Thursday, November 09, 2023

Surprise, it's a Disco Dazzler Donnerstag !

Since I am not making much progress on my other posts - besides adding or replacing a few videos that have been deleted here and there - and am waiting to see if blogger approves the censored version of my first post on 36C - 23 - 36 page three girl Corinne Russell I have decided to start the month of October with the DAZZLER post I promised my readers back in August when I was writing the posts for Mike Deodato's ELEKTRA and 38K ( !!! ) - 25 - 42 fitness instructor / influencer Lindi Nunziato .

Now in regards to the Corinne Russell post getting slapped with a NSFW label I have gotten some comments why I just don't avoid content that could be seen as NSFW. Well, the problem with that is that blogger never tells you which part of the post is exactly NSFW or in which way. So it could be anything from pornographic stuff to something as simple and nondescript as spam. Because so far I have had only one post classified as spam and while I managed to get the SFW okay from blogger for it after I made some changes I am still not sure what exactly was the problem with it. Because I read the guidelines in regards to what could be seen as spam and it is basically everything or nothing in my posts.

Now there is also the option to not include anything that might be seen as NSFW from a mile away but I tried that and writing such a neutered post doesn't bring joy and entertainment to anybody. Not myself and certainly not my faithful followers. So I posted the version of the post before I made the latest changes - since that was when it got flagged as NSFW - and I will keep adding paragraph after paragraph for the next few days until I find out which is the offending part so that I can rewrite it into a SFW version or - in the worst case scenario - cut it out entirely.

In any case this will probably take me a few days and since - as I said - I am not making any progress on my other posts I will be working on this post. Man, so far I have only made a few censored versions of previous posts but none of them because the original post got labelled as NSFW.

After this boring behind the scenes stuff let's do a quick recap for the genesis of this post ( since it has been quite some time and I want to do a quick refresher for my regular readers but also give new visitors an introduction ) it all started with the two spotlights I mentioned above.

Because as my faithful followers know I like to do extensive research before starting my posts - which has become more of a necessity now that I don't have access to my old picture archive - and while I was thinking about which Marvel Comics post to do next it came to a draw between Elektra and Dazzler. And the only reason why I chose to go with Elektra instead of Dazzler was that my template for Elektra is Lindi and my template for Dazzler is Paige British. And I had not finished compiling the pictures with Paige while I had already catalogued Lindi's pictures.

So it was only the luck of the draw that Elektra and Lindi Nunziato got chosen first and I got to use some nifty Bill Sienkiewicz artwork in any way since he worked on both series. Now you might ask " But why of all things DAZZLER ? " and the reason is simple : since I am at the whim of the internet gods and depend now more than ever on the material I find ( mostly while doing the research for other posts ) there was just so much material that not making a post would have been a big waste.

Plus as frequent visitors of the blog know I have a soft spot for all the underrated and underappreciated comicbook series out there, the more obscure the better. Also DAZZLER was slated to be the next big thing ( even though they came in a few years late to cash in on the disco craze but Stan Lee was a few times late to the party with his comics ) so it is also one of those failed comicbook premises. I am not sure if the series has garnered a bigger fan following in the last years but at least it seems a viable enough intellectual property that Marvel Comics has reprinted the entire series ( plus a few appearances in other books and mini series ) in four MARVEL MASTERWORK volumes. Which made finding coloured pages to go with the original art that much easier, let me tell you that.

What makes DAZZLER such an interesting failure is that it started out really strong with Dazzler's first appearance in UNCANNY X - MEN 130 which was part of Chris Claremont and John Byrne's ground - breaking DARK PHOENIX SAGA . And the art in the first three issues was done by none other than John Romita Jr. with inks by Alfredo Alcala in issues one and two and Danny Bulanadi and Armando Gil in issue three. Also she went up against Asgard's Busenwunder the Enchantress Amora in the first two issues and none other than f - word - ing Doctor Doom in issue three.

