Sunday, June 04, 2023

By George ! The Infinity Gauntlet - part 2 !

It has taken me over five years but we finally continue our spotlight on THE INFINITY GAUNTLET by Jim Starlin and George Perez  - with a little help by MVP Ron Lim. Which is one reason why it took me such a long time to do this. I wanted to do an all George Perez post for the second part as well but I never got enough material. Well, as it is George Perez is not going to turn any new work in so I decided to make do with what I have right now even if I have to include some Ron Lim art in this part.

Which sounds like I don't appreciate Ron's work and longtime listeners know that is not true since I have been a fan of him long before he came in at the last minute to take over art duties on THE INFINITY GAUNTLET.

For me Ron Lim had been one of the most underappreciated artists at that point and I could not understand why. I read his stuff on a regular basis when he became the regular artist on SILVER SURFER - which also tied in with THE INFINITY GAUNTLET - and THANOS QUEST but I enjoyed most of his stuff like DRAGON LINES, CAPTAIN AMERICA or X - MEN 2099.

Although I didn't buy the last one since my brother already had it on his pull list and so I concentrated my efforts on other Marvel 2099 titles like RAVAGE 2099 ( what can I say, I was young, I had the disposable income and the stunning Paul Ryan art reeled me in ) or SPIDER - MAN 2099.

And I don't claim that I bought every issue he ever made - especially if it already was on my brothers pull list - but I used to have a ton of stuff from him. Including his issues of INFINITY GAUNTLET, INFINITY WAR and THE INFINITY CRUSADE. Man, the only thing that makes it less painful to write about all the issues I no longer have is the fact that I managed to read through all of my issues from the INFINITY series - including tie - in issues - before I had to sell them. As if I knew I was going to loose them.

Now I didn't have all of the tie - ins to THE INFINITY GAUNTLET but most of the main ones and quite a few of the others. INFINITY WAR was when my comic book shop got really enthusiastic about saving me tie - in issues because there were just so darn many of them and I know he thought he was doing me a favour. But - again - I had the disposable income so as long as it was not too outlandish I bore with it. With THE INFINITY CRUSADE I got less tie - in issues but here my brother provided a lot of the ones I skipped including the ALPHA FLIGHT issues. One last thing, with INFINITY WAR I did not only have the main issues and the more important crossover series like WARLOCK AND THE INFINITY WATCH or WARLOCK CHRONICLES but I also bought the INFINITY WAR omnibus as it was one of the many omnibus I bought in bulk when it was offered at amazon shortly before Christmas with a huge discount. I think I paid 25 EUROS at the most and I sadly didn't get to read it before I bought it. I know it was too heavy to take it with me to Spain but seeing how much you pay for it on amazon now makes me wish I could have held on to it.

But that's enough of me crying in my metaphorical beer ( in reality the most exotic beverage I have at the moment is pineapple juice, oh how the mighty have fallen ) so let's give good old George a heartfelt salute in the great beyond and dive into some INFINITY GAUNTLET goodness.

the infinity stones on that guy


infinite links

and Brian Cronin over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES takes a look back at how Captain Marvel underwent a cosmic metamorphosis ( clever use of words here for those who checked out my post on that particular masterpiece by Jim Starlin ) to face Thanos 50 years ago man, now I feel old and seeing as this post is about a big multi - part crossover you might also want to check out his post on Why Don't Comic Books Do Recaps Do Recaps During The Stories Anymore ? and

and Pedro Angosto over at MAN OF BRONZE reminiscences about Marvel Comics cosmic universe which is also the topic of the book Consciencia Cosmica - Una Mirada Al Infinito En Los Comics Marvel by Enrique Machuca, Sergio Aguirre, Iñigo Rodriguez and Pedro Monje which at least my spanish audience ( if I still have any readers in the spanish / latin american community left ) might want to check out

Have you ever wondered why your favourite superhero was not included in a big crossover while it seems that the three most useless characters that nobody likes always show up even if they have nothing to do ? Well, wonder no more because Brian Cronin over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES explains how a superhero gets to be in the final battle of a crossover .

and there is also a list on COMIC BOOK RESOURCES by Timothy Donohoo why Armor Wars by David Micheline , Mark D. Bright and Bob Layton ( which I covered extensively in these posts ) is Iron Man's best event and 

infinite videos




ghost ship


Pirates was the movie debut of cult siren Charlotte Lewis who got the part through an intense casting couch sex marathon with director Roman Polanski who was so mesmerized by Charlotte's exotic look which she owes to her mixed english, irish, iraqi and chilean heritage as well as her bonerinducing - all natural - 38C - 23 - 34 measurements that he dick - tamed her all night long and kept banging her brains out six ways to Sunday on a daily basis until six months after the shooting of the movie.

