Monday, March 24, 2025

Justice League Monday with Tom Derenick !

We have another unlikely candidate for JUSTICE LEAGUE MONTH with Tom Derenick who is one of my favourite artists who somehow always seems to end up falling short of achieving comicbook super star status.

Which is quite baffling to me because his art is without a doubt top tier level and he also worked on some projects that had the potential to become really big hits like the INFINITE CRISIS spin - off SHADOWPACT.

Of course one of the reasons why Tom Derenick is not as highly regarded as some of his less talented peers might be that even if he works on a book that has the potential to strike it big - like SHADOWPACT - it still has not enough mainstream appeal. You have to keep in mind that this was decades before a version of THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA that included a lot of magical fringe DC Comics characters like Etrigan or Blue Devil became popular as the so - called JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK during DC Comics NEW 52 initiative. As for some of the other books he has worked on since then I have to admit that I am so far out of the loop in regards to newer comicbook series that I have no idea if books like INJUSTICE or JUSTICE LEAGUE VS GODZILLA VS KING KONG are big bestsellers or flops.

The reason why I decided to include him in JUSTICE LEAGUE MONTH is that from time to time he does work on Justice League related books.

Longtime followers of the blog may remember this post from 2006 where I wrote about a six part story, a crossover between JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA CLASSIFIED and JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA CLASSIFIED which was written very racist towards gypsies. I am normally not one to enter the whole racist discussion because I know that I am sometimes racist and that a lot of people may think I am racist just because I state facts without feeling the obligation to apologize for things or circumstances I had I had no hand in creating. Today people will outright call you racist even if you are the complete opposite. Which is why I usually tend to ignore all of these things but in this case it was even too much for me.

Anyway, the story in question involves the Royal Flush Gang as does the part of the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA series started by Brad Melzer and Ed Benes ( issues 35 to 37 right before Mark Bagley takes over the art duties with issue 38 ) which makes me wonder if there are certain writers who call on Tom Derenick when they write about the Royal Flush Gang, if Tom Derenick himself requests these kind of stories himself or if he is considered to be the go - to guy for it. For those who never heard of the Royal Flush Gang they are a gang of villains fashioned after the card deck and I would say they are d - list DC Comics villains but d - list royalty, pun intended. Because while they might be in the lower level of DC Comics villains there have been quite a lot of appearances in iconic comic runs as well as adaptations of them to animated movies or shows.

out of the shadows

tom stuff

tom links

tom videos

blue devil


international stars on wetten dass

dont like this animation style

plastic man show

captain marvel 3:43 hrs

erkan andrea sawatzki

It´s long overdue that the ravishing redhead makes a return visit in our cult siren countdown since this Busenwunder not only has a porn body that can multiply the circulation numbers of any gentlemen´s magazine - as she proved when she did a photoshoot for PLAYBOY in April 2003 - she also shows it frequently in movies and really puts the boob in boob tube.

Andrea Sawatzki's acting career began rather slowly. After studying at the acting school in Munich, the redhead performed at several theatres from 1988 to 1992 before debuting in the legendary Tatort where she had three appearances between 1991 and 1994. Her big break came one year later when she was chosen to play the hooker with a heart of gold in A.S., a short lived crime series opposite Tatort vet Klaus J. Behrendt.

Here we have Andrea Sawatzki playing a long legged secretary ( around the 40:40 minute mark ) in the Tatort episode Der Fall Schimanski ( The Case Schimanski ) alongside german legend Goetz George as Schimanski.

This sexy mother of two kids has been busy ever since appearing in more than 50 made for tv as well as cinematic releases. But the most positive thing about the redhead, however, is her generosity. Not only does she have a lot to show, she also does so quite frequently. Her truly gigantic ( and absolutely natural ) 40E monster bazookas premiered in two more crime series, Polizeiruf 110 and SK Koelsch and later gained even further screen time in Klimawechsel - In Wuerde Alt Werden , Freibad , Helen Fred Und Ted , Die Reparatur and Das Leben ist eine Baustelle. Her nude scene in The Experiment even gave cast member and husband Christian Berkel such a hard erection that his boner became like unto a thing of iron. To get rid of it Andrea tried massaging Christian´s growing rod with her massive melons but that made matters only worse. And much bigger.

