As I already anticipated the part with mexican MILF booty queen Aylin Mujica in my latest spotlight post on german cult publisher WEISSBLECH COMICS has gotten too long so I am trying to do a spin - off post for her.
There was a big spotlight about a more recent telenovela - LA PATRONA with ueber MILF and blow up sex doll the late Christian Bach - in the works but just when I had all of the pictures, GIFs and videos lined up my old laptop crashed and burned and the whole thing got scrapped.
So I am glad I have this opportunity to remind people of MARINA - one of the best telenovelas I have seen - and the breakout star Aylin Mujica.
Now before we go in medias res I have to mention that one reason why this part got so long is that I had included 67 full episodes of MARINA.
Which sounds like a lot but compared to the 169 episodes that make up the series it is less than a third. The whole thing started when I thought about which episodes I should include and the easiest way was to include all the episodes I used to make all the GIFs of Aylin Mujica for this post.
And let me tell you, since Aylin Mujica's appearances on the show are often very short and the bit parts with her breast outfits fall more often than not under the " blink and you'll miss it " category especially when she is wearing a bikini. By the way, I still haven't found the episode with Aylin Mujica in a hot catfight so if anybody out there knows from which episode of MARINA that is please let me know in the comments below.

Who is not in a lot of the early episodes. On the show Aylin Mujica plays twins - Laura who is a shy timid woman who later becomes a nun and Veronica who is the main antagonist and the villain we all want to f - word until kingdom come - and Veronica doesn't really become a regular cast member before episode 50 - ish as they give Laura more screen time. So there is not that much of Aylin Mujica in the first 50 episodes.
Also the way I have included the episodes in this post is ranked with sections like " all the episodes with Aylin Mujica in a bikini " or " all the episodes where Aylin Mujica is showing of her spectacular butt " ( which were less than I thought ) but within those categories I have listed them in order because otherwise it would have become even more confusing.
Speaking of confusing my readers, as I mentioned I have included most of the episodes that I used to make the animated GIFs of Aylin Mujica and because I didn't want to make a separate section for them - which would mean my followers would have to go back and forth to see which episode was used to make which animated GIF - I put them directly under the corresponding animated GIF. Which kind of breaks up the reading flow a bit but it is still better than the alternative. That said we go right to the good stuff with the usual warning that IF you watch the episodes out of order there will be spoilers. Especially if you start with the finale. Which I don't want to say too much about but I suspect that the writers of this telenovela are fans of EC Comics famous horror anthologies because the twist at the end reminds me of the classic endings of the stories in Tales From The Crypt, The Vault Of Horror or The Haunt Of Fear where the bad guys get their deserved comeuppance in a surprising and cruel way.
At the moment my EC Comics library is extremely limited : besides the spanish edition of the first volume of Weird Science I only have the EC Covers Artist Edition, the EC Comics sampler Choke Gasp ! The Best Of 75 Years Of EC Comics and the reprints of Tales From The Crypt, The Vault Of Horror and The Haunt Of Fear that I used to pad out the boxes when I shipped some comics I could not sell to Spain which I can't bring myself to throw away no matter how beat up and battered they may be.
As a big fan of EC Comics I´ve done a number of posts on the subject : I did a special black and white tribute post to William Gaines in 2017 with two full stories, one by Johnny Craig and one by George Evans, in 2018 I did two posts, one for the horror books and one for the other titles EC published and I also did special spotlight posts for Jack Davis and a black and white post with the complete original artwork of the story And All Throughout The House by Johnny Craig from THE VAULT OF HORROR 35.
I didn´t write any EC Comics posts in 2019 but in 2020 I wrote a post in honor of the late William Gaines with stories by Johnny Craig, Graham " Ghastly " Ingels and Joe Orlando - who got a spotlight post - as well as one in tribute to the late Bernie Krigstein and two about Johnny Craig .
In 2021 we had the obligatory William Gaines tribute in 2022 I did an Al Feldstein spotlight for Halloween and another Halloween post in 2023.
Besides publishing the best comic in the genre of horror, science fiction, war, crime fiction and many others ( which every comic fan or comic book creator worth his salt needs to read to understand what you can do within the medium ) he also created a whole new genre with the creation of Mad magazine when his competitors, censorship and the Comics Code Authority forced him to cancel his most successful titles.
One of the artists who got the famous MAD Magazine off the ground and running with Harvey Kurtzman was Will Elder and if you are interested in comic history, good satire comic magazines or just good art you should check out those early issues - you can read my spotlight post on him .
