archive which means that even if I want to do certain posts I don't always have the material.

In this case it was a coin flip between yet another JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA post and a LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES post and the only reason why I went with the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA is that I am waiting a little with the LEGION OF SUPER - HEROES post to see if I come across some good material in the next few weeks. Because that's another thing, now I have to wait until I come across some good material. Quite literal.

Because I don't know if I mentioned this before but lately when I go looking for pictures and open the results in a new window I can't click on the pictures directly. I have to go below the pictures to the part with the other search results and then click on them and if they open up I can click on the picture. So even if I find a picture I am looking for I can't use it. I have to go to the other search results and follow them in hopes of being led back to the original picture in the most roundabout manner.

Just another wrinkle the internet gods heaped on me because writing this blog is much to easy as it is. So finding new material is extremely difficult nowadays. That said you are probably wondering why I still went to all that trouble to make this post instead of just continuing the Dick Dillin JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA series with all of the leftover stuff.

Which would have been a piece of cake and believe me, the next one is already in the pipeline which means I have already figured out - at least to 90 percent - which pages I am going to put into that one. But like I said diversity is the spice of life ( but not the diversity that the cancel pigs out there want to sell you which is either diversity for diversity's sake with no story behind it or something that looks like diversity but in reality is the same character over and over ) so I wanted to spotlight some of the other artists who worked on the title during the Bronze Age.

Which of course includes the late great George Perez who took over the art reigns when Dick Dillin died at his drawing board while working on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA. And it would have been easy to do just a post with George Perez artwork since he worked on and off on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA while doing THE NEW TEEN TITANS together with Marv Wolfman which would become their signature series and the book with which they would leave their mark in the history of comicbooks.

The funny part here is that DC Comics lured George Perez away from AVENGERS by promising him that he could work on Justice League but when he finally made the switch they could not give him the book because Dick Dillin had locked that one down airtight. So instead they offered him this new version of the TEEN TITANS that this young upstart Marv Wolfman was cooking up which turned out to be more interesting for George Perez because the characters in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA were pretty much trapped in amber and so you could not change much.

Now the members of THE NEW TEEN TITANS on the other hand had more potential for development especially the new ones that were created exclusively for the book. Which is not to mean that George Perez didn't bring his a - game to JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA since those were the characters he wanted to draw so much he left Marvel Comics behind.

But since he took over the book in the midst of a story the inker he got inked everything in a house style to make the transition not that jarring but on the other hand it didn't do George Perez any big favours either.

That said there was some art by Don Heck that I thought about including in this post but since I have almost no other artwork by him I am keeping that for an upcoming Don Heck tribute post. There are also some pages I didn't put into this post because they are from the famous - or infamous your mileage may vary - Detroit Era which I hope to cover at some point.

For me that is a very interesting part of the team's history on one side because it is polarizing but also because some of the characters who were introduced during this run clearly have star potential since they have been adapted to cartoons and tv shows multiple times since then.

And because we didn't get much of those books in Germany because the Ehapa Verlag was nearing the end of publishing DC Comics and it would be decades until another publisher like Dino Verlag would bring monthly DC Comics back to comicbook stores and newsstands. I almost bought the omnibus that collects all of the Detroit Era stories but I missed my opportunity and now that either goes for crazy prices or is out of print.

Coming back to comicbooks I used to have I bought some of George Perez JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA issues in the original floppies - through my trusty comicbook shop the SAMMLERECKE in Esslingen - right before I buckled down and got both volumes of the DC COMICS CLASSICS LIBRARY that collect all of his stories. They could have easily put them into one volume but I guess they felt that they were not overpricing these books enough and needed to squeeze even more money out of their customers.

Although I didn't care. There was no other book that collected all of the issues and while I now had some redundancies I kept the original issues.

Because in some cases the printing in those old issues was still better in the new restored version you could find in those books. I think I gave a few of them to my brother as a present but with the way he seems to have become allergic to comics nowadays who knows if he still has them.

I don't know, you raise your siblings, try to teach them all the important values in life but after that it's up to them. But you have done your part.