Now it is not quite clear which degrading sex techniques Charlotte Lewis had to use to get the part and through how many positions she had to go to milk him dry till the last drop until he could not get it up anymore or even if Polanski really sexually assaulted her at the age of 16 during said seemingly endless casting couch penetration sensation blowjob bonanza.

Because while Charlotte initially had stated in an interview in 1999 that she had been Polanski's girlfriend for six months after the shooting of Pirates had ended and that she had been sexually active from age 14 on ( at least we know this part is true but more about that later ) she later recanted on the 14th of May in 2010 and claimed that he used her like a cheap blow up sex doll during her casting couch audition against her will and she was only 16 years old at that time. To make things even more confusing she later gave an interview in which Charlotte stated that she seduced Roman Polanski and that they did not have sex until she was 17.

Now as usual I don't pretend to know what really happened here and there is a lot of " he said she said " involved. And I am not taking Roman Polanski's side in this but Charlotte Lewis herself recognized that she already had a very well developed body at the young age of 14 ( which would lead her into big trouble along the way ) and that she had the body of a fully grown pornstar when she went to audition for Pirates.

I mean, it is pretty obvious since her huge boobs are completely out of control and on the verge of jumping out of her cleavage ( which has completely lost all hope of containing her giant - sized double airbags in any way ) in every scene she is in although that sadly never did happen.

Or if it did they cut it from the movie and the material is safely tucked away in Roman Polanski's secret safe for his personal recreational use.

But before we go any further let's add another wrinkle to it, namely that when Charlotte made her accusations of being sexually assaulted she didn't tell anyone that before that happened she slept with men for money and was basically a callgirl that went from hooker to Hollywood.

When Charlotte was still at Bishop Douglas Catholic Secondary School in Finchley, north London she had already a more developed body then her classmates at the young age of 14 ( much to the delight of her horny male classmates who couldn't stop drooling all over her and dragged her to a secluded part of the school yard where they would fondle her big breasts as well as to the chagrin of her female classmates who made fun of her big boobs but very soon started to hate her because she gained - quite unintentionally - the attention of all males in school - including teachers and principal ) so she could get her way with guys as early on.

She then went right to a rebellious phase when she learned that she could get access to any club if she deepthroated the bouncer's dick into submission so Charlotte learned to drain even the biggest horsecocks and she learned good and she learned fast and before you knew it she was a world class expert at oral sex that she could have given even seasoned phillipino hookers some lessons. Now you might argue that just because she used her natural born blowjob skills to get access to a club doesn't make her a slut since most women do that. Maybe not at such a young age and not to such an extent but we are trying not to be judgemental.

And I'm not saying that being able to completely wear a dick out just with her mouth makes her a prostitute ( not that there is anything wrong with that ). But I want to paint the full picture here and besides alcohol Charlotte also took copious amounts of marijuana and LSD when she went clubbing to the point where she woke up and found a pile of 50 pound notes next to her bed. And while she had no recollection of what happened during the night she knew what must have transpired when she felt her sore back, saw the marks where they had handcuffed her to the bedposts and she was so physically exhausted she could barely walk.

The thought of what her horny customers did with her throughout the night made her sick but the older guy who left her didn't know that it was her first time and since he had a really good time he just assumed that she was a seasoned vice girl who had been trained for many years to pump a dick dry so expertly. Anyway, Charlotte insists that she had no idea that would happen and that she was drugged by an older women whom she thought was her friend but now she realized that she had be grooming Charlotte as a sex toy for perverts to feed her own drug habit.

Which is the point where any other women might pull the brakes on all that partying, drinking and drug abuse yet even after that realization Charlotte entertained a succession of older men through what she calls her lost summer of 1982 and she herself admitted that she lost count of how many men had sex with her for money as her so - called friend took her clubbing and then got her high enough for dozens of men to use her like a blow up sex doll because with her exotic looks and her tireless teenage hardbody the guys where standing in line to bang her brains out.