Now besides being a master at cartooning and bringing slapstick humor to the printed page Will Elder was very adept at depicting the female form which probably was a very big factor in MAD´s rise in popularity.
Will Elder´s faible for drawing sexy women was also the reason why Harvey Kurtzman chose him to bring one of his most famous creations to life : PLAYBOY´s LITTLE ANNIE FANNY, a spoof on LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE.
From EC Comics killer endings we come to babes with killer bodies on tv with cuban mega MILF, telenovela sex icon and playmate Aylin Mujica.
Of course Aylin got her own cult siren entry in 2015 so all my followers who want to know more about her because they never heard of her or have completely forgotten how I came upon her can check out the post.
For all other I am including the short version which is that once upon a time in a spanish town far far away ( at least for all who read this from outside of Spain since I am exiled at almost the exact location ) young Subzero was stuck miles from anything that could be called civilization.
As I used to do I bought some movies - back then probably as vhs tapes ( ask your grandfather what those are ) - CDs and most importantly comic books ( since they are analogue ) to have some entertainment until my next trip to a major city. And when I had read all the comics there wasn't much to do but watch television until I managed to get the vcr installed.
My only source for hot chicks was the television which is not as bad as it sounds - it could have been german tv. Now on spanish tv I like to watch telenovelas. But not the remakes. I like to watch the originals which are mostly done in Argentina and which sound very strange to spanish ears.
Maybe that's what's wrong with german tv series : there are just not enough catfights. The telenovelas are written very simple which means they use all the television tropes like the evil twin seperated at birth, the child from a rich family that gets adopted and later has hardcore sex with her own father without knowing it and the priest who must keep the identity of the serial killer secret because .... you know the drill.
Everything is black and white and the bad girls are really bad. One of the telenovelas I watched as a teen was MARINA and Aylin was the bad girl.
Yes, this hot massita has an ass that's just inhuman : 38C - 23 - 35 ( !!! ) . I remember that once my mother insisted on watching one episode of MARINA with me ( and let me tell you nothing is more of a downer than watching hot chicks with your mother ) where she tried to dissuade me from watching the tv show by pointing out how big and round her ass is.
I didn't catch all the episodes since these telenovelas go on forever but I caught a few good ones with Aylin in hot lingerie and showing her booty.
Of course the show also had what I call " the Chloe effect " which means that Aylin Mújica was always trying to get the main male character of the telenovela to marry her - so she could fuck his brains out during a penetration sensation marathon where she completely wore his dick out on her wedding night milking him dry until the last drop - who instead was pining all the time for his less attractive lost love Marina ( who got out of jail where she was unjust imprisoned for a murder she didn't commit but she confessed because she thought her son had done it and the priest knew the identity of the killer but ....... it's complicated ).
Normally I put the wikipedia or chikipedia links on my posts but since there is almost no information on Aylin Mújica there here's the entry :
Aylín Mújica is a cuban born actress, model, and ballet dancer ( which explains why she is so flexible assuming the positions and can spread her legs better than a phillipino prostitute ) who lives in Miami, Florida. She has been married three times and has three children. Her first marriage was to Cuban musician Osamu, with whom she has a son, Mauro, born in 1993. Her second marriage was to mexican tv producer Alejandro Gavira, with whom she has a son, Alejandro, born 2000. On September 24, 2010, Mújica married actor Gabriel Valenzuela with whom she has a daughter, Violeta, born on April 6, 2010. During the summer of 2012 Aylin Mujica and Gabriel Valenzuela announced their divorce. So the MILF is single.
Aylin began dancing at the age of 8 years. She studied folk dance, ballet, choreography and music at the National Ballet School. At the age of 15 she entered the Higher Institute of Arts where she studied drama and at 18 years, she studied at the International Film School in Havana, Cuba.
Mújica also appeared in several Mexican TV shows, including TV Azteca's morning weekend TV Show TEMPRANITO and the telenovela AMOR EN CUSTODIA. In 2006, the actress began working for Telemundo. She was offered an antagonist role on PECADOS AJENOS but she declined before accepting and was replaced by Catherine Siachoque. She worked in the soap opera AURORA in 2010. Her most recent appearance that I know of was in the hit telenovela CORAZON as the main antagonist. But the best title of all telenovelas Aylin has been on is SIN SENOS NO HAY PARADISO which translated to english means Without breasts there is no paradise.
During 2014 Aylin Mújica appeared on SECRETANDO 2, a web-telenovela playing Daniela. So good luck Aylin Mujica, thanks for the mammaries