Coming back to the topic of this post, one of the original issue where the printing was better than in all of the reprints I have seen since then ( one of them being the 2020 Justice League Of America - A Celebration Of 60 Years hardcover ) is the 200th anniversary issue which besides George Perez features a plethora of a Who's Who of DC Comics superstars each of them drawing a chapter featuring their signature character. As soon as I started to think about doing this post I knew that I wanted to include some material from this issue and that is also where the idea generated to include some artists besides George Perez. And knowledgeable comic afficionados will also know that the story is a callback to the origin story of the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA - which was not in their first issue.

Yes, unlike nowadays where they have to spend at least the first six issues of each new series introducing the team members in the olden days they had no time for that. Because it was a competitive market instead of one where the cancel pigs try to live out their fantasies by inserting themselves into everything they write so they had to hit the ground running. They gave you the best stories they could come up with and if a series stuck around long enough to become successful THEN they thought about coming up with an origin story for the team not before.

Deja Vu. The strange feeling you have seen, experienced, done some thing or have been somewhere before. In this case I am pretty certain that I used some of the artwork for the 200th issue of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA before - especially from the AQUAMAN chapter which was drawn by my all time favourite BATMAN artist the great late Jim Aparo .

But as usual when I went looking for it I couldn't find it anywhere on the blog so I hope my faithful followers will give me some leeway if I include pages I used before. At least this way I know where the material is the next time I go looking. Or not the way my memory has become lately.

by george

justice stuff

justice links

Now the roster of the Justice League of America has - like the roster of the Avengers - changed a lot over the decades and one reason why Grant Morrison's iteration of the team was such a big success was that he went back to the original founding members. Which in itself is not that much of a brilliant idea because most writers wanted to use the big guns like Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman but as it also happened with the Justice League's counterparts in the Avengers most times the publishers didn't want them to use heroes who had their own titles. I mean, why put Batman in a team when he is already successful selling two titles ?

You could argue that if he can sell two titles his involvement in a third title may only increase sales on that title and also bring new readers to his own book. But you also run the risk of oversaturation and would have the hassle to figure out when the stories fit into the timeline of the bat.

Because comic fans need to know theses things. So when the Batman appeared more regularly in the pages of JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA during the Batmania that swept the nation around the time the Adam West Batman tv show aired you might think that was the reason Batman was more involved in the book and made so many cover appearances.

But is it true ? Well, let's find out with another episode of Brian Cronin's nifty Comic Book Legends Revealed over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES .

And speaking of cross promotion, since Superman and Batman are two of the most high profile members of the Justice League of America you might think that they would flex their membership in that elite group at every chance they got. But when was really the first time that Superman and Batman first acknowledged the Justice League in their own books ?

And since George Perez took over the art duties on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA in the middle of a story where the league has to go up against Darkseid it's only fitting to include Brian's newest instalment of " Drawing Carzy Patterns " and 5 times Darkseid made a shocking last page reveal .

justice videos

since I already posted the video about the 200th issue of Justice League America in my first tribute post to artist Dick Dillin bla bla bla


the justice league movie that almost was

sherlock holmes

speaking of sherlock holmes and the greatest detectives in fiction my faithful followers know that I am a big fan of the manga / anime series case closed and if you ask anybody who is the best detective in the series most people will probably say shinichi kudo since he is the star however a case could be made ( pun intended ) that it is kogoro mouri since there were some cases where conan could not help him to solve them at least not without blowing his cover and kogoro managed to find the culprint on his own displaying his deductive skills thus proving that it is not that far fetched that everybody believes him to be this great detective who solves all of his cases in his sleep

blame canada


Yes, I am fond of what others consider the trashy side of pop culture.

Make no mistake, Thunder In Paradise definitely falls into that category.

Compared to this Acapulco H.E.A.T. is like Shakespeare although like all good ( or is that bad ? ) shows from the 90s it includes a certain amount of hot bikini babes which they go to great lengths to make the viewers aware of them as they put it right in the intro of the very first episode.

Well, I think it´s the first episode. I didn´t have the time to go through all videos of Thunder In Paradies on YouTube so I bookmarked the three longest one that have the best quality and this is the last one of them.

By the way, the brunette sebomb in the yellow bikini looks a bit like PLAYBOY's Playmate Of The Month Of April in 1986 Teri Weigel ( and you can read more about her and the other incredible blow up sex dolls who guest - starred in the iconic 80s sitcom MARRIED WITH CHILDREN in my recent FANTASTIC FOUR FRIDAY WITH THE BUNDYS spotlight post ) before her 40E boob job. Can anybody out there confirm or deny that´s Teri ?