They just couldn't get enough of her and Charlotte has admitted that when they were not taking turns pounding her into submission they ganged up four, five and even six guys at a time drilling her into every orifice of her body to dicktame her as their new sex toy. But the worst was when they could not decide who got to use which hole and they ended up trying to penetrate the same hole at the same time stretching her out more and mor and making bets who could make her scream the loudest. Naturally she never got into more details about that but in one of her interviews she let slip that you should never bet against black.

But even the most enduring men milking machines like Charlotte Lewis has her breaking point and her wakeup call came when the so - called female friend who had been whoring her out to every sex offender in training she could find took her to an apartment with a dozen of rich arabs who laid thousands of pounds on the table and told her that she could have it all if she agreed to go to Saudi Arabia with all of them.

While Charlotte initially did not understand why they would give her all that money just for going to Saudi Arabia with them the penny finally dropped when her so - called friend told her that if she went there she had to grow up quickly. And when Charlotte saw that all the guys were drooling and looking at her like a piece of meat she knew that she had to get out immediately or they would kidnap her, smuggle her out of the country and tie her to a bed in a soundproof room where they would slam - bang her 24 / 7 until turning her into their obedient sex slave.

She immediately ran and all the guys were chasing her like the devil chases poor innocent souls but thankfully she managed to escape. All of this is not to say that just because Charlotte did let men take advantage of her in the past it means that she deserved or wanted to get sexually assaulted during her casting couch audition for Pirates - even if she let a lot of men use and abuse her like a prostitute and for a ridiculously long period of time. But it also is not like she was a delicate innocent flower either. She has been around the block and quite a few times. Again, I am not saying that because of her incredible pornstar body and attending a casting couch audition in the first place it automatically gives consent to every sexual practice. But there are so many contradictory facts coming together for me to make a qualified decision going one way or the other.

Coming back to more reliable facts Charlotte Lewis followed her debut in Pirates with the female lead in The Golden Child alongside Eddie Murphy ( who helped her get on her feet again when she found herself completely broke ) the same year. With her stunning physique is is also no wonder that Shape magazine selected her as one of the nine best bodies of the 1990s and she appeared on the front cover of PLAYBOY magazine - as well as naked inside - in July of 1993. On top of that in 1996 Celebrity Sleuth ranked her as number seven of the sexiest women of that year and Charlotte has dated Warren Beatty, Mickey Rourke, Eric Clapton, Michael Hutchence, Mick Jagger, Jim Carrey and Charlie Sheen.

While Pirates and especially The Golden Child are the movies Charlotte Lewis is best known for she also appeared in Excessive Force , The Glass Cage , Men Of War , Storyville , Dial Help and on the small screen in the obligatory episode of Red Shoe Diaries amongst a plethora of other stuff.

Now longtime followers of the blog are aware that she starred alongside repentant all natural 42C - 23 - 36 born for porn actress Alyssa Milano in Embrace Of The Vampire where she had first a lesbian sex scene with Alyssa and then an uninhibited three - way orgy scene with Alyssa and the more than lucky stiff who gets to play her boyfriend in the movie.

Sexbomb Alyssa Milano ( who got two entries on this blog, the main post and the bonus round with her best episodes on CHARMED ) is of course best known as the most charming, sexiest and all around greatest of all the Halliwell witches, Phoebe Halliwell on the cult tv show Charmed.

According to some interviews she gave later she wasn´t so keen on some of the sexy outfits but Alyssa was the main reason why guys watched the show, it was all to see her shaking her hips as a sultry belly dancer or an almost naked mermaid. Also Alyssa was busy dicktaming male co - stars Julian McMahon and Brian Krause to be her personal breeding stallions.

Which in the first case was extremely difficult for her despite having a body like a Playmate Of The Century because at that time Julian was slam - banging 42C - 24 - 34 blow up sex doll Shannen Doherty's beverly hills six ways to Sunday. So he did his best to resist Alyssa's charms ( pun intended ) but once Shannen was out of the picture it was open season on Julian for Alyssa which is why she wore less and less clothing in her scenes with him and got more full body contact. Especially in the hot lapdance scene - which Alyssa insisted on putting in the script - and she kept botching the takes on purpose so he would have a huge erection.

Then when everybody left for a three hour lunchbreak she deepthroated his rock hard boner making him squirt again and again until he could not get it up anymore. Well, at least not until they had finished shooting the scene. After that Alyssa began taming Julian in earnest with daily fuck marathons in her trailer which lasted all night until she had worn out his dick completely much to the chagrin of an unsatisfied Shannon Doherty.