Even a few hours of intense deepthroating did not bring relief because despite having the male equivalent of multiple orgasms he was still hard enough to cut a diamond. In the end Andrea had no other option then to do what redheads do best proving the old saying that You can sleep with a blonde and you can sleep with a brunette but you'll never sleep with a redhead - because those sluts are naturally born prostitutes and will milk you dry making him squirt until he could not get it up anymore so they could resume filming. Christian Berkel must be one of the luckiest guys since he gets to bang blow up sex doll Andrea on a daily basis and according to insiders their honeymoon lasted three months during which Christian relentlessly pounded every orifice of Andrea´s tireless body in every position until he had dicktamed her to be his willing oral sex slave.

Speaking of sex with onscreen partners Andrea also bared her terrific breasts in the film Harte Jungs where she introduced male lead Tobias Schenke to the pleasures of long deepthroat blowjobs between takes.

But things really heated up after the shooting had ended for the day as Andrea insisted on taking showers on an abandoned sound stage with Tobias to cool things off after a stressful day. Of course sharing a shower with a wet mega MILF like Andrea Sawatzki rubbing her giant boobs all over his body had the exact opposite effect on Tobias who - being in his sexual prime - tried slamfucking Andrea's brains out seven days to Sunday in the worst way hoping to dicktame her into his new blow up sex doll.

That guy is so lucky because he also got to co - star with 40C - 22 - 34 actress and german Playmate Of The Month October 2013 Tina Ruland, all natural 44E - 25 - 37 Dirndlsexbomb Christine Neubauer and 40D - 24 - 36 porn star Ana Nova a.k.a. Tara Young. I wanted to write about those two movies for literally ages but so far I haven´t found much material.

Though already in her late fifties, she doesn't show any signs of slowing down so there's still a lot of hope for additional views of this magnificent german twin version of Mount Everest ! Just try to compare Andrea's earlier efforts to her newer works and note that her rack has become even more impressive after having a baby back in the late nineties.

Besides acting Andrea Sawatzki is also an audio book narrator and author of books some of which have been adapted as movies starring Andrea.

One of the reasons why I wanted to include Andrea Sawatzki in the bonus section again is that I have found a replacement for a video that I posted the first time I mentioned her. Longtime readers know that I was never a big fan of Wetten Dass ? host Thomas Gottschalk and that because of my antipathy for him I missed a lot of the breast moments on german tv like my number one wet sex dream of all times, a. k. a. the breast body in showbiz, 40C - 23 - 36 men milking machine Janet " I'll Slamfuck Your Brains Out All Night - Don't Stop " Action Jackson - the nymphomanic nubian deepthroat blow up sex doll that walks like a prostitute who has three solo posts on my blog plus 3 entries in my CASTING THE JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA MOVIE series bonerinducing live performance of All For You where her giant - sized coconuts almost popped out of her top.

I did manage to catch Salma Hayek´s appearance on the show although I am not sure if there really was a wardrobe malfunction where one of her giant - sized melons because of her pregnancy popped out of her snug Dirndl dress so everybody in the audience got a good eyeful of her boob.

Especially since the malfunctions always take place off - camera or at least when they are filming somebody else. Fact is that Salma´s massive mammaries could barely be contained by her dress and she got all the guys drooling including fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld who was known for preferring skinny models. I bet Salma could have turned him straight.

Anyway, you can find more pictures, GIFs and videos in this birthday post for Salma Hayek where I wrote about it at length and new readers should check out her original cult siren entry as well as my reposts from 2015 , 2016 and 2017 . Coming back to Andrea Sawatzki here is her appearance on Wetten Dass ? from November 2011 where she was promoting The Borgias with a cleavage that gave all male guests an instant erection.

german stars on wetten dass including some from the frank elstner shows

gottschalk being cringe again

get mean

aka time breaker

judy landers


Together with her sister, blonde 40B - 25 - 35 beach body Audrey Landers - who was of course best known for her role of Ashton Cooper on Dallas and Val Clarke in A Chorus Line - 40C - 24 - 35 Judy Landers was one of the hottest commodities of that time. They knew how to squeeze their talents and could have made a real fortune working the stripper pole.

Before the Hilton sisters, Mother Nature blessed us with the Landers sisters, and if you were a teen in the 1980s, the only crack you were on was the roughly twelve inches of cleavage shared between Judy Landers and her sister Audrey. They helped keep the boob in " boob tube " for over a decade, with appearances on nearly every hit tv show requiring a dyed - in - the - scalp blonde with the breast - busting bikini to match.