There also were plans to make a DAZZLER movie starring 36C - 23 - 36 silver screen sex goddess Bo " Perfect 10 " Derek as Alison Blaire that would have been by her then husband John Derek because she was at their height of her career due to the success of such erotic masterpieces like BOLERO or the hit comedy 10 plus all her nude pictorials in famous men's magazines like PLAYBOY or LUI. Well after the TARZAN movie directed by John Derek tanked completely ( strangely the film started Miles O'Keeffe's career ) all plans of a DAZZLER movie were cancelled.

Which is a shame because no matter how the quality of the film would have been seeing ultimate men milking machine Bo Derek in a skin tight silver body suit alone would have been worth the price of admission.

Now after Dazzler's big splash with her first appearance she was slated to headline a double - sized MARVEL SUPER SPECIAL but after the plans for the movie went south that material was reworked into the first two issues of her regular series. And even that didn't have a negative impact on the title because for some reason someone at Marvel Comics decided it was a good idea to try DAZZLER at the relatively new " direct market " meaning that the series would be only available at comicbook and not at newsstands. The first issue of DAZZLER came out and sold over 400,000 copies while the top selling comicbooks of the time sold around 250,000.

And while it would never again be such a big seller in the direct market ( as longtime comicbook collectors know the demand for first issues has always been much higher than for those issues following it ) it sustained enough of its momentum to last over 40 issues which is not too shabby.

Now one reason why it was not the big success it might have been - aside from the fact that it came out AFTER the disco craze had died down - was that after issue three Frank Springer took over the art duties. And while Frank Springer worked on many Silver Age Marvel Comics and THE SAVAGE SHE - HULK he was not up to the level of John Romita Jr. . As an aside note it's funny that he also co - created the first adult - oriented feature on US newsstands, THE ADVENTURES OF PHOEBE ZEIT - GEIST.

Although I have to say that after going through the issues for this post I have to say that I really appreciate Frank Springer's art especially once Vince Coletta comes in as the regular inker. I know there are a lot of people who don't like him and think he ruined Jack Kirby's electrifying work on THE MIGHTY THOR but I think that it is only a question of finding the right book for the right inker and for me personally he was a good fit for THOR . I also like the original art pages I have found for DAZZLER that he inked and while I may never have the disposable income to buy all four volumes of the MARVEL MASTERWORKS I would like to see an ARTIST'S EDITION of that. Although I am not sure how many of those will come out now that IDW seems to have more and more financial trouble.

Plus after doing the research I really got a hankering to read the series.

Another reason why DAZZLER never reached the big audience it could have is that the higher ups at Marvel Comics never could decide if they wanted to take the title in the superheroine direction or more into the slice of life / troubles of a woman in a men's world trying to build a music career realm. Which I think would make it perfect tv series and I am surprised that out of all of Marvel Comics big intellectual properties DAZZLER hasn't been turned into a tv show yet. Although after the fiasko of the SHE - HULK, ATTORNEY AT LAW show that might be for the better.

Well, I think that is enough of an introduction for those who never heard of DAZZLER and as for the original art pages in this post besides of the obligatory John Romita Jr. / Alfredo Alcala pages I have included a lot with Vince Coletta's inks from her fights with Rogue ( who back in those days duked it out with any female Marvel Comic character at the drop of a hat ) and a weird subplot where Dazzler's sister got super powers.

staying alive

dazzling stuff

dazzling links

Since Rogue appears in this post as a Dazzler antagonist as most comic afficionados know she was originally slated to debut in the pages of the 25th issue of MS MARVEL but when the series was prematurely cancelled writer Chris Claremont put her into the infamous AVENGERS ANNUAL 10.

Which is his meta comment on the cluster f - word that was the 200th issue of THE AVENGERS and the story is so bad that none of the four ( ! ) writers that were involved want to take credit for it. I do not know if there was a mandate from higher up to write Carol Danvers out of the book but there could have been easier ways like her going on a vacation with a well hung boytoy and enter a wet t - shirt contest or something.

As I will elaborate a bit more in my upcoming post about Carol Danvers during her time as Miss Marvel in AVENGERS 200 Carol Danvers suddenly is pregnant and not only pregnant but she goes into labour in a matter of hours and gives birth to Marcus who rapidly grows to adulthood and then sexually assaults her thus ensuring his birth. To add insult to injury the mother effer - quite literally - then takes control of her mind to make her fall in love with him and none of the Avengers do anything about it.

