Friday, December 18, 2020

I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit

It seems I always have a hard time getting into a festive mood around the Christmas holidays and this year it´s no different. Wait, it is because this year it´s worse. 2020 has been a relentless barrage of kindney punches and so I am trying to get a head start on this whole Christmas cheer thing.

Now after working on this special post for the better part of the day it was initially too late to get it started but for some unfathomable reason I can´t watch episode 2 of the second season of THE MANDALORIAN on the tv or my laptop and have to look for a replacement that I can watch. And while I´m doing that I am spreading some pre - Christmas cheer courtesy of the always dependable MARVEL COMICS HOLIDAY SPECIALS from the 90s.

Yep, the 90s get a lot of flack - especially where comicbooks are concerned - but back then when it was still MARVEL COMICS and not only a subsidiary of Disney to promote their awful movie adaptions of even worse comic series they actually gave a f - word about their readers and so once in a while made these comics at the end of the year called HOLIDAY SPECIALS.

And I´m not trying to say that Marvel Comics was the only company who did this. In fact, this post was supposed to be quite different. The idea was to post another collection of the best, funniest, weirdest, craziest and unexpected covers from the Christmas specials of various comicbook companies. But while looking for some covers of the MARVEL COMICS HOLIDAY SPECIALS I realized that there are a lot out there I never read.

And that they not only had some great art by some of my favorite artists but also some great stories. So I hope it´s okay if this post doesn´t have as many covers as previous posts. And since I couldn´t fit everything I wanted into this post there may be a part two lurking around the corner.

Since this blog is closing on it´s 15th year I should probably include some links for the new visitors of TALES FROM THE KRYPTONIAN - which I still hope there are - who are interested in my older posts on this holiday.

You never know, there might be some out there. In any case, last year I managed to write a Christmas post on December the 24th ( despite all of the problems I was dealing with in my private life at that time ) which was a selection of Christmas comicbook covers and in 2018 I actually did my very first Christmas comicbook cover post . You might want to check that one out since it includes links to all my previous Christmas posts over the years. Which is my not so smooth segueway to the celebrity birthdays since I am going to skip some that I have addressed in previous post while including the old mixture of " something old, something new, something boobied, something blue ". Now usually I try to cover all the birthdays since my last post as good as I can but since we - kind of - made a time jump from May the 5th to December the 19th ( I know that we have the Yaya Han readers request post and the Minka cult siren re - post between them but those posts were written in advance ) I am just including the anniversaries of Today. We may catch up to the other ones along the way but if we don´t we will be quicker at the month of May in 2021 than you think so we will take care of them then. Anyway, we start right away with the boobied AND the blue part since I have to include a dynamic duo of busty blonde bombshells who have caused erections around the world.

We are off to a good start with somebody I have not mentioned in a while, mega MILF Christina Aguilera a.k.a. XXXtina Arsch - Guilera who turns 40.

Aside from having a great voice Christina also has a booming body which was always popping out of her clothes exposing some great cleavage long before she cranked it up to the max when her twin torpedoes exploded due to her pregnancy. At that time the press changed her nickname from XXXtina Aguilera to XXLtina Aguilera thanks her giant 36E ( !!! ) double airbags which were in everybody´s mouths ( of course only figuratively ).

The whole world was flooded with a veritable plethora of hot pictures of the blonde Busenwunder and I had to do two posts on my old boobblog to fit them all in. It´s a real shame the überinflated cult siren did not use the opportunity to shoot mega hot music videos with her giant - sized melons.

She could have believable played Power Girl and she would not have had a problem filling out the magical boob window with her huge milkshakes.

Christina Aguilera is one of my all time sex phantasies so it may strike some readers as strange that I haven´t done an entry for her in the cult siren hall of fame since she has earned that in spades - not only because of her boner inducing pregnancy boobs - but all of her sexy pictures, music videos and live appearances before this and since. But you have to keep in mind that with a birthday that close to the holiday season - which for me is always extra busy - it may take a while before I can cum to that.

I have to admit I am not up to date with Christina Aguilera. Like so many others it is difficult to keep up now that cult sirens are not such a high priority on the blog. I mean they are still an integral part of what I like to call " the fun section " and in fact often seem to dominate the posts so much that you might get the impression they have taken over but the number of pure cult siren posts or re - posts has gone down drastically .

That was one bonus when I still had my boobblog : doing the re - posts was a chance for me to look up their most recent movies, music videos, talk show appearances etc. With Christina the last thing I became aware of is that she was one of the judges on The Voice ( where she displayed her still awesome 34E boobs in a lot of generous cleavages ) but I don´t want to go through all of the videos from that show. In any case I have a video with Christina which I have been saving for just such an occassion.