As for why there are so many random bikini babes in shows like these, the bikini babes serve two purposes ( and I´m saying this without any double meaning ) : the first one is to keep the male audience who was clearly the main target hooked. A famous crime fiction writer once said that if things get too boring you send in two guys with machine guns.

The same principle works with televison shows, dudes and bikini babes.

The second purpose is to get an actor of the calibre of a Patrick Macnee with a serious pedigree on a show like this and to keep him interested.

Some people may scoff at this but including a lot of hot women in a show does wonders for the morale. If you don´t believe that ask yourself : if you had the same job but were surrounded by hot women in swimsuits would you not be happier at the end of the day ? Now one of the things I noticed is how colorful everything was back then. The comics were like that and definitely the tv shows. And you may say that I ncluded this for the hot bikini babes but that´s not it. If you are looking for intellectually stimulating stories portrayed by the greatest actors America has to offer you will be disappointed. But if you want to see a highly entertaining show with tons of wrestlers guest starring from their heyday and cheap special effects you have come to the right place. This show was done by the guys from Baywatch and Hulk Hogan quit the WWF to film this series.

He met with Eric Bishop and after the show's end he went to the WCW.

Staying on the subject of busty bikini babes on Thunder In Paradise , it took me quite a while to mention the show on the blog because I just could not find the special episode I was looking for on YouTube. Or rather the episode with this hot bouncing action prone beachbombing bimbo.

As usual I came across this episode while I was looking for Playboy clips of Jacqueline Sheen ( which I ended up not using ). It is episode three of the first season ( or episode four if you count the pilot movie as two episodes ) called Sea Quentin and I think Sting guest stars. The wrestler.

Not the singer. Anyway, according to her imdb sheet the sexbomb in the red dotted bikini with the integrated bouncing action appeared in six additional Thunder In Paradise episodes and her name is Heidi Mark.

She was PLAYBOY's Playmate Of The Month in July of 1995, appeared on Baywatch , Silk Stalkings and episodes of Married With Children.


who is that girl


jaqueline arm wrestling

video in better quality jaquelines boobs are huge in this one

By the way I have to give props to nubian sex goddess Jaqueline who seldom got as much play as she deserved for being an afro american wrestler with huge melons. She was one of the best contestants in the Miss Rumble Contest during the Royal Rumble in 2000 and her swimsuit barely covered anything and her giant 38E milkshakes were in full effect.

Also participating was sexual pocket rocket Teri Runnels and not only did she wear a suit that left little to the imagination - her entire backside was practically naked - she also knew what the audience wanted and leaned wide over the top rope to the point where she almost fell off.

Of course the WWE had to ruin the end - like they do in most bikini, swimsuit, wet t - shirt or other Diva contests that could arouse their audience - by bringing on some old wrestling fossils. I don´t know why they have to be such cockblocks but that scarred wrestling fans for life.

Another great television moment in wrestling history had to do with the consequences of a match that had the stipulation that if Goldust loses Terri would become Flying Brian Pillman's personal assistant - with a big emphasis on the " personal " part - and all the horny male wrestling fans wishes came true when he made her wear a skimpy leather porn outfit.

You probably are asking yourself how in the world Goldust would ever agree to a match that had even the slightest chance of his wife who is built like a PLAYBOY Playmate Of The Year ending up as the slave of a perverted would - be serial rapist like Brian Pillman. Well, as always with these feuds the story goes even farther back and in this case it was the Summerslam where Brian Pillman lost a match and the stipulation was that he had to wear a dress from that point forward. At least during his matches. What he would wear at home was none of Goldust's concern.

As one can imagine Goldust was very amused by the whole thing and Brian Pillman much less so. Anyway, after a match Brian Pillman dared Goldust to a match with the stipulation that if he lost Brian would leave the WWF forever BUT if he should win MILF Marlene would become his personal assistant for 30 days. Of course Goldust wanted to have none of it but after Brian Pillman insinuated that he was the father of Marlena's daughter Dakota Marlena quickly agreed to the terms of the match. If it was to keep her husband from going crazy or to keep Brian Pillman from telling the truth that is something everybody has to decide for himself.