I did a re - post of Alyssa Milano´s cult siren entry on her birthday in 2016 - and finally did a superpimed version with a plethora of GIFs in 2019 - and it is weird that she is trying to make herself the feminist figurehead of the whole Me Too movement with actions like a sex strike.

I wonder whom she is trying to make forget her nude roles, us or herself.

From the moment she showed her perfectly shaped tits to the world on Outer Limits - thanks to the lower restrictions of the Sci Fi Channel - it was clear this blow up sex doll was born for porn which she proved with her completely uninhibited sex scenes in Embrace Of The Vampire .

You know, sometimes it takes a loooong time for me to figure out which videos to include in which post especially when it comes to music videos.

Of course the choice can be very easy if there are music videos I want to put on the blog as soon as possible. Then there are others where I add them to the post but then have to take them out again and then include them in the next post but also have to cut again and rinse wash repeat.

This one took its sweet time because I wanted to continue the maritime theme we started with ghost ships an pirates but for some reason my mind blanked on any bands that dressed up like pirates or at least had a pirate - ish music video. And I'm sure it will come back to me once I have finished this part and won't need it anymore. And it's not like there are not some videos that came to mind. There is one with Gwen Stefani ( I think ) where they were all dressed up like pirates but of course I don't remember the name of the song. I could have also gone with Captain Jack but besides being too obvious we have already been there and done that. Although they always have babes in bikinis or even wet t - shirts.

Speaking about bikinis, there is this old german saying that water has no bars which is why I was never really comfortable with the sea. I guess almost drowning didn't help much either. One big plus of being near the water however are bikinis or better said the hot women that come with it. So I thought okay, if I can't think of a music video with pirates or ships or small boats there sure are enough music videos with girls in bikinis.

But of course I could not go the easy way and went to look for the best and hottest music videos with girls in bikinis. Well, one thing I quickly found out is that apparently I am one of the few people interested in the hottest music videos with women in tiny bikinis - the smaller the better - because all video lists I found were of the hottest music videos period.

Without any special emphasis on bikinis. Going down the list another thing I noticed quickly was that I had already posted the best of the best ( which I am not writing to brag but to prove that the claim I make to always include the best material available to me at the moment is not a hollow promise I make to my readers ) and so I had to go a less trodden path. One artist who was on a lot of these lists was Ashanti ( for some reason I always have to fight the urge to say " Gesundheit " whenever somebody mentions her name ) whom I am somewhat familiar with.

Now I don't claim to be the biggest Ashanti fan but I have heard of her and I know some of her hits. I have even seen a few of her music videos back in the days when they still showed music videos on Mtv and since I have this rather recent videos of a live performance of her so I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to include some material with her.

But it seems the internet gods had different plans for me because while searching for adequate videos with Ashanti - and let me tell you she has quite the vast catalogue - I went looking for high quality versions of her videos and like I said I always try to include the best of the breast here.

Anyway, I stumbled upon a whole truckload of high quality videos - and a lot of these will find their way into future posts once I have sorted them all out - which included a lot of videos with the original screaming 42DD ( at least if not DDD or EE ) - 25 - 39 Mimi ( because you know that she's not a moaner in the bedroom, she's a screamer and it must be such a turn on to make her do those high pitched screams ) Mariah Carey a.k.a. the nubian sex goddess with a body of sound made to give men pleasure.

Speaking of - literal - cult siren Mariah Carey's special qualities, in past posts I mentioned that I think her " official " breast size on the internet of 38D must have been somebody's idea of a joke because there was no way that her breasts are only a meagre 38D. Don't get me wrong, a 38D breast size is impressive in itself no matter which woman is sporting it.

But for Mariah Carey ? Come on. Around the time of the Annual Golden Globe Awards in 2010 her boobs had been confirmed as being a 38DD and by the time she did the Christmas video with Justin Bieber her giant - sized jingle bells had grown a few sizes so she must have been a 40DD.

Or at least a 39DD. Well, Today I went googeling again and lo and behold one of the websites listed her breast size as a 42D. Which I am much more okay with although I personally think 42DD or 42E is more realistic.

But I'll take that as a win. Now everybody who is a devoted follower of the blog knows that Mariah Carey is not only one of my favourite artists and performers but also in my top five of all time wet sexual phantasies.