To the contrary, they happily send her off as her son takes her to his home dimension where he uses her as his personal blow up sex doll at his leisure slam - banging her brains out six ways to Sunday during endless 24 / 7 penetration sensation marathons completely wearing his dick out.

And when I say endless I mean that he manipulates the space / time continuum so that every time he comes he can jump forward in time to the point where he is once again good to go and resume the midnight olympics while Carol just has to keep going on without catching a break.

Speaking of not catching a break, at the end of AVENGERS ANNUAL 10 Carol Danvers decides to stay with the X - Men and she also became a member of the Starjammers for a while but of course it couldn't last.

So naturally when they encountered the brood those sleazoids turned into pervoids and after getting a good look at her naked pornstar body they used her for sex - periments involving more tentacles than you can shake a horny Otaku at that made even fans of Urotsukidoji 2 : Legend Of The Demon Womb feel uncomfortable. The writers sure had their fun with Ms Marvel. As apparently did everybody else in the Marvel universe.

Coming back to Rogue, the story where she permanently absorbed all of Miss Marvel's powers as well as the psyche, memories and personality of Carol Danvers went unpublished for over a decade until it finally saw print in the pages of MARVEL SUPER HEROES 11 in 1992. And when I say that she permanently absorbed Carol Danvers powers and persona I mean of course for a while because in comicbooks nothing really lasts forever especially when the person in question is very popular with the readers.

So Rogue eventually got rid of Carol Danvers personality - but kept all of her powers - and we have our good pal Brian Cronin coming to the rescue of all those unfortunate souls who missed it as he tells the tale of how it all went down over at his regular hangout at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES.

But the readers and Magneto were not the only ones captivated by Rogue's Playmate Of The Year measurements even if the powers to be at Marvel are always gunning for their Rogue / Gambit romance ( I really hate Gambit with a passion which makes it even weirder that I wrote two solo posts about him ) and besides Magneto doing the horizontal limbo with ravishing rack - tastic Rogue in the savage land when she temporarily lost her powers they only explore the possibility of Rogue being together with somebody else in alternate timelines like Age Of Apocalypse where she had a kid with Magneto in ASTONISHING X - MEN.

Or issue 114 of WHAT IF ? where the heroes are stuck on the Beyonder's battleworld after the events of Secret Wars and Captain America of all people gets a hankering for juicy mutant booty. So he slam - bangs the stars and stripes out of her and in the end they even have a daughter .

and Brian Cronin over at COMIC BOOK RESOURCES list surprising last page appearances of Magneto in this instalment of Drawing Crazy Patterns and


and Archie Comics is already gearing up for Christmas and speaking about Archie comics did you know that Reggie and Archie had a competition about who looks better in drag - in 1943 ?

dazzling videos





I also want to include this video where they go over the gamut of all the different iterations of the Addams Family which demonstrates that a lot of people who claim to be big fans of the franchise do still not bother to check out the source material. Which is completely valid because just because you like one version does not mean you like - or are obliged to like - all versions. But it is still telling how many who say they love the character of Wednesday Addams have no idea that originally she was very polite, obedient, well adjusted and cheerful and that the brooding, deathstare goth girl is only something that was established in the films.

The video also features afro - american aphrodite Jair ( click here for the breast video of my future wife ) whom I have already featured in my latest post about Ron Frenz run on THE MIGHTY THOR together with Tom De Falco , my Jim Aparo tribute post with - almost - the entire original art for issue 170 of THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD , my post on Dick Dillin's run on JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA , my post pimping two omnibus books as well as the most unlikely post which is about m - effing Gambit.

So I wanted to include something new as I always try to come up with stuff I haven't posted yet and there are always ideas I forgot to mention.

In my latest Jair spotlights I have done the obligatory comicbook casting where I put Jair into the role of Vicky Spritzfest ( which would be either Victoria Squirthard or Victoria Squirtproof in the english translation ) the Busenwunder reporter with legs for miles almost up to her chin for the channel NOTZUCHT TV who would have been introduced in the third issue of my - at this point - discontinued adult comicbook series called VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN even if Jair's boobs are bigger than Vicky's.