Well one of the reasons why Marlena was quick to accept the match might have been that she already had made the decision to do whatever is necessary to prevent that Brian ever got his hands on her. But at the night of the fateful match her outside interference backfired horribly and cost Goldust the match which put Marlena at Brian Pillman's mercy.

And you have to give credit where credit is due, Brian really knew how to treat a classy lady because he wasted no time using and abusing her.

He had already dicktamed her without mercy when they were dating and the same night he won the match he already had her laying on her back and spreading her legs like a phillipimo hooker while he reminded her why they broke up. But now Marlena was forced to fulfil his every wish and made all of his most perverted sex phantasies come true. All night.

Now it was not enough for Brian to slam - fuck Marlena's brains out six ways to Sunday with the full knowledge of her husband he also had to torment him with evidence of their sexual activities. First by showing him pictures of Marlena on a bed in handcuffs then by video footage from the breaks in their sex marathon during which he would describe Marlena's insatiable appetite in detail and film her under the shower.

While he was working Marlena's bonerinducing body rugged by night she had to be his personal " ASS " - istant during the day. Which included accompanying him to the matches for which Brian Pillman changed her style from the usual gold dresses to a somewhat more sluttier outfit.

Speaking of more revealing outfits this leads us right back to Marlena's porn leather slut outfit. This was at day 16 of her tenure as " personal assistant " so Brian had already done his best to bend her to his will, using her like a cheap five dollar hooker for more than two weeks.

They probably went through all the positions at least twice and with the height difference she really was like a sex doll for Brian while for the even bigger Goldust it was more like doing it with an oversized Barbie.

Terri is really small at 4 foot 12 and in comparison to her little body her 40D - 22 - 33 measurements make her boobs look even bigger. Coming back to the match with Marlene at ringside in a leather outfit that would make Mike Deodato's leather clad Wonder Woman from the 1990s blush Brian Pillman tried to weasel his way out of it because he claimed that he slipped and broke his arm during sex with Marlena who bend down for " that last glorious position ". But Sgt. Slaughter didn't believe him - at least not the part where he broke his arm while the part where he had Marlena assuming the position ( they must have gone through all of them at least twice by that point in time ) and squealing like a pig sounded too weird to be made up - and so he had to proceed with it.

The plan was that after the 30 days of Marlena's penetration sensation marathon as Brian Pillman's sex slave she and Goldust would renew their vows at a pay - per - view and Brian would crash the ceremony which would result in a fight and having been completely dicktamed by Brian - in mind as well as in spirit - for a freaking month Marlena would have left Goldust to continue being Brian's obedient sex toy. Sadly that never came to fruition as Brian Pillman passed away shortly before the event.

For sex doll Tylene Buck NWO stood for NONSTOP WYLDE ORGASMS !

The line between manager, valet and sex slave has always been blurry in wrestling and it is a well known fact that Arne Anderson used 40E - 24 - 35 Busenwunder Tylene Buck as his personal blow up sex doll banging her brains out six ways to Sunday claiming he could help her with her career and the other members of the NWO - no pun intended - like Scott Hall frequently used all the valets for shall we say recreational purposes.

Later on the degenerates from Misfits In Action subjected Tylene to all night sex position warfare and she really served under canadian Lance Storm who together with the other members of Team Canada tag teamed her up to four guys at the same time taking turns relentlessly pumping the busty blonde making her scream until she became a willing member.

It is also common knowledge that Billy Kidman drilled Torrie whenever he could while the rest of the Filthy Animals really lived up to the name by taking turns banging Torrie Wilson´s pornstar body into submission when they were on tour. Which was on three hundred ( that´s right, 300 !!! ) days of the year. Rumor has it Konan was especially eager taming Torrie.

And you can read more about the other NWO girls who got bucknaked in the IRONMAN Swimsuit Spectacular videos like April Hunter in the second part of my tribute to wrestling Sexbomber Tylene Slam Buck from 2020.





vixen and bumsen and blasen

Speaking of hot sexbombs born to work the pole, we have a repost and not because I posted this episode of The Grind in my THINDERBOLTS post even if it was chopped up into multiple videos. Since I already did the rundown of the Grind dancers there I will not go into detail about it here and only mention a few of the breast highlights like this bigbreasted girl which I have dubbed Bootylicia Busenwunder for very obvious reasons.

Amongst all the girls on The Grind she is in the upper echelon where big breasts are concerned - especially since she is wearing bikini tops in most of the episodes and I would call her a black guy's wet sex dream because she has tits like a white girl AND a big booty like a black girl.