Which makes it all the more unbelievable that it took me until 2020 to finally give her the full blown cult siren entry she so clearly deserved.

Before that I only included her in the second post with alternatives for my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series although I was not so sure about which role I would have given the double dee diva.

What I am sure about is that I would go as far as cast her as a character that was formerly male ( with all the times that Hollywood did a gender swap for movies this would be one time where audiences would actually benefit from that more than unfortunate trend ) or even create a brand new character just to have the mega stacked songstress in the movie.

Maybe even with a nude scene since she was clearly born for that and we only owe it to a cruel twist of fate that she never made a career in porn.

I mean, even adult comicbook artist Kevin J. Taylor ( best known for his THE GIRL series ) thought so since he modelled the star of many of his stories - oral sex addict Jill a.k.a. the Seventh Blowjob Boobwonder Of The World a.k.a. the Dicktaming Deepthroat Diva after Mariah Carey.

And who am I to argue with such a mega talented master of the craft ?

Also it wouldn´t be the first time Mariah Carey has shown off her two huge talents in a bikini or swimsuit. She really got nothing to hide and with her current overdeveloped chest we can hope the director puts Mariah´s breast side into a micro bikini so we can get some nipple slips.


Speaking of Born For Porn blow up sex doll Mariah Carey´s giant - sized chesticles and overall bonerinducing measurements which would be put to better use starring topless - or at least wearing a wet t - shirt with giant holes so that it leaves nothing to the imagination - in her music videos, I´m not the only one who has her as the star of his wet dreams.

Everybody wants to get a double breasted dick massage with her massive melons and if you need any proof that the whole world is obsessed with Mariah Carey´s overdeveloped oppai is that after her performance at the 2014 BET Awards it was impossible to find good pictures of Jessica Rabbit because hot pictures of Mariah Carey kept popping up. Yep, that´s right, Screaming Mimi was the first thing that came to mind when the sexiest - and the most voluptuous - toon sexbomb in toon history was mentioned.

Which is obvious when you see her generously cleavaged dress ( from which sadly nothing popped out ) together with her hair and Mariah´s stunning porn star measurements. It just shows how ingrained in the pop culture Jessica Rabbit is that not only everybody knows who she is but that it´s the first comparison people - at least all the reporters - have in mind when it comes to a sexy singer who sings at the top of her chest.

Now in past posts I have often mentioned that Mariah Carey should do more videos where she is wearing a bikini or getting wet but I am not sure if included a lot of these videos. So I put the Ashanti videos in my previous post and here we have the top five - or at least my personal top five - of videos with sweet Mariah in a bikini. Or at least getting wet.

power rangers

quasar quest

inframundos dos

sonia edde

dark water

green gables

top 5

daiiiimn the close ups




raimund harmstoff seewolf



one piece

lee jong eun

I could not find a longer clip with her - at least not wearing this outfit - because she also wore a different one

and I already posted the longer video with that little number

by the way am I the only one who prefers the videos with the sports outfits

tellos about it





The lead role of deranged father Jerry Blake in the first two stepfather movies was played by a very young Terry O'Quinn whim most people are more familiar with as John Locke on Lost ( people still have no idea what the f - bomb the ending means ) or Admiral Thomas Boone on J.A.G. with brunette 38D ( ! ) - 24 - 35 bra - busting Catherine " Born For Porn "  Bell.

Longtime followers of the blog know that I cast the sensational sexbomb who is also known as " the juggs of JAG " by her fans ( her 38D weapons of mass erection are completely natural by the way ) as Catwoman in the Hollywood edition of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series because only an ultimate men milking machine like her can make it believable that out of all of Batman's foxy female antagonists Selina is one of the few who can get Bruce Wayne's dark knight rising.

For decades it has been an open secret amongst the super villains that the only reason why Catwoman managed to evade the grip of justice again and again is that she slam - banged Batman's brain out six ways to Sunday in a relentless uninhibited ejaculation sensation marathon orgy until the last drop and completely wearing his dick out in the process.

Which makes kind of sense because that way Batman can ensure that he does not get aroused by other scantily clad floozies with giant tits which are just made to be wrapped tightly around a huge erection, perfect bubble butts that can crack walnuts, legs for miles almost up to their chin, soft and full lips destined to suck hard cocks and an insatiable, tight love grotto that he might encounter in his particular line of work.