From Today´s point of view it´s easy to say that ultimate born for porn blow up sex doll Christina was always destined for the lead role in a movie like Burlesque where her main objective was to showcase her incredible voice as well as her spectacular body by taking off highly stimulating and raunchy lingerie. And that she was already training for that role in the Lady Marmelade video from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack since she would have no problem being the star of the stripping ensemble of the real adult entertainment show of the same name. It´s all the more surprising that Burlesque turned out as tame as it did and got a FSK 6 rating in Germany.

Now the song in the video above I´m A Good Girl is originally from the cabaret show of - no, not The Moulin Rouge but The Crazy Horse. I did find a video of the Crazy Horse version but since you can only watch it on YouTube you can look for it there. Apropos videos from The Crazy Horse show, years - no, better decades - ago they showed the entire show on german tv ( back, when they showed these kind of shows every year around New Year´s Eve like The Moulin Rouge, The Crazy Horse, The Tropicana, Le Lido etc. ). Now coming back to the Crazy Horse show they taped it was a really good one with some exceptionally beautiful dancers.

There are two particularly erotic ones who stuck in my mind ever since, a fiery redhead who did a number on a red sofa that put K - Popper Jimin from Army Of Angels dry humping a sofa to shame who was dressed with only a pair of stockings who had one of the best butts I have ever seen.

The other one was a raven haired temptress with one heck of a boner inducing hardbody although her most impressive features were her oral skills - and I don´t mean her singing. During her number they did a close up of her face as she was licking her soft and juicy lips lasciviously with one of the longest and most flexible tongues that I´ve ever seen while simulating wet blowjob sex and giving the audience a wink with her bedroom eyes that said " I am not only going to dicktame you dry, I will ruin you for all other women. I am going to suck your brain dry - through your dick ! "  which shot young boys through puberty instantly, caused huge erections with the male audience and even brought the dead back to life. She was a complete slut in the best sense of the word but I have not seen that video since and unless I find it including anything from The Crazy Horse in Paris makes no sense. Instead here is an interview with Christina Aguilera - which I am pretty sure I have not posted it yet - where she is giving the audience a good eyeful of her succulent sweater puppies.

Now that you´re all hot and bothered and since I can´t embed a show from The Crazy Horse in Paris we are going for the next best thing : a choreography with my favorite hasian stripper which is at the utmost limit what YouTube allows you to post. On one side it´s good that you can see which videos can only be seen on YouTube now in the preview picture - so I know beforehand with which videos I needn´t bother - but on the other side it´s nixing a lot of the videos I bookmarked. Well, at least this way I burn through them that much faster. I have too many bookmarks anyway.

On the same days as Christina Aguilera we have fitness model, Sexbombe and WWF ( for me it will be always the real WWF and not this new WWE crap ) Diva Trish " The Dish " Stratus who celebrates her 45th birthday.

While Trish Stratus never won any fitness competitions, long before she stepped into the squared circle, a lot of us saw her in MUSCLE & FITNESS.

Trish Stratus ( born Patricia Anne Stratigias on December the 18th 1975 in Richmond Hill, Ontario ) is a former canadian fitness model and semi - retired professional wrestler ( on September 17th, 2006 after winning her 7th Women's Championship ). She´s the first in WWF history to have held the Women's Championship seven times, three more than the four reigns of Lita and the four recognized title reigns of The Fabulous Moolah. She is also one of only four women to have held the Hardcore Championship.

As a fitness model, Stratus has been on the cover of major health and fitness magazines such as MUSCLEMAG, FLARE, and TOTAL WOMEN´S FITNESS. She also released a calendar series called " Dream Team " with fellow model, Stacey Lynn. As a sports entertainer, she was proclaimed the " Diva of the Decade " on the WWF RAW X Anniversary Show . She was voted " WWE Babe of the Year " three times between 2001 and 2003.

For more about Trish Stratus check out The Best Of  Trish Stratus ( with more pictures ) on DIVALICIOUS and if that´s still not enough the only place left is ADAM´S WRESTLING BLOG . As for me I´m going to watch some of my favorite Trish Stratus videos to get some Stratusfaction.

Speaking of stratusfying sexbombs, you can find some of Trish Stratus´ breast boner inducing GIFs as well as another comicbook related birthday for Tomorrow in this post about the german cult comic ZACK and some celebrity birthdays from December the 17th up until also Tomorrow in my Bart Sears / Mark Texeira double feature from 2016 . And staying on the subject of animated GIFs of female wrestlers born for porn there is a whole slew of them in this post on the korean blow up sex doll Gail Kim .