Of whom we get to see a lot more is The Grind 's resident redhead and I mean that quite literally because she is not wearing a skirt to cover up and she's shaking her midsection and booty like there's no Tomorrow.

Danielle is the personification of the old saying " You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you will get no sleep with a redhead because those deepthroat addicted nympho sluts will have you erect and squirting like crazy all night long until they have drained you to the last drop. " and she has dicktamed a few guys on the show.

Not on this episode but there are some where you see her dancing closer and closer with her partner, than giving him a lapdance and after slowly ( or faster depending on which music is playing ) massaging his boner with her crotch until it becomes hard like unto a thing of iron they disappear in the background and only emerge at the end of the show with Red grinning from ear to ear and her partner completely worn out.

Speaking of red, we have one of the frequent busty nubian sexbombs on the show in a red bikini for once and we actually get to see it. This takes me back and I still remember the music clues for when you hit " record " on the vcr to get the breast bits. And this girl had quite big breast bits.

Anyway, while this is a Miami episode I don't think it is the one where Dana's brother dicktamed her in one of the secret spots where dancers went outside of the reach of the cameras to have sex during the show.

Confused ? I have written at length about it in the SOUL SHROUD SAGA post but when the show was on the air they often did interviews with the dancers and since Dana was a regular on the show they also did one with her. So this is not something I found on the internet ( since we all know how reliable this kind of information can be ) but something I saw on tv.


Anyway, one of the things Dana mentioned was that she loved dancing with her brother as a partner because she could use her sluttiest stripper moves without him getting a giant boner. Because he was her brother.

Well, it seems he didn't get the memo because you could see that he clearly got aroused when his sister jumped on him like a phillipino prostitute in heat and rubbed her pornstar body all over his dick.

There were a few episodes where he was caught drooling all over her mouth watering puppies and when he became aware that he was being filmed while staring at his sister´s terrific teenage titties he just grinned into the camera like saying " Yes, I´m checking out my sister´s boobies while all you can do is watch me. What are you going to do about it ? "  and started to fondle her breasts when she wasn´t paying attention.


Now at the beginning Dana probably had no idea that her booming teenage body had such an effect on her horny brother because in the same interview she also said that she and her brother were the best of buddies and that they did almost everything together which included showering - to save water ( which naturally was her brother´s idea ).

She then went on to explain that they always showered together after a hot dance workout since it was the best way for her brother to calm down and he always went to great lengths to make sure she was clean.

Although lately he took that very seriously and spent exceptionally much time soaping up her breasts. Dana also said that her brother was very goofy and that one night he got so drunk that he mistook her for his girlfriend - since she looked like Dana's big breasted twin - ripped her clothes off and dragged her to his bedroom where he pounded her until morning when he realized his mistake. At this point the girl doing the interview turned red like a tomato while Dana said that he almost wore his dick out but that thankfully this only happened half a dozen times.


Now up to this point you might chalk all of this to Dana's naivete but she must have gotten an idea that she was grooming her own brother to become her rapist when his attempts to put her torrid teenage body to the test became less subtle and he started to try to openly dicktame his sister in the worst way. It was an open secret that there were spots where the cameras did not reach or only went to seldomly where the dancers who got worked up went to vent the accumulated sexual energy.

And as the show went on you could see that with growing frequency Dana's brother had his hands all over her booming boobies and under her shirt as soon as the show started and when Dana tried to dance with somebody else he intervened and dragged her to one of these hot spots.

Then you would not see them for the rest of the show and when they finally would emerge again Dana's outfit would be all ripped to shreds and torn up with her hair fluffed and she would be trying to cover up her boobs while her brother was wearing a huge grin and his face would have various red hand prints where she smacked him repeatedly while trying in vain to stop him from using her like his new cheap blow up sex doll.

All of this is of course just based on my memories of the events and it's almost impossible to prove that it happened in this way because not only did I lose all my The Grind mixtapes as well as the master tapes long before I lost the rest of my earthly possessions before coming to Spain.

There also is a very limited amount of episodes available and according to Murphy's Law the more specific your search is the lower the chances are that you will find what you are looking for. As I mentioned before it was not possible featuring Mtv's The Grind before the channel where I found these new videos put them online and I have looked through all of the episodes I could find but I didn't find many where Dana is dancing with her brother and in the two or three cases I did he is not molesting her or dragging her to the blink spots - yet. And speaking of the perv.


