Today is Adam Hughes 53rd birthday and since I already wrote about all my disappointments about his recent work in last year´s birthday post I don´t have to repeat it here. So we can get right to the good stuff from back in the day when he still did work that you wanted to spend your money on.
Like always I tried to make this post different than last year´s post so while I have some of his signature stuff in here like Catwoman, Lara Croft or Vampirella I also snuck in art that ties into the latest posts. So we have some STAR WARS and X - MEN art. No STAR TREK or GEN 13 art though because I still hope to get enough good original art for a spotlight post on those. And as always I couldn´t help myself so there is some Legion art as well. As I said in the intro this post is all about Adam Hughes babes so I am keeping the interior art pages for another occassion. But now let´s start and remember a time when reading comicbooks as a man was still fun.

It has also been a while since my last Gil Kane post so in the meantime here is a selection of his covers for CONAN and you can find some of his original page layouts in this post .I thought about just numbering my old posts but I think if I go to all the trouble and go through these links I should include some info. I made less posts for DC than for Marvel, one about his covers for the german Superman / Batman issues by Ehapa , one with his covers for Green Lantern and the last one with more DC covers .
For his Marvel work I did posts with some of his best covers , with more covers , with his Giant - Sized covers , his covers for Shang - Chi : Master of Kung Fu, one about his covers for Marvel´s horror titles - almost in alphabetical order - and one with even more covers for their horror titles .
I also did a black and white post with a selection of covers for DC and Marvel , one post with some covers from western comic books for DC and Marvel , one post with covers for swords and sorcery comic books , one post with an emphasis on DC and Marvel´s black characters , one about covers for comic books related to movies and last but not least one with covers for all those comic book series you may never have heard about .
And this one was all the DC Comics material that was left from the art I had already prepared in advance - including some pages he did for Sergio Aragones FANBOY six issue mini series - but there is still a plethora of Gil Kane art I haven´t posted so there may be a few more in the future.
There also are some sad news since one of the greats Richard Corben passed away just recently and before that we lost Mort Drucker , Martin Pasko , Denny O´Neil ( which made writing my last anniversary post for him just a week ago a really bittersweet experience ) and Joe Sinnott .
Aside from mentioning him in a few posts I included his adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe´s The Raven in a special Halloween double feature with the late, great Bernie Wrightson´s adaption of The Black Cat back in 2016 and also did spotlight posts for Richard Corben in 2016 , 2018 and 2019 .
Since I always had a soft spot for Joe Sinnot´s inks I tried to write a special Halloween post in 2015 which turned into my first Joe Sinnott appreciation post talking about all of my favorite series or parts of series.
In 2016 I even managed to do two posts, one with a lot of splash pages from german HIT Comics and a special THORSDAY post which included mainly splash pages from Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz´ run on THOR about which I have written in numerous posts. And which I will continue if I ever can get my new series about THE SOUL SHROUD SAGA off the ground.
As for FANTASTIC FOUR under Joe Sinnott´s tenure on the book my posts so far have been either focused on artists - like Jack Kirby ( you can find art from various issues in this post while this one has almost the entire original art for issue 99 ) and John Buscema whose run ( or better runs since he returned ) on the book is very underappreciated - or certain time periods of the book. Like my latest Joe Sinnott post about John Byrne´s first stint on the book - which included the Search For Galactus Saga where the big purple head goes mano a mono against the Sphinx - and the time period right after Reed Richards and Susan Storm left the team and Ben Grimm took over the team with Johnny Storm, Alicia and the Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel. Marvel enthusiasts may remember this time for having a lot of funky villains on the book like Fasaud and that Sharon Ventura turned into a female Thing while The Thing became a much thingier Thing.
As longtime fans know I take every chance to mention THE OVERMIND SAGA. I´m not going to go into detail about the story because a. ) I don´t want to spoil it for anybody who has not read it, b. ) all those who WANT to read about one of the best Fantastic Four stories of all time ( at least in my humble opinion and Robi will back me up ) can do it in this posting .
Continuing with the links some of the comicbook birthdays I haven´t gotten to this year are Len Wein , Jack Kirby , Walter Simonson and Jim Steranko and so far I have only done one spotlight post for Len Wein.
I can´t list all of the posts where I mentioned Jack Kirby so I am only going to include those that are about the King. Aside from a spotlight post in 2017 most of them are focused on special series like THE FANTASTIC FOUR where I did one with original art from various issues and one about issue 99 which includes - almost - the complete original art, THE MIGHTY THOR where I did posts for issues 171 ( part 1 / part 2 ) and 173 ( part 1 / part 2 ) and of course there was a lot of art from that series in my Vince Coletta posts from 2016 and 2019 . On the DC Comics side of things there is a post about MISTER MIRACLE which I wrote in 2018 and SANDMAN - although that one does include a lot of stuff about Neil Gaiman´s version of the book - and last but not least one about Pacific Comics CAPTAIN VICTORY .