Vicky - who is constantly getting into situations where she ends up naked and is more often than not used like a cheap blow up sex doll by many guys on camera ( which explains her extremely high ratings amongst the male audience ) when she is not sexually assaulted by all her perverted colleagues - gets into all kind of shenanigans and ends up competing in a wet - t - shirt contest ( after her camera guy paid two drunk college students to splash her with water and then rip off her t - shirt during a live broadcast ) with the stipulation that she will do a photoshooting for PLAYBOY magazine if she ends up winning or is amongst the five finalists.

There are also five prices the tv station offered as incentives for the viewers to vote for Victoria - which range from a body painting class where the lucky winner gets to apply the paint with his hands ( or any other body part he chooses ) to re - enact afro - american 40E - 25 - 37 sex machine Halle Berry's famous sex scene from the Oscar winning " Monster's Ball " ( only in this version he is joined by the director and the tv station boss to turn it into a triple pussy penetration orgy ) to an all expenses paid weekend at a the honeymoon suite of a five star hotel with Victoria decked out in the tiniest lingerie from the - appropriate - Victoria's Secret catalogue, handcuffed, gagged and tied to the bed.

Anyway, I thought that nubian Busenwunder Jair with her huge chocolate melons would be a good fit for the role but as always the most obvious choice didn't occur to me which is the star of the series nymphomanic exhibitionist Elisa Bett ( not sure if I will call her Elisa Bed or Elisa Bad in the english version ) a. k. a. Halle Berry of Stuttgart whom I based - at least her physical aspect - on a certain sex goddess I will not name.

Originally she was my template for Elisa Bett because that way I could make my wet sex phantasies kind of real but I have to admit that Jair would also be a good fit since she was born for porn. Even if I never get to make the xxx - rated movie version of VERSAUTE BETTGESCHICHTEN.

Speaking of which what would not change would be that her roommate would be the completely fictive 44D - 25 - 35 cosplay blow up sex doll Jaja Han ( TM and copyright Kerosin Comics and all affiliated companies ) who should not be confused with the real and non fictive ( at least I hope that she isn't ) 44D - 25 - 35 cosplay blow up sex doll Yaya Han.

With that said there are five scenes from the comics ( some from the issues that have come out and some from the issues that were planned but haven't come out yet ) that I would definitely have to put into the movies especially if I could only find somebody who could believably portray the completely fictive wet 44D - 25 - 35 cosplay sex dream Jaja Han ( hint, hint ). Now the first one is of course the scene where Jaja Han is doing a pole dance wearing the same outfit as Akira Lane in the picture below which so far has only been included in the bonus section.

There were plans to get a variant cover done by a german artist well known for his erotic comics that I had contacts to but for reasons outside of both of our control that never materialized. In any case the story here would be that an always horny comicbook artist ( which is in no way a self insert for yours truly ) persuades Jaja to do a pole dance for charity and as a responsible guy I have to .... I mean this guy has to pull down Jaja's slip to make sure nobody gets to see her private parts when she is using her natural ability to spread her legs like a phillipino prostitute.

The second one is the scene in which the comicbook artist convinces a slightly inebriated Jaja Han to do a fertility dance wearing only Power Babe's ( TM and copyright Kerosin Comics ) grass skirt - which keeps sliding down - and coconut bra from the JUST TITS LEAGUE OF AMERICA ( TM and copyright Kerosin Comics ). Without the coconut bra of course.

Number three would be the opening scenes of the second issue where our clever comicbook artist manages to tie up Jaja Han who is dressed up as Power Babe and rip of most of her costume as inspiration for his next story. But once he gets an eyeful of her spread legs and her sweaty private parts he gets carried away and lives out his sexual phantasies.

The next scene is one with Elisa Bett - finally a scene with Jair - who is dressed up as Wonderbra Woman ( TM and copyright Kerosin Comics ) in which she walks in on Jaja Han dressed up as Power Babe who is giving me ... I mean giving the comicbook artist who is not me a two hour long double breasted deepthroat dick massage. Because he bet her five bucks that she could not swallow the entire shaft and like all asian sexbombs she got totally carried away once she had started titfucking his schlong.