He finally broke her defences in an episode in Miami where Dana was wearing a very short shirt that didn´t cover anything with a transparent bikini top under it and a g - string. As had become the norm he navigated her to a make out spot where he immediately squeezed her big boobies.

Then the camera moved away and the next time it moved back he had his hands under her bikini top. Now to clarify things : they were only filmed in passing and during short periods and if I hadn´t made a habit of watching these shows numerous times and in slow motion I probably would have missed it. The next time we saw them her brother had used her bikini top to tie her hands behind her back and was fondling her naked breasts under her short shirt covering her nipples with his hands.

We had another break and then her shirt was also gone and she was sitting on his lap while he was motorboating her juicy juggs. Then she was going up and down on his lap while spreading her legs wide open and he grabbed her thighs and rammed her down with growing enthusiasmn ( which we only saw from behind ). After that she lay on her back like a butterfly while he went crazy between her wide spread legs and it all ended with Dana on her hand and knees while her brother took her doggy - style. I guess after that he started dicktaming her in earnest.

But like I said, this is a different episode since she is wearing a blue print bikini here from the start to the end and while we don't have a lot of good shots with her she is always somewhere in the background while her brother is somewhere else. So this is probably from the time when things had not escalated to the point where he used her like a sex toy.

Now this is a Michael Jackson tribute episode so I have to mention my number one wet sex dream , a. k. a. the breast body in showbiz, 40C - 23 - 36 men milking machine Janet " I'll Fuck Your Brains Out All Night - Don't Stop " Action Jackson - the nubian deepthroat blow up sex doll that walks like a prostitute who has three solo posts on my blog plus three entries in my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series .

And speaking of casting ultimate dicktamer Janet in a movie, since I don't like to repeat myself this  time I wrote at lenght about my dream movie where she would play a busty MILF principal at Deepthroat High.

Janet already played the part of living campus mattress in Jermaine Dupri's music video Gotta Getcha ( in fact her performance in that video is so sexual that it has never been shown on german music television to this date ) and it should rate as a crime against humanity that Janet Jackson didn't follow it up with an x - rated full length feature film in which she plays the nymphomanic principal for a school whose students are primary girls who have already developed huge boobs for their young age and male serial - rapists - in training. The title of the movie could be The Pleasure Principal ( see what I did there ? ) and Janet Jackson would play principal Kim Blasinger, a mega horny monstercock addicted sex freak who graduated from Deepthroat University sucka come louder.

To keep the movie grounded in reality we would of course re - enact the entire six hours of Kim oral graduation test - even if we can only keep 20 minutes of the scene and the rest of the footage has to be locked away in my private safe to ensure Janet's continued cooperation - and for the sake of integrity Janet would have to " method act " ( and when I say " method act " I mean " method deepthroat " ) the whole thing which she could without breaking a sweat being a well known blowjob champion.

As the director of this movie I would not expect any actor to do what I am not prepared to do myself so I would not only selflessly volunteer for the part of stunt cock who has to go through all the sex scenes before the shooting, to make sure they are not too explicit I would also insist on rehearsing the deepthroat graduation in a luxurious five star hotel suite no matter how long it takes. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

To boost morale and to try and teach the male students to vent their pent up sexual energy in other ways than to gang up on their female classmates and drill them in every orifice of their body she starts to conduct exercise lessons to calm down the boys but of course it has the opposite effect since she is wearing a shirt that barely covers her giant gazongas and a microscopic g - string that shows more than it conceals.

Kim also tried to get the boys interested in extra curriculum activities and started a theater club for that purpose but the boys idea of classic literature ran more along the lines of Fanny Hill, Lady Chatterly's Lover, The Lady Godiva, The Adventures Of Josefine Mutzenbacher, History Of O, Marquis De Sade's Justine, Diary Of A Nymphomaniac, Memoirs Of A Busty Ex - Nun With A lot Of Sexual Catching Up To Do or Joy Of Sex and of course they all insisted that Kim played the part of the female lead.

The only reason why Kim agreed to this was that the boys promised her not to tape the midnight olympics but of course she could not control that any longer once they started ASS - aulting her pornstar body from all sides with giant monstercocks that would give even well - hung breeding stallions penis envy so they all recorded the whole shinding.