You can check out ALL of the covers for Jack Kirby´s Fourth World Saga over at CRIVENS ! COMICS & STUFF and I did spotlight posts for Walter Simonson in 2016 and 2019 and for Jim Steranko in 2016 , 2017 and 2019 .
To wrap up the link section of this post, if you like original black and white art you might want to check out this spotlight on Sal Buscema . Arriba !
Coming back to the topic of the post I really didn´t expect to find a video about Adam Hughes but I found one that showcases his art. Now I know that it says " artist overview " in the title but it´s just some guy flipping through The DC Cover Art Of Adam Hughes book - which still has better shots of Adam Hughes art than any other video that I found on YouTube.
Since I know that a lot of SJWs and feminists check out the Adam Hughes posts to flame me here is a video with the truth about the - alleged - " gender pay gap " which is not so much a " women get paid less then men for doing the same work gap " and more of a " women want to get paid the same money as men but don´t want to work as much as them gap ".
I was racking my brain which silver screen seductress to include and then I thought why not throw in a whole bevy of them ? Thirteen is usually an unlucky number but not with these b - movie goddesses. Some of the women on the list - like Adrienne Barbeau , Linda Blair , Sybil Danning or Joan Severance have their own cult siren entry / spotlight on the blog.
I was looking for a comicbook that fits the topic of the post but with the first video I have already spent my Adam Hughes account so I was looking for a comic with a lot of sex and violence. Since I couldn´t find one I got the next best thing, which is a comic with a lot of Sachs and Violens.
As in Juanita " J. J. " Sachs and Ernie " Violens " Schultz, the protagonists of Peter David and George Perez creator owned series SACHS & VIOLENS that first came out under Marvel Comics Heavy Hitters imprint from Epic.
Like the title suggests you get some sex and violence in the issues although not on the level you would find in an european comic series.
Nevertheless it´s one of the few instances where you will see George Perez draw naked women - especially since he is in semi retirement ( thanks to the royalties for his work on TEEN TITANS and other DC titles, since Marvel Comics Disney seems less inclined to pay the creators what is due ) - and if that is not incentive enough to buy the series Peter David cooks up an entertaining story. I have had my problems with some of his writing but I also have no qualms about giving him props where it is due .
I was thinking about who is the manliest man on a tv show. Which means that with the current trend of wishy - washy - SJW - compatible guys who are " in touch with their feminine side " and seemi - gay main leads who live with other guys in a relationship that is similar to being married we had to take a deep callback. Back to the times before Netflix and other streaming platforms, when people said you can´t make a tv show in real time. When the only hope for the world to survive a terrorist attack for the next 24 hours was a guy who was so tough he made Wolverine look like a boy scout. I give you : the man, the myth, the legend that is Jack Bauer.
Now for the cartoon video I had the problem that I couldn´t think of a single one of the top of my head that included a lot of hot babes that I hadn´t posted yet. Plus if there is not enough erotic content I can put it into another post, while if there is too much erotic content it´s blocked.
So I want to pimp a cartoon that was adult without being x - rated and sexy without showing too much. Nowadays when people talk about adult cartoons it seems their are either talking about cartoons that look like cartoons for kids but are really for grown ups since they are mainly about impressing girls and dating which is something kids are not interested in.
Or its one of these cartoons with crappy art about boring grown up stuff that are supposed to be funny - but are not. And then there´s hentai.
Although there was some weird shtako and underlying sexual innuendo that I´m not sure I totally understood when I first watched Aeon Flux.
Most people only know the horrible real life Aeon Flux movie adaption with Charlize Theron and I don´t want to say " I told you so. " but I already knew something was up when they didn´t even get the costume right.
Although keeping in mind the uproar about Adrianne Curry when she was banned from a comic convention because her original Aeon Flux costume was too much to handle for the organizers - or her spectacular butt ( longtime readers might remember that I reported on the whole thing in this post from way back in 2012 ) - I might have seen it coming that they would change the costume to make the movie apt for the general public.
Which was their first mistake because the Aeon Flux cartoon wasn´t for the general public. I mean, it WAS on Mtv BUT only after midnight so it was not that anybody could see it. It was edgy, it was adult, it was weird in a new unique way and it engaged the viewer to think outside the box.
Speaking of thinking outside the box, when Aeon Flux first hit tv screens it was part of Mtv´s Liquid Televison which showed the cutting edge of animated shorts of its time. Back then Mtv still was avantgarde and not afraid to show content that may not have gotten them high ratings but was cool and different. And there were a lot of cartoons and anime on Mtv and also people were still watching the music videos or the shows with original content. I myself was a big fan of Mtv´s The Grind and had a lot of tapes with the hot chicks that were shaking their teenage booty like there´s no Tomorrow. One of these days when I have the tranquility and time I have to make a post about the chicks from Mtv´s The Grind.