Which would lead to the final scene I definitely would have to include where Jair returns to the bedroom five hours later only to find that now the comicbook artist is slam - banging Jaja Han's brains out six ways to Sunday because he made another bet that she could have sex with him all night long and he would not come twice. And instead of money she agreed to become his living blow up sex doll for the next three months.

Anyway, Elisa Bett - played by Jair - would not come in to tell Jaja Han that the bet is rigged ( the catch is that the stipulation clearly states that he will not come twice and in fact he came over a dozen times not only two times ) but to get her to share the comicbook artist's boner.

Well, those are just some ideas I have been spit balling if I could get Jair to play the role of Elisa Bett instead of a certain nubian sex goddess who has been voted the sexiest woman on the entire planet twice in a row.

Of course there are other parts from issue one - like when she dresses up as the younger big breasted twin sister of Halle Berry to distract a cop from the drugs stashed in her car which backfires epically as he takes her to the station where he handcuffs her, does a full cavity search and then makes her spread her long legs while he is drilling her from behind.

At the same time he is pressing her giant gazongas against a two - way mirror which is recorded by all of his colleagues without her knowledge and the footage somehow ends up as volume 11, 12 and 13 of the real life sex tape series Porno Police : Double Dee Delinquents. Which later on leads to an uninhibited sex orgy with half a dozen of her biggest ( and I mean her biggest since they all have huge monstercocks ) teenage fans at a no tell motel. Jair would really be perfect for these kind of movies.





Now my regular blog visitors may have noticed that there have been a lot of videos of ASMR Amy in my last few posts so I was a bit hesitant to include yet another one. But on the other hand I don't think it would make much sense to put her " No Nut November " challenge video in a post that is going online in December and that way my followers can participate longer. I mean I am already late since it dropped a week ago.

For those who have never heard of the " No Nut November " challenge ( don't worry, I also didn't know what it was and had to google it ) the idea is to abstain from masturbation for the whole month of November which supposedly is very healthy because it increases your testosterone levels. Which is very contrary to how I was brought up where we were told that whacking off now and then was very healthy because if a man doesn't get to squirt once in a while all the accumulated liquid seeps into his brain and starts to affect his intelligence. There may even be studies that show that men who masturbate on a regular basis live much longer.

Be that as it may the challenge with this is to not do it because that is supposed to be healthy. So - understandably - I wanted to put the video on the blog as soon as possible so that blog visitors can participate in the challenge longer which can have longer benefits on their health. As I said I don't know if that is true but I have the feeling that ASMR Amy's hidden agenda here is to make us fail as she definitely stacked the deck against us ( both metaphorically and figuratively because that's one heck of a stacked men milking machine ) not only with this video but also with her bonerinducing Lara Croft cosplay video AND especially the adult version she dropped last month where she is letting her huge treasure chest out.

Which is the breast one yet since the Lara Croft cosplay by all natural 42HH - 24 - 36 Busenwunder Petra Verkaik , Playmate Of The Month Of  December in the year  1989 , who was in fact the most published woman in PLAYBOY's history who also became John Byrne's She - Hulk blueprint .

Okay, ASMR Amy's breasts are not as huge as Petra Verkaik's titanic twin torpedoes I don't think she has to hide her 36F melons under a bushel either. My regular visitors are probably already tired of me writing that somebody was " born for porn " and I won't use the phrase here because like the aforementioned hasian star of my wet hentai dreams 44D - 25 - 35 cosplay blow up sex doll Yaya Han ASMR Amy literally made her body perfect for starring in adult movies by giving herself giant - sized porn implants. Probably not as big as Yaya Han has but still considerably big.

Apropos ASMR Amy, coming back to her unlike hasian wet sex dream Yaya Han she already did porn - and a lot of it - under the name of Amy Starr although sadly that was before she got her 36F ( ! ) breast augmentation.

Which is a real shame because I personally think ASMR Amy looks so much better with her new and improved breasts but at least we have her ASMR videos on YouTube and for those who prefer her uncut and uncensored videos you can find more than enough of that content on the internet.