Janet Jackson was just made for the role of ultimate living blow up sex doll who gets drilled in every orifice of her hardbody and especially her perfectly shaped bubble - butt is almost genetically engineered to be sexually ASSaulted. It's no wonder that her brother Michael bullied her because Janet's bootylicious buttcheeks gave him a huge erection and he could not live out his sex phantasies with her because she was his sister.

I don't know if her other four brothers used Janet for a Jackson Fivesome but it's no wonder that she switched from a public school in Encino to Valley Professional School since she probably was forced to doggystyle sex by her male classmates on a daily basis. And the poor girl couldn't even describe her assailants to the police afterwards ( who insisted on a full cavity search before re - enacting the crime with Janet and filming the whole thing - just for the case records of course ) because she was always looking in the other direction so she could never see their faces.

Anyway, she could give a bonerinducing performance that would make afro - american 40E - 25 - 37 sex machine Halle Berry's famous marathon sex scene from the Oscar winning " Monster's Ball " in which she milked Thornton's Billy Bob dry in front of the entire crew that was so explicit it had to be censored multiple times look like an episode of Sesame Street.

So yeah, it is one heck of a missed opportunity we didn't get a movie with Janet Jackson as a deepthroat addicted sex freak who becomes the principal of a school full of young horny students with giant schlongs and she would have been perfect for the role of Kim Blasinger because it is not too far removed from reality since Janet Jackson herself is not only a well known blowjob sex nymfomaniac who dicktamed Justin Timberlake and confessed to be very addicted to testing out sex toys - especially XXL double dildos - but it´s also an open showbusiness secret that the afro - american aphrodite insists on inspecting all new employees - " orally " !!!

There are rumors that one of her video shoots turned into a sex orgy with half a dozen of her male dancers but there is no proof and if there is any footage of the squirt marathon it is under lock and key. There are however two very different versions of the incident. There are sources connected to Janet who say the dancers were turned on by Janet during the previous rehearsal and couldn´t help themselves so they took a huge viagra overdose and took turns pumping the nubian nympho's porn body.

Other sources connected to the defense of the dancers claim that it was Janet who spiked the dancers drinks with a viagra overdose so she could use them like breeding stallions - not caring that half of them were gay and would not have sex with a woman under normal circumstances. And once Janet had manged to get their giant monstercocks hard like unto a thing of iron and three times as big as normal so they looked like a third leg thanks to her superior deepthroat skills things got out of hand fast.

It´s no secret that Janet Jackson was predestined to play a stripper not only because of her incredibly fit and flexible pornstar hardbody which could have earned her a fortune as one of the biggest super stars in the adult entertainment industry but also because she has some incredible stripper moves that make real striptease pros envious . Which nasty Miss Jackson more than proved in Jermaine Dupri´s music video Gotta Getcha where Janet plays one extremely busty stripper dressed up as a school girl or teacher. I don´t know if it explicitly said " busty stripper " but with her huge DD melons it´s the only kind Janet can believably portray.

I always knew that Janet was a sex freak ( Janet admitted to joining the Mile High Club and is a well known size queen ) and although the rumors that Bobby Brown banged her in the 1980s might not be true it is more believable that she used Justin Timberlake as her sextoy and dumped him after a month of steamy sex marathons . According to Justin it took Janet an hour to get in my pants after we first hooked up and she was so wild in bed that I didn´t know how to handle it. I was falling in love with Janet but during our get - togethers she only wanted to have sex.

I don´t think of myself as sexy but I am a very sexual being, I always have sex on my mind. I feel comfortable with it and I think it´s great if a guy has a good sized package. I know the effect my body has on guys so I sometimes use it to get well hung guys into my bedroom where I tie them to the bed and slambang their brains out in a marathon sex orgy.

I go completely crazy and make them squirt again and again until they are completely drained. I regret it but I´ll turn around and do it again.

Man, now that she´s single again all the horny perverts around the world are hoping to dicktame this ASSential afro - american aphrodite six ways to Sunday. But they will only be used by blowjob addict Janet as her new personal sex toys since she has a lot of pent up sexual energy ( if you are ever in the vicinity of Torredembarra and in desperate need of a good slam - fucking I would gladly make the sacrifice and offer my services as breeding stallion for any emergency penetration sensation marathons Janet, hint, hint, wink, wink ) and will go on a sperm extraction spree, massaging huge monstercocks with her giant coconuts, deepthroating thick and pulsating schlongs left and right until they squirt like firehoses.