Regular visitors of the blog already know that the obligatory Gail Kim video is up and Today we have a longer one than usual. Sorry for the bad quality.

Lately I have watched a few episodes of wrestling again although it is weird to see if there is no audience. Now they have made this new arena were the viewers are watching via Skype or something but it´s just not the same. Anyway, in one of the episodes I manage to catch the fight between Trish Stratus and Charlotte Flair where Trish Stratus almost won.

I have mentioned it before but I am not the biggest fan of Charlotte Flair especially after she stabbed Becky Lynch in the back. For me Becky Lynch is the only interesting female wrestler working at the WWE and her quest to destroy Charlotte was one of the few things that kept me coming back.

Coming to something completely different, Horst Krause turns 79 whom only a select few might recognize as the main lead in Schultze Gets The Blues, one of those quirky german movies my late brother used to find.

I am sure I mentioned it somewhere but of course I could not find it in my old posts so here is a clip from a fantastic movie about embracing a new part of this journey called life when one door closes. Which is something I will have to deal with when I say goodbye to my comicbook collection.

Now as hard as that will be that is actually the easy part since I know where I can bring them so they can find a new home. I am not sure I will be able to do that for all of my books apart from the trade paperbacks.

Which may include all the books I have of Michael John Moorcock, one of my all time favorite fantasy authors who is celebrating his 81st birthday.

I also thought I wrote about him previously since I must have done at least a spotlight seeing as he is one of my favorite writers. But again I came up with nothing. Zilch. Nada. Niente. Überhaupt nichts. Well, almost nothing.

I did mention him in a few posts where I wrote about P. Craig Russell since the graphic novels about Elric of Melnibone were the first work of him I ever saw. Of which I got the spanish version which was a nice hardcover.

It must have been around the 80s and I remember that a whole slew of the Marvel Graphic Novels were published in Spain in hardcover by Ediciones Forum and that you could find them everywhere, even at the fairgrounds in Torredembarra : Elric of Melnibone, Swords of the Swashbucklers, Star Jammers, Star Wars - Return of the Jedi, X- Men : God Loves Man Kills, The Death of Captain Marvel, Super Boxers, Killraven ( also with art by P. Craig Russell ), Dune and 2010. It was a great time to read Marvel Comics.

Anyway, P. Craig Russell did more Elric adaptions later on including Elric : Stormbringer from Topps Comics and I am not sure if I have this. Topps Comics did not last long - from 1993 to 1998 - but they published some pretty awesome series including the adaption of Francis Ford Coppola´s Dracula by Mike Mignola where he first drew in his now signature style, comics based on licensed properties like Zorro, James Bond, Jurassic Park, X - Files, Xena and Mars Attacks but also original series like Cadillacs And Dinosaurs, Ray Bradbury Comics, Lady Rawhide and the Kirbyverse.

Coming back to Elric, while the Marvel Graphic Novel may have been the first time I saw P. Craig Russell´s art it was not the first adaption I saw of the pale albino. That honor belongs to Conan the Barbarian by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor Smith who had him as a guest star in issues 14 and 15.

Over the years Elric and Corum have been published by different comic companies - some even had art by Mike Mignola - and when I started out reading and collecting american comicbooks I always looked for them at every convention I went to. A few years ago they finally started reprinting all of the various series and I always meant to upgrade my comic collection and get the new reprints but something else always came up and maybe that was for the best. This way I don´t have to get rid of too many new books and maybe I can continue to collect them in my new residence.

It´s weird how collecting has changed over the decades. Back when I first discovered Michael Moorcock not all of his stories were available in print and I literally had to hunt down some of them. Especially The Phoenix in Obsidian took me quite a while to find. Thankfully a new trade came out a few years later which not only included some early books that had so far alluded me but also a new one that finalized the Eternal Champion saga.

Apropos the comicbook adaptions of Michael Moorcock, of course the Elric books are not the only stories of him that were the basis for a comic series and Today I want to spotlight one of his - maybe - lesser known ones, Multiverse which came out under DC Comics Helix imprint which also launched Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson´s Transmetropolitan .

At the moment I am not one hundred percent sure where my issues of Multiverse ended up but I´d like to at least read them again before I have to let go of them. Because Michael Moorcock teams up with none other than the man who did one of the best runs on Thor : Walter Simonson .

We are starting the Christmas part of the bonus section with one of the Christmas movies that´s better known in America than in Germany : Jingle All The Way or Promised Is Promised like it is called here. And for once I have to give the german translators credit because while it doesn´t have anything to do with the original title it gives you a pretty good idea what the movie is about. And the literal translation of the title wouldn´t make much sense anyway. Talking about things that don´t make sense I didn´t know there was an extended version of this film. Why ? Unless it involves a bunch of big breasted Hollywood hopefuls and former Disney princesses doing an x - rated strip version of Jingle Bells there is no reason for it.