And I´m sure the girl with the orange bikini top with the overdeveloped oppai is solely responsible for my sexual predilection for asian women.
I don´t know what it is about them butt asian girls are my kryptonite !

Coming back to Mtv and cartoons I remember watching my first episodes of The Tick there but also classic anime series like Cowboy Bebop, Lupin the 3rd, Samurai Champloo, Golde Boy or Hellsing. And who could forget Beavis & Butthead ? Which also started out as part of Liquid Television.
Later Mtv had the cartoon program Oddities which showed - amongst other things - The Maxx, one of the best animated series of all times.
It is of course based on Sam Kieth´s creator owned iMAGE series of the same title and while I am not a fan of some of his later work - especially when he is working with characters he didn´t create - with The Maxx he has struck gold. So far I haven´t done a spotlight post for Sam Keith but I´m only waiting until I have enough good material to do a proper one.
This is a video I wanted to post for so many years just to prove that the Krampus is real and not some urban legend or something Hollywood made up to sell movies. Although it´s not something you are confronted with in Stuttgart or Baden - Württemberg since it´s mostly celebrated in Austria and the german Bundesländer at the border like Bavaria. Now for starters a lot of people from America who come to Germany call the Nikolaus Santa Claus because in America St. Nickolas is the same person as Santa Claus.
In Germany on the other hand St. Nickolas is the Nikolaus and Santa Claus is the Weihnachtsmann. It´s two different people. The Weihnachtsmann comes around during the Christmas holidays and brings many presents.
The Nikolaus is a different ball game. His holiday is on on December the 6th - like a pre - Christmas - where people leave a boot outside the door on the night of December the 5th. And when they open the door on the morning of December the 6th the boot is filled with lots of sweets, candy and little presents. What fits in a boot. Now like Santa Claus the Nikolaus has a list of good kids and bad kids but that´s where the similarities end.
Because if you are on Santa Claus´ bad kids list it only means you don´t get a present, if you are on the Nikolaus´ bad kids list however you get the special attention of Knecht Ruprecht. Who is the disgruntled mean companion of the Nikolaus who dishes out punishment. If you have been only a little bad instead of a present you get a rod in your boot but if you have been really bad he puts you in his sack and you get a proper beating.
Now as bad as this sounds the Krampus is the Nikolaus´ sidekick in other parts of Germany and in Austria and a beating is where things start with him and it only gets worse from there. So for all people out there who think people from Austria are much more chilled than germans keep in mind that the Krampus and also Adolf Hitler both come from Austria.
For the long days of the upcoming lockdown - which will be a more severe lockdown than the previous ones - here is a recommendation that meets all my usual criteria : it´s a fantastic movie, it´s grossly underrated as most people have never even heard of it and it´s also a Christmas movie.
Time for another video with the rack - tastic Angie Griffin, one of the few female cosplayers on the planet who can give walking blow up sex doll Yaya Han and her huge hasian sexsation 40D porn implants a run for their money with her giant - sized ( and 100 percent all natural ! ) 41E double airbags.
Daimn, no disrespect to Scarlett Johansson but Angie is my choice for Black Widow and I bet her huge melons would turn Bucky into Fucky.
If the Black Widow had a body like that in the comicbooks it´s no wonder that Captain America insisted on interrogating her himself after she defected to the West to find out if she was still spying for the russians.
In an undisclosed motel. For a few months. Daimn, maybe it´s just me but Natasha Romanoff lost a lot of sex appeal when she stopped being a russian spy who used her special KGB sex techniques to get intel from hapless american studs with huge horsecocks. It´s the same with figure skater Katarina Witt ( and what a figure : 36C - 24 - 36 ). Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany she lost a lot of her sex appeal. On the other side she has done a few PLAYBOY shootings since then which we would not have gotten if she was still in East Germany.
Anyway, coming back to Busenwunder Angie Gruffin at first I was reluctant to include her in this post since she also was in the previous post and I don´t want my readers from oversaturation - if such a thing is possible where awesome Angie is concerned - but the other music video I had in mind was much more " Christmas - sy ". As I mentioned there are no new videos with Angie on YouTube but there still are a few I haven´t posted.
This is a video I couldn´t fit into the last post where I mentioned Casper, which must have been in the Harvey Comics Hostess Fruit Pie ads post.
We are slowly completing the Smallville cast on the Inside Of You podcast, this time with Erica Durance a.k.a. Endurance for her ex - boyfriends.
Since Christmas is a time where they show a lot of fairy tales on tv we wrap up with Der Bärenhäuter and like a lot of these stories it has some social commentary. Christoffel leaves the army only to find everything in ruins after the war and makes a pact with the devil : he gets a coat with an unlimited reservoir of gold coins but he can´t wash, comb his hair or cut his beard and he can only sleep on a bear rug. Despite his newfound wealth people avoid him and I´m sure there is a lesson to be learned.
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