By putting Catwoman's tireless pornstar body to the test until he can't get it up anymore every once in a while he can be certain that the flesh can't get it up even if the spirit is willing. And if he gets interrupted by Commissioner Gordon or any of his Justice League buddies he can always say that it is part of a rehabilitation program for female delinquents who are especially gifted in deepthroating to reintegrate them into society.

For the longest time that part of Batman's life has been secluded from the comicbooks and only been alluded to. Until DC Comics for some strange reason decided to include it in the comics and in the most graphic way possible while at the same time dialling down on the risky content during the NEW 52 which was sending all kinds of mixed signals.

I mean on one side they were trying to clean things up to appeal to a broader audience ( remember the initial excuse to flush decades of continuity down the toilet was to streamline things and make it more accessible to a new generation of comic fans ) and on the other side you have Batman f - wording Catwoman like in some really bad fan fiction.

And I'm not saying that to dis fan fiction but to illustrate how badly it was done. For me it always seemed like an afterthought since we didn't get any of the artists that were known to be experts at depicting the hot female form like Adam Hughes , Frank Cho, Terry Dodson, Mike Deodato , Arthur Adams , Alan Davis , John Byrne , Dale Keown , Steve Rude etc. to draw this iconic event so that the audience gets something out of this.

But then they expect us to care about this whole multi - part marriage story event only to call it off at the last moment. So are Batman and Catwoman married ? Who knows ? Who cares ? You can say what you want about the Earth Two stories and the Infinite Earths multiverse idea that it was campy and silly and a product of its time that has passed but at least they had the balls to hitch up Batman and Catwoman without back paddling. Plus we got a kickass character out of the deal : the Huntress.

Coming back to in - continuity Catwoman ( if that is not by definition an oxymoron in itself ) it seems there were plans for Batman and Catwoman to get more sexual in their relationship before the whole wedding fiasco which were for some reason nipped in the buttocks as these unpublished pages by Guillem March for his NEW 52 CATWOMAN run do demonstrate.

One thing that I have always wondered about is if any of the writers that work for DC Comics really like Catwoman as a character or as a concept.

I know that she is a fan favourite of the male readership because who doesn't like a bit of well served cheesecake ? Especially when it has such a spectacular body and is wearing skin tight leather ? Granted, some artists have exaggerated the size of Catwoman's breasts almost putting her in the same league ( pun intended ) as the Justice League's heavy hitters Starfire , Big Barda or busty Power Girl . Now I am not against drawing women with very large breasts - as anybody who has followed this blog for longer than a few weeks can surely attest to. But it still has to be in character and you can't change it out of the blue on a whim.

You can't have somebody like the Huntress who has always been depicted as oozing sex appeal from every pore but without having a huge chest suddenly come in with huge melons to make the late Russ Meyer envious.

You can upgrade the breast size of somebody like Black Canary who has the body - as well as the outfit - of a prostitute without raising a lot of eyebrows as long as you don't get crazy. I mean every artist draws these women differently so there is always a certain amount of artistic license involved. But it has to be grounded somewhere and the Catwoman while being very sexy is not that kind of extremely big breasted Busenwunder.

But coming back to the writers, they always have her suffering in the stories, she goes through some terrible things and for some reason the whole background of working as a prostitute before turning to a life of crime - or let's say a more lucrative kind of crimes - that seems to have started with Frank Miller just doesn't go away. I don't know what it is with Frank Miller and depicting all women as at least closet prostitutes.

But it can get annoying. Especially if it is out of place like in ALL STAR BATMAN. By the way, if they had thrown in some Batman / Catwoman hanky panky I would have been okay with it because getting some sex scenes between the Dark Knight Detective and the Promiscious Prowler drawn by Jim Lee would have been really something to behold brother.

Speaking of which, it seems that whenever a new writer comes along Catwoman's past as a hooker is the default setting. Which for newer comicbook readers is probably not that big of a problem since they don't know better. For me who grew up with Catwoman being a slut but not a whore it is just so weird. You might think that at least some of the SJWs and feminists that have women rights written all over their banners might want to address that but it seems being a prostitute is okay as long as the right persons are prostitutes and as long as it is profitable.