Coming to the second reason for posting ASMR Amy's " No Nut November " video is that I want to pose a challenge of my own. Not for me but for the readers of my blog. As some of you may be aware the first version of my post for british 36C - 23 - 36 page 3 girl Corinne Russell has been flagged by blogger as NSFW which I did mention in my second version which did not get flagged as NSFW. And I have gotten some comments that I should just avoid or cut the parts that are problematic. But to prove that this is not as easy as you think I issue the following challenge : find the part of the uncensored post that is the reason that this was flagged as NSFW. Which should be a piece of cake since it is pretty easy.

Just find the part - text or picture - that is in the uncensored version BUT NOT in the new censored version and like Sherlock Holmes said that must be by process of elimination the offending part. But wait, before you go of half - cocked I want to mention that I know there are some GIFs of ASMR Amy that are not the same so you MAY think that must be why it got flagged as NSFW. But it's not that simple because I replaced those only AFTER the post got flagged as NSFW ( if you are already doing the time you may as well commit the crime ) so they are not the reason.

Sorry, bub, but no cigar. So to make the rules absolutely clear ( because afterwards people are always complaining that I was not specific enough ) the challenge here is to find a part of the uncensored version of the Corinne Russell post that IS NOT in the censored version and it has to be something that may cause a NSFW classification not something as simple as a spelling error. And to show that I am being serious here the prize you can win will be one of my cherished Artist's Edition from IDW - either the EC Comics Covers or Will Eisner's THE SPIRIT - of your own choosing.

This challenge will be valid until the end of the month because after that I may delete the uncensored version since - at least to my untrained eye - they are both identical apart from a few animated GIFs of ASMR Amy that I added after the NSFW classification. I repeat : do not write me - you can find my e - mail address in the " about me " box of the blog or let me know in the comment box below - to tell me about those GIFs.

That is not the answer. So there you have my challenge and good luck.


We are coming back to the disco part of the post with british 38C - 24 - 33 brabuster Geri Halliwell who is best known as Ginger Spice from the Spice Girls who were the most successful british girl band of all times.

That said Geri also launched a very successful solo career and since I recently found a few videos with her in high quality I wanted to do my usual Top Five Of The Best Of The Breast Geri music video countdown.

She hasn't appeared that often on the blog but that was due to the lack of good videos in good quality. As it couldn't be any other way I had to include her great Flashdance homage It's Raining Men plus Scream If You Want To Go Faster the latter one was very hard to find for some reason.

Since this collection is totally subjective and assembled completely on my whims there are also some live performances where Geri can really strut her stuff like in the first video where she pulls a Janet Jackson ( I mean the Black Cat at the video music awards where she ripped off her shirt to reveal her black bra not the unfortunate nipplegate incident ).

But my personal favourite is of course video number four and the breast part here is the constant underboob because such a short short top is just a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen. Especially when you are moving as much as international sex symbol Geri Halliwell and constantly raise your arms in the air and wave them around as if you do not care !

As could be expected wet sex dream Geri Halliwell didn't disappoint her hordes of drooling fans showing the lower half of her perfectly shaped boobs peeking out ... of well it's more of a big handkerchief than a shirt throughout her sweat - inducing ( for more than one reason ) sex antics.

Even though they are not as big as those of other celebrities ( although at 38C they are nothing to sneeze at either ) and they are a bit smaller than usual because of her rigorous workout routines I - and millions of male Spice Girls and Geri Halliwell fans alike - wouldn't have said no to a double breasted deepthroat dick massage especially if it's followed by a weekend long ( one of those long weekends that start on Thursday and end on Tuesday ) ejaculation sensation fuck marathon where I get to relentlessly bang Geri's brains out six ways to Sunday without mercy.

Because Geri's hardbody was a mean lean man milking machine and you could easily wear your dick out on her. No kidding ! With her finetuned shapely pornstar body and her ability to spread her legs wider than a desperate phillipino prostitute thanks to hundreds of hours in the gym where she worked the machines to do the splits with her long legs again and again - which turned all male gym clients into drooling idiots that followed her to the shower where they insisted on soaping up her sweaty body ( with their pulsating schlongs ) which in turn led to an out - of - control gangbang with a dozen worked up jocks on steroids who drilled the living blow up sex doll in every orifice of her body like there's no tomorrow until they couldn't get it up anymore - the blonde dicktamer from the UK could seriously damage even the biggest monstercocks that give most well hung breeding stallions penis envy without trying hard.