Anyway, this is of course the - very - short version to wet your appetite a bit and you already know where you have to go for the longer version.


the new teen titans were not the only ones who told kids to stay away from drugs what I didn't know was that there was this big cartoon crossover called cartoon stars to the rescue - comic stars against drugs in german - in the 90s which you can watch in its entirety - in the german dubbing of course - at the second part of this video


keep on running stephen king

It's been four years since we last had 40B - 22 - 35 Fraueleinwunder Elke Sommer on the blog which is definitely too long. Regulars visitors may remember that I wrote a few times about her plunging cleavage and her bountiful bosom in the movie Unter Geiern ( Amongst Vultures ) from Karl May's Winnetou series co - starring Terrence Hill and Goetz George in one of their earliest roles as well as Steward Granger as Old Surehand.

Busenwunder Elke Sommer really was the personification of the german Fräuleinwunder and a living screen goddess but so far all Winnetou movies I have posted have been deleted very quickly. So I hope that we have better luck with the spy adventure drama The Peking Medallion in which Elke displays another bonerinducing cleavage in a black dress.

it's official today's tv audience is useless all shows are on this list because they started a trend that other series copied and of course nowadays people prefer to watch generic knock - off clones than the originals is it any wonder that the tv program is crap




She was one of the biggest pop stars in Germany during the 80s and 90s ( she sold over 30 million records worldwide ) and she started her career as lead singer of the pop trio Arabesque before she was discovered by music producer Michel Cretu who launched her solo career. He married her and strangely enough celebrates his birthday on the same day as her.




without a clue



We are taking a break from all this science fiction and crime with the fine boys and more than fine girls of Zapeando. I used to watch it more often before they changed the line up which got rid of almost all the hot women, first and foremost real life 42D - 22 - 35 Power Girl Anna Simon.

All natural 40C - 25 - 33 Busenwunder Ana Morgade has also moved on to bigger - much bigger ( Britzky ! ) - and better things and as iberic 40C - 25 - 36 sexbomb Cristina Pedroche ( whom I featured a bit more in my latest Bart Sears birthday / Christmas post from December 2022 ) is way busy with shows like Love Island she only shows up once in a blue moon.

Now I don't know if I have ever explained what kind of show Zapeando is because I was always too busy writing about the various masssitas on the program so for those who have never seen it the title could be translated as Zapping and that's basically what they are doing. It's a show where they sit at a roundtable and go channel surfing and talk about all the usual stuff like internet finds, clips from tv shows and celebrity gossip.

I am no expert since I lived more than my first fifty years in Germany but I think it is the biggest, best known and most established of all the shows of this kind in Spain. If I am wrong please feel free to correct me in the comments below. From the hosts / co - presenters the two guys I know are Miki Nadal who is like comedy royalty in Spain since he has been in a lot of famous programs before like Dani Mateo who also has appearances on one of my favorite spanish lampooning programs ever El Intermedio.

And I am not just saying that because of hot Sexbombe Sandra Sabates.

I wanted to address Zapeando again for quite some time now because as longtime followers of the blog know I don't like to dwell on the negative things and prefer to spotlight the positive side so I wanted to mention that there has been a much needed new - ish addition to the diminished female roster of Zapeando who always puts her breast features forward - be it with her impressive cleavages or bobbing her boobies on a bouncing ball - but it took me quite some time to find out her name. And even when I managed to identify raven haired 38B - 24 - 35 sexbomb Lorena Castell that didn't mean that I automatically had some videos with her.

Okay, enough talk and let's get to the part you have all anxiously been waiting for : the top five of Lorena Castell's breast I mean best cleavages on Zapeando. As usual this selection is highly subjective and based on my own sexual preferences and depends on what I find on the interwebs. So if you know of an instance where love machine Lorena displayed a more generous cleavage or better yet - let it all hang loose liberating her lube applicationers - don't hesitate to drop me a line ( with some information where I can find some videos of said boob incident otherwise there is not much I can include in my posts ) in the ever trusty comment section.



natti natasha

dark night detective

gone to the dogs

justice banner

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.

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