Initially I had a different video here but thankfully I came across the bookmark for the best super hero cartoon Christmas specials ever.

Since we still have a few days until Christmas here are 7 Things Not To Do At Christmas In Germany so you can save yourself some embarrassment when people catch you trying to hide a pickle in the Christmas tree.

It ain´t Christmas until ... well, I can´t say " the fat lady sings " and it also isn´t " the lady with the oversized breasts sings " so let´s just say that it isn´t really Christmas until afro american aphrodite and literal 39DD cult siren Mariah " I´m not a moaner I´m a screaming Mimi " Carey sings one of her famous Christmas songs. Here she is getting help from a few friends.

From Mariah´s XXL - sized jingle bells we come to A Christmas Carol, here in the adaption from 1999 with Patrick Stewart as Ebenezer Scrooge. I picked the german language version because it has the best quality.

Since I mentioned it in the part about Christina Aguilera here is a little video with the Fernsehballett as proof that they used to show much riskier content and not only on the holidays. It´s not nudity if it´s art.

We have another Smallville cast member on Michael Rosenbaum´s Inside Of You podcast with Kristin Kreuck who played Lana Lang. I have to say I never understood why Clark was so hung up on her having a blow up sex doll like Allison Mack around who would let him do ANYTHING with her.

We are closing things out with Blackstarr and not Blackstar like I called it in previous posts. But it´s too late to change the label now so we are going with Blackstar in those. The shorter they are the better anyway since I almost never can include all the labels I need to into the posts.

Initially I wanted to post the last episode of Susi with 38D - 24 - 33 Klimbim sexbomb Ingrid Steeger because it´s a Christmas episode. But then I saw that somebody had re - uploaded Zwei Himmlische Töchter with the ageless Iris Berben so I´m going with the episode Eine Prinzessin nach Hoftenstein because not only does Ingrid Steeger play a dual role as the princess of Hoftenstein and her doppelgänger so you theoretically get two Ingrid Steegers for the price of one. It also stars the hot Dunja Rajter who, amongst other roles, appeared in the Winnetou movie Unter Geiern.

And who really puts her breast foot forward in a dress that has so much back cleavage and frontal plunging cleavage that it leaves nothing to be desired and very little to the imagination. The only thing that could be improved is that there are a few scenes where her massive melons almost pop out of her dress and while I can understand that they eliminated all possibilities of a wardrobe malfunction it´s a pity that you only get to see Dunja at her breastest in the reflection of the mirror which is very small.

Aside from that little nitpicking she gives a great performance and while she is the villain in the story - or one of the villains - I would have liked to see more of her. She definitely would have no problem finding men willing to kill for her although in the real world they probably would not do it for money and prefer to be paid in kind. Then the only question that would remain is if getting rid of her sibling to ascend the throne of Hoftenstein would be worth it because it goes without saying that such a natural born blow up sex doll can spread her legs better than a fillipino hooker. With her long black hair, the ponytail and the black dress with cleavages and slits on all sides Dunja really looks like that " special " aunt that first caught your attention when you´re a teenager. You know, the MILF with the giant boobs, the pornstar body and legs up to her chin who is a real relative or one of your Mom´s friends who constantly tries to give you a hard boner.

Aside from buying her t - shirts at the kid´s department so they only cover the top half of her nipples - at best - and wearing plunging cleavages so she is shoving her huge hooters in your face all the time she always gives you the bedroom eyes and " accidentially " walks into the shower naked when you are showering. This nymphomanic dicktamer also pulls all kinds of strings to end up sleeping in the same bedroom - and soon the same bed - as you and always sleeps in the nude so you know she will be using you as her sex toy in the all night special midnight decathlon sex olympics.

The sex hungry cougar who insists on taking you for a spin with her car.

Which leads to her somehow getting lost which either ends with her taking you for a spin on the backseat of her new car - putting your boner to the test - or both of you having to spend the night at a no - tell hotel ( where everybody is on a first name basis with her ) where she insists on teaching you her special breaststroke technique in the hotel´s outdoor jacuzzi. After a few hours of intensive mouth - to - dick resuscitation.

Coming back to Zwei Himmlische Töchter, besides Busenwunder Ingrid Steeger und Sexbomben Iris Berben and Dunja Rajter the episode also stars Dieter Hildebrandt, best known for his show Scheibenwischer and Theo Lingen and Peer Augustinski who both appeared on Klimbim. Theo as a guest and Peer on a more regular basis. Peer Augustinski also played one of the main characters in the short tv show Susi with Ingrid Steeger.

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