And she was always trying as hard as she could get them as there were some incidents - that may have been exaggerated by the yellow press - where she literally fucked a few of her fans into a coma after a simple meet & greet had turned into a suck &fuck orgy after the press had left.

pardon my french



Sometimes I completely forget about certain channels and in this case it is DAS PHANTASTISCHE PROJECT but in this case it was because there have been no new uploads in quite some time. Anyway, since there has been a lot of horror stuff in my posts lately and I like to switch things up from time to time ( as longtime followers of the blog already know ) I am starting a section about the world's greatest detectives and the first one is Germany's biggest sleuth, the man they call Nick Knatterton. Now I am not going to write too much about his but for those amongst my readers who want to know about this iconic german cult comic and its various adaptions into movies and a cartoon show they can check out my original NICK KNATTERTON spotlight post and also the pimped version .

Now besides my NICK KNATTERTON spotlight posts newer visitors to the blog might want to check out my Bill Ward spotlight from 2022 because the bonus section includes the movie The Adventures Of Nick Knatterton : The Theft Of Gloria Nylon. While the movie is pretty entertaining it is not a good adaption of the NICK KNATTERTON comic strip by Manfred Schmidt and it criminally ( no pun intended ) underutilized tantalizing MILF temptress Maria Sebalt who plays the gang leader Virginia Peng.

The post also includes the fifth episode of the sadly too short lived NICK KNATTERTON cartoon called Miezen, Macher und Moneten ( Minx, Makers And Money ) which has not only the first appearance of hasian femme fatale Mi - Tse Meyer as well as an encounter between Nick Knatterton and his nemesis Virgina Peng - completely naked in a sauna ( sorry to disappoint you boys, but there is no full frontal nudity in this one ).

So since we already had her first appearance here is the return of asian sexation Mi - Tse Meyer in episode 7 " Bargeld, Betten und Brillianten ".






audio dramas


can't make a post about dazzler without mentioning the band that inspired her face make up




geena davis

the dazzler of pasion tv

top 5

cop game

maniac cop

We return to the german part of our audience with a quiz about 90s tv shows although I think all of my readers can participate since you have to guess the show based on the theme music. It might be interesting for those outside of Germany to find out some of the names they got in the german translation. In any case I chose this video as a segueway for my spanish tv episode of the day ( so I hope it does not get deleted like the quiz about wrestling entrance music that I included in another posts as an intro to a video - and now I have to come up with another clever segueway ) even though the tv show in question is not part of the quiz.

Which is the 1993 Perry Mason tv movie The Case Of The Skin - Deep Scandal featuring the blonde double whammy of 44D - 27 - 40 cult siren Morgan Fairchild - known for shows like Flamingo Road or Falcon Crest - and most importantly real life 34DD - 24 - 33 Power Girl Lauren Lane.


Busenwunder Lauren Lane is of course best known as cougar C. C. Babcok ( although she's more of a DD girl ) on The Nanny where her talents were criminally underutilized. In my opinion the producers wasted most of her potential in that role. I know that to have a story in the series Mr. Scheffield has to be oblivious to her sex drive but even the writers surrendered to this even if it was only on a subconscious level.

That´s the one thing that didn´t work for me : how can any sane guy be even remotely interested in a below average looking woman like Fran Drescher who on top has one of the most annoying voices I ever heard ?

I mean, the first time I heard it I was completely shocked and there is no way any guy can keep it up when hearing that nagging voice. Man, Fran Fine must be a world class expert at deepthroating dicks because that is the only way to prevent her voice from ruining the mood. I guess Mr. Scheffield must be into some kinky stuff like gagging her because I see no other way how sex with Fran Fine is possible. That's just the worst.

Especially when you have a living blow up sex doll with a body that makes porn stars envious at your beck and call. Originally the writers wanted to call her DD Babecock but that would´ve been too on the nose.