The 80s gave us a lot of the Landers sisters, mostly on the small screen, where they were often fashioned in as little clothing as possible and even less dialogue. It's hard to imagine though, or it's hard when you imagine, just how famous older sister Audrey Landers became playing the perennial bubbly blonde for our perpetually perky peckers. The sexbombs dazzled us with their own brand of twin magic long before the Bellas arrived on the scene and I must confess I prefer their version of it since here we got two sexbombs for the price of one while Bree is a poor version of Nikki since she got her tits inflated. But back to the Landers.

These blow up sex dolls would have been perfect in a Little Annie Fanny movie since with their perfectly shaped breasts, butts that won´t quit, legs almost up to their chins plus their lean and fit tireless bodies they were born for porn and back in the 80s they were the hottest blonde double d combo everybody fantasized about as two thirds of a sandwich.

Of course it goes without saying that Judy would play the tit - ular and tittilating character of Little Annie Fanny - with a big emphasis on the " tit " part although because of the size of her bonerinducing chesticles all males call her Big Annie Fanny - since she is without question the hotter.

Don't get me wrong, they both have incredible pornstar bodies but while Audrey has the prettier face Judy's body ranks a twelve out of ten while Audrey is clearly a ten plus. And while Audrey has those " bedroom eyes " that drive men crazy Judy has " sex eyes " which means that she knows you want to bang her brains out six ways to Sunday and she is going to milk you dry until you can't get it up anymore, it's only a matter of time.

Plus, Judy has those pronounced cheekbones a woman only gets after decades of oral sex especially extended deepthroat sessions. So clearly Judy would play the kind of role she has made a career of : the busty blonde with an insane body that can multiply the sales of any adult magazine without even trying and a heart of gold who is not too bright and who guys take advantage of and who always ends up loosing all her clothes while horny perverts take turns drilling every orifice of her body.

Now Audrey on the other hand has a more sophisticated look so I doubt she could play the part of the dumb blonde even if she tried so she is written smarter than Judy. In the comic strips Little Annie Fanny has a sidekick called Wanda Homefree who is clearly the brains of the outfit but I would like to cast Audrey as Little Annie Fanny's sister even though I don't think she has a sister in the comics. Anyway, this would not be the first time something is changed for a comicbook movie adaption and that is my prerogative as the movie director. Plus it's only a mental exercise.

We could call Audrey Landers character Little Audrey Fellatio and what little her character would lack on the physical side - only in comparison to her sister Judy mind you - she would more than make up for with her sheer sexual aggressiveness, a degree as a world - class oral sex - pert who graduated at Deepthroat University Sukka Cum Louder and her photographic memory of all sex positions in the Kama Sutra, Ananga Ranga, Joy Of Sex plus a few dozens she came up with on her own.

So Audrey would be the smarter one who would always instigate the sex orgies and naturally she would whore her sister out so Judy would have to bear the brunt of the sexual assault while Audrey gets to cherry pick the studs with the biggest schlongs and the most endurance whom she could dicktame merciless at her leisure to become obedient sex slaves.

Although I don't think that would take a lot of taming because who would not want to be the sexual slave of a horny Audrey Landers in her prime ?

Not that I think anybody would protest if Audrey - or Judy - subjects his rockhard boner to an all nigh ejaculation sensation squirt marathon. As for the plot of the movie, since this part has gotten longer than planned I will let you know the next time I get to mention the Landers sisters.


In real life neither of them were but they clearly were unaware of the general public´s perception of them as the ultimate sex symbols. Proof of that is the fact that they did a very tasteful but non - nude ( and non - paying, so thanks for that ) PLAYBOY pictorial for publicity reasons only.

They thought it would help the direction of their career and the roles they would be offered would change from cheerleaders to mature roles.

new video

Of course the incredibly sexy pictures had just the opposite effect since a lot of people had not actually seen the pictorial and just assumed they had done nudity and so all of the roles they were offered had nudity.

Like I said, for two such incredible sexbombs it´s astounding that they managed to live a life without sex scandals and they are both married and have two kids, Audrey has twin sons and Judy has two daughters.

There have been a few attempts to do a reality show with the sisters but their everyday life turned out to be too boring for the networks and they refused to spice it up to get more viewers so nothing came out of it.

There was more about the Landers sisters in a recent post but because that part got longer and longer I gave them their own cult siren entry .


shazam isis

isis guest starring captain marvel

shakira on wetten dass

tom banner

tom quote of the day