Now one last thing I have to mention about Catwoman in regards to Catherine Bell is that I predicted that DC Comics could make her bi - sexual after Catherine Bell revealed that she was a lesbian. I mean Catwoman always had a thing for pussies and normally DC Comics would love nothing more than to make her lesbian but they also don't want to loose the sexual tension between Selina Kyle and Batman so their best option was to make her bi sexual. So far that has not been translated into any of the movies but one can always hope even if the chances of my dream casting - of Catherine Bell as Catwoman - are slim to none.

Coming back to better known roles of Terry O'Quinn, he also played Joe White on Hawaii Five O alongside one of the hottest hasian baes on tv, korean 38B - 25 - 35 knockout Grace Park who just turned guys crazy.

She played the toaster with the moster that every guy would love to use for breakfast in bed on the revamped 2003 Battlestar Galactica tv show.

One of the things that always bugged me on Battlestar Galactica was the idea that the humans created the cylons. Although it would explain why two of the models were hot sexbombs like Tricia Helfer and Grace Park.

On the other side the cylons would never had to go to war against the humans because if you have an unlimited amount of copies of Tricia Helfer and Grace Park there is no male who can resist you. I guess those toasters were still lacking in basic knowledge about us horny humans.

Because there is an episode of Third Rock From The Sun where they try to gain control of the world´s governments by sending in a squad of women who all look like bikini models and when you have seen this episode and know that the toasters on Galactica have hot models like Tricia Helfer and Grace Park it makes the war against humanity and death to humans and violence thing seem unnecessary and over the top.

Usually I don´t go for skinny chicks but I would love to get Grace Park on the casting couch for a long weekend auditioning for Nymphomanic Ex - Nun With A Lot Of Sexual Catching Up To Do. She got the whole asian persuasion thing going for her and I don´t want to use racial stereotypes but asian girls really do have the best bubblebutts in the world. I doubt there is any male alive who can resist Grace Park wiggling her whotsit.

When I was still in school we used to call girls with a body like Grace a carpenter´s wet dream : flat like a board but really a lot of fun to nail.

sandman and once again I have to direct you to MAN OF BRONZE where you can find some images from the second season of the SANDMAN tv show - if you don't mind spoilers - as well as two posts promoting Pedro Angosto's new book SANDMAN VS LUCIFER plus some new fanart and

speaking of lucifer


We have another video with five forgotten tv shows, this one is about sci fi series and it includes one of my favourites which I discovered too late in life - Tripping The Rift - and one thing I always forget to mention is that one of the voice actresses for nymphomanic sexbot Six a.k.a. Six Of One is the natural born 42E ( !!! ) - 23 - 36 go go dancer Carmen Electra .

Even though I include her in a lot of posts. Plus I cast her as the OG Barbara Gordon Batgirl in The Special Baywatch Edition of my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series - which I have already mentioned twice in this post. What makes the whole thing even more embarrassing is that I did a spotlight for Tripping The Rift back in 2009 .

Casting dickdrainer Carmen as cybernetic all purpose blow up sex doll Sox was perfect casting and one of these rare cases of art imitating life since Carmen Electra was a raving nymphomanic in real life who got her sexual education from Prince when he discovered her as a go go dancer at the age of 18 and promptly put her body to the test. Which turned her into such a sex freak that self proclaimed sex addict Denis Rodman had to file for divorce because he couldn´t take getting milked dry 24 / 7.

Carmen´s Kama Sutra crash course came in handy when she arrived on the set of Baywatch and quickly became David Chokachi´s personal blow up sex doll. Much to the relief of afro american 42D - 22 - 32 aphrodite Traci Bingham who took the brunt of David´s sexual assault until then.

For years ultimate 44E ( !!! ) - 22 - 35 Busenwunder Pamela Anderson had banged David´s brain out six ways to Sunday and vented her deepthroat phantasies on him. After Pamela broke up with David he worked his way through the female cast, trying out each girl for size but once he got a taste of Traci´s giant sized XXL coconuts he became obsessed with her.

Now Traci did her best to endure David´s sex attacks but even though she is built like a porn star she doesn´t have a porn star´s routine so it was only a matter of time before she became David´s willing sex slave.

Luckily Carmen arrived on the show before that happened although it took a bit of convincing until she took on the role of David Chokachi´s new sex toy. Coming fresh off her grueling nymphomanic midnight sex olympics with Denis she wanted to take a break from sex marathons.

But time was running out for Traci Bingham who pounded Carmen into submission during a week of all night double - dildo penetration orgies.