I mean actress Lauren Lane could easily pull off Power Girl´s magical boob window and who would pass on the chance to be handcuffed to the bed of a sex goddess whose biggest desire is to bang your brains out ?

Man, if I was in Mr. Scheffield's place and my secretary was blonde men milking machine Lauren Lane with her huge breasts like giant melons, an ass that won't quit, legs for miles almost up to her chin which she also can spread better than a fillipino hooker when the rent is due and the perfect blowjob lips who constantly flashes her big boobs and simulates oral sex with a big banana to get me erect I couldn't get any work done.


You know that blonde nymphomaniac C C really puts the dick in dictation - preferably Mr. Sheffield's dick - and how she would go about it is she would start off the meeting wearing a regular business suit. Then she would complain about the heat in the room and instead of opening a window she would start slowly unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her huge knockers in a push up wonder bra that is at least three sizes too small so that her firm funbags look twice as big as they really are.

After dangling her huge XXL hooters in his face for a while C C - or Miss Babecock if you are nasty - would unpack her giant - sized woman things and squeeze Mr. Sheffield's erect boner between them and give him a deepthroat boob massage with her massive melons until his hot rod has grown to three times its size and become hard as unto a thing of iron.

Once he got hard enough to cut diamonds C C would lie down on the desk with her head back so she can give Mr. Scheffield a deepthroat blowjob swallowing the entire shaft. It's no coincidence her nickname in college was Amanda D. P. Throat and Kim Blasinger with the germans.

At that point she would jump on his huge schlong with her patented flying split spin leap where she does a frontal somersault followed by a split leap only with the difference that she keeps her legs split open so she can use the full force of the impact to impale herself on his rock hard boner. Once he has had a moment to recover she starts to rotate on his boner like a propeller with her legs still split, sliding up and down while also girating her hips increasing the speed and intensity and just when he is about to squirt his load slowing down the pace, riding him reverse cowboy style with long intense strokes before going through all the positions of the Kama Sutra, Ananga Ranga, Joy Of Sex she learned from her private tutors and a few dozen that she came up with herself.

Man, with a private secretary like C. C. Babecock who was born for porn and who has more curves than the Nuernburgring I would go on made up business trips to non - existing conventions in exotic locales at least twice a month - especially if she has a pornstar body like Lauren Lane.

Although I guess the scenery would not be that important since I would not let her leave the five star hotel anyway. What am I saying ? Forget leaving the hotel. I would not let her leave the bedroom period. Only for such important things like toilet breaks, showering and taking in some nourishments. Then it would be back to the bed where I would slam - bang - Thank - You - Ma'am her brains out six ways to Sunday all day.

I would also be looking for a nanny but in my case it would be to keep the kids entertained while I sexually assault my big breasted secretary 24 / 7 pounding every orifice until the woman is my obedient sex slave.


I think there was an episode of The Nanny where the whole gang went on a ship cruise and if I had been the writer Niles would have implemented another one of his pranks on C. C. and secretly switched Miss Babcock's tickets so she would end up on a boob sex cruise ship with hundreds of drunk, horny and well hung college students instead but C. C. uncovered his plan and to win over Mr. Sheffield she switched all of their tickets.

Then she would trick Fran Fine into entering a micro bikini competition and this would be the decisive moment when Mr. Sheffield sees C. C. 's giant beach balls almost fully naked and bouncing wildly up and down for the first time and realizes he has been wasting his time with the wrong woman when he had such an ultimate dicktamer around all the time.

But Miss Babecock's plan would backfire because a few dozen juvenile serial rapists obsessed with busty MILFs would insist on celebrating her victory - what else would you expect with a big breasted blonde sex dream like Lauren Lane crushing the bikini contest ? - in their cabin.


And after getting her drunk enough to handcuff her to the bedpost the students would go completely crazy taking turns tag - teaming her up to five or six guys at a time, drilling her in every orifice of her body with their huge monstercocks using her like a blow up sex doll from the break of dawn till the sun comes up for the two remaining weeks of the cruise.

Sometimes these shows make no sense and I think that it´s poetic justice that the trusty butler got to dicktame this blonde sex freak in the end.



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