Carmen tried her best to resist Traci´s incessant lesbian double - dildo onslaught ( Traci managed to shove four of her 20 inch double - dildos into Carmen's pussy which normally would have meant 10 inches for Traci and 10 inches for Carmen but thanks to a special sex technique she learned while they were shooting in Nepal Traci only took 5 inches and impaled Carmen with the other 15 inches ) but on the last lesbo sex marathon Traci was just desperate to escape David's daily sexual assaults that she was relentless and just kept on shoving more and bigger and bigger vibrators into Carmen Electra until she had to cave in, drenched in sweat, writhing in convulsions and foaming at the mouth and her eyes rolled back while she was experiencing multiple orgasms for four hours.

After Traci had left Carmen Electra was still in the midst of her post double dildo orgasm and was found by two underage Baywatch fans who had hoped to sneak a peek at the behind the scenes penetration parties.

The überhorny teenagers had huge schlongs for their age and worked their way through the girls in school although they lacked experience.

They were not sure why the sight of the more well developed female classmates gave them such a huge erection nor what to do with it. After raiding their Dad´s secret sex stash they found Traci Lord´s deepthroat orgy New Wave Hookers and during the next recess they dragged one of their female classmates with giant tits to a secluded part of the school yard where they ripped off her shirt and forced her to massage their schlongs with her giant melons. They also tried to get her to give them lip service but naturally the hapless girl had no experience with this.

Of course they were quickly caught by their big breasted teacher, Ivanna Suckyourdick who was a walking sex dream and gave them detention.

Which was a mistake of almost biblical proportions because the juvenile delinquents spent the time ripping off her clothes, tying her to her desk and banging the teacher who was built like a Playmate of the Year and it was only due to their inexperience the woman avoided being assaulted.

So when the two teens found Carmen Electra moaning like a cat in heat and convulsing in her dildo after sex glow they quickly realized their opportunity to learn all about sex from a world class squirt sensation.

They quickly put the semi conscious sexbomb into a cab and drove her to a five star hotel where they rented a room to go about their business.

Which was less of a problem than they expected after they discovered a few rolls of hundred dollar notes in Carmen´s purse which she used to pick up well hung studs in bars and use them as her breeding stallions.

She was also a well known guest in all hotels and motels of that area and this was definitely not the first time she arrived almost knocked out on the doorstep of such an establishment nor that she was accompanied by a few strapping teenagers. After giving the bellhop a generous tip so they would not be disturbed the next few days they carried Carmen into the shower where they cleaned her up and licked every inch of her body.

After this they oiled her up, put her on the bed and rubbed their giant erections all over her. When Carmen started to come to they offered her a drink containing a potent illegal sex drug they also found in her purse.

If Carmen Elektra was already a natural born nymphomaniac this turned her into a raving sex freak and she began dicktaming the two teenagers.

While she was slowly massaging one rod with her perfect soft boobs she was deepthroating the other guy´s pulsating schlong and swallowing the entire shaft until both their dicks were as hard as unto a thing of iron.

As the head cheerleader in high school Carmen Electra´s signature move had been the jumping leg spread corkscrew leap - which made her a favorite at the after game victory orgies - and she made the two sweaty boys lie flat on the bed while she kept jumping on them with her legs spread open like a fillipino hooker, bouncing up and down their growing and pulsating erections until they were hard enough to cut a diamond.

At this point she began milking them in earnest but the young studs were at an age where you get an erection when the wind blows, are ready to get hard again at a moment´s notice and ejaculate all night long and she soon realized that she had deepthroated more than she could swallow.

First they took turns - one of them massaging his dick with her huge melons in long, bold strokes while the other was taking her hard from behind - but after a few hours they started double penetrating Carmen with their huge horsecocks which sent her into an even wilder sex frenzy.

She let go of all her inhibitions and taught them every sex position in the Kama Sutra during this crazy ejaculation weekend. After this sex crash course the two horny teens returned to their school where they had their way with all female classmates who had developed a huge chest before sexually assaulting their big breasted teacher on a daily basis, stretching out all her holes until she became their newest, willing blow up sex doll.

And for more on such baywatchable babes like Erika Eleniakwho is of course most famous for her incredibly steamy striptease in UNDER SIEGE ), Krista Allenbest remembered for getting her freak on as french blow up sex doll EMANUELLE in 8 made for tv movies ) or natural born go go dancer Carmen Elektra check out these BAYWATCH SPIN - OFF POSTS.



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